fusion The Journal of the International PMC Guild Unless there was a Post Office Mishap, along with an issue of Fusion you received the premiere edition of the PMC Guild Annual. I’ll bet you looked at that first, but that didn’t hurt our feelings here at the Journal. We think the book looks great and we hope you agree. A panel of four jurors re- viewed more than 1,000 submis- sions from artists from around the world. Ultimately, jurors chose the work of 56 artists for inclusion in the Annual. A few things worth noting: If you didn’t get in, do not feel bad. The competition was exception- ally stiff. And if you did get in, congratulations. It’s quite an honor. In addition to going to members of the PMC Guild, the Annual also is circulating in Europe and Asia. Mitsubishi, the maker of PMC, bought 1,200 copies for distribution in Japan. Hattie Sanderson was one of the four jurors for the inaugural Annual. She was impressed with the range and quality of the images submitted for review, and said the sheer number of submissions “speaks volumes about the growth of PMC from its humble beginnings ten years ago.” The quality of the work has evolved tremendously, as well. “It is evident that the PMC community is an adventurous group that is willing to experiment and then share ideas. I think the 2007 Annual is a wonderful representation of PMC as it has evolved to this point.” She hopes the Annual serves as inspiration for new ideas and innovations. “I feel the medium will continue to evolve in a way that we can only imagine as 2 more and more artists and craftspeople from all backgrounds embrace PMC,” she said. Autumn 2007 Every member of the Guild complete their set. In addition, will receive a copy of the Annual as the Annuals will be sold to a retail part of their membership package. market through jewelry supply Tim McCreight, Director of companies and online booksellers. Communications for the Guild, Is it too soon to start thinking explained that members who want about Annual Number Two? additional copies will be able to Absolutely not, says McCreight. purchase them at half of the list The timetable and format will price of $14.95. The PMC Guild be similar, but a different jury will publish the Annual each fall will start from scratch to select to highlight the best and most next year’s featured work. Details innovative use of PMC, and about how and when to submit McCreight envisions a time when work for the next Annual can be a full set of Annuals will make an found at the Guild website at impressive testament to the hard www.PMCguild.com/Publications. work of hundreds of artists. He Take a few minutes to enjoy anticipates that as new members the first Annual… then get to join in future years they will want work! to purchase previous editions to Yahoo Metalclay What began from frustration has class. Eager to learn, she bought become a source of pride for Min- a couple of PMC books and nesota artisan Gina Crow. A little managed on her own. more than five years ago, a friend But that only took her so far. showed Crow a pair of earrings Out of frustration, she decided to she had made during a PMC class use the Internet to connect with while on vacation in Iowa. Crow others. She launched the Yahoo was impressed. Metal Clay Group in March 2002. “I couldn’t believe my eyes, This was her first message: and I knew I had to learn how to do this, too,” she said. At the “Welcome and thanks for joining time, that was easier said than the Metal Clay Gallery. I started done. There were only a handful this group to give artisans a place of certified teachers in Minnesota, to share their works of art using and Crow, who lives in the metro metal clay. Why not show off what area of Minneapolis–St. Paul, was can be done with this wonderful unable to locate a convenient clay? Feel free to start a folder of your work in the Files area. I they’ll get. This has been pretty am very new to this myself and consistent over the years.” I’m hoping to learn from other The topics have changed. At members.” first, the discussions were pretty She’s accomplished all that, basic. Now, the discussion spans and more. In five years, the group the spectrum, with contributions has become an international from people who are new to metal forum for metal clay artists, with clay—as was Crow when she began more than 3,000 members. “I re- the group—to those who are member how amazed I was when considered advanced and experts the 100th member joined,” said in the field. Friendships develop, Crow, who maintains the group on contacts are made, ideas shared. a volunteer basis. People open up their lives, as well. Growth was slow at first, but When a member needed support jumped in the past two years. This while going through cancer treat- year alone, there have been about ments, other members organized 10,000 posts. Crow believes the an auction to raise money to help popularity of the group stems with medical expenses. When from the community aspect of that person passed away, the com- the Internet. People who join are munity mourned. willing to share their successes The easy exchange of ideas as well as their failures. There’s a and information fuels the com- democratic nature to the group, munity, Crow said. There are no and also a focus. restrictions, no fees, and no ties “We encourage members to to sponsors. “We’re a free group stay on topic. That way when they accepting members using either come to Yahoo Metal Clay, metal PMC or Art Clay. Our group dis- clay discussions are exactly what cusses metal clay in general, and Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2007 1597 849 1655 1092 886 854 1632 1463 371 2006 1237 1121 1704 1254 859 981 1367 1779 1644 1399 1057 963 2005 658 642 545 579 674 927 1172 1264 593 614 985 664 2004 213 253 239 317 325 429 346 375 372 424 449 322 2003 45 41 69 59 48 111 188 128 90 69 170 143 2002 47 54 27 31 19 54 56 68 47 73 This table shows the number of messages posted on the Yahool Metalclay group each month. It started small in March, 2002 and now regularly averages well over a thousand messages each month. not a particular brand. We’re not thank-you notes and lots of posi- sponsored by any vendors, so the tive feedback from members,” she conversations are open,” she said. said. The group’s first featured In the early days, she read artist was Gordon Uyehara. In every post, but now it is simply March 2006, Uyehara introduced not practical. She reads topics the group’s Monthly Design Chal- of interest to her, and skims lenge. There’s a new theme each the rest to ensure content is ap- month, and members are chal- propriate and on topic. She and lenged to create something based Uyehara monitor new members on the theme. “It encourages us to for content, “but after a couple explore outside our own comfort of appropriate posts they are zones,” said Crow. taken off of moderation.” Yahoo One aspect of the Yahoo provides the means to place mes- Metal Clay Group that has proven sages and pictures, but otherwise especially popular is the monthly has nothing to do with the group featured artist. The monthly beyond selling ads. feature includes an image from Crow works part-time as a the artist and a short bio. The registered nurse, and sets aside featured artist in September was time about twice a month, in Elaine Luther, a leading contem- gatherings with other artist- porary artist and instructor, and friends, to work on her own PMC popular blogger. You can find her art projects. She has no doubt the at www.creativetexturetools.com. future of the group is bright. The Crow spends between 15 and popularity of the group continues 20 hours a month on the group. to surge, right along with the The most time-consuming duty is popularity of metal clay. arranging for featured artists and “Metal clay continues to grow updating the home page. When in popularity. I see the group she began the group, she never growing with it—more members anticipated it taking as much time with more techniques and more as it does, but she has no regrets. ideas to share,” she said. “I am “Knowing that so many people very proud of this group, and benefit from the group keeps me it will be exciting to see how it going. I have received several nice evolves.” An Introduction to Argentium® Sterling Silver® One of the alluring aspects of PMC Eid, she became curious about is its newness. Its very nature is a how she could use it in her work, process of evolution, and jewelers and more specifically, whether it willing to take chances find them- could be used with PMC. While selves experimenting with the many people use PMC and others material to explore different ways employ Argentium® Sterling to make new objects and make Silver, few use both materials familiar objects better. With PMC together.
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