"How a Man Ought to Die"

"How a Man Ought to Die"

PASTORAL T HEOLOGY Funeral 3 SUBJECT------------------- E.F~----- CLASSIFICATION: TEXT----"P~hil~·~·~l~:~21=---------------­ --EXPOSITORY --BIOGRAPHICAL TITLE-=--"H_o_w_A_M_A_N_o_u_o_H_T_T_O_D_I_E'_'------- --TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READINv--------------- ---DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: Dr. Escal Duk 12-8-98 San Angelo, TX Freo ti. Hali liJ-i:'i-lHI ;:san Angeio, '.L' X t 11..>1.x++++J; ,, ,, T,..ylo " H~l-ty J- ~f- ~~ " Frank: Jvnell IO-l!J-.JoD 1, ,, I/ It fl O~P /t4~-bi11 lj-·"'Jt ~CP/ \1 .. tjeRA.~ J"~ 5"--")-iU,J ,, V ,''1 I( 1, /f'/-4P>,/ K Huirr r- -~ lf ~ J<7,tJ?; £tt:1a~ I :.JJ KB1i11 B0r- 111.,~1s BIBLIOGRAPHY________________________________ _ SUBJECT·----~E~I~JN~E~B~A~T~,--------------- E,F- - -=-3 ---- CLASSIFICATION: TEXT·-----~P~h~1~·1~·~._1,!c_L:~2~1___________ _ XX PASTORAL THEOLOGY --==-EXPOSITORY - - BIOGRAPHICAL - -TEXTUAL ---TOPICAL --- DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: R.C. Kelly . 9/20/61 XXX** Briggs · 6/27/65 XXX'l++ Lloyd Eaton 11/8/65 BC, Ponca City, 0 {XXX++) Foster Estil 2/20/66 BC, " {XXX++) Irby McGlann r y 5/6/66 BC, " " (XXX++) Eva McJunkin 11/4/67 BC, II 11 {XXX+++) "Doc" Shafer · 3/8/69 BC, " " {XXX·H+) Elmer Henson 6/9/69 onca City {XXXH·+) J.W. Loftin · 5/19/71 kla. City, Okla {XXX+++) Mrs. K. Morg n 8/11/71 an Angelo, Tx. (XXX++) John Mills 6/13/72 an Angelo, Tx. {XXX+++) Mrs. Wickers 2m 9/2/72 an Angelo, Tx. (XXX***) L. H. Stephe s 11/15/72 an Angelo, Tx. (XXX++) ~rs . F .Cornel"son-3/10/ 3 an Angelo, Tx . (XXX++) Mr. Colson 5/14/73 Angelo, Tx. (XXX ) Walter Parrott 4/11/74 Angelo, Tx. Rev. W.A. Fite 9/21/74 BIBLIOGRAPHY ___________San_ Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Mrs. Thomas Head ]2/23 /74 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Mrs. Cummings 9/9/75 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX*) Herman McLaughlin 12/17/75 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX***) Mrs. Loyd (Fern) Thompson 1/19/76 Ponca City, Okla. (XXX+++) Dr. Roy Moon (Clinic Memorial Service) San Angelo, Tx. 9/16/76 Christine Anderson 7/14/77 San Angelo, Tx. T. R. Webb 5/9/78 San Angelo, Tx. Mrs. Francis Redkey 6/2/78 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Olan F. Sheffield 7/19/78 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Mrs. Alice Wilson 3/10/79 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Mrs. Arch Lewis 12/15/79 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Walter Hartman 1/19/80 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) ~rs. Vester Davenport 3/27/80 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX***) Carson Miles 9/27/80 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Arch Lewis, Sr. 12/2/80 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Robert Scott 8/1/81 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX++) Mrs. Huff 11/16/81 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX++) Sam Jones 4/16/82 San Angelo, Tx. (XXX+++) Walter Cork 6/2/82 San Anaeln , Tx. !xxx+++l Mrs. R.K. Cope (Stella)l0jll/82 San Angelo, Tx. Mrs. Lola (Alvin) Bristow 7/11/83 San Angelo, TX (XXX+++) (XXX+++) Mr. o. R. Harvey 12/21/83 San Angelo, TX Mr. Jack McDurmitt 5/15/84 San Angelo, TX PASTORAL THEOLOGY SUBJE(T______ Fu_n_er_al __________ _ E.F 3 CLASSIFICATION: TEXT____ __,P.....,,.· •.....,1...., :2..._I________ ~--- --EXPOSITORY --BIOGRAPHICAL TITLE-------... · w...o ... u,._, ...,4 ... M... 1.... N... a.... II'""'G ...HI .... ....r n.._p,...JL.C.E-" __ .....;_ __ _ --TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READIN,v--------------- ---DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: 8-28--)5 Harril!Lt C-,metery 10 19-95 San Angelo, TX 3-26-96 San Angelo, TX (XXX+ ++); ?-~4-,. ,, ,. " ., ,, ~+-++), '),. -,-t1 _) ,1.-l?-17 /1 (I II (XX)( t-H-1-). J 7~').~17 (_ x:x X-t,;ff-) \ ,ri- 'f1 I\ ,. J t·JI- ?'1 s-tn~'l; s.,....., l).,f"/,, :! SA.v A"'6fl,.C) oc 6/t?iknf'" i &.'fJl.ftj SUBJECT-___.,f~JJ~N~E~R~AL......_ ______________ E.F.- ~ ~--- TEXT __P_hi_·l~·-1~:~2~1 ________________ C~,lfJ~~i~: THEOLOGY --EXPOSITORY --BIOGRAPHICAL TITLc.E---"..LJliu.DuWL-.<:A...._..Mu:A._.NL.T ..,_OL.1.J.u.IG.uh:1...'I.L....-IuP..L...!U..L.Jlu::EL-"---.::;--- - - TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READING, _____________;_ .:....::.. ___ --~DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Resu lts and Comments: Rayford Har is 7-16-92 Ausie Watson ~-: S- 92 San .\ngelo, n : Cliff Pumphr y 7-13-93 San Angelo, TX Dorman Cha man 8-23- 3 San AngeloP. TX Le~ ff o//(5 I -(0· </'f .5,..,_, /t'"fe/~ ,,r x ,.M~le ~ If- C/- '1 'f fl I( IJcy~ p~~e/1 /1111 'l-f- ('f " ,, I/ f,-,""' jii.4//e-lf JO-/tt-lff :S"°A/V A rv o-Fl.i) 7?< ~d:Acf-on S-30-qb­ 5 ArJ AN6e Lo TX IJARtt:t:Err Cw44.r1;/ ~11 OIA~N..> i'- :ir- 1 s­ s kYl lr'>1elo, TX (i,(0,)1;fJi~II to-t'f-95" (X:XX+ ++); SAN A111G-r~, rx ~ wh,'f5"t1t .3 -~-'1 ~ SUBJECT_ _._f~U_N~E~R~A=L=---------------'--- ~ (', ~ TEXT·----=f>"'n"-1:::.-.L.,.;. ~.1~:,.__=---1-=e.=c.:.=..-=-;_;_.:::...::=------~- t I ~ TITLE HOvJ A MAN OUGHT rn t.HE ~ o\~ SCRIPTURE READING·--------------- "1'" ~-;t- DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place ~ Ger"Lruae Myer Sa11 Anq_e_o, C.t< Vaughn Buster San Angelo. l'X ~ Dr . vJ. I . Ar le gFE~ ;:js .:,an Angelo, 'I'X ~ "Pat Murphy 5-9-86 San Angelo, TX J.M. Chastain 7-15-86 San Angelo, TX t R. Y. (Bob) atkins 1 -3-86 ~;rn Ange lo . TX ~ John Faught 4- -25-87 San Angelo, TX Hank !-!orton ~2-17-87 S2.n Angelo, TX Scottie John on 4-14-88 San Angelo, TX L.W. Keilers 7-26-88 San Angelo. TX Ona Jones 11-11-88 San Angelo, TX Julia Wilson 4-13-89 San Angelo, 'i :: James Clatte buck 10-21-89 San Angelo , TX (, I Eula Waggone 5-22-90 San Angelo, TX en...- -/, Dewane "Mike" Cook 5-23-90 San Angelo, TX (XX,'{++++); Ra~Wt'rl4<ffl.~Yi.~k~~c-fts-2~6i-.-+9*0~------ Kenneth Miller 7-23-90 Marshall Jones 8-13-90 Sao Aoe;eJa, TX (XXX+++); Ed Nunnally 9-18-90 San Angelo TX __...._ _ -.Jt....:M!!;'rs. Virgil Jonnie Dell Powell 10-24-90 (XXX.++++); Rev. Harold 8 ~ornelison 11-24-90 San An gelo, TX Les Capterton 2-19-91 San Angelo, TX Loy Gandy 4-11-91 San Angelo, TX Tom Carouthers, Southside Palestine, TX 4-19-91 Dr. Robert Cleere 5-28-91 San Angelo, TX Bill (Willie Mary) Harvey 12-7-91 Raymond Nunn 1992 4-1.. 92 Jessie Lee 5-4-92 ' /\- , ,,, - ..... ,- ., P7• ~7'"'~ 'i. HOW A MAN OUGHT TO DIE· · ~ l f:J:'.!:L #,f-;12. 4- _ ·,.f.5_ 1 ·,.,_3 .f/-".J,- ,.Scripture: hil-. 1: or to me Y is . Christ, and ~ ~ gain.'~ fR11v . /?.'I") . ~ 1 15':_13 ·. {)~I' f,'fr}t-~A Man Ought to D~e : tf.~ ~Bl · · ~~z:¥~- ~i=n =Go~i)so.P.,{ ~~ ~n.. ~~ l I 1;;_ 7 _, ,r 'b~·F~>f- ~,':" ··c... - ~. __ - ::... _ -~.- ~ "Thou wilt keep him in per:. , feet P,eace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he -.- trusteth in thee. 11 . l --11 grace thru .faith are ye saved, & that not of yoursel~ it is a gift of God, not of wks . l east any man should boas11 - .;.."Tlie -just shall live by faith. 11 - S 4 iJ,/lf7=rr;r;t ·, , , I --"I am persu~ded that He is able to keep that which I have , connp.tted ·unto Him., agai:t_1~ t ~ha~ _day_. 11 •. • : . • _ - --Jude 24 ( 1 ·'Now unto him -~at is able to keep you:·_from fal:ling, & to present you~FAULTLESS befort the presence of his glory with exceedipg joy." · - A /1A AI' QeJ:i-..lH!l V-v~ .. ' - - ., . , ,/'L ~ II. "with An Undimed Vision fS,µ,vf /1'8~ ~t ~:-_ - - Num. 13:30 11 And'<6ale6 stilled the people pef9re. Moses & said, Let us go up at~onc~ , & posse~ it; for w~ ~re _well . ~ able to overcome it. 11 .J 1 ', ...,.. - - Num. 14:24 11 But my ser t f I eb, because he had another .. spirit with him, & hath followed me fully, him will I 1 bring into ttie land --wherein to he went • 11 - -ILWS : Like Moses, /ft.It vision o_utstretchedl_,.E~ life. , · Deut. 34:4b 11 1 have caused thee . to see it with thine eyes, - ,: •,;itjut_:t,hou shalt. not go o~er thither. 11 '. • ~ . , -- ' II. In · the Pitch of the Battl~ ~ ~- -r;y, --ffit. 10:22b n~ut he that endureth to the end shall be saved. 11 - -TI Tim. 4:7 11 1 have fotlght a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there ~s laid. u p for me a c o,;m ofI r ight ~pµsne ss •.1 , 1 l ,- I • 1.. q . .. • t1 Learln,('Behind 'T!est 1rnonx That 'W ill Live On . - Rev. 14: 13 11 And I he~rd a voice from heaven saying, · 11 Write Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth: · yea, . saith the Splrit,• that the~ma~_," rest ·from their labo FOR T~:pt ~RKS F0LLO1/ WITH THFM.!!_ /1A7T. -.$_S,'31f-: J/O . - - ILLUS:, d., /· ~i '•j<:1,1.h!;i'.r"'• '···~) ·:.-., f·3,_ P d }-n -~: .. :!)~ ,. ' c ~ ~ . --- :'.·"' ·:. .. ... 1.,-; ) , • , o'-, • •JlL - ~ .; ...._ ... ; 0 . J_?t5. - - I / f ), . V' .,. 'f".. • : . ¥' ..... .. ~ .' \, " ~ t'" \ 1'. 111.. • '_· \ ., ""~ . ·, I I .t . :,.}- ' ...... { I I'- L ,. / ,. J. ,.. .., I ' 11 .I ., t: / _/1 -- l.

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