Weekly journal Equity Research Friday, February 14th 2020 MARKET SUMMARY MARKET PERFORMANCE Base 100 Weekly progression for Moroccan Indexes vs. Volume MMAD Performance 104,0 300,0 Indices Value 102,0 Weekly YtD 200,0 MASI 12 340,24 +1,44% +1,38% 100,0 100,0 MADEX 10 069,06 +1,48% +1,51% 98,0 FTSE CSE 15 10 955,75 +1,47% +1,09% 96,0 0,0 FTSE CSE All 10 531,05 +1,47% +0,22% Mondaylundi Tuesdaymardi Wednesdaymercredi Thursdayjeudi vendrediFriday Capi. (Bn MAD) 633,2 +1,55% +1,04% Volume CM Volume OTC Market MADEX MASI TOP FIVE CAPITALIZATIONS WEEKLY SECTORIAL PERFORMANCE 4,6% Holdings 127,5 4,5% Insurance companies 3,0% Transportation 105,0 2,3% Oil, Chemicals and Mining 2,1% Telecommunications 2,0% Construction & Materials and Buildings 1,4% All market 1,0% 55,4 Distribution 0,8% Banking 45,3 0,2% 39,4 ITC 0,0% Hotels and leisure -0,1% Insurance brokerage -0,2% Agribusiness +2,1% +2,4% +0,0% +2,4% -1,3% -0,4% Real estate investment companies -1,1% Financial Institutions IAM ATW BCP LHM BCE -4,3% Real estate -7,6% Industries Capi (in Bn MAD) % Weekly change -9,9% Utilities MAIN VOLUMES OF THE WEEK MAIN VARIATIONS OF THE WEEK WAP ADV Volume % Value Price Change.% ADV(KMAD) (MAD) (MMAD) (MMAD) Wafa Assurance 4 475,00 +6,52% 299,8 Central Market 146,9 734,4 100,0% Disway 333,90 +5,00% 501,7 OTC Market 0,0 0,0 0,0% Delta Holding 38,25 +4,79% 10,5 Maroc Telecom 141,6 38,3 191,4 26,1% Stokvis Nord Afrique 10,75 +4,57% 29,4 LafargeHolcim Maroc 1 913,1 18,6 93,0 12,7% Attijariwafa Bank 494,0 14,0 69,8 9,5% Lesieur Cristal 160,10 -8,51% 128,4 BMCE Bank 197,4 11,1 44,3 6,0% Lydec 437,00 -9,91% 2 767,2 Ciments Du Maroc 1 693,0 8,6 42,9 5,8% Stroc Industrie 11,10 -11,97% 1,3 Global Market 146,9 734,4 100,0% Delattre Levivier Maroc 26,26 -26,50% 1,2 A positive performance regarding the Moroccan market this week. INTERNATIONAL INDEXES, COMMODITIES * Indeed, the MASI and MADEX indices display a weekly performance of Indices Last Daily change % YTD change % +1,44% and +1,48% respectively. The market capitalization of the week sets at MAD 633,2 billion, which represents an increase of +1,55%. CAC 40 6 071,19 -0,36% +1,56% DAX 30 13 736,14 -0,07% +3,68% The week’s volume stands out at MAD 734,4 million exclusively traded DOW JONES 30 29 398,11 -0,09% +3,01% on the central market, which represents an Average Daily Volume (ADV) of MAD 146,9 million with a transaction flow achieved primarily by NASDAQ 9 720,73 +0,09% +8,58% Maroc Telecom, LafargeHolcim Maroc, Attijariwafa Bank and BMCE HANG SENG 27 815,60 +0,31% -1,33% Bank. NIKKEI 23 687,59 -0,59% +0,13% BRENT ($/bbl) 57,29 +1,69% -13,09% The best performances, during this week, are attributed to Wafa Assurance (+6,52%), Disway (+5,00%), Delta Holding (+4,79%) and OR ($/Oz) 1584,75 +0,38% +4,19% Stokvis Nord Afrique (+4,57%). On the other hand, the worst ARGENT ($/Oz) 17,76 +0,79% -0,87% performances are attributed to Lesieur Cristal (-8,51%), Lydec (-9,91%), EUR/MAD 10,5382 +0,00% -3,32% Stroc Industrie (-11,97%) and Delattre Levivier Maroc (-26,50%). USD/MAD 9,7124 -0,08% +1,64% The French index, CAC 40, shows a negative daily change of -0,36% setting at 6.071,2 points. The DOW JONES also decreases in the middle of the trading day, by -0,09%. On the other hand, the NASDAQ increases by +0,09%. * International Indexes posted at 16H20 UTC+1 Sources: Casablanca stocks, Bloomberg, Investing.com 2020-02-14 Equity Research Page 1 FUNDAMENTAL DATA (1/2) As of % Change P/E P/B D/Y Capi 2020-02-14 Daily YTD 20181 2019E2 20181 2019E2 20181 2019E2 (MMAD) All market (MASI) 12 340,24 +1,11% +1,38% 18,9 19,7 2,6 2,7 3,7% 3,4% 633 202 Market excluding real estate 19,3 21,4 2,8 3,1 3,7% 3,3% 626 470 Market excluding telecom 18,6 20,7 2,2 2,4 3,5% 2,9% 505 733 Banking 16,8 17,4 1,9 1,9 2,9% 2,6% 223 940 Attijariwafa Bank 500,10 +1,03% +0,22% 16,7 17,3 2,1 2,2 2,9% 2,5% 104 951 BCP 274,00 +0,74% -1,26% 17,3 17,7 1,8 1,6 2,7% 2,5% 55 418 BMCE Bank 197,00 +0,74% +2,60% 17,9 18,8 1,8 2,0 2,7% 2,3% 39 365 BMCI 700,00 0,00% -2,10% 17,1 16,4 1,3 1,3 4,2% 4,1% 9 296 Crédit Du Maroc 540,00 -3,73% -3,57% 11,0 11,2 1,3 1,1 1,3% 1,4% 5 876 CIH Bank 319,00 +0,79% +6,69% 17,5 19,5 1,7 1,9 4,7% 4,2% 9 036 Financial Institutions 14,7 19,1 1,5 1,7 6,1% 5,2% 7 447 Diac Salaf 26,25 0,00% 0,00% nd nd nd nd nd nd 28 Eqdom 1 523,00 0,00% +15,38% 13,6 19,1 1,2 1,7 7,4% 4,6% 2 544 Maghrebail 944,00 0,00% +5,83% 11,0 nd 1,2 nd 6,3% 4,6% 1 307 Maroc Leasing 460,00 0,00% +13,79% 17,7 nd 1,3 nd 3,5% 3,4% 1 277 Salafin 778,00 0,00% -2,51% 17,0 nd 2,0 nd 8,0% 7,3% 2 291 Insurance companies 19,1 19,0 2,0 2,3 3,3% 3,0% 26 628 Atlanta 83,00 +2,53% +11,41% 16,2 19,8 2,2 3,0 5,3% 2,8% 4 996 Saham Assurance 1 450,00 +3,57% +6,46% 14,6 14,4 1,4 1,5 2,8% 2,7% 5 969 Wafa Assurance 4 475,00 +6,52% +14,74% 23,0 21,3 2,4 2,7 3,0% 3,1% 15 663 Insurance brokerage 16,8 nd 10,0 nd 6,2% 6,4% 1 710 AFMA 1 030,00 0,00% +0,49% 19,9 nd 15,0 nd 5,8% nd 1 030 AGMA 3 398,00 0,00% +2,81% 13,5 nd 6,5 nd 7,0% 6,4% 680 Holdings 12,7 15,1 1,5 1,7 4,6% 3,5% 3 424 Delta Holding 38,25 +5,37% +11,84% 12,7 15,1 1,5 1,7 4,8% 3,5% 3 351 Rebab Company 114,00 0,00% -5,79% ns nd 0,8 nd 0,0% nd 20 Zellidja 93,00 0,00% -9,84% ns nd 1,0 nd 0,0% nd 53 Real estate 9,6 5,2 0,6 0,3 0,8% 4,0% 5 668 Addoha 9,00 -4,26% -20,63% 14,6 7,1 0,5 0,3 0,0% 2,5% 3 527 Alliances 48,50 -0,61% -13,39% 5,4 3,8 0,5 0,3 0,0% 0,0% 925 Dar Saada 46,37 +0,22% -17,20% 7,9 3,4 0,6 0,3 3,0% 11,7% 1 215 Real estate investment 58,3 20,3 1,1 nd 5,8% 4,6% 1 065 companies Balima 86,40 0,00% 0,00% 21,4 20,3 1,4 nd 5,1% 4,6% 151 Immorente Invest 101,50 -1,93% +1,50% ns nd 1,1 nd 6,0% nd 914 Oil, Chemicals and Mining 16,6 21,4 3,1 3,2 4,1% 3,3% 70 041 Afriquia Gaz 4 400,00 0,00% +15,76% 15,7 21,5 3,9 5,1 4,2% 2,7% 15 125 CMT 1 740,00 +0,40% +5,52% 10,8 13,9 3,1 4,6 13,1% 6,3% 2 925 Taqa Morocco 964,00 +3,99% +3,77% 20,0 20,8 3,9 4,1 4,5% 3,7% 22 739 Maghreb Oxygène 193,00 0,00% +0,05% 10,4 nd 0,6 nd 2,4% 2,1% 157 Managem 840,00 -0,83% -1,18% 24,4 28,4 1,7 1,5 1,7% 2,3% 8 393 Promopharm 841,10 0,00% -1,74% 25,8 23,6 3,7 2,8 0,0% 0,0% 841 Samir 127,80 0,00% 0,00% nd nd nd nd nd nd 1 521 SMI 1 800,00 0,00% +14,80% ns nd 2,3 2,8 0,0% nd 2 961 SNEP 493,50 +3,88% +3,46% 25,6 nd 1,8 nd 2,4% nd 1 184 SOTHEMA 1 526,00 0,00% -5,86% 13,6 14,1 3,7 3,1 4,1% 3,7% 2 747 Total Maroc 1 200,00 +2,13% +2,83% 10,5 nd 3,7 nd 6,1% nd 10 752 Colorado 57,50 +3,45% +2,86% 20,5 19,7 2,4 2,2 4,7% 5,2% 695 Agribusiness 28,6 21,7 3,5 3,7 3,6% 3,2% 47 332 Brasseries du Maroc 2 950,00 -1,67% +3,51% 23,4 20,9 4,7 5,1 4,8% 3,8% 8 347 Cartier Saada 30,90 0,00% -3,44% 27,1 nd 1,5 nd 3,3% 3,4% 163 Centrale Danone 629,00 0,00% 0,00% ns nd 14,6 nd 0,0% 1,6% 5 925 Cosumar 220,00 +0,46% +0,50% 18,6 20,2 3,2 3,9 5,7% 3,5% 20 787 Dari Couspate 3 745,00 0,00% -9,50% 23,4 nd 5,3 nd 2,2% nd 1 117 Lesieur Cristal 160,10 0,00% -11,06% 42,1 22,2 2,3 2,6 2,6% 3,3% 4 424 Unimer 154,00 0,00% -8,33% 41,1 nd 1,4 nd 1,8% 2,0% 1 758 Mutandis SCA 235,10 +4,86% +30,61% 19,0 21,9 1,5 1,9 4,1% 3,2% 1 880 Oulmès 1 480,00 0,00% -0,07% ns 56,1 4,6 4,1 0,0% 2,6% 2 930 1.
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