Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / June 11 1089 That work, too, can be dangerous for those was not received in time for publication in the who follow in your footsteps in the peace- appropriate issue. keeping missions. But it is very much in our interest to help them rebuild, and to draw Proclamation 7203ÐGay and togetherÐto teach them what we already Lesbian Pride Month, 1999 knowÐthat if they have something to look forward to and something to work for and June 11, 1999 something to get up in the morning and smile By the President of the United States about, it's a lot easier for people with super- of America ficial differences to find common interests. And so we have to be a part of that, as well. A Proclamation Whenever I come to Missouri, a State I've Thirty years ago this month, at the Stone- always loved, since I grew up to the south, wall Inn in New York City, a courageous in Arkansas, I think of President Truman, group of citizens resisted harassment and who was the President when I was born and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain of whom my family idolized. Congressman events that would become known as the Skelton knew Harry Truman, and I think that Stonewall Uprising and the birth of the mod- we would all admit that Harry Truman knew ern gay and lesbian civil rights movement. something about standing up for what he be- Gays and lesbians, their families and friends, lieved in. President Truman would be very, celebrate the anniversary of Stonewall every very proud of the Whiteman family today. June in America as Gay and Lesbian Pride In the final days of World War II, Harry Month; and, earlier this month, the National Truman said, ``It is easier to remove tyrants Park Service added the Stonewall Inn, as well and destroy concentration camps than it is as the nearby park and neighborhood streets to kill the ideas which gave them birth and surrounding it, to the National Register of strength. Victory on the battlefield was essen- Historic Places. tial, but it was not enough. For a good peace, I am proud of the measures my Adminis- a lasting peace, decent people of the Earth tration has taken to end discrimination must remain determined to strike down the against gays and lesbians and ensure that they evil spirit which has hung over the world for have the same rights guaranteed to their fel- the last decade.'' low Americans. Last year, I signed an Execu- Well, the decent people of the world are tive order that amends Federal equal em- determined to rebuild Kosovo and the Bal- ployment opportunity policy to prohibit dis- kans. Think about the spirit. crimination in the Federal civilian work force If you don't remember anything else I said based on sexual orientation. We have also today, remember this. Your victory was banned discrimination based on sexual ori- achieved for two reasons: one, the power and entation in the granting of security clear- skill and courage of our pilots and our crews ances. As a result of these and other policies, and the awesome capacity of our planes and gay and lesbian Americans serve openly and our bombs; but two, the power of the exam- proudly throughout the Federal Govern- ple that you set in our military, a stern re- ment. My Administration is also working with buke, on a daily basis, to ethnic cleansing and congressional leaders to pass the Employ- a reaffirmation of the moral worth and the ment Non-Discrimination Act, which would sheer joy of working together as equal human prohibit most private employers from firing beings for a good cause. workers solely because of their sexual ori- Thank you, and God bless you. entation. America's diversity is our greatest strength. NOTE: The President spoke at 11:50 a.m. in Build- But, while we have come a long way on our ing 1117. In his remarks, he referred to Gen. Lester Lyles, USAF, Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air journey toward tolerance, understanding, Force; Brig. Gen. Leroy Barnidge, Jr., USAF, and mutual respect, we still have a long way Wing Commander, 509th Bomb Wing; and Presi- to go in our efforts to end discrimination. dent Slobodan Milosevic of the Federal Republic During the past year, people across our coun- of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). This item try have been shaken by violent acts that VerDate 18-JUN-99 07:40 Jun 23, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P24JN4.014 txed02 PsN: txed02 1090 June 11 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 struck at the heart of what it means to be Americans to observe this month with appro- an American and at the values that have al- priate programs, ceremonies, and activities ways defined us as a Nation. In 1997, the that celebrate our diversity, and to remember most recent year for which we have statistics, throughout the year the gay and lesbian there were more than 8,000 reported hate Americans whose many and varied contribu- crimes in our countryÐalmost one an hour. tions have enriched our national life. Now is the time for us to take strong and In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set decisive action to end all hate crimes, and my hand this eleventh day of June, in the I reaffirm my pledge to work with the Con- year of our Lord nineteen hundred and nine- gress to pass the Hate Crimes Prevention ty-nine, and of the Independence of the Act. United States of America the two hundred But we cannot achieve true tolerance and twenty-third. merely through legislation; we must change William J. Clinton hearts and minds as well. Our greatest hope for a just society is to teach our children to [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, respect one another, to appreciate our dif- 8:45 a.m., June 15, 1999] ferences, and to recognize the fundamental values that we hold in common. As part of NOTE: This proclamation was published in the Federal Register on June 16. This item was not our efforts to achieve this goal, earlier this received in time for publication in the appropriate spring, I announced that the Departments issue. of Justice and Education will work in part- nership with educational and other private sector organizations to reach out to students Proclamation 7204ÐFlag Day and and teach them that our diversity is a gift. National Flag Week, 1999 In addition, the Department of Education June 11, 1999 has issued landmark guidance that explains Federal standards against sexual harassment By the President of the United States and prohibits sexual harassment of all stu- of America dents regardless of their sexual orientation; and I have ordered the Education Depart- A Proclamation ment's civil rights office to step up its en- Since its adoption in 1777 by the Conti- forcement of anti-discrimination and harass- nental Congress, the Stars and Stripes has ment rules. That effort has resulted in a symbolized the promise of America. This groundbreaking guide that provides practical promiseÐof equality, justice under the law, guidance to school administrators and teach- freedom from tyranny, and inclusion in a gov- ers for developing a comprehensive approach ernment of the peopleÐbeckons immigrants to protecting all students, including gays and to our shores today just as it has for more lesbians, from harassment and violence. than two centuries. Each time the Stars and Since our earliest days as a Nation, Ameri- Stripes is raised over our homes, public cans have strived to make real the ideals of buildings, schools, or community gathering equality and freedom so eloquently ex- places, it proclaims that our Nation's great pressed in our Declaration of Independence experiment in democracy is alive and well. and Constitution. We now have a rare oppor- The stately design of the Stars and Stripes tunity to enter a new century and a new mil- celebrates America's diversity while pro- lennium as one country, living those prin- claiming the unity of our Nation. Its white ciples, recognizing our common values, and stars, whose shifting constellation has chron- building on our shared strengths. icled the growth of our Nation, are the an- Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, cient symbols of a sovereign domain; they lie President of the United States of America, on a field of blue that represents loyalty, jus- by virtue of the authority vested in me by tice, and truth. Thus our flag describes the the Constitution and laws of the United unique Republic designed by our founders, States, do thereby proclaim June 1999 as Gay in which States that vary widely in geography, and Lesbian Pride Month. I encourage all history, and culture are joined in sustaining VerDate 18-JUN-99 07:40 Jun 23, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P24JN4.014 txed02 PsN: txed02.
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