FEDERAL« EGISTER VOLUME 22 * » 3 4 ^ NUMBER 191 OA/i t e O * Washington, Wednesday, October 2, 1957 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT DONE at the City of Washington this CONTENTS 26th day of September in the year of our PROCLAMATION 3205 Lord nineteen hundred and THE PRESIDENT [ s e a l] fifty-seven, and of the Inde­ National E m p l o y t h e P h y s ic a l l y Proclamation Page Handicapped W e e k , 1957 pendence of the United States National Employ the Physically of America the one hundred and eighty- Handicapped Week, 1957:_____ _ 7779 BT THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES second. OF AMERICA D w ig h t D . E is e n h o w e r EXECUTIVE AGENCIES A PROCLAMATION By the President: Agricultural Marketing Service WHEREAS equal opportunity for em­ J o h n F oster D u l l e s , Proposed rule making: ployment is basic to our belief in human Secretary of State. Milk handling, marketing areas : dignity and should never be denied any Louisville, Ky_________________ 7792 qualified person because of physical im­ [P. R. Doc. 57-8138; Piled, Sept. 30, 1957; Philadelphia, Pa_____________ 7800 . 2:05 p. m.] pairment; and Rules and regulations : WHEREAS our expanding economy Onions, canned; U. S. standards requires more workers, the useful em­ TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT for grades— __________________ 7782 Potatoes, fresh Irish ; Fresh Irish ployment of all who are able and willing Potatoes-Livestock Feed Di­ to work; and Chapter V— Agricultural Marketing version Program Y M D 3a____ 7779 WHEREAS the physically handi­ Service, Department of Agriculture Agriculture Department capped, with the aid of expanded rehabil­ Subchapter B— Export and Domestic Consumption See Agricultual Marketing Service; itation and training programs, are able Programs Commodity Stabilization Serv­ to perform many of the skilled and de­ P art 519— F resh I r ish P otatoes ice. manding tasks essential to our social and economic progress; and SUBPART— FRESH IRISH POTATOES; LIVE­ Alien Property Office STOCK FEED DIVERSION PROGRAM YMD 3a Notices: WHEREAS the full use of this source Sec. Certain Bulgarian, Hungarian, of manpower depends upon better under­ 519.155 General statement. and Rumanian debtors; order standing on the part of employers, fellow 519.156 Administration. fixing bar date for filing debt employees and all our citizens across the 519.157 Area. claims ..______________________ 7802 land; and 519.158 Period of program. 519.159 Rate of payment. Atomic Energy Commission WHEREAS the Congress, by a joinl 519.160 Eligibility for payment, Notices: resolution approved August 11, 1945 (5£ 519.161 Application and approval for par- Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Stat 530), designated the first week in » ticipation. proposed issuance of construc­ October of each year as National Employ 519.162 Performance bond. tion permit___________________ 7803 ^Physically Handicapped Week: 519.163 Period of diversion. 519.164 Definition of diversion. Business and Defense Services THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D, 519.165 Diversion specifications. Administration WSENHOWER, President of the United 519.166 Inspection and certificate of diver- Rules and regulations: ¡¡¡¡•f of America, do call upon the . sion. Titanium mill products; lead People of our Nation to observe the week 519.167 Methods of feeding. time for required acceptance beginning October 6, 1957, as National 519.168 Claim for payment. of rated orders_______________ 7785 S 0yT the PhysicaHy Handicapped 519.169 Compliance with program provi­ sions. Civil Aeronautics Board he* 1 a^S0 urge our citizens to remem- 519.170 Inspection of premises. Notices: hfOUShout the year, that by their 519.171 Records and accounts. Findings and conclusions, ten­ DP12 LSt and efforts many handicapped 519.172 Set-off. tative, and order to show deno,üf Can be assisted to economic in­ 519.173 Joint payment or assignment. cause: ouï n r ? 06 and active Participation in 519.174 Officials not to benefit. Alaska Airlines, Inc_________ 7306 ^productive way of life. 519.175 Amendment and termination. Pacific Northern Airlines’, Inc. 7805 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Hearings, etc.: Au th o r ity: §§ 519.155 to 519.175 issued Administrator of Civil Aero­ of thfr-r017 hand and caused the Seal under sec. 32, 49 Stat. 774, as amended; 7 affivQ. United States of America to be U. S. C. 612c. nautics v. Charles A. Hazen. 7807 Qantas Empire Airways, Ltd., (Continued on p. 7781) foreign permit case_______ 7807 7779 7780 RULES AND REGULATIONS ,/S\ CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Page Interior Department Page FEDERALIBREGISTER mission See Fish and Wildlife Service; \ l»34 Land Management Bureau; ttVITtO* Notices: Establishment of an Office of Mines Bureau. Network Study in Broadcast Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Interstate Commerce Commis­ and days following official Federal holidays, Bureau— _____________________ 7812 sion by the Federal Register Division, National Hearings, etc.: Notices : Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Doby, Wiley J_______________ 7812 Motor carrier alternate route ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Harris Co_______________ v----- 7813 deviation notices____________ 7817 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Kelley, W. H _________ 7813 Motor carrier applications__ _ 7818 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as M & M Trucking Co__________ 7814 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ M organ Cleaners-Furriers, Justice Department tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ See Alien Property Office. mittee of the Federal Register, approved by In c __ ._____ 7814 the President. Distribution is made only by, Multnomah Communications Labor Department the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Service— ___________________ 7816 See Wage and Hour Division. ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Overholtzer, Harry William— 7814 Land Management Bureau The F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r will be furnished by Prestwood, James G., Jr____ 7813 Notices : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Radio Broadcasting Co__s— 7815 Nevada; proposed withdrawal per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Radio Dispatch Service. _— 7815 advance. The charge for individual copies and reservation of lands____ 7802 Schultz, H. B — ______ — 7816 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Rules and regulations: Proposed rule making: the size of the issue. Remit check or money Public land orders: Aviation services; posting sta­ order, made payable to the Superintendent Alaska_______________________ 7786 of Documents, directly to the Government tion licenses and transmitter Idaho________________________ 7786 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. identification cards__________ 7801 Oregon____________ 7786 The regulatory material appearing herein Experimental, auxiliary a n d is keyed to the Code of Federal R egulations, special broadcast services; Mines Bureau which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Proposed rule making: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Conelrad plan.^—___________ 7801 amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Rules and regulations: Tests for permissibility; elimi­ eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Public safety radio services; nation of requirement for tendent of Documents. Prices of books and miscellaneous amendments-- 7791 grounding facilities on electric pocket supplements vary. Television broadcast stations, face equipment and correction There are no restrictions on the re­ table of assignments: of statement of authority----- 7792 publication of material appearing in the Eugene-Corvallis, Oreg______ 7789 F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r , or the C o d e o f F e d e r a l Public Housing Administration Vancouver, Wash---------------- 7787 R e g u l a t i o n s . Notices : Federal Maritime Board Assistant Commissioner for Notices: Management et al.; delega­ Now Available American President Lines, Ltd., tions of authority___________ 7817 et al.; agreement filed for ap­ Securities and Exchange Com­ UNITED STATES proval ____________ 7803 mission Federal Power Commission Notices: GOVERNMENT Hearings, etc.: Notices: Brockton Edison Co. and Fall ORGANIZATION Hearings, etc.: River Electric Light Co----- 7828 MANUAL El Paso Natural Gas Co______ 7808 Columbia Gas System, Inc— 7829 Hudson, E. J., et al___________ 7809 1957-58 Edition Osmond, Charles H., et al____ 7808 Wage and Hour Division Notices: (Revised through June 1) Republic Natural Gas Co. et • al___________________________ 7807 Learner employment certifi­ Published by the Federal Register Division, Shell Oil Co__________________ 7808 cates ; issuance to various in­ the National Archives and Records Service, Sun Oil Co____________________ 7809 dustries______________________ General Services Administration ' Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Co. Ü' 778 pages— $1.50 a copy et al_____ ___________i.____ _ 7808 CODIFICATION GUIDE Toklan Oil Corp. et al_______ 7810 A numerical list of the parts of the Code Order from Superintendent of Documents, Fish and Wildlife Service of Federal Regulations affected by documents United States Government Printing Office, Rulés and regulations: published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Washington 25, D. C. opposed to final actions, are identified a* refuses: cross reference______ 7792 such. Page Food and Drug Administration Title 3 CONTENTS— Continued Rules and regulations: Chapter I (Proclamations): _ 7779 Page Grated American cheese food; 3205 _ _____ Civil Aeronautics Board— Con. order staying effectiveness of Title Proposed rule making: 6 order establishing definition Chapter V: Irregular
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