Your local source since 1951. Thursday, May 22, 2014 A WkA PPTS company ACHICAGO SUT*TIMEScumpublication niles.stmtimes.com $1 I I Nues Herald-Spectator MEUER LOOKING INTO EMPTY DOMINICK'S Inside! Go EducationSUMMER MOVIES Guide - WHAT'S SPECIAL OPENING SECTION AND WHEN Inside! Summer Fun Guide Private INSIDE Schools ,su SPECIAL Race will honor recently-passed Niles North teacher's memory i PAGE 6 SECTION © 2014 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved Niles Herald-Spectator I I SOC-VrLO9 'il S11TN is40U4VO1 0969 8c:00000 :L1n 1r1;tItinlNiv 6T0-L0']0o00o0 6T0 068IT1t THURSDAY, MAY 22,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICMION NIL MARINO REALTORS 5800 Dempster-Morton Grove i (847) 9675500 (OUTSIDE ILLINOIS CALL 1 - 800 253 - 0021) MLS The Gold Standa rd www.century2l marino.com ALL THE WORK IS DONE! "ELDORADO TOWERS" BEAUTY! CONVENIENT "EVANSTON" LOCATION! Morton Grove..Charming 7 im Bi-level on huge scenic 75' lot!Morton Grove. ..Reduced! Spectacular 10 rm Colonial hasEvanston.. .New Listing!Beautifully maintained 3 bi-2 bath Refinished oak floors, cathedral ceilings & new blinds. Brand newben beautifully remodeled & updated in 2013! 5 brs &spacious end unCondo! Walk to Main Street Shops, Train, custom Granite kchen. Brick Paver side walk. 3 brs & 2 baths.2 Granite baths. New updated Granite kitchen, spacious"EL" & beach!! Neutral décor & gleaming hardwood floors New carpet in lower level family rm. Huge back yard. 2 car garage.Iivitig im & dining im w/HW fIrs. Main fir famiiy im w/FPthroughout. Separate formal dining im. Updated eat-in kitchen. Ne windows, décor, sliding doors, furnace, NC, HW heater Location near golf course, riding trails, forest preserve, Metía & Huge mastersuite with full bath. Assigned parking. Tons of Old Orchard! $319,000& driveway. Full fin bsmt w/rec rm. 2 car att'd gar... .$570'sstorage. Assessment includes heat $249,000 HARD TO BEAT THIS PRICE!! INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY! "CROWN JEWEL CONDOMINIUM!" Morton Grove. Affordable & Adorable brick Ranch has beenEvapston.. Price Reduced! 2 flat with a new (but unfinished)Wilmette.. First Offer! Histoc location oveooking Howard beautifully decorated & upgraded! Oak floors under carpet.addftion; (addition itas 2 bedrooms, den & 2 haif baths).Park & St. Joseph Church! 55 & over complex near shopping, Eat-in kitchen with new appliances & corner set. SpaciousCorhibinationoforiginalist floor apartment w/additionsenior center, transportation & park. 2 story atrium overlooking finished bsmt with new carpet & new flood control system.makes one super-sized apartment opportunity. New electricinterior courtyard with 2 botanical gardens. Mint condition New roof & A/C 4 yrs old. Washer, dryer & hot water tankin entire building. Plumbing run for addition. Bonus 3 roomsunit with balcony & all brand new carpet. Oak cabinet kitchen. 201 3. Near Park View School & Metral $229,900 in filished bsmt w/full bath. 2 car garage $240,000 Reserved parking $108,000 Visit our website www.century2l marino.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION I THURTh\Y, MAY22 20 cOLDweu. ØANPÇR L RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE oc Lincoinwood $769,000 Lincoiweod $649000 Nues $489,000 Nues $399,900 Kelly Wong 773-732-1048 385OGreenleaf.into Joyce Suar 847-866-8200 Sidad Beebee 630-954-4600 Connie 1-loas 847-222-8691 New Listing New Listing Morton Grove $389,500 Lincolnwood $369,900 Morton Grove $349,000 Morton Grove $339,000 Lincoinwood $950,000 690lKnon.info Barry Mann 847-866-8200 Anne DuBray 847-724-5800 Sylvia Magallanes 773-759-1490 5912CLEVELANO.lNFO BarryMann 047-8W-8200 Mary Ellen Considine 773-704-4250 Nues $329,000 Lincolnwood $312,780 Nues $299,000 Niles $299,000 Jennifer Barcal 847-384-7503 Cynthia Jeon 847-529-2500 Pam Carmichael 847-384-7520 83370lcot1,into Ronfla (isbrod 847-724-5800 7657 N Oketo Ave, Niles $299,000 Nues $299,000 Morton Grove $899,000 5634Caph.intv Cheryl O'Rourlie 847-724-5800 76570ke1oinlo Debbie Dornk CRS. 881 047-724-5800 Jennifer Barcal 847-384-7503 Ask us about a home w ;r!aflty. 866.797-4788 Morton Grove $232,900 Niles $149,000 Niles $85,000 Mary Lou Allen 847-866-8200 Kathy Milicevic 847-222-6907 Bill Alston 847-384-5840 Nues 8499,000 Jeanne Martini 847-234-8000 Co menor r; t 4 I Itr,inn I. toni 1iIe rf iIq. irrlo/1iornci Wurr ,rit Prsoview 88B '' i,ri I J ,4I '4t 54'(t tft4Ít 1181 8titJtirt 88 51' Hrnriir RIft) 838 P97? ©20t4 Coidweil Banker Residential Real Estate LLC Ail Riqhts Reaerved. Coidweii Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of fhe Fair HousingAct ìnö the Equal Opportunity Ad. Operated by a subsidiary of Nfl LLC. coidwell Bankei and the Coidwell Banker Lego are registered service marks owned by coidwelt Banker Real Estate LLC. vest estate agents affiliated with coidwelt Banker Residential Brokerage areindependent cantractor sales associates and are not employees of Cnldwell Banker Residential Brokvrage. THURSDAY, MAY 22,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICAON NIL 4 I I I Nues Herald-Spectator COMMUNITY LOCAL NEWS SINCE 1951 Leaning Tower fixes I Timothy P knii1 CEO could cost John Biais Robertk.Elder JillMcDermott $600,000 VP and General Editor in Chief, VP ofAdvertising Manager VP ofDigital Content 847-682-5907 The iconic structure hasn't seen signifi- EDrr0RIAL ADVERTISING cant repairs since the liii Nuy.uM. News Editor . llvyul.Advertising Director village of Niles first 312-646-9552 312-321-2864 leased it from the [email protected] [email protected] Leaning Tower YMCA Ryi IIIsscu, Managing Editor for Sports DiT 947-486-9200 312-321-2694 classified: 847-486-9200 in 1995. PageS [email protected] Email [email protected] Lapis: [email protected] suntimesrepnnts.com Obituaries' 847-998-3400, option 6, or [email protected] Photo pioneerlocal.mycapture.com SIRVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS MAILING ADDRESS Phone: 877-855-7722 En [email protected] 350 N. Orleans, lUth floor, Chicago IL 60654 Community 6 Real Estate 18 Obituaries 43 Mon-Fri.: 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Police Blotter IO Business 23 Crossword 45 Sat.: 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m. PRINTEI) WITH SOY INKS Opinion 16 Go 30 Sports 54 ONRECYCIIDP*P{R Sun.: 8 am-noon ADVERTISING TERMS AIEI CONSOlONS Accfance of ads by Pikstea a exyeesalyconHtioeed as and subjoctto the foIIongtasms. Puhkshec means this pablicatioe. its parent(s). subsuanes and afRliates 4. 65, No. 22. PUbSIOd 52 es per yeas PIJBUCATÌON INORMAflON Ndes H,akFSeclator (USPS O-68O) Advetl,seraOYea that Pabliahass habity m raHon to any ac omission. faure to pubkt, or error n the petrshing et arty ad will not ooceed theaeasunt paid tor such ad. Under ea arc,aitstaeceo *0 PabkoRor er liaRlo by Sen-Thies Meia. LLC, ®2014, 350 N Qtleans, EIicago IL 60654 Srne copy sISO. PeeOCaIS postage pa1 at for any indeed. coeseqireelial as special damages, or any other costs ansurgout or related to any act ormssion, fodere to pubRsb. or error n tIropidiRslangol an ad It n tie sole rosponsibdity nl theditvorlrsor io cHock the nealing offices Oee-year subscnpnon $52.00. hi-eeunIyony. Ca (847) 486-9Rt0 ctecago I60607 and atktion correntiases ofeach inserhan. t'aRboRer reserves tIre nn to Iinvttho amoent of adooi1hente odd, or reoct any copy. and to cancany advortisasg at Os sole rbscroOon wHhout nonce. Maertis« agre to indeouly and to subscribe POSTMRSTEI Seed address chaeges to Hiles Herald-Spectator, c/a Rone Newpapeís Inc. O hold Pabhohor handoss from and against any liandty, hes or topease (irdud,egreasonablo aeomey foes) aeaRtgfrnie any clairon reouihngfroru ynrbhcat,on by Ptdtìsher of theMnertisnrs ads. N. Orleans. Clecage IL SO4. Nea subscre star1 rasoare email addeass. Itas sanie reasee yoe cHaosa te caec p'ease flete that a reead pçocesngfee nay app, culTeetly $6 IMAGINEALtFE WFTHOUT YARD WORK Your new home atThe Homestead at Morton Grove means more time to enjoy SWAP-Wt summer - go to the Ravinia Festival, the THE BUYER'S 3 GREAT FLEAt FLEA MARKET Botanic Garden or the Farmers Market. Chicagolands Largest MARKITS Indoor - Outdoor This ready-to-movein rental community, Every SAT. & SUN. Often Imitated Neve, OopIrC,rrS for those who are 55+, offers the best 7 am. - 4 p.m. in maintenance-free living - inciuding Alsip SHOPIN Also WEDNESDAY! 7 am. - 2 p.m. securityy schedu led transportation, social ¡I AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT 4350W. 129th St. Il FOOD COURT & PARKING activities, private patios and terraces, indoor II . CASH STATION W. DIVISION ST. Ashland Ave., V' parking, and so much more. THURSDAY! 7 am. - 3 p.m. at kalmar t elockt (ast et Chers Oat. Sat & Sun BAM-5PM OUTDOORS ONLY Indoor Dealer Space Available 4200 SOUTH ASHLAND - CHICAGO Sellers Special (\. VISIT US FOR A TOUR Melrose Park IOpen . Only - $15/Day Sat. or Sun. PJSo FRIDAY! 8 am. - 3 p.m. CALI TODAY to schedule a free, no-obligat on 4600 WEST LAKE STREET 773.227.1889 o. ea tour at 847-581 -1 800. You'll find us at the mer wws.buyerslteamarket.com SSIIl)-O-IflhIIa.COII) Serving you for 30 years of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues. 708-J44-7 300 6400 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove Call 847-581-1800 TI-lE 6309788229 www.homesteadatmortongrove.com AT MORTON GROVE .a Esse, Cnnruty to place your ad! NIL A PIONEER PRESS PIJBUCATION JTHURSDA MAY 22,2014 Patient safety is our top priority, and it shows. The May 2014 issue of Consumer Reports ranked us1st and 2in Chicago in five key safety areas. Presence Presence Resurrection Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center Medical Center Learn more.Call 877737.4636 or visit presencehealth.org/safest 6 THURSDAY, MAY 22,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUflON NIL Skokie Swiftrunkeps memoryof Dan Horyn alive T BY MIXE ISAACS tion's mission is to raise awareness misaacs@pioneerlocaicom I @SKReview_Mike about esophageal cancer, a disease DAN HORYN'S SKOKIE rarely detected until later stages SWIFT 5K with formative malignancies.
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