CDW CONSULTANTS, INC. CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS April 30, 2020 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100 Mail Code OEP06-4 Boston, MA 02109-3912 ATTN: Remediation General Permit NOI Processing Re: Notice of Intent for Remediation General Permit 263 Monsignor O’Brien Highway, Cambridge, MA 1 McGrath Highway, Somerville, MA CDW Project # 1476.10 To Whom It May Concern: CDW Consultants, Inc. (CDW) is submitting this Notice of Intent (NOI) on behalf of Somerbridge Hotel, LLC for a Remediation General Permit (RGP) under EPA’s National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The RGP is required to discharge groundwater encountered during construction activities for development of a new hotel at the above-referenced site. Construction activities will take place on a property which consists of two parcels of land (the “Site”), one in Cambridge, MA and one in Somerville, MA, totaling approximately 0.75 acres (32,670 square feet). The parcel at 263 Monsignor O’Brien Highway is shown on the City of Cambridge Assessor’s Maps as Parcel 7-35 and is also known as 241 and 245 Monsignor O’Brien Highway. The second parcel is known as Parcel 115-B-8 on the City of Somerville Assessor’s Maps, and is located at 1 McGrath Highway in Somerville, MA. The property is listed as a disposal site under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan and has been listed as one since December 1993 and again in February 1995 with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) under Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3-10317 and 3- 10852, respectively. Known contaminants in groundwater at the Site include non-chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), petroleum hydrocarbons, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), poly-chlorinated biphenyl’s (PCB’s), and heavy metals. The VOCs, petroleum, and PCB’s were likely attributed to the historical use of reconditioning used metal drums which included cleaning, rinsing, and repainting the barrels. In addition, a portion of the site served as a gasoline station starting in 1967 until approximately 1988. The dewatering is occurring in conjunction with a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) and EPA TSCA Risk Based Cleanup Plan to manage contaminated soils during excavations for the building foundations and utilities. 6 Huron Drive, Natick, MA 01706 508-875-265 www.cdwconsultants.com To obtain more updated groundwater quality, CDW collected groundwater samples for VOCs, total metals, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), total phenols, chloride, total cyanide, total suspended solids (TSS), total residual chlorine (TRC), trivalent chromium, hexavalent chromium, 1,4-dioxane, EDB, and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) (Table 1). Our proposed groundwater treatment system for this project consists of a frac tank and bag filters to remove suspended solids along with dual carbon treatment units, and ion resin exchange filter and a cartridge filter before entering a catch basin in Monsignor O’Brien Highway and ultimately discharging to the Charles River. Dewatering will be intermittent and will not be encountered at all locations during construction. CDW reviewed online databases including the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (NHESP), Massachusetts Geographical Information Systems (MassGIS), Cambridge GIS Viewer, and Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information Viewer (MACRIS). Based on these findings, the Site and the location of proposed discharge, do not appear to be located within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (Appendix A). Historical Site information from MACRIS showed that there is a historical location listed at the Site, a Boston and Lowell Railroad Retaining Wall from the 19th century. At this time, CDW’s opinion is that dewatering of the Site will not affect the retaining wall (Appendix C). In addition to the NOI application form, we have attached: ñ Figure 1A: Water Flow Schematic and Discharge Location ñ Figure 1B: Water Flow Schematic and Discharge Location ñ Figure 2: Water Treatment System Schematic ñ Figure 3: MassDEP Priority Resource Map ñ Appendix A: Endangered Species Act Documentation ñ Appendix B: StreamStats Flow Statistics Report ñ Appendix C: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information Report ñ Appendix D: Effluent Limitations Calculations Table 1: Influent & Effluent Data Table ñ Contest Analytical Influent Data Report ñ Contest Analytical Effluent Data Report Please call if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, CDW CONSULTANTS, INC. Shelby Amsel Environmental Scientist cc: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Division of Watershed Management 205B Lowell Street, Wilmington MA, 01887 MAG910000 Appendix IV – Part 1 – NOI NHG910000 Page 14 of 24 II. Suggested Format for the Remediation General Permit Notice of Intent (NOI) A. General site information: 1. Name of site: Site address: Street: City: State: Zip: 2. Site owner Contact Person: Telephone: Email: Mailing address: Street: Owner is (check one): □ Federal □ State/Tribal □ Private City: State: Zip: □ Other; if so, specify: 3. Site operator, if different than owner Contact Person: Telephone: Email: Mailing address: Street: City: State: Zip: 4. NPDES permit number assigned by EPA: 5. Other regulatory program(s) that apply to the site (check all that apply): □ MA Chapter 21e; list RTN(s): □ CERCLA □ UIC Program NPDES permit is (check all that apply: □ RGP □ DGP □ CGP □ NH Groundwater Management Permit or □ POTW Pretreatment □ MSGP □ Individual NPDES permit □ Other; if so, specify: Groundwater Release Detection Permit: □ CWA Section 404 MAG910000 Appendix IV – Part 1 – NOI NHG910000 Page 15 of 24 B. Receiving water information: 1. Name of receiving water(s): Waterbody identification of receiving water(s): Classification of receiving water(s): Receiving water is (check any that apply): □ Outstanding Resource Water □ Ocean Sanctuary □ territorial sea □ Wild and Scenic River 2. Has the operator attached a location map in accordance with the instructions in B, above? (check one): □ Yes □ No Are sensitive receptors present near the site? (check one): □ Yes □ No If yes, specify: 3. Indicate if the receiving water(s) is listed in the State’s Integrated List of Waters (i.e., CWA Section 303(d)). Include which designated uses are impaired, and any pollutants indicated. Also, indicate if a final TMDL is available for any of the indicated pollutants. For more information, contact the appropriate State as noted in Part 4.6 of the RGP. 4. Indicate the seven day-ten-year low flow (7Q10) of the receiving water determined in accordance with the instructions in Appendix V for sites located in Massachusetts and Appendix VI for sites located in New Hampshire. 5. Indicate the requested dilution factor for the calculation of water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) determined in accordance with the instructions in Appendix V for sites in Massachusetts and Appendix VI for sites in New Hampshire. 6. Has the operator received confirmation from the appropriate State for the 7Q10and dilution factor indicated? (check one): □ Yes □ No If yes, indicate date confirmation received: 7. Has the operator attached a summary of receiving water sampling results as required in Part 4.2 of the RGP in accordance with the instruction in Appendix VIII? (check one): □ Yes □ No C. Source water information: 1. Source water(s) is (check any that apply): □ Contaminated groundwater □ Contaminated surface water □ The receiving water □ Potable water; if so, indicate municipality or origin: Has the operator attached a summary of influent Has the operator attached a summary of influent □ A surface water other sampling results as required in Part 4.2 of the RGP sampling results as required in Part 4.2 of the than the receiving water; if in accordance with the instruction in Appendix RGP in accordance with the instruction in so, indicate waterbody: □ Other; if so, specify: VIII? (check one): Appendix VIII? (check one): □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No MAG910000 Appendix IV – Part 1 – NOI NHG910000 Page 16 of 24 2. Source water contaminants: a. For source waters that are contaminated groundwater or contaminated b. For a source water that is a surface water other than the receiving water, potable water surface water, indicate are any contaminants present that are not included in or other, indicate any contaminants present at the maximum concentration in accordance the RGP? (check one): □ Yes □ No If yes, indicate the contaminant(s) and with the instructions in Appendix VIII? (check one): □ Yes □ No the maximum concentration present in accordance with the instructions in Appendix VIII. 3. Has the source water been previously chlorinated or otherwise contains residual chlorine? (check one): □ Yes □ No D. Discharge information 1.The discharge(s) is a(n) (check any that apply): □ Existing discharge □ New discharge □ New source Outfall(s): Outfall location(s): (Latitude, Longitude) Discharges enter the receiving water(s) via (check any that apply): □ Direct discharge to the receiving water □ Indirect discharge, if so, specify: □ A private storm sewer system □ A municipal storm sewer system If the discharge enters the receiving water via a private or municipal storm sewer system: Has notification been provided to the owner of this system? (check one): □ Yes □ No Has the operator has received permission from the owner to use such system for discharges? (check one): □ Yes □ No, if so, explain, with an estimated timeframe for obtaining permission: Has the operator attached a summary of any additional requirements the owner of this system has specified? (check one): □ Yes □ No Provide the expected start and end dates of discharge(s) (month/year): Indicate if the discharge is expected to occur over a duration of: □ less than 12 months □ 12 months or more □ is an emergency discharge Has the operator attached a site plan in accordance with the instructions in D, above? (check one): □ Yes □ No MAG910000 Appendix IV – Part 1 – NOI NHG910000 Page 17 of 24 2. Activity Category: (check all that apply) 3. Contamination Type Category: (check all that apply) a. If Activity Category I or II: (check all that apply) □ A. Inorganics □ B. Non-Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds □ C.
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