HP mm. *m* •?•?»• •.'-•'.- ••• ••• - VOLUME 29 NUMBER 23 MONDAY, AUGUST 30,1993 • WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 48 PAGES ftptr CENTS • 1993 SgSurban Cornmunicalionj CcuporBon • Crash victim testifies in teen's trial Cathie Maher has ruled in Wayne a cheerleader, had left school for the A Westland man seriously injured in a crash that County Juvenile Court. that the day when, according to police, Morri­ killed high school student Melissa Thompson testified mother can't tell the jury how she son sped south on Newburgh and lost last week that he doesn't remember the collision. The feels -about Morrison's, being pro­ control of' his car where Newburgh _ trial of the John Glenn High School football player secuted. ':•'', narrows from five lanes to two. The * Thompson has told the' Observer Prizm left 4he road after passing an- — charged with causing the accident continues today. other motorist on the wrong side, po­ all our back-to-school line to near that Morrison, 16 at the time of the accident, has suffered enough and lice officer Steven Frazer testified. ' when school bells ring in your BYDARRELLCLEM died last Nov. 16 when a late-model that her daughter would not want to Morrison then swerved into north­ local district. You will get the STAFF WHITER Geo Prizm driven by Morrison see him prosecuted. bound traffic and crashed into a pick­ information you need for that Although she doesn't blame Brian slammed head-on into a Chevy S-10 Morrison's trial began Wednesday up driven by Dennis Edwards, a 41- important first day back. Morrison for her daughter's death, pickup on Newburgh Road, Bouth of and will continue today. A six-man, year-old Westland pipe fitter who was Linda Thompson won't be allowed to Cherry Hill. Thompson was riding in two-woman jury is expected to begin on his way home from General Mo­ tell that to a jury hearing Morrison's the front with Morrison. deliberating this week, possibly as tors' Willow Run plant in Ypsilanti. -^trial on charges of negligent homicide Linda Thompson has repeatedly early as today. - Morrison is on trial on a charge of For school districts in Qfll IIVX and felonious driving. said she doesn't hold her daughter's Morrison, 17 and a John Glenn Oakland County, call 8UI *f/LU Thompson's daughter Melissa, 17, boyfriend responsible, but Judge High School athlete, and Thompson, See TRIAL, 2A For school districts in flCO OflQfi Wayrre County, call OjJLUJU Golfers fore First Step Family Access O & E ON-LINE copes IN THE PAPER with TODAY death Library in the future: Advocates BY DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER ...-.,,_,.. of a city library had their hopes Family and friends are rejecting au­ boosted last week when it learned thorities' claims that a 20-year-old Westland man died after he inhaled there is money available for con­ aerosol chemicals in an attempt to get struction and books. /2A high. James Michael Brown, a 1991 grad­ uate of Garden City High School, was Vacation is over: Some 185 stu­ found dead on the evening of Aug. 19- dents at St. Matthew were the when his mother and stepfather, Bar­ first to end their summer vacation bara and Douglas Dowling, came home from vacation and found his and return to school. /4A body in the basement of their Burl­ ington Street residence, near Merri- Court debate: Attorneys are ex­ man and Avondale. pected to argue two key" issues in a "It was an accidental death," Douglas Dowling told the Observer preliminary exam being held for a - last week.:,..,- .^¾¾¾¾ man charged with assaulting his Fainily"" arid friends described pregnant wife and setting fire to Brown as a young man who was a star in a Garden City baseball league, who their home. /3A made his friends laugh when they were feeling down, and who worked hard at his job with a Redford Town­ ship door company. Crusader Entry TASTE Systems. "He was a fun-loving, hard-working man that you could always depend on," said Paul Donaldson, 21, pf'Gar- den City. "Through thick and thin, Jim was always there for me. He nev­ er turned his back on me." Another friend, Erin Mannisto, agreed. "Jim could make everybody laugh," she said. "He was just always there for all of his friends. If we were down, he could make us feel up just by say­ ing something off-the-wall. He was just Jim. He was great." Brown's funeral was Aug. 23, and his parents planned to have his body Summer fare: Families in a Troy cremated "so we can bring him subdivision celebrate the end of home," his stepfather said. Westland police have said a can of summer with an annual picnic. Scotch Guard — with the cap re­ /IB AffrEMANUELB/STArr PHOTOGRAPHER moved — was found near Brown's body, along with a rag. They have Benefit held: Kathy Marino lines up a putt at the "WUdwood Country Club" during a said he died while getting high, but benefit for the First Step organization. Admiring Marino's technique is Tammy Thompson. Douglas denies it. STREET SCENE For more on the benefit, turn to the story and other photos on Page 3A. See DEATH, 2A Fair Phalr: Performing live is something Liz Phair hasn't done much of, but she's ready to take to Voters to decide school tax request today the crowd at 89X's X-fest at the BY MARIE CHESTNEY but only because boosters and other with the help of boosters' clubs we dents are being asked to pay on aver­ Phoenix Plaza Amphitheater Sun­ 8TAFF WRITER adult groups come to their rescue and might be able to save a remnant of age another $40 a year to generate day. /8B There will be no miraculous resto­ pump money into them to keep them the program. $3.2 million to pay for certain pro­ ration of programs cut from next going, said Marinelli, whose district "Our program will not be what it's grams cut from the 1993-94 budget. year's budget if voters reject a special­ includes the northern section of been. If this millage fails, to think we If the millage passes, the following ly designated 1-mill property tax in­ Westland. will go back to where we were is unre­ programs will be restored for at least INDEX crease at the polls today, said Livonia "People believe that somehow we'll alistic. We can't provide the $3.2 mil­ one year 18 elementary art, music, Public Schools Superintendent Jo­ come back with these programs but lion. We would have to cut transpor­ physical education and learning spe- seph Marinelli. that's not the case," Marinelli said. tation to do this." Classifieds . B-D Malls 6B Some programs may be restored, "No way will we find the money. But In today's special election, resi­ See TAX, 2A Auto B-D Obituaries . 6A Employment . C,D Personals . 10B Real estate . .B.C Street Scene . SB tween April 1974 and August 1977 for the co-ed Index 11B Sports IC Top seniors team. Call 458-7786 by Sept. 1. Crossword . 5C Taste IB Frank Moore, 79, has been named the Westland PLACES & FACES Friendship Center's senior of the month for Sep­ Opinions wanted tember. Moore has two children, three grandchil­ The Westland Observer has had an excellent re­ dren and four great-grandchildren. He was the dean's list at Madonna University, Livonia, for HERE'S HOW TO REACH US the past term. They are seniors Charles Brown, sponse in its appeal for local readers or communi­ center's Citizen of the Year for Leadership 10 ty leaders to write guest columns on topics of local years ago. He has been a local resident for 19 years Terry Campbell and Donna Duncan. On the facul­ ty level, the school announced that Westland's concern or Interest People considering writing col­ and is active in Friendship Center programs. He umns should limit their comments to two double- Newsroom: 501-2300 previously worked at Ford Motor, Packard and Miriam Long was promoted to assistant professor spaced pages. Columns should be sent to the Curtlss-Wright. Moore also serves on the city's from instructor for the new school year. Long Leonard Poger, Westland Observer editorial de­ Newsroom Fax: 591-7270 teaches math and has a master of arts degree from Nlghtllne/Sports: 953-2104 Commission on Aging, Advisory Council, execu­ partment, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150. For tive board member of the Area Agency on Aging the University of Michigan. more information, call 959-2107. Reader Comment Line: 053-2042 and is a member of St. Richard Church and serves Classified Advertising: 501-0000 on its parish council. Soccer players wanted Qroups or individuals may submit announce­ Display Advertising:501-2300 ment* for the Placet and Facet column, directing The WaynVWestland Soccer Club is continuing them to the Westland Observer editorial depart­ Home Delivery: 501-0500 Top students Its search for players to play on its under-19 high ment, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48160. Our fas Three Westland students wore named to the school team. Eligible are boys and girls born be­ number is 691-7279. wmmm 2A(W) The Observer/ MONDAY, AUGUST 30,1993 Trial frontpage 1A Officafe hopeful about library plans negligent homicide amid allega­ • Linda Thompson has tions he caused Thompson's BY LEONARD POGER a local library. cated within one of two TIFA dis­ generate about $930,000 a year ir£* death. He also is being tried on a repeatedly said the EDITOR The $8 million in TIFA funds tricts.
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