Salle-Orla- Mitteilungen Der (2002

Salle-Orla- Mitteilungen Der (2002

58 SPIRULA- nr. 326 (2002) Artikelen in tijdschriften (JOURNAL PAPERS: CONTINENTAL MALACOLOGY) R.A. Bank References to malacologicalarticles publishedin journals. Sorted in the following order ofsuccession: Faunistics/Ecology — Fossil Assemblages — Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabeticallyrubricated at the family level) — Miscellanea — Publications in the Bulletin of ZoologicalNomenclature (new cases — comments on previous cases — Opinions). Within each item, papers are ordered alphabetically on the name of thefirst author. FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY mollusc fauna and their implications. - records of pestiferous land molluscs ffotn Journal of 37 337-348. India. - Records of the * Conchology, (4): Rajasthan, Zoologi- BERAN, L. (2001): Aquatic malacofauna London. cal Survey ofIndia, 98 (3): 67-70. Calcutta. of Melnické Polabi and Dolni Poohri low- * * DALFREDDO, C., M.M. GIOVANNEL- LILL, K. (2001): Zur Verbreitung von lands. - Sbornik Severoceského Muzea, LI & A. MINELLI (2000): Molluschi ter- Deroceras panormitanum, D. sturanyi, Prirodnl Vedy, 22: 51-69. Liberec. restri e d'acqua dolce del Parco nazionale Candidula gigaxii und Monacha cartusiana * BLANC, A. & C. GÉRARD (2001): Etude Dolomiti Bellunesi. - Gortania (Atti del in Niedersachsen und Bremen (Gastropo- préliminaire de la malacofaune de deux Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale), 22: da: Stylommatophora: Agriolimacidae, hydrosystèmes interconnectés dans une ) 17-200. Udine. Hygromiidae). - Schriften zur Malako- zone humide. - Annales de 37 Limnologie, * FISCHER, W., A. REISCHÜTZ & P.L. zoologie, 17: 79-86. Cismar. 277-280. Toulouse. (4): * REISCHÜTZ (2002): Die - ein MENZEL-HARLOFF, H. & M.L. ZETT- * Perschling BÖBNECK, U. & S. MENG (2001): Mol- Juwel in einer eintönigen Kulturlandschaft LER (2001): 14. Kartierungstreffen der lusken-Lebensgemeinschaften im NSG Kenntnis (Niederösterreich) (Beitrage zur AG Malakologie Mecklenburg-Vorpom- 'Alacher See' bei Erfurt / Thüringen(Mol- der Molluskenfauna Niederösterreichs, mern vom 11. - 13.05.2001 in Barth (Krs. lusca: Gastropoda etBivalvia). - Thüringer - 19). - Club Conchylia Informationen, 33 Nordvorpommern). Archiv der Freunde Faunistische Abhandlungen, 8: 253-259. (4-6): 9-14. Ludwigsburg. der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg, 40: Erfurt. * GÖLLNITZ, U. Zur Schnecken- 61-67. Rostock. * (2001): BÖBNECK, U. (2002): Bericht über die * fauna von Stoltera, Schnatermann und MENZEL-HARLOFF, H. (2001): Zur 18. Herbsttagung der DMG vom 22.-24. Südenholz im Rostocker Raum. - Archiv Invertebratenfauna des NSG 'Schmachter September 2000 in Oppurg (Salle-Orla- der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Meck- See und Fangerien' (Rügen). - Archiv der Kreis / Thüringen). - Mitteilungen der lenburg, 40: 81-84. Rostock. Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklen- Deutschen Malakozoologische Gesell- * KERNEY, M.P. (2002): Recordefs report: burg, 40: 69-80. Rostock. schaft, 67: 57-66. Frankfurt am Main. * non-marine Mollusca. - Journal of Con- MEYER, K.O. (2001): Die Gastropoden- * BURSEY, M. & D. HERBERT (2001): chology, 37 (4): 417-420. London. fauna der Vordeichswiesen am südwestli- Mkambati Game Reserve - another high * KIERDORF-TRAUT,G. (2001): Notizen zur chen Jadebusen unter Einwirkung neuer diversity site for land snails. - The Strand- Fauna der Land-Gehauseschnecken Südtirols. Küstenschutzbauten. - Drosera, 2001 (1- loper, 265: 4-7. - Gredleriana, 1: 183-226. Bolzano. 2): 133-134. * Oldenburg. CAMERON, R.A.D. Some (2002): * * KUMAR, S. & S.I. AHMED (2000): New MOUTHON, J. & J.P. DUBOIS (2001): species/area relationships in the British land SPIRULA- nr. 326(2002) 59 Les peuplements de mollusques de la zone auf Helgoland. - Schriften zur Malako- ographical classification of Dreissenidae littorale du lac d'Annecy (Savoie, France). zoologie, 18: 94. Cismar. family. - Soosiana, 22: 49-54. Budapest. * - Annales de Limnologie, 37 (4): 267-276. BAMBER, R.M. & J.D. TAYLOR Toulouse. FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES (2002): The brackish water mussel Myti- * NECKHEIM, C.M. (2002): De tweede leucophaeta (CONRAD, 1831) * lopsis FRANK, C. (2001): Studiën an Clausilia vindplaats van de Vale clausilia Clausilia (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in the river Tha- dubia DRAPARNAUD 1805 (Stylomma- bidentata (STRÖM, 1765) in Amsterdam mes. - Joumal of Conchology, 37 (3): 403- tophora: Clausiliidae), II - Neue Mollus- nader bekeken. - De Kreukel, 38 (3-4): 43- 404. London. kenfunde aus der Vorhöhle der Lurgrotte 45. Diemen. bei Kat.-Nr. » Peggau (Steiermark; 2836/1). NEUBERT, E. (2002): The Continental - Linzer biologische Beitrage, 33 (2): 797- malacofauna of Arabia and adjacent areas. 818. Linz. I. Terrestrial molluscs ofSamba and Darsa * FUIJE, A. (2002): Fossil land molluscan Islands (Al-Ikhwan), Socotra Archipelago, assemblages from an ancient sand dune on Yemen. - Fauna ofArabia, 19: 245-259. * Taramajima Island, Sakishima Archipela- PETRICK, S. (2001): 13. Kartierungstref- - 60 295- go, Okinawa, Japan. Venus, (4): fen der AG Malakologie Mecklenburg- 302. Tokyo. [Japanese] Vorpommern vom 19. - 21.05.2000 in GIROD, A. (2002): Neolothic malacofau- Dassow. - Archiv der Freunde der Natur- na in the Kyme excavations (Aliaga), on geschichte in Mecklenburg, 40: 57-59. the Aegean coast ofAnatolia. - Triton, 5: Rostock. 29-32. Rehovot. * - uit: VAN PROSCHWITZ, T. VON (2001): Faunis- Mytilopsis leucophaeta * GULYAS, B. SIVÓK & M. BENTHEM S., JUTTING, 1943 (Faunavan tical news from the Natural History Muse- SZÓNOKY (2001): Axial cross-sectional 12: fig. 78) - Nederland, um, Göteborg snails, slugs and mussels. shell with the of dental analysis help x-ray - Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum, on Lake Pannon Planorbidae. - Soosiana, Arstryck 2001: 19-36. [Swedish; extended 22: 73-80. Budapest. * English summary] BEGUM, S. & A.K. SINHA (2000): * KOWALKE & * HARZHAUSER, M., T. PROSCHWITZ, T. VON (2001): Swedish Length-weight relationship of Parreysia O. MANDIC (2002): Late Miocene (Pan- freshwater freshwater mollusca: an up-dated check- favidens of drainagesystems of nonian) gastropods of Lake Pannon with list with scientific and common names for Burhi Gandak, North Bihar (India). - special etnphasis on early ontogenetic all species. - Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Records of the Zoological Survey ofIndia, development. - Annalen des Naturhistori- Museum, Arstryck 2001: 37-47. [Swe- 98 (3): 61-66. Calcutta. schen Museums in 103A: 75-141. Wien, * dish] BERAN, L. & M. HORSAK (2001): * Wien. REISCHÜTZ, P.L. (2001): Den Sie wis- Recent situation of distribution of fine- * HELLER, J. & N. SIVAN (2002): Melan- - Pisidium sen nicht, was sie anrichten! Nachrich- lined pea mussel - tenuilineatum opsis lfom the Pleistocene site of 'Ubei- tenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malako- (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Repu- diya, Jordan Valley: direct evidence of logischen Gesellschaft, 9: 1-2. Rankweil. blic. - Sbornik Severoceského Muzea, Pri- Cerithoi- * early hybridization (Gastropoda: RÜETSCHI, J„ P. STUCKI & G. WEIT- rodni Vedy, 22: 71-76. Liberec. dea). - Biological Journal of the Linnean MANN (2002): Bericht über die 38. Früh- CARR, R. (2002): Pseudanodonta com- Society, 75 (1): 39-57. London. jahrstagung der DMG auf dem Twann- planata (ROSSMASSLER, 1835) in the * LILL, K. (2001): Binnenmollusken aus berg/Schweiz vom 3.-6. Juni 1999. - Mit- River Medway. - The Conchologists' holozanzeitlichem Grasertorf im Sehlder teilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologi- Newsletter, 10 (161): 178-179. London. Bruch bei Niedersachsen. - Schrif- Eime, * schen Gesellschaft, 67: 49-56. Frankfurt CHEN, L.-Y., A.G. HEATH & R. NEVES ten zur 18: 27-31. Cis- Malakozoologie, An am Main. (2001): evaluation of air and water mar. * SUBBA, B.R. & T.K. GHOSH (2001): of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: * transport MORTON, L.S. & R. HERBST (2001): - Terrestrial molluscs from Nepal. - Journal Unionidae). American Malacological Nuevas especies del género Diplodon of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bulletin, 16 (1-2): 147-154. SPIX del Jurasico (Bivalvia, Unionidea) * 98 (1): 58-61. Bombay. DUNCA, E. & H. MUTVEI (2001): Com- Medio La * (Formación Matilde), provincia SUMNER, A.T. (2002): The Lothians gar- parison of microgrowth pattem in Marga- de Santa Cruz, Argentina. - Revista del den - The Newslet- ritifera shells from survey. Conchologists' margaritifera south and Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 3 ter, 10(161): 161-167. London. north Sweden. - American Malacological * (2): 159-164. Buenos Aires. TAPPART, A. & A. KORNIUSHIN (2001): Bulletin, 16 (1-2): 239-250. * SÜMEGI, P. & E. KROLOPP (2001): * J.T. & S.W. Zur Molluskenfauna vonKiew, Lwiw und GARNER, MCGREGOR Palaeoecological conditions of the Carpat- dem Norden der Ukraine. - Schriften status zur (2001): Current of freshwater mus- hian Basin during an climatic event of the Malakozoologie, 17: 9-28. Cismar. sels (Unionidae, Margaritiferidae) in the - * Upper Weichselian. Part II. Soosiana, TATTERSFIELD, P., M.B. SEDDON & Muscle Shoals area of Tennessee River in 22: 31-48. Budapest. C.N. LANGE (2001): Land-snail faunas in Alabama (Muscle Shoals revisited again). * VERMEIJ, G.J. & F.P. WESSELINGH indigenous rainforest and commercial - American Malacological Bulletin, 16(1- (2002): Neogastropod molluscs from the plantations in Kakamega Forest, western 2): 155-170. Miocene ofwestern with com- Amazonia, * Kenya. - Biodiversity and Conservation, GRAF, D.L. (2002): Molecular phyloge- ments on marine to ffeshwater transitions 10(11): 1809-1829. netic analysis of two problematic freshwa- in molluscs. - Journal of Paleontology, 76 * & TATTERSFIELD, P„ M. SEDDON C. ter mussel genera (Unio and Gonidea) and (2):

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