, THURSDAY: DECEMBER 31, 1961 Clou Pottage Paid "li VoL LXVIIf. Sections, 30 Pages CRANFORD, Al Cxanlord, N. J. • for 35 Families; Slight Rise Seen At High Scho Food, clothing and gifts,are be- The Vivaldi "Gloria" will be the highlight of. the annual A new record is being set this ;ed in the Cranford High School year in the volume of Santa Claus ing distributed ramong '38 local IncreaHes infixed debt charges, normal salary increnjents Christmas concert to be presented mall posted in Cranford, accord- families, including 95 childwa, as -AnriiVfttdiim at MS p.m.- tomorrow. £omprising lyijcalanas : tt of the generosity of |i fnr family mfembers and additional teachets to takfe care of fg^fh^rifT^HeSaL and movements which. *ange* from pastoral tranqatlilv to Claus helpers who have been ait- -^eanizat'ions and Individuals .who an anticipated increase in enrollment next fall will cause a dramatic choral passages, -the "Gloria" established Antoniq swering the letters from local boys channelled their Christmas slight rise in the Board-of Education's budget for the 1962*63 ' Vivaldi as one of. the looted and girls. giving ierthe needy through the school year, it Was learned this week from H. Randall Kreg'er, composers of the 18th century. Letters mailed to the North Pole office of the. Crtfnftwd Welfare chairman of the finance com- .-.- In this featured part of the, via special mail bojtes sponsored Association. \. mittee. , " program, the Grthfbrd High by the Chamber, of Commerce and This was repprted^Mrs,X, G. While the budget will not be School Girls' Chorus, under installed in the town centerijy the JL,ennox, executive dlrecto^ the completed for several days, public Wo"cl^»epartment areber association, at t board tneetinj I Mr. Kreger said there was no the direction of James R, Len- Load Peak held^this week it th'e home ofj doubt that the school costs would ney, director of vocal music at the Ing answered by B^».>Santa Claus .1 —Mrs. Harold G, fry M^tt M- Mrs.; Charles P. Hansel, .Jr., of 401 be higher for the coming yea/, high school, will be augmented 'rospect street. S^i even though the school board is by an orchestral ensemble. Solo- Is gonquin drive. • , ; ^>< Cancellations of'outgoing mail Mrs. Fry reported that she ha> Fr6m the children's staadjj'olnt; making every effort to "hold the ists for the "Gloria" will include Riffs.. Lenrtpx >elated-, one. of the Jine" wherever possible. ' Ellyn"Lomack, Lisa Shapiro, Phyl- at the Cranford Post Office from sent 'replies to over 500 young December 11 through .Monday of •peoples' tetters thus far. She said most exciting phases of the'annual ^He pointed out that there will lis Boardman, Ann Mineur a"nd program, is the visit "froni,Santa be interest payments due for the. this week hdd reached a total of the. lasj picTf-up from the North % Karen Sjursen. • - Pole mailboxes will be made to- Claus provided at Christmas par- new schttoKyear beginning July 1 , Mr. Lenney said this presentation 550,565, almost identical with last year's mail volume for the' same morrow night and answers will be ties sponsored by Capt; N^R. Fiske 1962, fbr. bonds for the two new constitutes one of the most am- Post 335, VFW, atVjSterWis' Wte- period, Postmaster Arthur Boert- pasted >that night to insure' their junior high schools as well as pay- s bitious undertakings of the. high morial Home, "by" the Cranford ments oajsite acquisitions. He said ; mann reported: yesterday. Antic- arrival by Christmas Eve. Sta- choristers to-daCc . • tionery and postage for this proj- Lions Club at the Coach and Fopr. he does' httt^aijticipate that any second part of the program ipated increases in mail volume Restaurant and by Cranford Post payments toward^principal Will be , : were noted .on Tuesday and yes- ect are supplied" by the Chamber 1 : Vn devoted to traditional of Commerce, . , 212; American Legion, jat the required in the coming year. ^w • carols ^fxtoe season, to be sung terday morning, Ije added. This is Mrs. Fry's second year as WENDELL A. COWFTON MRS. MARY P. KNIERIM Casino. ~ Sixty-eight boys and girls With an enrollment^inweaseoff • by the ilunlbTsHigh School Chorus The peak of "the Christmas rusH were assigriedf to enjoy these par- about 200 pupils expected in1 under diwretjon^of: George White, Mrs! Santa, and she reports she was reached at the local office on gets almost as big a kick out of it ties this yea*.-j tember, the' board anticipates ^ director of vocal music in the ju- Monday, with a day's total of M>6,- The Ameriiian Legion post also' gaging eight to 10, new teachers. nior schools.* KtfttiJeen>SBrlde,: - a as the youngsters do. •• 875 outgoing'cancellations. ^On\he Santa Claus letters received at provides a Christmas tree ior each The budget also will include nor- member of .the hi^h school same day last year, outgoing can- Realtors Install New needy1 family ; in "town;:, and its mal increments for, faculty rmS, .;' : the Cranford Post; Office are will pliay- a harp solo. cellations totaled 87,299. turned over to -the Golden Age Ladies' Auxiliary,. donated three administration' members as well as - Charles Evans, president'of the ,; Scorning mail,. howeveri tias- Club, whose- members write indi- At Annual Christmas food baskets and gifts for children. MRS. JACOB STANLEY other school personnel. ' ' Craiijford fiigh" Sch6ol •'Student [own"^ik H, percent decrease In vidual answers. to ,each child. ' Members of .the CliUd' Study Public hearing, pn Oie proposed w Council, will etfidate at the light* volume thuskfar, Mr. Boertmann Tfnis far, Mr. Boertmann has Installation of Wendell A. Comptcm of Clark and-Mrs. "Mary Qroup of the Cranford Methodist budget is-slated for January 25, and ing of the Christmas .candle as the said., For the period December. 11 turned1 over more, than J00 such Knierim of 6 Mojjawk drive a? presidents of th£ Cranford Board of Church Women's Guild adopted a it wiU.be suh'mitted to the voters at program opens. '••'•' through 19, thfere were 646,685 in- special^xljild to provide a bountii.; the aunUal, school' meeting on Feb- , letterltte s tb thithis ffroup. "" ' Realtors .and'Women's Association ojthe Crahford Board of Realtors, : ; • In the tradition of the s'easoji, fr pr ful Christmas cont^lete, .with.- an ruary 13.-' .•' - ••••^••»*——i^-»„'./•"'*•.. coming letters here, as compared The r an invitation is extended $0 all h ^^ ihSeiS written On respectively, Highlighted the "annual Christmas party at Echo .Lake outfit of clothing, including shoes, with- 749,69.0 in the,;same period Santa Ctaus stationery provided Country Club, .Wcstfield, last Thursday. , • Four members of. the Board; of " townspeople, young arid old, to at- andI*toys and-glft&j<, The Metho- last year, maiis are expect- by the Cittaen and Chronicle, and Mr.' Cbmptoh, 4- Clark' realtor, Education also are to be elected at -.. tend tihis concert free "of charge. postmaster Arthur Boertmann dist Women's Society^of Christian ed to- increase by the same succeeds Henry A. Detering. Mrs, Service also/adopted a iajnily for the.annual school meeting—three ' portions during the rest of the hol- personally pays for the stamps re- Knierim was rfcelected- Vincent X. tor full terms and one for an un- iday mailing season, the postmast- quired. - clothing and gifts. expired. term,. Deadline for filing Miller of Roselle Park, a state vice- Action Slated"The Margaret Greene er said. "....• v petitions. for -4he. school board is- Extend president,, was installing officer. tion of the Pirs.t Presbyterian r Incoming parcel post has ap- Other officers installed by the •; Mrs^ Jacob Stanley of, 9 Sylves- January 4 at 4 'p.m.%ith' H. R. Church, donated $46 for Christmas ter streteW secretary of the Cran- projtfmated the amount" recelved_ Closing Schedule Board of -Realtors are: Vice-pre- On shoes, and "the Nursery Depart- McCullough, secretary of the Of Decpfation •last year during the same* period; sident, Edward J. Shaheen; treas- ford Planning^ Board, for the past Board of Education. January 4 also ment of- the Church School pro- 21 years, wHb- .retire from the Mr. Bbertrtiann. reported. Deliv- Listed for Holiday urer, filbert E. Howland, Sr.; vided gifts"Hoirioys. is the deadline for registration for eries are totaling about 900 to 1,» $dary Hikes board at the.en ^f^he year, it those persons not already perman- A closing schedule for schools, secretary, Mrs. Laura Swackham- 1 Mrs! Lennox reported that the £'•!».* ^ Entry 000 parcels each dtfy, he said. offices, businesses and Public Li- r, and directors, Mr? Detering, * At its Iflnal meeting yea Cranford Junior Service League was learned this ^ ently registered in order to vote Deadline, fpr.; entries .vin . the Outgoing parcel-post shb^s a 2 brary for the -Christmas holidays rs. Dorothy McPherson ""and. Tuesday night Township Commit filled -39$ giant Ted Christmas Mrs. Stanley, whose ctutent six- in the annual school election./ .. year term does not expire- until ^TiHsGWs-.residential decorations percent decease when compared has been announced asVollojv's: Sidney L. Nunn. tee will take action on a resolution stockings. with needed clothing with last year, With 8,840 . Cranford pub.lic schools will Other officers seated by the providing for increases of 3 to ^ and special toys and gifts for dis- December,. 1962, has . submitted ,coi*pst sponsored by the Cranford to Mayor:-C. -Vai» Close tomorrow at the "regular Women's Association are: Vice- ppercent for salaried employes o: tribution by the association. ' Bba»d of Reiijiiors has been ex- .Chamberlin. .,. .' :i...•;."' period December Jl, fold, Incltis- time and reopen/ on Tuesday, Jan-! president, Mrs.
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