LHD MARINE SUPPLIES LTD 1 .. 1 ALEXANDRA BUILDINGS, ~ LERWICK, SHETLAND, ZEl OLL TEL: 01595 692882 FAX: 01595 695619 LHJ SUPPLIERS OF OFFICIAL SHETLAND FOLK FESTIVAL MERCHANDISE CONTACT US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR ALL YOUR EMBROIDERY & TRANSFER REQUIREMENTS 26TH-29TH APRIL 2001 Shetland Folk Festival Society 5 Bums Lane, Lerwick, Shetland, ZEl OEL Tel. (01595) 694757 Fax. (01595) 695381 Our company is pleased to offer a cost effective service with a Email [email protected] and.co.uk www.sffs.shetland. co.uk commitment to quality and safety, covering the Highlands & Islands. Festival Shop 'In house' design service for building and civil engineering works. The shop is open from the 9'" to the 23'" of April at 5 Burns Lane, at the following times Mondays and Thursdays ................................................................................................................. 6pm-8pm Saturdays ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Noon-4pm NQH 1 Qualified Staff to Last day of Shop at Burns Lane Monday the 23 ,, April 1809002 REGISTERED COMPANY And from 26'" to the 28'" of April at the Festival Club, Islesburgh, at the following times 1nanage all projects Thursday/Friday .............................................................................................................................. llam-4pm Saturday ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Noon-2pm Introouction phone Aberdeen on (01224) 572615 for further details Welcome to the 21st Shetland Folk Festival. In this leaflet (This offer is only for travel to and from Festival only). Visiting Artistes, Loca{ Artistes ano MC's you will find a combined ticket and membership booking Tbe Al1 so11 Brow11 Quartet from County Donegal is bei ng recogni sed as a before the 'Stars o f th e Commitments' was fonn. We would ask that you complete these as soon as Ticket Prices Internationally renowned banjo player Ali son m;~o r rising force in her fi eld. A fiddle player of fo rmed . S ince 1993, the ba nd has toured Brown, a Grammy recipient in the ' Best Coun try considerable taJent, her sound is an eclectic extensively, performing songs from the origin al possible and return them, as per the instrnctions on the MEMBERS Adults Concessions Instrumental Perfo rmance· category thi s year, mi x of Lradili onaJ Irish, Scotti ~ h . Cape Brt!Lon movie score and pl ay ing with the likes of BB booking fonn to 5 Burns Lane, Lerwick. Please note that Concert £5.00 £3.00 is making a welco me re turn to S he tl a nd. and Quebec tunes. Accompanying Li z will be King and Wilson Picket. several of the venues may be sold out early, especially the Festival Concert £6.00 £4.00 Accompanying her are John R Burr on piano, Scott ish fiddle player Eilidh Shaw; bodhran Festival Club, therefore applications wilJ be dealt with TheBigGig £9.00 £9.00 Garry West on bass and Kendrick Freeman on pl ayer Gino Lupari formerl y of Four Men and T o11 ,y McMa11w s drums. Formed in J 993, the Quartet perrorms a A Dog and on guitar Edinburgh-based Kevin Self taught Scottish guitari st is considered by strictly in order of receipt. Clickimin Concert £9.00 £4.00 repenoireof original music that blends folk , jazz, Mc Kenzie. many to be one of the finest acousti c guitari sts Singing Concert £5.00 £3.00 pop and latin influe nces - taking the banj o around. McManus brings an clement to guiLar Festival Foys £9.00 £4.00 beyond it s so called ' flat -pi cking, hill -billy' Gj allarborn playing that few ha ve achi eved, an ability to Rea[ A[e Bar limitations. Based in Vasa, a port town on the Finnish coast. ornament tunes with th e same zeal that most The Real Ale bar is situated alongside the Festival Club The band is Finlands-Sve nskar, Swedes from would associate with th e fiddl e, accordion or Bar in lslesburgh Community Centre. We are hoping for a NON MEMBERS Adults Concessions Bab,ys 11 akes Finland, accordingly they sing in their nati ve bagpipes. He combines the traditional music of Festival stout from the Unst Valhalla Brewery this year, Concert £8.00 £4.00 An all fe male fu sion of sound, sty le and Swedi sh language. Essentially acousti c, built Scotland and Ire land with the traditions o f TheBigGig £11.00 £11.00 experience. This acoustic band mixes accordion, on rhythm and me lody, it's a balance between Brittany, Galicia and Cape Breton. He is a truly to add a new local flavour to the bar's already wide range tradition and innovati ve compositions. Lyrics o ri gin al and creati ve fi gure. Clickimin Conceit £11.00 £5.00 cello, violin and guitar. They play the ir own ofreal ales. arrangements of traditional tunes from around are based on mythical medieval ballads, runo­ Singing Concert £7.00 £4.00 the world, 'sensual dances of South America, metric chanling, Icelandic rimur epi cs and the Y'A ll Festival Foys £13.00 £6.00 the stomping beat of the Bayou, the soothing ancient fo lk music traditions of Scandinav ia. This duo provide 'old time coun try music fo r Mercbanoise riffs o f South Africa' . ' A rollercoaste r o f the 2 1st century Y' All are the partnership of Merchandise will be on sale at the Festival Shop and within interna ti o nal sounds. no sense is le ft Ma mbo }ambo Texan James Dean Jay Byrd and Indiana born Over 18's only for The Big Gig Concert due to untouched, no string of the heart unplucked'. Latin America, Africa, Caribbean, bluegrass, S teven C heslik-De M eyer. It s accessibl e the Club in the snooker room. Items include t-shirts, rugby licensing restrictions boogie and rumba are just a few of the musical e ntertainment offe rs a soft -spoke n brand of shirts, back-packs, wallets and stickers, all emblazoned Burac& innuences of thi s Hull-based double act. This gentle Country with that old -time Vaudev ill e with the Festival Logo. The Management of the Clickimin Centre have asked that Since their formation in 1994, Burach have been mu\Li-inslrume ntaJ duo has over the last ten mi x o f comedy, sto ry te lling a nd mu sic . on the road playing to packed audiences at home years built up a large and varied repertoire, Perfo rming ori ginal material, they are truly Flat or Wedged heeled shoes are worn at that venue. and abroad. The irs is an individual sound playin g to audiences at fes ti val s throughout unique, not just because one of th e act perfo rm s Worksbops performing mainly original material. Described Britain. The ir performances are 'a whi stl e-stop in hi s ' luc ky green dress' but because the ir Those members interested in learning more about folk Tickets are available from the Festival Shop. Access, Vi sa as 'a Scottish band with a pop-rock attitude tour of the musical world' . songs are genuinely funny, and would charm even the most die-hard haters of Country music. music should attend the various workshops on offer. This and Mastercard credit cards and cheques are accepted. and Celtic soul ', Burach ha ve all the trimmings, frantic fiddle, blazin g accordion and fast and T be Flatv iUe A ces year there are four available; Singing, Guitar, Fiddle and Any unsold tickets will be available at the door of the furi ous songs and tunes. Cajun music in an aulhentic Loui siana style MCs Dance. It' s an opportunity to meet some of the venue on the night. fronted by Jock Tyldesley who is recogni sed BILL BARCLAY - Edinburgh based sin ger participating artistes and take part in informal sessions. s&aro11 Ki119 as one of Britains' finest cajun fiddlers. The and comedi a n w ith a n illustri o us career band have toured Europe a nd USA spanning over 30 years in T V and radi o. A 'one­ NOTE: Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. Ex pe ri e nced mus ician a nd respected songwriter who for 5 years was a major drivin g extensively, pl aying with the likes o f the late linc' supremo. Festival Details Concessions are Senior Citizens, Children, Students and force behind 'Shake the Shack' . Her self-penned Eddie Lejeune of 'Bal fa Touj ours'. They have SQUEAL LIKE A PIG - Hi gh octane, hil arious those in receipt of Social Security Benefit, Income Suppmt debut album '24 Hours 'of' quirky ori gin al been performing together for the past 13 years hillbilly comedy. Let Eli , Bubba and Travis Membersbip or Job Seekers Allowance. upbeat songs and moody beautiful ballads' ably and made a successfully appearance at the 1993 entertain you Cajun style. The prices are as follows. demonstrates her style. It is song writing at it s fes ti va l. SWANK - 'Beauty buffoonery' 'farcical facials', very best, loaded with fei sty attitude and no­ these 'da msels in distress' provide totally Tbanks nonsense emotion. Supporters of thi s 'attiLUde' cbipolatas interactive comedy. Child £5 include Al James on guitar and backing singer Re turn of a ' must see' Festival fa vo urite. GIBB TODD - A regular perfo rmer at the Celti c Adult £12 The Committee wish to thank P&O Scottish Ferries, Lindsay Black. Vibrant, invenLive, dazzling, chao li c, dynami c, Connecti o ns, nume rous to urs with the Dublincrs and the Fureys. Now taking the Family £24 (2 adults and 2 children) Islesburgh Community Centre, Shetland Islands Council, vivacious street theatre at iL s ' adre na lin Veesik Records, BP, The Construction Centre Group Ltd, Doc ba s infused' best.
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