Ennerdale & Kinniside Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Susan Denham-Smith, Routen Farm, Ennerdale, Cleator, Cumbria, CA23 3AU. Tel: 01946 861270 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20 September 2017 in St Mary’s Church Ennerdale Bridge Present Cllrs Denham-Smith (MD-S) – Chairman Councillors Ric Outhwaite (RO), Chris Ayling (CA), Bridget Johns (BJ), Muir Lachlan (ML), Ian Topping (IT), Cath McMullen (CM) Also in attendance Susan Denham-Smith – Clerk (SDS), Cllr Arthur Lamb – Cumbria County Council (AL), Minute Item ACTION Number 048/09/17 Apologies for Absence Resolved: • Cllr John Dirom (Copeland Borough Council) - clash with another meeting. 049/09/17 Declarations of Interest Resolved: that the following Declarations of Interest were disclosed: Cllr MD-S - the Clerk’s employment, pay and expenses. Cllrs ML, RO, CA, IT and BJ - The Gather/Hub 050/09/17 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on 12 July 2017 Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting of Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish Council held on 12 July 2017 be corrected with the revised date of the next meeting as 20 September from 13 September and then confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 051/09/17 Co-option of new Councillor No new candidates have come forward. Resolved: To continue the search for a new Councillor. All 052/09/17 Public Participation There were no issues raised by the public 053/09/17 Cumbria County Council Update (Arthur Lamb) This slot was originally raised on the Agenda as Cllr John Dirom (CBC) who was unable to attend. Arthur is the Cumbria County Councillor for Cleator Moor and Frizington Ward There was nothing of note to report that impacted the Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish 22 2017/2018 054/09/17 Progress Reports A: Clerk’s Update Resolved: that the Clerk’s Report be accepted with the following actions to be completed: • Household Emergency Plan Leaflets (034/07/17) have been personalised by ACTion in Cumbria and enough provided for a letter drop to all the houses in the Parish. Cllr Lachlan will co- ML ordinate the distribution to all houses, either by door to door delivery with help from all Councillors or via the Contact Magazine distribution network. Below is a list of correspondence received between meetings requiring resolution: Date Correspondence Resolved: 19/7/17 Openreach – Wayleave Clerk to pay cheque in to the bank SDS payment 26/7/17 CCC Cumbria Design No action required, as Design Guide Guide Consultation is primarily to inform planners in response required by 4 towns. Sept CALC aware of date problem 28/7/17 BDO – Issue with the To accept that BDO (Auditors) had Asset Register cost value raised a qualified issue, that the from last year as figures for the 2015/6 audit for presented on the Audit assets (Box 9) in the 2016/17 audit (box 9) should have been also presented at cost. As the Asset Register is now presented with “cost values”, going forward, no further action is required. 28/7/17 AON Insurance provider To be aware we may need to shop change to BHIB from around for a different insurer next year (renewal date 1 June 2018) 3/8/17 Cumbria Constabulary Cllr Lachlan had filed a return and policing survey (for commented that he had pointed out everybody) reply by 31 that the 101 service took more than August extension 10 Sept 20 minutes to answer. Cllr McMullen commented that this has an impact on farmers being able to, successfully report damage to live- stock on the Cold Fell road. No further Action was required. 9/8/17 CALC 3-tier meeting 14 No-one could attend. Sept 2017 Millom 14/8/17 Police Survey reminder See 3/8/17 above (Muir responded) 15/8/17 CALC Data Protection No Action required currently. Legislation 16/8/17 CALC – CCC Design See 26/7/17 above. Guide Consultation reminder 17/8/17 CALC – Action in Cllr Denham-Smith to attend and Cumbria CLP event liaise with Fran Richardson MDS regarding content and timing. 28/8/17 Phone call Parishoner re See Highways/Lengthsman below hedge cutting and 23 2017/2018 potholes issues (road to Cat How CA23 3ES) 7/9/17 CBC Consultation public No further action required. spaces/dog control 10/9/17 Forward notice of Clerk to draft letter expressing the proposal for planning Parish Council’s support for an application on behalf of extension of time to keep the SDS Yeathouse Waste Yeathouse Quarry Waste recycling Recycling Centre Centre open. Frizington GP Planning 15/9/17 Complaint (in person) of Discussed that there was little action dog muck on Sawdust the council could take as it is Lonning/Bleach Green Forestry/UU land. Path Cllr Topping to print out reminder notices for people to clear up after their dogs (the “Dog Poo Fairy posters”). Planning Correspondence received between meetings: Planning Applications, Reference: 7/2017/4049 Location: The Ennerdale Mill Proposal: Demolition of Ennerdale Mill, Mill House and associated Piggeries returning to grassland habitat Reply by: 14/8/17 Replied on the 14/8/17 with objections on the on the following grounds: 1) it has not been demonstrated that the previously approved scheme for the conversion and re-use of the buildings cannot be achieved and that demolition is necessary. In August 2012 these buildings were considered capable of conversion and re-use following a structural engineer's survey (planning reference for the previous application was 7/2011/4063). Demolition of the Mill building, in particular, will destroy a building of local historical significance and we believe, the house and the piggeries are still in a state capable of restoration and/or re-use, 2) that the proposal to temporarily close the public footpath from behind Crag Farm House, running west and down to the footbridge over the River Ehen is excessive and will cause a loss (albeit temporarily) of a popular public right of way to access the area of woodland and the paths up onto Crag Fell and down to the river. The only temporary closure that might be required would be from Grike to the footbridge. Reference: 7/2017/4064 Location: 1 Lizza Brow, Kinniside, CA23 3ER Proposal: Erection of single storey double domestic garage and boat shed Reply by: 28/9/17 Replied with “No Objections” 7/9/17 Reference: 7/2017/4069 Location: The Ennerdale Centre, Ennerdale Bridge, Cleator, CA23 3AR Proposal: Variation of condition nos 10, 5 and 9 on planning approval ref 7/2015/4093 relating to details of external lighting; and 24 2017/2018 amended landscaping and parking and turning areas Reply by: 05-Oct-2017 Some councillors commented that they had not received notice of application 4069. This may have been because we have changed from paper copies to electronic. There was also discussion of the difficulty of being quarate and impartial with the decision due to the Pecunary and Non-pecunary Interest held by many members of the Council who hold shares in the The Hub Ltd Resolved: • Clerk to resend the link to the Planning application 4069. Replies to SDS/ALL be sent and copied to all Councillors by email. Cllr Denham-Smith to propose a decision on a reply. • Clerk to discuss with CALC how to set up Pecuniary Interest Register SDS and how to deal with conflicts of interest which result in the Council being non-quarate. Notice of Grant of Planning Permission – Granted/Refused Reference: 7/2017/4044 Field no 8356, Kinniside,CA23 3AG Proposal: Agricultural Building Application Granted. 055/09/17 B: Defibrillator Project (Cllrs Outhwaite/Johns) Following a discussion with Arlecdon &District First Responders we have been donated a defibrillator, as theirs have been updated. The defibrillator comes with its 5 year warranty. Lamplugh PC also now have a defibrillator sited at Kirkland Mission. The Ennerdale defibrillator is currently in the office at The Shepherds Arms. Keith has agreed to have the box mounted on the outside of the Shepherds (Norman Stansfield, the Landlord, has also agreed). It does however require a cabinet, which costs between £400 - £800. The more expensive versions are attached to the electricity supply to keep the battery warm. NW ambulance service have been made aware of the location of the defibrillator for 999 emergency callers. Defibrillator signs can be put on village signs, however Cumbria County Council make a charge for signs – approx £30 (x 3 signs is a total of £90). Resolved: • Request a written quote for the box. RO • Cllr Lamb to petition CCC regarding reducing/waiving the costs AL of the signage • Provision had been made in the budget this year (£1000) for the defibrillator project. On-going management/maintenance costs to be considered in the forthcoming budget. 056/09/17 C: Grike Cottage (Cllr Outhwaite) LDNP are satisfied that the building materials are not blocking the path. They will be taking action to have the items attached to the sign 25 2017/2018 removed on the grounds that the sign could be obscured and to prevent damage to the sign. Discussion about the land-ownership resolved that: the building materials were being stored on private land, were not obstructing a Right of Way and there was no further action required of the Parish Council 057/09/17 D: Community Led Planning and Resillience Planning – (Cllr Johns/ Cllr Denham-Smith) Cllr Johns presented Council with a mock up for design and style of the Community Led Plan (CLP). This, along with the full content, (text and tables) will be sent to: Cumbria County council – Maria Hewitt Copeland Borough Council – Sarah Mitchell LDNPA – Rebecca Cathey for formal consultation.
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