Scholars Crossing 1989 -- 1990 Liberty University School Newspaper 4-5-1990 04-05-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 20) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_89_90 Recommended Citation "04-05-90 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 7, Issue 20)" (1990). 1989 -- 1990. 19. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_89_90/19 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1989 -- 1990 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HHHBHi LU Oscars Pump it up Tennis turnaround Jeff Simmons awards kudos to deserving LU faculty, staff and students donate blood LU tennis team raises record to 9-4 and is on I faculty and students. Page 2. and reach goal for drive,. See page 5. track for its first winning season. See page 8. The Liberty Champion Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Thursday, April 5,1990 Vol. 7, No. 20 Davis captures SGA presidency By CURT W. OLSON Current SGA president Dave Coy "Paul did a great job," Bailey said. News Editor announced the votes of confidence "You could tell it was Paul's third for the uncontested races of execu­ time running a campaign. He'll do a In the largest margin of victory in tive vice president, vice president of good job. I look forward to what the the race for president in at least four activities and secretary before an- Lord has in store for me next year." years, Paul Davis was elected SGA noucing the winner of the race for "I did well," Pickett said. "I was executive president for the 1990-91 president. Secretary Beth Shoaf re­ unknown and came from nowhere. I school year. ceived more than 80-percent confi­ was honored that 15 percent of the Davis distanced second place fin­ dence vote. Vice President of Activi­ student body would vote for me." isher Jeff Bailey by a 55.5 percent to ties Brad McNeil received a 79-per- "Through this (the SGA cam­ 31.3 percent margin. Brandon Pick­ centconfidencevote. Executive Vice paign)," he continued, "I met people ett finished in third with 13.2 percent President Melondee Newby received who came up to me and told me they of the vote. A total of 1,899 student a 76-percent confidence vote from respected me for the way I ran my voted during Tuesday's election to the student body. campaign but were friends with Paul equal 44.2 percent of the entire stu­ "I prayed a lot about it," Davis said. and voted for him out of loyalty to dent body voting. "I want to thank th? Lord, and I'm him. I think it's important that I won Davis' 23.3 percent margin of vic­ also thankful thatthereisn'tarun-off the respect of people." tory over Bailey prevented a run-off election. I want to take time to rest Pickett admitted that he got a late election on Thursday, April 5. Stu- and get the position of treasurer filled. start on his campaign. 'The King's dent Government Association bylaws I want to thank the crew that worked Players were gone all of spring break state the first place finisher must de­ on my campaign," he continued. and that put a damper on the start to feat the second-place candidate dur­ "They were the best people to work my campaign. I didn't run a glitzy ing the general election by 15 percent. with and so many of them put in campaign with a lot of jumbled post­ If that does not occur, a run-off elec­ countless hours to help the campaign ers. It was more personable." tion takes place on the Thursday fol­ go off." Davis must now focus his attention lowing the election and the decision He stated he was going to let Newby on selecting a treasurer since no one at that point is final. take over the senate so he can devote ran for the position. Paul Davis' excitement is evident from the look on his face following the announcement of his triumph some time to getting some of his The SGA constitution states that in in the SGA presidential race. Davis won by a margin of more than 23 percent over candidates Jeff proposals in place before the fall the event no one runs for a particular Bailey and Brandon Pickett. photo by p^m Engii* semester. Davis also stated that Pick­ office, the president-elect will appoint President ett will be involved in the communi­ the officer with the consent of a ma­ cations area of his cabinet. jority from the student senate. Presidential forum: to address graduates Candidates stress platforms By CURT W.OLSON dents in selecting classes. Also LU "student's rights" to a split-meal plan By CURT W.OLSON News Editor cooperating with other Lynchburg for students, open church attendance News Editor colleges to help thecity of Lynchburg for seniors and juniors, a later Friday The three SGA presidential candi­ in its bcautification program is on his night curfew and a lower age for President George Bush will speak dates were grilled by students in an list of priorities. living off-campus. at the 1990 commencement exercises, election eve forum sponsored by the Other proposals by Davis include The third candidate, Brandon Pick- the Rev. Jerry Falwell announced last Liberty Champion Monday night SGA working with campus clubs and ett, stressed his willingness to ap­ Wednesday in chapel. in DeMoss Hall 160. the establishment of support groups proach people in the student body to The only stipulation Bush gave The moderator for the forum was for students coming from homes determine their needs. Falwell is that the graduation cere­ Champion reporter Doug Dempsey. where a parent has been involved in Forexample, he learned of the needs mony be moved from 10 a.m. Friday, There were some prepared questions, alcohol or drugs or where there has of the international students and the May 11 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May but members of the audience were been a death in the family. handicapped students at LU just that 12. Therefore, all scheduled events also able to write out questions to be Jeff Bailey was asked repeated way. He also stressed his idea for for graduation have been set back one addressed by any of the candidates. questions about his experience for the prayer groups between the same day. The annual President's recep­ The questions revolved around the office of president He stressed his room numbers in different dorms cor­ tion has been moved from Thursday proposals, qualifications and goals of experience in the senate. Some people responding with the day of the night, May 10 to Friday night, May each of the candidates. challenged that Bailey did not have month. 11. The only real spark of the forum the SGA experience he printed on his Pickett admitted he did not have Dr. A.PierreGuillenninannounced came when Bailey was asked how he campaign flyers. Bailey repeatedly the SGA experince of Davis or Bailey, last Friday in the senior class chapel planned to get a split meal plan responded by saying, "I worked with but said, "I have a wider background that many Lynchburg hotels were through the LU administration. He Vice President Darin Waters my fresh­ to bring ideas to different areas of accommodating seniors, but a few said, "I've talked to Vernon Brewer man year and was senate chaplain my SGA." seniors were having problems with (vice president of student develop­ sophomore year." After the presidential forum, Bailey the change in plans. He also stated ment), and he has told me he will sign In addition to experience, Bailey was asked to address the questions that US Air is assisting LU in letting the bill." stressed his platform which included regarding his senate experience. graduate's parents and relatives Paul Davis emphasized his role in establishing relationships with Lyn­ "It was based on misinformation. ch:>nge flights without loss of refunds SGA the past two years and the rap­ chburg colleges, small group campus I challenge anyone to look at the or by connecting parents and relatives port he has developed with the ad­ discipleship by LU professors and record," Bailey stated. on other flights. ministration. "We are under certain Parents of graduating seniors only restrictions. I have had the opportu­ are asked use the USAir gold file nity to deal with this unique system," number 392542 when making flight he said." It looks easy, but it isn't." reservations. His platform included what Davis Falwell, in last Wednesday's eve­ Christian singer, songwriter and musician Steve Camp performed believes are workable ideas for get­ ning service at TRBC, even petitioned before a large crowd at the Liberty University Multi-Purpose Center ting SGA involved with other cam­ the staff of LU and the congregation March 31. Camp stated he was excited to be around "radical Christ pus organizations. Davis wants to of TRBC to help graduates if it is ians." See concert review on page 3. ph«obyjodyB«i»f produce a faculty roster to assist stu­ needed. Falwell estimated that possi­ bly 200 or 300 couples will need assistance because of problems in Kester, Han attend national tournament, changing hotel accommodations. He did tell the congregation that all par­ ents or relatives will need is a place to ranked 60th out of 2,300 speaking teams sleep, not food and transportation. By BRETT B.
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