SUPPL£M£NT TO TH£ SEPTEMHR 5 &. 6. f 984 . ' LEISURE ·. WORLD. 2om ANNIVERSARY · Special Edition 2 The NEWS September 5. 6, 1984 ·There's An· Experienced Family Hospital In ' Your Nei\Jhborhood • CAPISTRANO BEACH • LAGUNA HILLS • SAN CLEMENTE ~ CASTA DEL SOL,. • LAGUNA NIGUEL • SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO • COTO DE CAZA • LAKE FOREST • SILVERADO CANYON • DANA POINT • LEISURE WORLD • SOUTH LAGUNA • EL TORO • MISSION VIEJO • THREE ARCH BAY • EMERALD BAY • MODJESKA • TRABUCO CANYON _• LAGUNA BEACH • MONARCH BAY • TRABUCO OAKS Mission Community Hospital is continually caring for families ... NO ONE El.SE like yours in South Orange County. Now, after 13 years, we . are STILL the ONLY full COMES CLOSE service, acute care hospital serving YOUR-COMMUNITY. Mission Community Hospital & Trauma Center Designated Sen·ice Area There's an experienced family hospital in your neighborhood and we invite you to make us your·hospital of choice. If you don't have a family physician, please call our Physician Referral Service and make one of our fine staff physicians your personal doctor. Our PHYSICIAN REFERRAL SERVICE lists over 380 physicians and dentists, who meet the criteria established by MISSION COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Call 495-440_0 or 831-2300, ext. 485 MISSION COMMUNITY · HOSPITAL - m . & TRAUMA CENTER ·Where Experience Mcmes the Difference · 27700 Medical Center Rd. Mission Viejo• 495-4400/831-2300 Located East of the S.D. Freeway off Crown Valley Pkwy near·Mission Viejo Mall September 5, 6, 1984 The NEWS 3 A 20th anniversary .celebration Festive week holds - - shows, food, dances - The fun and festivities begin on MONDAY, SEPT. 10 Saturday and for one full week, the Lei­ Sept. 10, 1964 was the day the very sure World community will be a celeb­ first person moved into Leisure World. rating its 20th anniversary. To commemmorate that occasion a Many of the special events planned Founders Day dinner dance will be held at for the week are free and residents are Clubhouse 5. encouraged not only to take part "[he black-tie formal event features a themselves, but to invite their family prime rib dinner by Lombardi's, danc­ and friends to· see how much fun this ing to the big band sound c;>f an generation of "retirees" can have. orchestra sponsored by Home Savings - SATURDAY, SEPT. 8 and entertainment by members of the Lawrence Welk family. Flag decorations A horse show , barbecue and open are from Great American Savings. house begin at the Leisure Worl9 Tickets were sold by lottery and had Stables on Moulton Parkway. with a to be purchased· in advance. Deadline horse show from 9 a.m. to t t :30 a.m. was Sept. 3. 2 Coffee and donuts will be on sale and visiting groups and Leisure .World drill The dinner dance begins with cock­ teams will perform. tails at 6 p.m., dinner from 7 -8:30 p.m. and dancing until t 1:30 p;m. The barbecue lunch is from noon to 2 p.m. Tickets cost $6.25. The afternoon also includes fiancing and entertain­ TUESDAY, SEPT. 11 ment provided by a western band · An international evening _with a dis­ complete with fiddler. play of costumes from around the world will be featured at Clubhouse 2. - SATUIU>AY AND SUNDAY; The casualdance from 7:30 to 11 p.m. SEPT. 8 AND 9 costs $2, and residents are encouraged A" national seniors' table tennis towear costumes from around the world. tournament gets under way at 9 a.m. Besides the light refreshments that will be each day in the Clubhouse -1 mini gym served, there will also be .a large special and table tennis room. The tournament anniversary cake. The entire ~ain lounge is nationally sanctioned and will include will be set aside for dancing with tables champion players from all over the set · up _around the lounge and on the count'¥. - patio. Hours of the tournamerit are 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY_, SEPT. 12 to JO_ p.m, Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 6 Three variety shows will feature diffe­ p.m. Sunday. There will be bleachers for rent Leisure World groups in the Club­ viewers. Viewing the tournament is house 3 auditorium. free. See SHOWS: page 24 Welk te lead leisure World parade Leisure World's 20th anniversary 6. Beethoven Chapter, Orange of Leisure World and vice president of celebration will culminate on· Saturday, County Performing Arts Center PCM, Inc. Sept. 1 5; with a two-hour parade and an 7. Laguna Hills Fire Station 22 24. Leisure World Astronomy Club evening of fireworks. 8. Colorado Club 25. Bus Drivers' Association The parade will step off from Club­ 9. Cat Club 26. Capistrano Valley High School house, 3 at l 0 a.m. and follow Calle 10. Daughters of American Revolu­ band, drill team, flags and rifle team Aragon past the library and Clubhouse ' tion 27. Laguna Hills 9-Hole Women's - 1 to Avenida Sevilla, turn left and head 1 l. Comm.unity Marshal, Golden Golf Club - - back to Clubhouse 3. There will be Rain President Len Lescher, and his 28. Laguna Hills Rod and Gun Club wife, Florence plenty of curbside space for. viewers, 29. National Council of Senior Citizens but remember, the streets -will be 12. B'nai B'rith Women's Chapter 30. Soroptimist Club of Leisure World. closed and no parking will be permit­ 1476 ted on the parade route. Best bet is to -13. Foreign Policy Association 31. Republican Club of Leisure World take a bus as close as you can get then 14. Daughters of the British Empire 32. 5th District County Supervisor walk. 1 5. Folk Dance Club Thomas Riley Following is a list of the parade parti- · 16. Laguna Hills Lions Club's Sight 33. Luau Leilanis cipants in the order of their appear­ Mobile 34. Masonic Auxiliary of Leisure World . ance: 17. Leisure World Hikers Club 1. United States Marine Corps Color l8. Globe Twirlers Square Dance 35. Panhellenic Association of Lei­ Guard and Wing Band. -Club sure World 2. American Legion Post 25 7 19. Sunday Morning Discussion Club 36. Laguna Hills Shuffleboard Asso­ 3. Grand Marshal Lawrence Welk will 20. Welcome Wagon Club of Leisure ciation be riding in a 1984 Cadillac convertible World 37. Laguna Hills Women's 18-Hole courtesy of Mclean Cadillac .. · 2 l. Theatre Guild Golf Club 4. Mater Dei High School Air Force 22. Jeff Qlson, Professional Com­ 38. New Harmonaires ROTC munity Management President 39. Laguna Hills Chapter of Hadas­ 5. Aerospace Club 23. Russell ·Disbro, general manager sah 40. lllino~s. Michigan, Wisconsin Clubs ·41. Exchange Club 42. Kiwanis Clubs of Leisure World 5 7. Lion Country Safari 43. Community Marshal, United 58. Railroad Club - Laguna Hills Mutual President Tom 59. Aquadettes Fitzpatrick and his wife, Ann. 60. Canine Club 44. Laguna Hills Lawn Bowling Club 61. Chicago Club - 45. Jewish Federation. of Orange 62. Creative Crafts County 63. Community Marshal, Mutual 68 46. Delta Kappa Gamma Society In- ternational - President j ohn Dudley and his wife Lee 64. Community Association for Resi­ 47. Laguna Hills Philharmonic Club dents of Leisure World 48. Celebrity Marshal, Dr. George 65. Leisure Wheelers Club Fisch beck. 66. Women's Overseas Service 49. Rock and Gem Club League 50. "Lost Chord"-Melodymen 67. American Italia Club and Laguna Quartet Hills High School Band 5 t . Opera 100 68. Saddleback College South Emer- 52. Tennis Club qf Laguna Hills itus Institute 53. Community·Marshal, Third Lagu­ 69. Visually Impaired Club na Hills Mutual President Park Dowd and his wife, Bettie. 70. Travel Club 2 THE LAST BIG PARADE WAS HELD IN t:o watch the paraders and set up 71. Community Marshal, Mutual 69 54. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Leisure World to celebrate the200th chairs In front of buildings on hill· President James Nix and his wife, Rose- 55. L.A. Water and Power Club anniversary of the United States of sides overlooking Calle Aragon and marie. America. Residents lined the streets Avenlda Sevilla. 56. Women's American ORT ·See PARADE, page 21 4 The NEWS September 5, 6, 1984 Community pioneers see 2 0 years· fly by ~tnt.e of <fLalifornia who moved to Leisure World with her GO\ ERNOR1S OFFICE By Nancy Harding News staff writer husband, Leo, on Sept. 29, recalls, "We SACRAMENTO 95814 GEORGE OEUKMEJ I AN TELEPMONE watched them roll our lawn in. They· had 19161 445-2841 'We have loved it here!" aovEANOR , - "Yes, I'm still here-and I'm not going big rolls of the sod there, like carpet. anywhere!" When we got there it was bare dirt, and "I can't believe 20 years have gone by that night we had a green lawn. 1'11 by!" never forget that." These are some of the comments from For jack Pas, fondest memories of early the pioneers of Leisure World~those days center around the golf course; he hardy souls who moved in during was the organizer and founder of the September 1964 and have remained Men's Golf Club. 'here. Was the course already Constructed August 9, 1984 Five "seniors" among the seniors re­ when he moved in? main in the community from the original "Of course," says the inveterate golfer. move-in day, Sept. 10, according to "I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't." Security and Business Office records. He allowed that the greens were "in terri­ They are William Pine, Florence ble shape," but soon shaped up. Pas and Roberts, Mildred 'Klatt, Lucille Beller and · his wife, Bessie, are still glad. to call Lei- sure World home. · TO: LEISURE,WORLD, LAGUNA HILLS Hazel Watson.
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