Rainy Rainy periods and mild today and tonight. Fair, cooler to- Ked Bank, Freehold FINAL morrow. Sunny, mild Friday. Ijong Branch EDITION 9 Monntoutli County ® Outstanding Home; Newspaper 30 PAGES VOL.94 NO.71 RED BANK, N..T, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6.1971 TENCEPiTS County Jail Operation Condemned by Experts By WILLIAM J. ZAOnSKI many maximum security in- rect them, but it speaks criti- Mr. Davis said there was no stitutions throughout the cally .of some o( the practices organized training program at FREEHOLD - Two jail country. in the jail. the jaii to meet the problems consultants who spent a week Action Pledged Listed as having the highest that exist in the jail's daily at the county jail were critical At a news conference yes- priority was the training of operations and. the adminis- of the operation of the $3.1 " terday Sheriff Paul Kiernan, the staff in the use of the trative or management areas. million facility, noting in par- who is responsible for the op- security features of the jail. Concerning training pro- ticular that there were no con- eration of the jail, said at first In his findings, Mr. Davis grams, he said, "These are trols over guns in the jail ar- he did not disagree with any saidi "In the area of in- practically nonexistent at this mory or knives in the kitchen. of the recommendations in the stitutional operation the basic institution. At least no forma- The salient findings seemed report—but later he did. How- problem lies in the correction-, lizedi training schedules or to be that there are no forma- ever, he promised to imple- al staff failing to fully under- programs could be found that Jized training programs for ment as many of them as pos- stand or to use effectively the would indicate new employes correction officers, no train- sible. abundance of security mea- are being properly in- ing on firearms and that the Freeholder Director Joseph sures available to them." The doctrinated. No evaluation of officers don't know how to use C. Irwin said he could not. transition from the old jail to • any employes' performance the security features of the fa- take exception to the report the new one demands new so- was being made and no in-ser- cility in Freehold Township which was prepared by Stew- lutions for old procedures, he vice training programs were which opened September, art K. Reeves and Henry J. said. being conducted. • 1970. Davis, assigned by the Ameri> Ml utilization of employes "Post orders, that should However, the two experts can Correctional Association is not being obtained under justify and outline the duties said in their report, released under the state Law Enforce- the present staffing structure, of each position, did not exist yesterday by the county ment Assistance Adminis- Sheriff Paul Kiernan he said. "The security fea- so that employes relied On Board of Freeholders, that the tration. and of its security features, tures of the institution are not verbal instructions to fit the jail contains security features . Basically the report speaks noting a few faults and mak- being used to their full poten- contingencies of the moment." that would be the envy of highly of the jail construction ing recommendations to cor- tial." Sec Experts, Page 2 Broad-to-River Vote Near By BEN VAN VLIET Register Staff photo RED BANK — Some things LOVE CONQUERS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard St. John of Port AAonmouth just seem to linger forever. have reunion in Riverview Hospital/ Red Bank, where bridegroom is Take, for example, the re- being treated for head injuries suffered early Friday in Staten island. latively simple idea of open- AUto accident occurred on eve of couple's wedding, which went off with- ing up the end of Broad St. to out a hitch in bridegroom's home, just before he was admitted to hospital. expose the Navesink River. For at least 80 years this concept has been in existence and, aside from periodic dis- cussion, nothing has ever been done. Wedding Date Kept But this year the long-stand- ing, and controversial idea hopefully will be settled one way or the other. For the first time, the ques- By Injured Groom tion will be on the ballot, and both sides are hoping for a By FLORENCE BRUDEIt ception; then a call came land on Saturday and take clear cut opinion from a ma- early Friday morning from. him home. jority of the borough's 6,000 RED BANK - The bride Richmond Memorial Hospital, "It was there he donned his voters. Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge Mrs. Katharine Elkus White Joseph C. Irwin Daniel J. O'Hern was beautiful in white sat- Staten Island to Richard's tuxedo," Pam recalled, "and O'llera in Gamble • in.. .the groom was hand- home, 17 Mercer St., Port told me to get into my bridal Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern is personal contacts and the and businessman, and Mrs. Burdge, 46 Hilltop Ter., a for- Leon Reussllle Jr., Daniel some in white adhesive Monmouth, that he's been in- gown and get the wedding the man who has decided to mailing of a brochure. Katharine Elkus White of Red mer Republican councilman. Tuller, and Joseph Sand. tape—but the wedding went jured in an auto accident. party in order. I did—and the bring the question to a head, In an effort to take the pro- Bank, a former borough may- Other members of the com- Dr. Burdge said interest in on as scheduled.. .and today, "We rushed up there," said Rev. William Bisgrove, for- and he may be staking his po- posal out of politics, Mayor or, and former U.S. ambassa- mittee are Bernard B. Fijian, the project stems from "an Pamela Pritchard Root of his father, "to find his ear had • merly of New Monmouth, litical fortunes on it, as well who serves as treasurer, old desire on the part of many Leonardo is Mrs. Richard St. came and performed the cere- O'Hern has gotten major dor to Denmark. gone out of control, he'd hit a as his party's tenuous control spokesmen for both political Mrs. White is a Democrat Frank Allocca, Miss Abble V. to open the end of Broad St. to John, and the honeymoon is .pole and was suffering head mony." of the Borough Council. •Strickland, Mrs. Rosemary the river." only slightly delayed. , parties to serve as honorary and Mr. Irwin is a Republi- and facial injuries." Her bridesmaids and flower Mayor O'Hern won election chairmen. can. Kopka, Miss Louise McCue, He said the concept is not to It began this way: Richard Determination Wins girl were in rainbow colors to a four-year term last year They are Monmouth County Burdge Leads Unit Richard Johnson, Mr. and extend Broad St. down to Ma- and Pam had been friends for Pam added, "Richard was and the groomsmen were and part of his platform was Freeholder Director Joseph jyirs. Norman Lee, Mrs. Roger rine Park, but rather to ex- properly attired. They were Named as chairman of the years and recently they de- determined to go through with the Broad St.-to-the-river C. Irwin, a Red Bank resident committee is Dr. Lawrence R." Squire, Joseph T. Grause, See Broad, Page 2 cided to get married and our wedding/'. , married, amid a flurry of. question, which he promised move to Florida. So the family got the Port flowers and bandages. to place on the November bal- Invitations were issued for Monmouth First Aid Squad to The maid of honor was lot. ', ' Saturday's wedding and re- remove him from Staten Is- Sec Hurt, Page 2 He was elected, and lie had the question put on the ballot, over the objections of two of Council Unit Set the Republican members of By DORIS KULMAN help..." but denied allega- the council. when it learned that all three have a broad cross-section of representatives of providers representation." tions that they had "packed" Proponents of Federal Council Is Split EATONTOWN - Apparent- elected from Monmouth were J. Robert Lackey is director last month's meeting. He said The mayor, a Democrat, ly there's nothing like the chiropractors. of the state Health Planning the chiropractors were inter- had the support of the three election of a chiropractor to Not Broad-Based Agency. ested only in assuring "the Democratic councilmen, and bring out the medical set. That's not broad-based rep- The chiropractors at one consumer free one Republican. The council A crowd estimated at more resentation.as required by the time had considered going to choice... every time the me- Pay Hikes Pessimistic is split 3-3 with control going than 500 overflowed the Mon- state's guidelines, the state court to defend their election dical profession controls|1'any- to the Democrats by virtue of I mouth Shopping Center civic HPC said. tlilng, we get left out..." WASHINGTON (AP) — way to permit government government employes and the mayor's tie-breaking vote. but have dropped that idea, Senators trying to nullify employes to get whatever pay military personnel. auditorium last night for the About 100 persons attended Dr. Kaplan said. , Last night's meeting got off Mayor O'Hern has been a second election to name three last month's meeting. to a swift start with the elec- President Nixon's post- raises are allowed in the pri- However, either the Senate staunch advocate of the proj- Last night's crowd wasn't ponement of a federal pay vate sector under the Presi- et0 representatives of providers The three persons elected unexpected.
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