Spring 2007 A Way for the Courageous: Agni Yoga Carol Parrish-Harra Summary lives and to guide others by example into an understanding of principles of transformation. gni Yoga calls for a disciple with a spe- A cific kind of consciousness with ready Agni Yoga suggests for the self-disciplined will and fiery determination. In this most disciple of today that it is not enough to be modern approach one’s own inner presence is obedient, but that self-actualization is the real developed through continual evaluation of per- challenge. While the teaching suggests, yes, sonal dedication and self-discipline, heart and indeed, we need a mentor and the discipline mind. Natural within the approach are such that such affords, our real work is to recognize challenges as equality for the churched and the significance of the self within, called by unchurched, respect for eastern and western whatever name. Themes important to the eth- practices, and an ever widening loyalty to ics of the path of initiation are used as major one’s own inner authority. guidelines. Thus, we challenge ourselves to live within the perimeter of the embraced Herein glimpses of the lives of Russian devo- themes rather than simple straight rules. In tees as they anchor the teachings in the midst this way each must proceed as they can, apply- of heavy work-a-day duties. Passionate infor- ing self-regulatory actions to daily experience. mation regarding the role of women is deliv- Discrimination is demanded in keeping with ered by the Spiritual Hierarchy and recorded the Agni themes for enlightenment while by Helena Roerich. An endless variety of con- building within oneself the virtues or facets of cepts reveal guidance as to how to turn daily higher consciousness desired. Life makes it labor into spiritual service. Never is one ex- necessary some days for the emphasis to be pected to depart their own better judgment, but one theme and some days another. No one to refine and improve one’s grasp of wisdom, tells the disciple what to do or how to respond intuitively and subjectively, while integrating for personal responsibility lies firmly on the high consciousness into one’s own persona. disciple. Each knowingly must create a per- sonal response to the opportunity to grow Introduction and/or to serve that which the Great Teacher, nce hidden for the most part behind cul- Life, provides. O tural veils, Agni Yoga is emerging to Two powerful aspects of Agni teachings speak make its contribution to those individuals look- loudly to those ready for the message. This ing for modern tools with which to bridge the series of themes to which each one holds him- barriers separating tradition from tradition. Agni Yoga, also taught in the west as Living Ethics, offers one of the newer versions of the perennial philosophy. Known to dedicated About the Author students of the ageless wisdom, it outlines a Author Carol E. Parrish-Harra has regularly pre- vision of universality and ethics for humanity’s sented programs in Russia. In 2005 she received would-be spiritual leaders offering hope for the the coveted International Nebolsin Award presented possible future of humanity. Holding to the by the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists for “out- concept that only a few are ready at a time for standing service in the field of education for the the rigors of true ethical living, Agni Yoga common good of humanity.” She began her quest offers a set of teachings to inspire those who for the Roerichs’s work in 1973 after receiving the believe they are ready to transform their own words “Agni Yoga” in meditation. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2007. 27 The Esoteric Quarterly or herself responsible and concepts of univer- students of the Roerich material in Russia. sality that demand we recognize our right- Since 1987 stories of how the teachings were relationship to all people and all kingdoms of shared has touched my heart. After the first planetary life. publication, the books disappeared quickly from public distribution. Possession of reli- The Roerichs’ Work gious or spiritual material was traitorous; Nicholas and Helena Roerich lived in Kulu he Agni Yoga writings were given to He- Valley, India and the writings were very sus- lena Roerich in a series of small books T pect. The paranoids of the time required no dictated by a Master of the Mysterious Hima- contact with foreign nationals and although layan Brotherhood that interjects assistance at they were Russian, these two were world trav- critical times in the life of the planet. Helena elers, so significant that he had been nomi- took dictation from Master Morya sharing it as nated for the Nobel Peace Prize. They were she was impressed and, in due time, released it not the usual restricted Russians untainted by in book form for those who were privileged to foreign contact; still many avoided contact for discover it. Nicholas Roerich, her sensitive some years. artist husband and respected man of Science distributed the holy principles through his per- Helena Roerich’s name is not on the published son and his contact with persons around the books; no claims are made. Simple para- world. graphs, numbered for reference, written in brief with each word carefully selected by the The curious circumstances of the times are dictator are recorded. Russian devotees tell of important to the understanding of Agni Yoga. copying these treasured writings onto small Dictated to an aristocratic Russian intellectual cards or pieces of paper—one thought per after the Communist Revolution, the language piece so they could be carried about without avoids religious terminology and uses respect- detection and contemplated in privacy. Each ful language such as the Common Good, Cos- set of a few lines became a rich stanza to be mic Beauty, or similar terms, such as The Ep- explored, experienced and penetrated. The och of the Mother of the World. piece of paper might be chewed to destroy it if Free of dogma and religious trappings, the one fell under suspicion. People shared the books are truly manuals of ethical living, the treasured thoughts by typing or writing by term most commonly used as a subtitle to the hand, utilizing carbon paper, entire volumes as materials. Dictated in Russian, the original gifts to others hungry for such inspiration. writings were unknown in the West except to a Perhaps the persecution of those who were few who had contact with Nicholas and Helena caught with the teachings strengthened its im- Roerich on their limited visits to the United pact. In Moscow Yuri Roerich, one son, lived States in 1920 and 1929. However the mes- and carefully shared. The other son, Svetoslav sage of the Masters continued to come and be Roerich became an artist and remained in In- gradually spread over Europe and Asia. dia. In Russia, artists fervently touched by the Helena was a very private person and held her- powerful art were careful how they spoke of self out of the limelight, while Nicholas dedi- Nicholas. Some were arrested; others found cated his life to emanating his concepts courage in the bold colors or words of the through his 7,000 odd paintings, approximately higher worlds. 30 books and the creation of the Banner of Peace. The sensitive material remained mostly Agni Yoga and the hidden from public view in our country due to Ageless Wisdom the difficulties Americans encountered as we lived in fear of Communism or anything Rus- gni Yoga contains no single new mes- sian until more recent years. Asage, but repeats in modern terms the age- less wisdom; it contains guidelines for those In several trips to the now former Soviet Un- who would become the daring ones of today ion, it has been my privilege to interact with encouraging them to strive to be now what is 28 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2007 Spring 2007 destined to be the possible human of tomor- tion to the Roerichs, and his relationship with row. There is no promise of rest, but intense them carried a political price when he ran for instructions for those who would confront their the office of Vice President with Roosevelt. own human frailty and dare to become a disci- Newspapers referred to his Russian Guru and ple of the fiery world. he was ostracized by an American public as it was becoming increasingly fearful of Commu- Ethical ideas are permeated with references to nism. the subtle world of illusion and to the powerful fiery world of higher reality that can purify the Being of Russian nationality cast the Roerichs astral dimension. Our thoughts are lifted time and the Agni Yoga Society into difficulty pub- and time again to the life and reality beyond licly during the war years and the McCarthy the human as the true era. Nothing Russian reality and the life escaped unscathed so about us as the testing the teachings remained place. [T]he Master supports the virtually hidden both in the Soviet Union and the Agni Yoga teachings disciple on the quest by un- United States. Devotees are very hard for Eng- derstanding the humanness of the art world were lish students as the in- that is being transformed… fortunate ones for they nuendos, easily under- who had personal con- stood to the Russians of Agni Yoga encourages each tact with the Roerichs the years 1924–1940, of us to struggle with our protected the seeds of evade us as well as the personal limitation while en- the new Yoga that is subtleties of a language only now emerging. that does not translate couraging community life as easily to English.
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