FEATURED ADVERTISERS RESPECTING A PATIENT’S WISHES MATTERS. InterSystems partners with Coordinate My Care, an NHS clinical service, to create personalized urgent care plans for patients. Now all providers know their patients’ wishes and can access this information when and where they need it—leading to better, more comprehensive care experiences. Learn more at InterSystems.com/CMC © 2017 InterSystems Corporation. All rights reserved. InterSystems is a registered trademark of InterSystems Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 5-17 OVER 75% OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS HAVE BEEN INFECTED WITH MALWARE IN 2016* Better Connectivity. Affirmed. That’s no surprise, a healthcare record may be 50 times more valuable to a cybercriminal than stolen credit card information.** ­­¶´Áµ¸´É¼Ç´¿´¿¿Ì¼ÁÌÂÈÅ躻Ǵº´¼ÁÆǶ̵¸ÅƸ¶ÈżÇÌǻŸ´ÇÆ°¸Ô¿¿¶ÂÁÆÈ¿Ç The Affirm® prone breast biopsy system will not only increase clinician and ʼǻÌÂÈÇ´··Å¸ÆÆÌÂÈÅ»¼º»¸ÆÇƸ¶ÈżÇÌÁ¸¸·Æ´ÆƸÆÆÌÂÈÅżƾƴÁ·¶Å¸´Ç¸´ patient satisfaction, but it will also meet your IT initiatives. ¶ÈÆÇÂÀ¼Í¸·Ã¿´Á¹´¶Ç¼ÂÁÇ´¼¿ÂŸ·ÇÂÌÂÈÅƸ¶ÈżÇ̺´¿Æ The only prone biopsy system running on a sustainable operating system. ¥¸´ÅÁÀŸ´Ç DICOM support for print, worklist and PACS connectivity. att.com/healthcare Allows for software upgrade from 2D to 3D™ imaging at any time. Make the sound investment today that will continue to pay dividends tomorrow for you, your patients and your facility. Visit AffirmProneBiopsy.com to learn more. * PR News Wire – A Cision Company Report, Oct 2016 ** Medscape, Stolen EHR Charts Sell for $50 Each on Black Market, April 28, 2014 ADS-01846 © 2017 Hologic, Inc. All rights reserved. Hologic, Affirm, The Science of Sure, and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, and product names are the property of their respective owners. Ñ#­­¢ÁǸ¿¿¸¶ÇÈ´¿©ÅÂøÅÇÌ¿¿Å¼º»ÇÆŸƸÅɸ·­­Ç»¸­­¿ÂºÂ´Á·´¿¿ÂÇ»¸Å­­À´Å¾Æ¶ÂÁÇ´¼Á¸·»¸Å¸¼Á´Å¸ÇÅ´·¸À´Å¾Æ¹­­¢ÁǸ¿¿¸¶ÇÈ´¿©ÅÂøÅÇÌ´Á·ÂÅ­­´ï¿¼´Ç¸·¶ÂÀôÁ¼¸Æ ¿¿ÂÇ»¸ÅÀ´Å¾Æ¶ÂÁÇ´¼Á¸·»¸Å¸¼Á´Å¸Ç»¸ÃÅÂøÅÇ̹ǻ¸¼ÅŸÆø¶Ç¼É¸ÂÊÁ¸ÅÆ­»¼Æ·Â¶ÈÀ¸ÁǼÆÁÂÇ´ÁÂæ¸Å¶ÂÀÀ¼ÇÀ¸ÁǟßƸÁǴǼÂÁÂÅÊ´ÅÅ´ÁÇ̵̭­´Á·¼ÆÆȵ½¸¶ÇǶ»´Áº¸ BENCHMARKS: Predictive Analytics: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fast accelerating the insights that can be gleaned from the granular descriptions enabled by ICD-10. PAGE 32 Published in partnership with www.HealthcareITNews.com THE NEWS SOURCE FOR HEALTHCARE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Q MAY 2017 HIMSS Media / Vol. 14 No. 5 BLOCKCHAIN IN HEALTHCARE Sifting through the hope and hype of a new way to manage data. PAGE 4 FHIR’s future Russell Leftwich, MD, of InterSystems and HL7, says the standard has big promise for interoperability, but should coexist with other specs for a while. AI takes off PAGE 38 “The rate of improvement happening in machine learning is way beyond what Moore’s Law is to chips.” PAGE 17 See our ad on page 40 RESPECTING A PATIENT’S WISHES MATTERS. InterSystems partners with Coordinate My Care, an NHS clinical service, to create personalized urgent care plans for patients. Now all providers know their patients’ wishes and can access this information when and where they need it—leading to better, more comprehensive care experiences. Learn more at InterSystems.com/CMC © 2017 InterSystems Corporation. All rights reserved. InterSystems is a registered trademark of InterSystems Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 5-17 May 2017 | Healthcare IT News | www.HealthcareITNews.com CONNECT 3 BLOG FEATURED EVENT A challenge to healthcare )*.44.FEJBT#JH %BUB)FBMUIDBSF execs: Don’t hide your "OBMZUJDT'PSVN LJDLTPGGPO.BZ opinion about what’s JO4BO'SBODJTDP happening in Washington -ZHFJB3JDDJBSEJTBEWJDFGPSMFBEFSTIJQ BOETPDJBMNFEJB JOBUJNFPGQPMJUJDBM CALENDAR OF EVENTS ------------------------------------------------ VODFSUBJOUZBSPVOEUIF"GGPSEBCMF$BSF"DUBOEUIFGBUFPGIFBMUISFGPSNJO"NFSJDB MAY )*.44#SBOE)*5 )*.441SJWBDZ4FDVSJUZ .BSLFUJOH4VNNJU -BT7FHBT bit.ly/exec-challenge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bit.ly/join-forces bit.ly/2017-breaches bit.ly/himss17-keynotes WHAT’S INSIDE GFC@:P 10 9LJ@E<JJ 22 /FXDIBOHFTGPS0/$ $JSDMFPGUSVTU ))4OBNFTTFDSFUBSZGPSIFBMUIUFDIOPMPHZ XIPTBZT $*0.BOBHJOHCVTJOFTTBTTPDJBUFT SEQBSUZ Transitions of care UIF0GGJDFPGUIF/ UJPOBM$PPSEJOBUPSNBZSFPSHBOJ[F QSJWBDZSJTLJTOUTPFBTZ The new era of care transition 4JMWFSMJOJOH %BUBTIBSJOH has leveled the playing field for 'PSNFS")32DIJFGTBZT5SVNQTAUISFBUFOJOH )FBMUI$BUBMZTUMBVODIFT#MPPNCFSHMJLFTVQQPSU providers across the DIBOHFJTBOPQQPSUVOJUZUPGJYUIF HFODZ TZTUFNBJNFEBU$TVJUFEFDJTJPONBLFST continuum. And while that means a more prominent role 16 26 for all in the post-acute sector, @EJ@>?K ;8K8 it also means an increased 6ODFSUBJOUZJO%$ &WPMWJOHUISFBU responsibility for the ultimate #VUCFZPOEQPMJUJDTBOEQPMJDZ QPQVMBUJPOIFBMUI )FBMUIDBSFDZCFSBUUBDLTGFMMJO CVUNPSF care of the patient.Technology NBOBHFNFOUFGGPSUTQVTIGPSXBSE DZCFSDSJNJOBMTBSFUBSHFUJOHVOTUSVDUVSFEEBUB is a safety net that enables providers at each care site to -FBOJOHJO )FBUJOHVQ receive, evaluate, monitor, and, 5ISFFTUFQTUPHFUUJOHFWFSZPOF JODMVEJOH )-QVCMJTIFTBOFXWFSTJPOPGJUT')*3 yes, nag patients to promote FNQMPZFFT UPPXOQBUJFOUFOHBHFNFOU TQFDJGJD UJPO their health and safety. Minding the patient’s health status remotely through various IT :C@E@:8C 18 media is incumbent upon all providers and serves as the $SFBUJOHWBMVFJOUIF&)3 Trends ...................................30 key to preventing costly )PXOVSTJOHJOGPSNBUJDTIFMQFE$BSPMJOBT Benchmarks ..........................32 hospital readmissions, )FBMUI$BSFFMJNJOBUFNJMMJPODMJDLT Jobspot.................................. 34 industry analysts say. %FFQMFBSOJOHGPS$%* People .................................... 36. PAGE 30 &QJD /VBODFFNCFE"*JOUP&)3GPSDMJOJDBM Newsmaker ...........................38 EPDVNFOUBUJPOJNQSPWFNFOU 4 COVER STORY www.HealthcareITNews.com | Healthcare IT News | May 2017 WHAT BLOCKCHAIN NEEDS MOST TO SUCCEED: For the distributed digital ledger technology to alleviate healthcare’s thorniest interoperability and security problems, technologists, clinicians, executives and regulators will need to overcome inertia and reconsider deep-rooted approaches. By Mike Miliard, Editor May 2017 | Healthcare IT News | www.HealthcareITNews.com COVER STORY 5 FI8K<:?EFCF>PK?8KN8J invented less than 10 years there would be no agreement to add it as a new block on the and then re-encrypt it back to meet that particular KPI? Pos- ago, and has only become more widely understood in chain,” writes Behlendorf, executive director of Hyperledger, sibly. And I’m sure there are smarter people than me working the past 24 months or so, blockchain has been getting an open-source collaborative launched by the Linux Foundation on that, and I wish them good luck.” F some pretty breathless attention recently. to advance the use of blockchain beyond bitcoin transactions. The larger issue affecting blockchain’s long-term prospects Indeed, the distributed digital ledger – touted by some as He also spotlighted the importance of so-called smart con- in healthcare has to do with a more essential question,” he a silver bullet to the cybersecurity and interoperability chal- tracts on the blockchain ledger: “simple software programs said. “In the end, follow the money: What money can it save, lenges across healthcare in addition to many other potential that run across all nodes in the network, and can extend the what money can it generate, what can it do for the patient? If use cases – currently sits atop Gartner’s famed Hype Cycle, validation logic at each node, in a way that is automatable and it doesn’t answer those questions, frankly, I think the broad just about to crest the perilous Peak of Inflated Expectations undeniable.” In healthcare, for example, such smart contracts use case doesn’t matter.” and plummet into the Trough of Disillusionment. could be deployed as an “authorization process and confir- Still, he said, the potential is undoubtedly there. That’s not to say, however, that the hype around blockchain mation step that notifies the patient – or even puts them in “I would say blockchain in healthcare right now is about is unwarranted. control – when their data is shared from one where AI was about four to five years ago. Some- Gartner notes that real-world deployments of the technology address to another.” one I was talking to described
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