WEATHER CLOUDY WATER CHARL IE High Tide Low Tide U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 THURSDAY Date MAY 25, 1967 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Americans Repulse TL #. NVN Battalion an Peace Mission SAIGON (UPI) AN ESTIMATED BATTALION of North Vietnamese regulars supported by an um- bre1l1a of rockets and mortars Finds Nasser Warm attacked a company of American CAIRO (AP) THE SEMI-OFFICIAL EGYPTIAN newspaper Al Ahram troops.in the Central Highlands said Thursday-that President Gamal Abdel Nasser reacted "sym- Wednesday. patheticaly" to U.N. Secretary-General U Thant's efforts to UPI correspondent Thomas avert an Arab-Israeli war. Corpora reported from the front The paper, which often reflects Nasser's political thinking, that about40O North Vietnamese said the Egyptian leader was struck as the U.S. troops were _itmo Milk willingto "facilitate" Thant's moving through jungled hills mission to Cairo. three miles from the Cambodian ItIp was not clear from Al border south of Pleiku. Price Goes Ahram's report what Nasser The Americans, about 200 GITMO--The price of milk at would do to facilitate Thant's soldiers attached to the Army the Commissary and exchange mission. Whether he would 4th Division's Ist Brigade, will soon be increased. When abandon his insistance on fought back with helicopter questioned about this increase, blocking the Gulf of Aqaba to gunships and artillery and CDR. D. W. Whalen, XO of the Israeli shipping was still repelled the enemy in a 2 Supply Depot, stated that his questionable. hour battle. office was only the ordering But reliable sources stated U.S. warplanes struck an im- office. The contract for our Nasser was willing to accept portant rail yard north of milk plant was let by Naval what was described as Thant's Hanoi yesterday and pressed a Supply Center, Norfolk, Va. peace formula, mainly dealing resumption of the air war with Basis for the contract are as with the advisability of re- other raids all the way down follows: ceiling a mixed armistice com- to North Vietnam's southern A set price was established mission to talk peace between border. based on a projected consump- the belligerents in the Mid- The main target of the raids tion. There was also a 10 per- East. on North Vietnam was the Thai cent negotiable tolerance built Al Ahram said that Nguyen in the rail yard, 37 miles into the contract. At any Gulf of AqabaEgyptian author- north of Hanoi. The yard, hit time, based on quarterly eval- cities stopped, boarded and repeatedly in the past, is a uation, that the consumption searched two German ships. vital link with a power plant does not stay within the tol- They were permitted continue and steel mill in that area. erance established in the con- after they declared their des- There was no (Cont'd page 2) tractnegotations(Cont'd pg 2) tination was the port of Aqaba in Jordan. The paper said Egyptian De- fense Minister Shams Bardan UN ActionT efwerred was scheduled to fly to Moscow Friday. The object of his UNITED NATIONS (UPI) THE SE( URITY COUNCIL, in an emergency mission was not disclosed. meeting on the Mid-East crisis which was strongly backed by the-United States, deferred action Wednesday night on a resol- ution expressing support for Secretary-General Thant's peace mission to Cairo. The resolution asked all members of the U.N. to do nothing to inflame the confrontation between Israel and the Arab world. It invited Thant to report to the Security Council when he returns to New York. The United Nations announced that Thant probably would leave Cairo Thursday, cutting short his schedule of talks with top officials of the United Arab Republic by one day. He was ex- pected here'tonight but no reason'was given for'his change in plans. PAGE 2 THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1967 GIMTO GAZETTE MIAMI (AP) RADIO HAVANA SAID yesterday the Cuban government has granted asylum to U.S. Army Major Richard Harwood Pearce of San Antonio, Texas, a security-cleared aide to the Commandant of the Fourth Army. ComNavBase RADM E.R. Crawford The broadcast, monitored in Miami, said the Public Affairs Officer LI Paul E. Lamey major arrived in Havana Sunday with his five- Editorial Advisor JOC William A. Liedtke year-old son. Editor JOI Sam Herzog A widespread air search had been underway News Editor C12 Vic Griffeth since Sunday in the waters around Key West for Feature Editor SN Ed Sullivan the small red and white plane Pearce purchased Sports Editor JO3 Sig Couch only a week ago in Houston. The GITHO GAZETTE is published according to the rules Pearce, a veteran of combat in Vietnam, is and regulations for ship and station newspapers as out- divorced from his wife, who lives in Houston. lined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Pearce and the boy left Key West airport Sun- Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed four day at 12:15 p.m. and said he was going on a days a week at government expense on government equip- one-hour sight-seeing flight. ment. The opinions or statements 'in news items that Pearce's security clearance is for top secret appear herein are not to be construed as official or as material,according to an Army spokesman at Ft. reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Navy Dept. Sam Houston, Texas headquarters of the Fourth Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours of Army. 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. MON thru FRI only and will be publish- Airport officials in Key West said Pearce ed in either Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. had looked preoccupied and "acted strangely" No-ads or notices--except command notices--will be pub- before taking off. They said he tried to take lished more than once a week nor will they be run in off without filing a flight plan, but was Friday's called back by the control tower. I paper. In Houston, Pearce's wife said he took the GITMO (Cont'd from page 1) will be made to boy Friday for "a week's vacation" but did not either increase or decrease the retail price say where they were going or when they would of milk and other dairy products supplied by return. our milk plant. Any change, however, should The former paratrooper who won decorations not make any appreciable change in the present for valor in Vietnam combat, signed out of the price of these commodities. Army post in San Antonio May 12 for a 13-day leave. SAIGON (Cont'd from page 1) immediate re- port of results of the raid. WASHINGTON (AP) HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER Other raids took U.S. planes over North Gerald Ford of Michigan urged President John- Vietnam's Valley of the Guy River, which flows son to take immediate steps to re-establish through Hanoi. Some planes hit targets along the United Nations' presence in the Middle the border of the so-called Demilitarized Zone East. dividing North and South Vietnam. WASHINGTON (AP) PRESIDENT JOHNSON YESTERDAY picked Covey Thomas Oliver, former Ambassador to Colombia and now a law professor, to be the next Assistant Secretary.of State for Latin American Affairs. In that post, he will also serve as U.S. coordinator for the Alliance For Progress. If confirmed by the Senate, Oliver will suc- ceed Lincoln Gordon, who is leaving at the end of June to assume the presidency of Johns Hop- kins University in Baltimore. NAPLES, ITALY (AP) THE U.S. 6TH FLEET'S seven-ship amphibious force loaded a Marine contingent of 3,500 men early today for what a spokesman called maneuvers somewhere in the Mediterranean. The spokesman said ships led by the attack F.ULBRIbHTR transport Cambria, would sail' after daybreak Ford told the House, the crisis may reflect and the last ship was expected to clear the a Russian desire to divert attention from the port of Naples by mid-morning. The spokesman war in Vietnam. The Chairman of the Senate would not disclose the destination. They said Foreign Relations Committee, J.W. Fulbright the U.S. Marines reached Naples the first week urged that the United Nations consider both of May on a routine visit that had been arrang- the Middle East and Vietnam at the same time. ed at least three months before the Mid-East The Arkansas Democrat suggested American pre- crisis. occupation in Southeast Asia may have led Egyptian President Nasser to believe the United States would not act in a Mid-East crisis. I PAG1E 3 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 GITMO GAZETTE LCNDCN (AP) BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Wilson ANNAPOLIS(AP)THE UNITED STATES Naval Academy has swung British su ort behind international in Annapolis,Maryland,has announced that three action to main- Midshipmen are under investigation for the tain the safe' suspected use of marijuana. passageofshiip- A statement released by the Academy's super- piny through intendent said two other Midshipmen suspected the Gulf of, in the case already have been separated from Aqaba. Wilson the Academy for other reasons. said Britain The Academy did not release the names of any will assertthe of the five persons involved. right of all 4 B r it ish ship- WASHINGTON (AP) VENEZUELA YESTERDAY FORMALLY ping to use the requested a meeting of consultation of the Or- Strait of Ti- ganization of American States (OAS) to accuse ran into the Cuba of armed aggression against the Venezuelan gulf, which i Government. Israel's only The charge was based on the capture of two outlet to the Cuban soldiers who were captured two weeks ago Red Sea.
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