Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-11-1940 Bee Gee News December 11, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December 11, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 565. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/565 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 87 SIGNED DIPLOMAS ENTER THE WIN FREE PASSES Bee Gee News ESSAY CONTEST Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXV.—Z551 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, DECEMBER 11, 1940 NO. 12 Smith Announces Full Gist Free Passes! $4,080 In Prizes Offered There's a diploma on the in- of Vane's "Outward Bound" side for you! If it is signed by Clark Young, manager of the local theaters, it will entitle you In National Essay Contest Experienced Actors Headed By Freeman, Nordmann, to a FREE TICKET to Kay Kuhl, D'Ataro, Start Rehearsals; Fantasy Will Kyser's new show, "You'll Find Be Given Three Nighs—Jan. 15, 16, 17 Out," playing at the Cla-Zel Sun- CHRISTMAS SEALS day and Monday. Bee Gee News, Debate Club Each paper this week con- Rehearsals for "Outward Bound," the University Players' tains a ''Kay Kyser" diploma. forthcoming production, were started this week. The complete Twenty-five are signed by Mr. east was announced last Thursday by Director Elden T. Smith, Young, giving the bearers free Offer Three Local Awards admission to his new show. s|«ech instructor. The show is the first mystery Actors and actresses selected to take the rolls in Sutton Subject Is "Next Decade In American Foreign Policy;" musicalical. Kay, the 01' Profes- Vane's unusual fantasy are: SIT. is a syncopating sleuth. William And Mary College, Original Sponsors, ■ * Scrubby Joe Nordmnnn Spooks and horror gadgets are To Give Regional And National Honors Langley Joe Freeman augmented by the unholy trio, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff and Juniors Will Give Thompson James Echols Bela Lugosi. Ginny Simms sings Students of Bowling Green State University are eligible for Mrs. Midget Cecelia Rohrs and Helen Parrish and Dennis Seniors Best Prom u slice of the $4,080 in local and national cash prizes offered for Mrs. Clivedon O'Keefe are in the romantic CHRISTMAS ± Yet-Prexy Mason Banks Marjorie Lc Valley leads. the best essay on "Next Decade of American Foreign Policy" in Ann Eulalah Moellmati The offer was arranged by the a contest sponsored by William and Mary College of Virginia. Henry Michael D'Asaro Bee Gee News with the local Any student enrolled in the University is eligible for com- Class Gets Increased Budget Rev. Duke Lawrence Kuhi theaters. The diploma must be petition. A faculty committee of nine has been appointed by For Annual Dance Feb. Tom Prior Bob Sealock presented at the ticket window. President Frank J. Prout to adviso 22; Committees Named Joe Nordmann, a sophomore from 4e/p to Protect Your and to discuss the problem with par- Bowling Green, has appeared on the p A A Ar-. PW»fv Holt Plans 3,000 ticipants. Joint student-faculty con- stage playing character V».i"a,./"a,. ntca L/^-iy Horn* from Tuberculosis sultation is encouraged according to "We are expecting to have the University .tap 11 ur Town." "The Royal' Mile Group Tour the official rules, Dr. S. II. Lowrie, biggest andid best Junior-Seniori™ -'.,".', « M Fam,1 and Black Cats And the history of the, >- Margin For Error.'' chairman, said. Prom in During Vacation $30 In Local Prises school," was the statement made, Joe Freeman, senior from Sandus- Athletes Honored At k Broken Mirrors by Don Mason, president of the >'- »PI«ar«l 'n "Room Service last Tell dollars each will 1M> awarded junior-class, in an exclusive in- »Vr\ng. Raines EchoU is a freshman Chapel This Morning Trip To Southland, Florida by the Bee Gee News and the Debate Club for the three best essays of 3,600 terview, recently. from Sundusky. Cecelia Rohrs, Will Take Final Ground Open To All; Will freshman, is from Hicksvillc. The men's physical education de- words each written by students on "Committees are being named School Exam On Take 10 Days Marjorie Le Valley is a sophomore partment will have charge of the the campus. and initial plans are being formulated Friday 13 Colleges and Universities all over al this early date," he continued, "so from Sandusky. Eulah Moellman, chapel program this niorning, accord- ing to Warren K. Steller, head of the A 3000-mile tour of Florida the United States have been divided that we can give a prom in honor of j freshman from Fremont, appeared in Showing rude disregard for all [lepartment. and the Southland has been into districts for national and re- seniors that is truly the highlight of "Margin For Error." Michael D - superstitions, black cats and broken planned for the holidavs, accord- Asaro, sophomore from Bcllevue, was The varsity football, freshman gional competition, Rowling Green is the social season." mirrors, the students enrolled in the ing to Prof. W. P. Holt of the in "Room Service." football, and cross country teams and In district V, which includes Ohio, Increased Budget Civil Aeronautics Authority flying geography and geology depart- Indiana, and Michigan. Nine re- managers will be given awards by To back up this statement. Presi- Lawrence Kuhl, sophomore from course will take their final ground ment. gional prizes of 1300 will be awarded the coaches. of the respective teams. dent Mason pointed out that the Cleveland, had one of the lead roles school test on Friday 13. The test The group will go through the by William and Mary Collogo spon- class waa receiving 60 dollars more in the last University Player's pro- will be given by Mr. Bohman. the The Foreign Language department Blue Grass Region. Cumberland sors. from the social committee than any duction, "Margin for Error." Robert state C. A. A. inspector. will give a Christmas program at Gap. and the Great Smoky Mountains National Prise it $4SO previous class had received and this, Seaiock a , gophomore from Spring- This test, if passed successfully, chapel next Wednesday morning. The If the weather permits.^ The return In national competition, three along with the money from the sale'... will entitle the student to tuke his program will consist of a pageant and trip will be by a different route, tak- prizes of $450 each will be awarded. of bids, which will be sold for twol tinal flight test. The results of both Christmas songs in French, German, ing them by the way of Atlanta, Look- There will be three judges, national- dollars, will make a fund large enough I "Outward Bound" will be presented these examinations to determine Bulgarian, Spanish, and English. It out Mountain, and other points of ly known men, for the regional and to insure a good band and a well on January 15. 16, and 17. This is is under the direction of Miss Caorl- th whether or not the student will ob- interest. three for the national contests. The rounded program. e second time in the history of the tain his privet pilot's license. The ing Nielsen and Miss Grace Tressel. They will go by special chartered judges will be announced. bus on Friday night, December 20, The committee, appointed by the Although the date for the affair b JSSon ^ " *F "'" M ""!?!.*" test will contain fifty questions on set for Feb. 22 the committees are ^ three consecutive nights. "The meteorology and twenty-live ques- and will return January 1. The total President, includes Dr. S. H. Lowrie. expected to start functioning when Taming of the Shrew last spring ,,,- cost of first class transportation, in- Dr. B. F. Nordmann, Dean Ralph G. ed tions on air navigation. The C. A. A. school convene, after the Christmas J°>' » successful three-mght run. Freeman Elected cluding bridge tolls will not exceed Harshman, Dr. Gilbert Cooke, Dean Plans an- being made for a Bowling students from Finillay will also be ri't-"T-s. $45, Professor Holt said. Special A. Wrey Warner, Dr. Charles A. Green Night" on Jan. IB, the pst-l^*;"* ,:° take thuir •""•"■Ma* Kohl Hall Prexy Committees Appointed ut thl tlme rates for first class hotels will be ap- Barrel!. Prof. Upton Palmer, Prof. formance on that night to be under< " proximately $1.00 a day for ten days. The arrangements will be under the sponsorship of the Woman's Club.' Major J. K. ttaney also announces W. S. Huffman and Prof. John the direction of Roger Gifford. who I that applications for next semesters Joe Freeman, senior ,was elected Among the outstanding places in Schwarz. will serve as general chairman. Other Civilian Pilot Training course will president of Kohl Hall, and Jim Florida that will be visited are St. This committee will be available to committees and their chairmen are: University Host be available within the next few days. Shawkeir, sophomore, was BanMd vice- Augustine, the oldest city in the interested students in a meeting to- Quentin Bowers, chairman. Ralph Rot- It will be to the advantage of every- president in the annual election hald United States. Palm Beach, Sarusota, night at 7 p. m. in room 301A and zel, June Reed and Mary Lou Maur- To Debate Tourney one concerned if the candidates get lust week.
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