SWEDENBORG Explorer’s Guidebook SWEDENBORG STUDIES SERIES NO.12 SWEDENBORG Explorer’s Guidebook A RESEARCH MANUAL for Inquiring New Readers, Seekers of Spiritual Ideas, and Writers of Swedenborgian Treatises Revised Second Edition William Ross Woofenden With additions by Jonathan S. Rose Swedenborg Foundation Publishers West Chester, Pennsylvania ©2008, revised second edition by William Ross Woofenden First edition entitled Swedenborg Researcher’s Manual: A Research Reference Manual for Writers of Academic Dissertations and for Other Scholars (Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Swe- denborg Scientific Association, 1988). Second edition entitled Swedenborg Explorer’s Guidebook: A Research Manual, pub- lished in 2002 by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission from the publisher. Swedenborg Studies is a scholarly series published by the Swedenborg Foundation. The primary purpose of the series is to make materials available for understanding the life and thought of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) and the impact his thought has had on others. The Foundation undertakes to publish original studies and English translations of such studies and to republish primary sources that are otherwise difficult to access. Proposals should be sent to: Editor, Swedenborg Studies, Swedenborg Foundation, 320 North Church Street, West Chester, Penn- sylvania 19380. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Woofenden, William Ross. Swedenborg explorer’s guidebook : a research manual for inquiring new readers, seekers of spiritual ideas, and writers of Swedenborgian treatises / William Ross Woofenden ; with additions by Jonathan S. Rose.—Rev. 2nd ed. p. cm.—(Swedenborg studies ; no. 12) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 978–0–87785–327–5 1. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688–1772—Bibliography. 2. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688–1772—Language—Glossaries, etc. I. Rose, Jonathan S. II. Title. Z8855.W66 2007 [BX8748] 016.289′4—dc22 2007012053 Swedenborg Studies no. 12 New ISBN: 978–0–87785–327–5 Designed and typeset by Sans Serif, Inc., Saline, Michigan Printed in the United States of America The Lord, in his divine compassion, has enabled me to understand the inner meaning of the Bible. This meaning contains deeply hidden secrets which no one has ever had the slightest conception of before now. It would be impossible to understand them without knowing what the other life is like, since this is what most of the Bible’s inner meaning refers to and describes. Now, however, I can tell about what I have heard and seen while I have been with spirits and angels during the last few years. I realize that many people will say it is not possible for anyone to talk with spirits and angels while still living in the physical body. Some will say I am hal- lucinating, and some will say I am writing these things just to get a fol- lowing. Others will make other objections. But none of this discourages me, because I have seen, I have heard, and I have felt. —Emanuel Swedenborg Secrets of Heaven §§67–68 * * * I talked to spirits about how my books may seem to be accepted when they are published. Evil spirits sometimes insinuated that nobody would understand them, that people would reject them. But while I was in the street talking to some spirits, the realization came to me that books are received in five different ways: Some people totally reject them because they have a different belief system, or they are opposed to any belief. These people reject the books; they can’t accept them because the ideas do not sink into their minds. Some people accept them as knowledge. They enjoy the books for the information and unusual things they contain. Some people accept them intellectually, receiving the ideas eagerly enough, but they keep on living the same way they had before. Some peo- ple are influenced by them enough that the ideas sink in and change their lives for the better. This happens when they are in particular states of mind, and it is helpful to them. Some people accept them joyfully and gain confidence in them. —Emanuel Swedenborg Spiritual Experiences §2955 CONTENTS Preface to the Second Edition, Revised xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction xv Abbreviated Titles Used in This Edition xix PART 1: SWEDENBORG’S WRITINGS 1 Chronological Listing of Published Works (Category P) and Unpublished Documents (Category U) 6 Alphabetical Listing of Swedenborg’s Writings 18 Classification by Subject of Swedenborg’s Writings 33 Annotated Bibliography of Swedenborg’s Writings by Year 42 Section 1: Published and Unpublished Writings 44 Section 2: Works of Uncertain Authorship and Projected Works That Were Never Written 208 Section 3: Lost Works 213 PART 2: SELECTED COLLATERAL LITERATURE 215 Concordances and Compendiums 218 Indexes 222 Dictionaries 225 Documentary Collections 227 Bibliographies 233 Doctrinal Summaries 236 a. Basic Reference 236 b. General 242 c. The Lord 244 d. The Word 246 e. Humankind 249 f. Love, Faith, Use 250 g. Creation, Providence, Freedom 251 vii viii CONTENTS h. Sex and Marriage 252 i. Regeneration 253 j. Life after Death, the Spiritual World 256 Exegetical Works 258 a. Old Testament 258 b. New Testament 266 c. Studies in Correspondences, Parables, etc. 270 Major Biographies of Swedenborg 275 Historical Studies 280 a. Church History 280 b. Church Polity 284 c. Autobiographies and Biographies of Prominent Swedenborgians 288 d. Metaphysics 293 Critical Studies 295 a. Published Works 295 b. Theses and Dissertations 300 Periodicals 318 a. Current Periodicals 319 b. Former Periodicals 322 c. Indexes to Periodicals 326 Digests, Outlines, and Synopses 328 Studies in Science and Religion 332 Religious Education Materials 334 Prayer and Other Devotional Materials 337 Literature for Children 338 Miscellaneous 339 PART 3: GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL OR SPECIAL TERMS FOUND IN ENGLISH VERSIONS OF SWEDENBORG’S THEOLOGICAL WORKS 343 PART 4: SELECTED LIST OF KEY SWEDENBORGIAN CONCEPTS 365 Pre-theological Concepts Relevant to the History of Science and Philosophy 368 Concepts Bridging the Pre-theological and Theological 374 Theological Concepts 376 Revelations about Humankind and Our Intended Destiny 384 CONTENTS ix PART 5: MAJOR DOCUMENTARY COLLECTIONS AND BOOKSELLERS 389 Great Britain 392 United States of America 409 Australia 416 Sweden 416 Switzerland 416 Booksellers 417 PART 6: A CHRONOLOGY OF THE LIFE OF EMANUEL SWEDENBORG 419 INDEX 437 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, REVISED This reference work, first published in 1988 by the Swedenborg Scientific Association under the title Swedenborg Researcher’s Man- ual, has been widely distributed and used not only by persons intent on writing academic theses on one or more of the many aspects of the thought of Emanuel Swedenborg but also by New Church ministers and others interested in serious study of the extensive, wide-ranging publications of the man who has been called the Aristotle of the North. I suspect that every author feels that his or her published work could and should be improved. Several dynamic factors led me to decide that the time had come for this work to be expanded and enriched. Since the first edition was published, there has been a ver- itable outbreak of new publications of Swedenborg’s writings and works collateral to them. Also, in anticipation of the sesquicenten- nial of the Swedenborg Foundation, a highly skilled team was set up to begin production of a whole new edition of Swedenborg’s lifetime output, to be called the New Century Edition. It seemed logical and timely that a new edition of the Swedenborg Researcher’s Manual be prepared as an appropriate companion to this new edi- tion. My colleagues on the board of the Foundation enthusiastically agreed, and it was also decided that the Foundation should publish it. Readers familiar with the first edition will quickly see that many of the shortcomings of that work have been corrected, and the pres- ent edition will, I sincerely believe, prove to be a much more user- friendly work than its predecessor. The first major change is that of the book’s title. This second, revised edition is now named Sweden- borg Explorer’s Guidebook: A Research Manual for Inquiring New Readers, Seekers of Spiritual Ideas, and Writers of Swedenborgian xi xii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, REVISED Treatises. This name reflects more accurately the clientele that has used the first edition. Part 1, “Swedenborg’s Writings,” is annotated and listed in chronological order, as in the first edition; it follows the order first presented by James Hyde in his great work Bibliography of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. However, it is now prefaced by three lists of Swedenborg’s works, intended to lead readers more quickly to the information they seek. The first list is chronological; the second alphabetical, arranged according to the most accurate English titles; and the third is a simple classification of Swedenborg’s works, in which his titles are grouped by types of writing: (1) Anatomy and Physiology, (2) Concordances and Indexes, (3) Engineering, Math- ematics, and Science, (4) Literary, Letters, and Poetry, (5) Personal, including Travels, (6) Philosophy and Psychology, (7) Political Economy, Commerce and Finance, Industry and Manufacturing, (8) Preparatory or Pre-theological Works, and (9) Theology, Bible Exegesis, and Visionary Experiences. Some works have been listed under more than one of these headings. Perhaps the most useful change will prove to be the greatly expanded index. A major part of the outbreak in publishing men- tioned above is the many new titles that have been added to Part 2, the section on collateral literature. To expedite finding a title, all collateral literature is indexed both under author name and title of the work, whether it is a published book or a dissertation or thesis.
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