DISTRI-CT PO ULA TION TICS - I I I \ I - \ . 46-FAIZABAD DISTRICT I - ~ -- __ i I 315.42 1951 FAIDPS Price, Re.1-8. _- FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952 , to supply (hem for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As .the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormom labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mahalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural area~. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in tbe figure~ of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen mated by an order passed by me during the later count from {he National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad Distnct. R.aidas and Bhagat dS 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangt, Khakrob. Sweepers. Harijan, Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned thelT caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the COl!stitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sort1l1g, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences III the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out 10 the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total populatIon of mohallasjwards have been arnved at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of tot a} population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the sUps and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each [Own has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the dIstrict, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW AR J PRASAD, LA.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations J July 23, 1952· Uttar Pradesh LISt OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF FAIZABAD DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of village (RUral) (al Addition of new villagt' Page nO. IS Under pargana Haveli Oudh add "46-BaSl11'pUr". (b) Deletion of existing village 17 Oel~te" 46-B"sl11"pur o,nd the entries against it". (c) OorreGtions in existing Code numbers --------- Page no. Read 7 802-Surjupur 807-Sur;upUt·. 16 266 -l\'l>lhmndpnr 265--Mrt hmudpw·. (dJ Corrections in existing names of villages 6 I 52-Barma I 52-BarhA. 6 208-Cheo,," parR 208-Cheoti para. 6 368-Ja danpul' %8-Jadupur 7 664-palampur 664-palhanpur . 7 665-Pande paikanu 665-Pande pa; Kanti. 7 739-RQjpal Darwaz!l 739-Rlljpaj DhanarWfl, 7 763-SakhaunA Dharharmll 7 920-GbarwBspur ChamiJoe .. 920-Ghlll waspur CllHuLr 8 I 25-Benwa 125-Barwa. 8 249-Dhawarwa .. 249-Dhiahwa. 8 250-Dadw3 Kalan 250-Dandwa Kalill,. 8 293-Gauham(l 8 333-Haripur 333-Hocilpur. 8 36O-Jagatpnr Biltai 360-Jagtupur BiJ (Ill. 8 438-Khajuri Karamdi 438-Kha,juri Karuundi. 8 441-Khadbara 441-Khairahara. 8 443-KhaIispur Khatonli 443-Khalispllr Bhdtu'l!I 14 444-pratappuT 441-pnra 'I'''ipIlJ. 16 285-Mipari Sangram 28'i-M"njha Pipal j RagrA III 16 292-Me.niha. BanspuT 292-Maujad Banspur. 17 IIO-])eodatpur .. 110-Dauj,t tpur. B-Errata. to population figures (Rural) --_------- ---- - ---- For Read Page _--..---------- ---------~------ - no. particularf< 2 .3 4 5 ? 3 4 5 - ~-- 5 par~ana Ifaveli Oudh 49,897 46.851 96.748 49.931 46,885 9h,816 [5 " Amsin 40,775 -40,403 81,178 40,741 40,369 81,110 15 .. Haveli Oudh 96,748 82,653 96.816 82,721 15 46-Bltsurru"l" 68 68 17 4BO--Togpur Ino)ud,.,d in MuoiciJ)ality. 17 ParganB Amsin 81.178 650530 81.110 65,462 DISTRICT FAIZABAD Summary of Urban Population Population --_.. -"------_- Code no. and name of Town Seheduled Males Females Total Muslims Castes Other~ 2 3 ... 5 Ii 44-1-917 AKB4RPUR TOWN AREA 4,38' 3,745 H,IM .3,43' 715 3"e3 44-1-364 JALALPUR TOWN,AREA 4,660 4,336 8,996 5,819 300 2,877 44-3- 8 GOSAINGANJ TOWN.AREA 2,128 1,699 3,827 1,038 204 2,585 44-3-53 BHADARSA~TOWN AREA 2,002 1,968 3,970 1,637 198 2,135 44-5- I FAIZABAD·CUM.A YODHYA MUNICIPAL BOARD 42,193 33,154 75,347 16,416 3,275 55,602 44-5-2 & 3 FAIZABAD CANTONMENT 3.626 2,329 5,955 665 708 4,582 44-5-803 TANDA MUNICIPAL BOARD .. 15,329 13,938 29,267 17,553 1,805 9,909 Total 74,327 61,169 135,496 46,564 7,205 81,673 (Excluding population of one missing N. C. R.) Population according to Primar) Census Abstract 74,789 6],997 136,786 Population of Muslims a~cording to Table Doll 46,970 Population of Scheduled Castes according to Table D·III 7,022 2 DISTRICT FAIZABAD Population of Towns by Mohallas/Wards Populatron --~- S"hedll ed Code no. and name of .\[oh"11' , Males Females Tot'll ,ill,lll1lS Casted Olhers --_. --~------ 2 3 4 6 7 - -_-- AI\_BAI:U'UR (TOWN AREA) I Shalt) thanpur 652 504 1 156 491 10 655 2 "1'[oradabad 582 354 936 316 57 563 3 Akbarpnr 1,140 1012 2152 1,084 145 923 4 r\ lJduJlah pur 610 563 1,173 536 140 497 5 Shal17adpUl 1,405 1,312 2,717 \,D09 363 1,345 ----- Total 4,389 3,745 : 8,134 3,430 715 3,983 Population according 10 Primary Censu. Abslract 4,455 3,751 8,206 JALALPUR (TOWN AREA) 1 Ghasiyari Mundi 426 405 831 495 336 2 Paehh,m Tara! 394 372 766 568 34 164 3 QazIpura 459 451 910 838 72 4 Dalal Tola 144 119 263 94 169 5 Neem Tola 471 450 921 784 21 116 6 Bazldpur 198 160 358 269 4 85 7 Usmanpnr 547 518 1,065 476 43 546 8 GallJ'" 244 188 432 4 428 9 Chaehu 359 310 669 160 116 393 10 Jafrahnd 1,125 1 [[0 2,235 [,871 78 286 [[ Bazar 293 253 546 264 282 ------- Total 4,660 4,336 8,996 5,819 300 2,877 ---- Population according to Primary Censu' Abstract 4,681 4318 9001 GOSAINGANJ (TOWN AREA) I Go salll ganJ 607 577 1 184 ~92 11 681 2 Kaha 822 60[ 1423 357 157 909 3 Tollyagarh 699 1)21 1,220 189 3( 995 Total 2,128 1,699 3817 1,038 204 2,585 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,081 1732 J,813 BHADARSA (TOWN'AREA) 1 Lalpur Ward 1 .leopur 964 970 1934 686 127 1,[21 2 Lalpur .. } re Ramj&'ltk' Ward 3 B",zar 4 Murarl Tola .:} 1,038 998 2016 95[ 71 [ 0[4 5 RamJanh .. Total 2,002 1,968 3970 1,6~7 198 2,135 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,007 1,97.3 3980 FAIZABAD-CVM AYODHYA (MUNICIPAL BOARD) I Abllsorai 41 [ 431 842 371 161 3[0 2 Barhal ka Purwa 1,332 841 2,173 2 21 2,150 3 Kar.kffi All ka Purwa [35 135 270 2 50 218 4 Saadatganl 576 520 1096 208 43 845 5 \fudha 26[ 219 480 73 39 368 6 (',Vi] L,nes Proper [,058 310 1368 197 129 [,042 7 RaIlw,]y Colony 985 633 1,618 294 76 [,248 8 ~iaqhara BegumganJ 981 874 1855 302 72 [,48[ 9 Ramnagar 476 432 908 903 10 Naka Muza£fara 387 312 699 131 568 II RekahgauJ [,940 [ 484 3424 325 70 3,029 12 Jharkhandi 480 182 662 9G 30 536 13 Hatabasant 66 77 143 86 [2 45 --~-~- ~~-~ 8 DISTRICT FAIZABAD Population of Towns by MohallasjWards Population Scheduled Code no. und JI<.t11'l0 of MobalIa Males Female" Tota] Mnslims Castes O~hers ----- -----~ ----_--- 2 4 5 6 7 FAIZABAD-CUllLo\ YOJ)HYA (MUNICIPAL BOARD)-Ccorda,) 14 Khirki Ali Beg 301 258 559 229 330 15 Kass',h Bar" 185 193 378 351 3 24 16 Rishi Tola 526 513 1,039 454 3 582 17 Mallajani Tola 620 566 1,186 39 7Z 1,075 18 Rab Ralla.
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