Co-Creation and Treatment 3-11.1 A commentary on the practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment in relationship to the Principles and Practices of the Co-Creation Process. u Introduction Treatment to some traditional formula that is The term ‘Spiritual Mind Treatment’ is com- familiar to us, is to place a great limitation upon monly used throughout the American ‘New our ability to transform our lives through this Thought’ movement to describe a modern practice. form of ‘scientific prayer.’ For those unfamiliar The relationship of the Co-Creation Process to with Spiritual Mind Treatment, it is a process by Spiritual Mind Treatment is emphasized by which we change the way that we think about ‘Group ourselves in order to improve the quality of our Ernest Holmes in his essay entitled, lives, and to make the world in which we live a Treatment,’ wherein he encourages us to en- better place to be. gage in this practice, and further states that whenever a group of people come together to One of the greatest teachers and proponents of pray in one accord with a common purpose, a Spiritual Mind Treatment was Ernest Holmes, greater power is always generated. He also the founder of ‘Religious Science,’ which is points out in this essay the difficulties in orches- based upon the written teachings contained in trating such an activity. He further goes on to his classic volume ‘The Science of Mind.’ make the following observation: Throughout his long and successful ministry Dr. Holmes developed and perfected Spiritual “Much of our field is still in the experimental Mind Treatment into both an art and a science stage, and you are likely to work out new tech- that could be taught to others. niques and perhaps better ways than have been discovered so far. If this were not true, Purpose your work would become static and heavy. The purpose of anything is its reason for being. You must depend upon a certain inspiration Consequently, to understand the nature of rising from your own soul, but always keep this anything we must have clarity about its pur- inspiration controlled with a sense of purpose, pose. The purpose of Spiritual Mind Treatment because no matter how great a Power is gen- is to clarify our minds with Spiritual Truth in erated, it will not produce results unless it is tied order to produce a Spiritual Realization. Such to a purpose.” a realization is the felt-sense of the reality of Truth in our souls. Throughout his book ‘How The Co-Creation Process fulfills the spirit of this to Use the Science of Mind,’ Ernest Holmes em- suggestion, and the key to understanding how phasizes over and over again that every mani- the Process fulfills the purpose of Spiritual Mind festation, or ‘demonstration’ of Truth in our Treatment lies in the structure of the Sacred physical experience of life must be preceded by Covenant, and the various practices that sup- a ‘Spiritual Realization’ in our souls. port its creation and implementation. This Covenant is a record of the agreements that With this clear understanding of the purpose of the group has reached concerning an area of Spiritual Mind Treatment, it is important to common interest, and serves as the means by recognize that any spiritual practice that fulfills which they can engage in an effective Group this purpose is actually a form of Treatment. In Treatment that will serve the common good. this sense, the process of Co-Creation is actually The means by which this is accomplishes is de- a form of Spiritual Mind Treatment that simply scribed in the following sections. utilizes new tools and techniques to fulfill the basic Purpose of this highly effective form of u spiritual practice. To limit the practice of Apr. ‘12 www.SacredDays.org Co-Creation and Treatment 3-11.2 The essence of Ernest Holmes’ wisdom, and used to practice the principle of Recognition. some of his most concise writings on the subject Consequently, embellishing the environment in of Spiritual Mind Treatment are contained in which a Co-Creation Process is conducted with the final chapters of ‘A New Design for Living,’ ‘forms of remembrance’ can serve as an effec- a book that he co-authored shortly before his tive way to keep the participating group in the passing. Therein, he identified four major prin- mood of Recognition. Such items might include ciples to be incorporated into the practice of candles, pictures, music, flowers, or anything Spiritual Mind Treatment: that personally reminds us of the Divine. The 1-Recognition 3-Declaration important thing to remember is that these ob- 2-Identification 4-Acceptance. jects have no power of their own, except to re- mind us of the only Power in our lives, which is Following is a brief discussion of these principles the Divinity within us. in relationship to the activities and practices of the Co-Creation Process. 2-Identification ‘Identification’ is a psychological term which 1-Recognition simply means ‘to become identical to.’ In a The first principle of Spiritual Mind Treatment is practical sense, it means to ‘be like.’ Ironically, ‘Recognition.’ To recognize means to ‘remem- this is also the root meaning of the word ‘be- ber again.’ Consequently, we always begin a lieve.’ Consequently, this particular principle of Treatment by remembering the nature of the Spiritual Mind Treatment is where we ‘become Divine. This nature is thoroughly described like’ what we have remembered about God. It throughout the Sacred Scriptures, which have is where we confess that we believe what we withstood the test of time. Consequently, the recognize God to be. Furthermore, the ‘Great reading, or reciting of scripture is an excellent Law of Life’ reveals that we will ‘receive what we way to embrace the principle of Recognition. believe,’ which is what we have identified our- Most importantly, we must remember what selves with. God has promised us, for these promises are the Divine Potentials that are inherent within One thing that is not often understood is that our very own being. the method of Identification is the activity of ‘worship,’ which is to give our full attention to The Principle of Recognition is fulfilled through- something. Furthermore, the universal ‘Law of out the Co-Creation Process by beginning Worship’ declares that ‘we will become what every session with a spoken Invocation, as well we worship.’ Consequently, by giving our full as group chanting exercises, using lyrics that attention to what we have remembered God to describe the nature of the Divine. Furthermore, be, we become like God. It is from this high and the very foundation of the Sacred Covenant lofty state of consciousness that we become a produced by a Co-Creation Process is a single center of expression for the Divine. Word that describes the nature of the Divine. This Word is also supported by a Sacred Scrip- One of the most powerful ways to identify our- ture that further invites us to remember what selves with the nature of the Divine is through God has promised us all. Therein lies the true the use of the term ‘I am,’ which is a confession Power of the Covenant, for through this Sa- of identification. This ‘statement of being’ is cred Scripture we are setting ourselves into used with great effect throughout the Co- agreement with billions of human souls down Creation Process. By singing “God’s the Love through the ages, who have likewise read and that I Am” at the beginning of each Session, we accepted this Promise from God as the Truth. are identifying ourselves with God as Love. For it is written, “God is love; and those that dwell in Additionally, we should also remain aware love dwell in God, and God in them.” (John 4:16) that anything that reminds us of God can be Apr. ‘12 www.SacredDays.org Co-Creation and Treatment 3-11.3 Given that Love is the ‘anointing of agreement,’ often the most glamorous aspect of Spiritual this chanting practice immediately sets the Mind Treatment, and the place where most mood for developing consensus among the beginning students want to start. However, for participants. Additionally, once a ‘Purpose our Treatments to have real power we must Word’ has been selected by the group, this affirm what we have realized to be true about Word can then be inserted into the GodSong the nature of the ‘Word of God within us.’ In Chant lyrics so that the group can begin to other words, we affirm the good intentions of identify with the Word of God that is their Pur- our heart, keeping in mind that our affirma- pose. i.e. “God’s the (Purpose Word) that I am.” tions will activate our intentions to produce the The principle of Identification is further utilized fruit of Spirit in our lives. Consequently, this is within the Co-Creation Process by the devel- where we begin to personalize our Spiritual opment of Affirmations that identify us with the Mind Treatment so that the Word of God will Intentions that we have created and agreed to uniquely benefit our own expression of life in a in the Sacred Covenant. When utilized in the way that will make the world a better place to ‘Sacred Covenant Easy Prayer,’ these Affirma- be. As we positively affirm what is true about tions are the means by which we activate our God and ourselves, we set this Truth into vibra- Intentions. Furthermore, the structure of the tion in our lives, and into the lives of others. ‘Easy Prayer’ is generally consistent with the u traditional form of a Spiritual Mind Treatment.
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