* ume 5. Number 41 October 70. 7995 7W + GST Grizzly killed for io apparent reason Ron Ennrr Fisheries and wildlife officers had seen the bear on numerous occasions during well known grizzly bear living in the the last decade, but the bear had never jer Squamish area has been illegally posed a problem. It frequented the ed with no indication of a reason for Shovelnose Creek area at this time of poaching. year to feed on spawning salmon. The le male adult grizzly, which was in its Squamish River Habitat Task Force has h teens and weighed about 300 kilo- done extensive work during the last year ms, was found along Shovelnose rehabilitating salmon spawning and ek at mile 31 of the Squamish valley rearing habitat along Shovelnose Creek. d by a hiker Oct. 1. Gord Prescott, a member of the task le bear was shot with a large-calibre force and an Interfor forester, makes fre- let and evidence shows that the bear quent trips into the Interfor tree farm j definitely not shot. in se licence area where the bear was found. iamish conservation o He said it is unfortunate that the bear in kandeur said. its natural feeding area was a victim of either had any body parts been this type of crime. loved from the bear, which was The maximum fine for illegally killing nd totally intact. There is an exten- a grizzly bear has been recently underground market for the prized increased to $50,000 and/or six months , high-priced gall bladders of bears, in jail. h the rarer grizzly gall bladders fetch- As well, to protect black bears and griz- large sums. zly bears the B.C. government in 1993 'm not sure of the motives," imposed a ban on the commercial trade handeur said, surmising that per- in certain bear parts. There is a growing 's someone shot the bear. and was demand for bear parts used in tradition- ictant to go after a wounded bear, al Asian medicine. There is an extensive ; scared off or discovered the bear trade in bear parts in Asia. ; a grizzly and left the scene. Reward money totdlin9$3,000 is avail- wre is no open hunting season for able in the case. The B.C. Wildlife* :zly bears in the Lower Mainland Federation offers a reward of up to Iurce management region. $2,000 for information leading to the mervation officers performed an conviction of anyone poaching wildlife 3psy on the bear Oct. 2. The results of or fish. As well, the Jennifer Jones autopsy and an investigation at the Whistler Bear Foundation has contribut- showed that the bear was not shot ed a $1,000 reward in this particular ?re he was found. He was probably case. t while on the road and then ran into "They are part of our heritage (and) creek. The last confirmed live sight- with education and awareness we hope LeftTo Die -Squamish conservation officer Dan LeGrandeur, above, recovered the of the bear was Sept. 26. bears will continue to roam freely in our body of this 300-kilogram grizzly bear, which was illegally shot and left to die along tomposition showed the bear died country," said foundation chair Caren the Squamish valley road. Below is the front paw and claws of the grizzly. Its back veen Sept. 26 and Sept. 28. Holtby. paw was about 28 centimetres long. Ron Enns photos I PY 2 I OCTOBER 10,1995 THE SQUMISH CHIEF - I / 0 The vacc a chs disei CAT The ICES 3807 Job Too Small am. No ClOSf 5 YARD DUMP TRUCK SWEEPER . Roy; from I . BACKHOE 0 GRAPPLE BUCKET Preliminary Landscaping Top Soil Sand 8 Gravel Bark Mulch 8 Nuggets FREE ESTIMATES - RADIO DISPATCHED . CALL ROB LEMCKE - 892-9575 AE was New Hotel Planned - Bruce Kehler, left, and Paul Turner visit their property in the Squamish ind HwJ trial park to compare the site of their proposed hotel with an architect's elevation drawing of the bu Kei ina. It has been desinned to meet the criteria of the Best Western chain. Ron Enns ~hoto trol c ' abou COMMERCIAL in ti CONTRACTORS Gent Restoiations abou *I b Land for propo.sed@that Relocated to Squmish dent from Vancouver in 1994. In Quality Roofing ELECTRIC LTD. industrial park hotel For 25 Years Bu: Repairs * &roof New days FWEES'FIMmS Squamish would -need rezoning- Sour 898-4661 892-5582 Squa 2020 Paco Rd., Squamiah \ By Ron Erem have an indoor heated pool more hotels are needed P'og with amenities. The second Squamish, Kehler s&d. Las A proposed hotel in the indus- phase of the project is estimated He said plans are for the hi loan! trial park with highway at $3 million. to have a concierge service Unic frontage would add even fur- Kehler and Turner have been work closely with tour opt amoi ther to the area's shift away planning since 1988 to open a tors in the community and fr nom from industrial toward com- hotel in Squamish. The two are outside Squamish, with a fo has 1: mercial and retaiI. business partners in five build- on outdoor recreation. The hc COl The hotel - with 70 rooms ing supply and related busi- is being designed to meet inter .\i planned for its first phase and nesses on Vancouver Island and criteria. as laid out by B catio ,I .. I another 50 for a second phase one in Chilliwack. Kehler, who Western. Kehler and Tur Novi - is being proposed by hmer lived in Squamish from 1971. to already have two propoi For f Squamish resident Bruce Kehler 1991 and was one of the owners names for the project: Eat Char ' ...., and partner Paul Turner of of Garibaldi Building Supplies Nest Motor Inn and Tim Squamish. (long before the company expe- Lodge Motor Inn. Kehler, who owns the land rienced its recent financial Squamish council recen with Turner -between the rezoned some land which w Chevron commercial fuel sta- allow the development of tion and Furniture Warehouse, "The highway restaurant with a drive-throu; says the area will be developed. frOlltaEe d€!SeWeS window on a parcel just east And if council is willing to sometKing the hotel site at the Hwy. -S rezone the land from industrial entrance to the industrial par1 Al to highway commercial, there upbeat and The hotel could change t will be a hotel on site. face of the industrial park ev 811 "Industrial use on this lot up scale further by helping to attract would not capitalize on the - Bruce Kehler factory outlet mall, an optii highway frontage," Kehler said. Squamish council has been co "The highway frontage woes) currently lives in Comox. sidering. deserves something upbeat and Turner, who has lived in "It couId enhance the indust 5 tlzf upscale." Squamish for 28 years, noted a1 park for future consideratic The development of a hotel that there have not been any by somebody who wants to p d 5 RACE& would also provide a lot more hotels built in Squamish in the in a factory outlet," Kehler sd ,le ct. 2 COMPANY Squahish jobs - the projection past two decades. If rezoning and permits f; :a& is for 50 - than an industrial Consultations with the econom- into place the way they wou use would, and it would capi- ic development office and like, Kehler and Turner hope 258 ROBERT W. talize on the millions of dollars chamber of commerce have start construction in Februa iig a with occupancy set for Octobl driving right by on the way to shown at least one or even two 'Y McINTOSH Whistler, Ke hler said. P Trial Lawyer The centrally located site is perfect, he said, allowing guests easy access to facilities and ser- Skull,,study continue! vices in downtown Squamish, The identity of a skull that was found in the Squamish estua at the Brennan Park Leisure Sept. 26 has not yet been determined. Squamish Cpl. Hugh Wid Centre and Garibaldi said the ongoing investigation, including assistance from the coo ICBC Claims Highlands. nerd office and study of the dental structure by an odentologi! Clou General Civil Lit katW ion Phase one is projected to cost may take some time to complete. , Ivith between $4.5 million and $5 Police, however, are investigating a possible connection betwet jhoM Winc million. The hotel will include a the skull and a Squamish resident who went missing some yea High 200-seat post and timber restau- ago. It has been determined the skull is that of an elder1 tow Squamish rant and lounge with high ceil- Caucasian male. There is no indication of foul play in the case. POP 201-1365 Pemberton Ave. ings, and a wrap-around sun Police did find other human remains in the estuary northeast1 deck with a view of Mt. the West-Barr log sort. A complete search of the area was madeb 892-5254 Garibaldi, The hotel will also RCMP, the police dog and Squamish Search and Rescue membg II THE SQUMISH CHIEF OCTOBER 10,1995 a3 I - NEWS rips? CALLus (604) t~2-9161 OR FAX (604) 892-8483 -I Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit offering flu vaccination clinics The Coast-GaribaldiHealth Unit is offering fli vaccination clinics, and anyone over 65 or wit1 a chronic disease such as heart, lung or kidne! disease, diabetes or chronic anemia is eligible The clinics will be held at the health unit 38075 Second Avenue on Friday, Oct. 20 from ! am. to noon and 1-3 p.m. (the heaIth unit i! closed from noon-1 p.m.).
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