И. Н. Айнутдинова GRAMMAR TIME for law students with short comments, training exercises, tests and much more Под общей редакцией доктора педагогических наук И.Н. Айнутдиновой Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов юридических факультетов вузов часть IV Институт международных отношений, истории и востоковедения/ Отделение Высшая школа иностранных языков и перевода/ Кафедра иностранных языков для социально-гуманитарного направления КФУ Рецензенты: доктор педагогических наук, профессор Э.Р. Хайруллина кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Г.А. Арсланова Айнутдинова И.Н. GRAMMAR TIME for law students (with short comments, training exercises, tests and much more): учеб. пособие по английскому языку для студентов юридических факультетов вузов: в 4 ч./ И.Н. Айнутдинова: под общ. ред. И.Н. Айнутдиновой. – Казань, Изд-во Казан. университета, 2016 – 288 с. GRAMMAR TIME for law students (часть IV) является продолжением серии пособий по грамматике английского языка, состоящей из 4-х частей, для студентов юридических факультетов высшей профессиональной школы. Пособие по грамматике английского языка содержит нормативные разделы грамматики, необходимые для развития навыков и умений по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для неязыковых вузов; содержит краткие теоретические материалы (комментарии и инструкции), комплекс упражнений для аудиторной и самостоятельной (автономной) работы, а также дополнительные разделы по развитию коммуникативных навыков владения иностранным языком в соответствии с образовательными стандартами, установленными для неязыковых вузов РФ, и в соответствии с современной европейской классификацией языковой компетенции по ЯМО (языкам мирового общения). Предполагаемый уровень обучающихся студентов Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate (B1 и B2). Пособие может использоваться для повторения, закрепления и совершенствования грамматических знаний и навыков широким кругом лиц, изучающих английский язык, в том числе для занятий со студентами юридических факультетов вузов или специализированных юридических институтов (бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура), а также как основной и дополнительный образовательный ресурс при обучении студентов, получающих дополнительную квалификацию «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». The Content: Introduction: What is English for Specific Purposes? 4 Your Fourth Term Academic Grammar Syllabus 6 Your Grammar Knowledge Criteria 7 Grammar Rules: Conjunctions 8 Your Training Exercises 10 Test yourself: Revision Test №1 24 Grammar Rules: Prepositions 26 Your Training Exercises 30 It Is Important To Know: Most Common Prepositional Phrases Lists 49 It Is Important To Know: 50 Most Common Phrasal Verbs 54 It Is Important To Know: Most Common Adjectives + Prepositions 58 It Is Important To Know: Most Common Nouns + Prepositions 62 Your Self - assessment Test №1 76 Your Teacher’s assessment Test №1 82 Grammar Rules: Kinds of Sentences/ Patterns of Structure/ Clauses 92 Your Training Exercises 96 It Is Important To Know: Rules and Conventions of Academic Writing 110 It Is Important To Know: Common Errors in Style, Grammar, Punctuation 120 Your Self - assessment Test №2 122 Your Teacher’s assessment Test №2 129 It Is Important To Know: Connecting Words between Clauses 138 Your Irregular Verb Dictionary 140 Grammar Rules: The Mood in English// The Subjunctive Mood 150 Your Training Exercises 154 It Is Important To Know: Set Phrases with the Subjunctive inside 164 Your Training Exercises (continued) 166 Your Self - assessment Test №3 175 Your Teacher’s assessment Test №3 183 Grammar Rules: Conditionals 192 Your Training Exercises 195 Your Self - assessment Test №4 219 Your Teacher’s assessment Test №4 224 Your Final Evaluation Test: Test №5 235 Your Short Glossary of Grammar Terms with 245 English definitions and Russian equivalents Answers and Solutions 257 References – Список использованной литературы 285 What you should now and how you would score 287 Introduction: What is English for Specific Purposes? Based on http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/ From the authors ● ESP (English for Specific Purposes) has been referred to as applied ELT (English language teaching) as the content and aims of any course are determined by the needs of a specific group of learners. ● ESP is often divided into EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and EOP (English for Occupational Purposes). Further sub-divisions of EOP are sometimes made into: business English, professional English (e.g., for doctors, lawyers) and vocational English (e.g., for tourism, nursing, aviation, and bricklaying). ● According to Dudley-Evans (2001) the absolute characteristics of ESP are: 1) it is designed to meet the specific needs of the learners; 2) it makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the specialism it serves; 3) it is centered not only on the language (grammar, lexis, register), but also the skills, discourses and genres appropriate to those activities; 4) it deals with intercultural communication and the development of intercultural competence. ● For Dudley-Evans (2001) the defining characteristic of ESP is that teaching and materials are based on the results of the needs` analysis where the key questions are: 1) What do students need to do with English? 2) Which of the skills do students need to master and how well? 3) Which genres do students need to master either for comprehension or production purposes? ● Traditionally ESP courses were typically designed for intermediate or advanced adult learners. Nowadays many students can start to learn academic or vocational English at an earlier age and at a lower level of proficiency. ● Recently, ESP has become increasingly important as: 1) There has been an increase in vocational training and learning throughout the world. 2) With the spread of globalization has come the increasing use of English as the language of international communication. More and more people are using English in a growing number of occupational contexts. 3) Students are starting to learn and therefore master general English at a younger age and so move on to ESP at an earlier age. 4) An increasing number of learners are taught in English medium schools using approaches such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). 5) In some English speaking countries governments are launching initiatives 4 to help economic migrants obtain the practical English skills necessary to function in the workplace. For example, the new ESOL for Work Qualifications in the UK are designed to help employers and employees access courses which offer them the functional language skills demanded across a variety of employment sectors. Content includes topics such as customer care and health and safety. ● Some teachers are afraid of making the transition from teaching general English to teaching ESP. There is also the danger that the novice ESP teacher will only use materials that they feel comfortable with and will not stretch their learners. Bell (2002) argues that the depth of knowledge of a subject matter that a teacher requires depends on a number of variables which include: 1) How much do the learners know about their specialism? 2) Are the students pre-experience or post-experience learners? 3) How specific and detailed are the language, skills and genres that the learners need to learn? ● Although, you perhaps don't need to be an expert in a specialist area, you do need to have some awareness and feel for a particular vocational area. Bell (2002) advocates the three Cs for helping teachers to improve their knowledge and skills in a particular area of ESP: 1) Curiosity − the teacher himself should be interested in the subject area and want to learn more. 2) Collaboration − teachers should seek out subject specialists, show them their work and ask for their feedback. 3) Confidence − will grow as teachers explore the new subject matter, engage with subject specialists and learn from their learners. ● Harding (2007) stresses that the general skills which a general English teacher uses − e.g., being communicative, using authentic materials and analyzing English in a practical way − are also applicable in ESP. He also suggests that teachers should understand the nature of their students' subject area; motivate the students with variety, relevance and fun; take the classroom into the real world and bring the real world into the classroom. ● Like it or not, the days of the EFL generalist teacher may be numbered, so it might just be time to explore the possibility of working in ESP! ● Some Acronyms in ESP: CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning); EAP (English for Academic Purposes); EBP (English for Business Purposes); ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes); EGAP (English for General Academic Purposes); EMP (English for Medical Purposes); EOP (English for Occupational Purposes); EPP (English for Professional Purposes); EST (English for Science and Technology); EVP (English for Vocational Purposes); EWP (English for/in the Workplace); ELP (English for Legal Purposes), etc. 5 YOUR FOURTH TERM ACADEMIC GRAMMAR SYLLABUS I. Communicative Grammar 1. Conjunctions - Coordinating conjunctions: (and, or, but, etc.) - Subordinating conjunctions (of time, reason, concession, place, condition and manner ) - Correlative conjunctions (either … or; both … and; neither … nor; etc.) - Conjunctive adverbs (also, hence, however, etc.) 2. Prepositions - Prepositions of time/ place/ direction - Postpositions with verbs (in phrasal verbs) 3. Kinds of Sentences by purpose: - declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory
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