WEEIt'S IPLETE TELEV'iSION PROGRAMS THE 'UNDAY Clifton .,f Paterson :::::::::::::::::::::::.::i':i-..':• Lawn ß,'•!!?::.:•i•;i•i;!::.:::;i::i::i::ii:. N::.... ßr.v.•.•.• "::Gi::..i."•i:ii::b!!.11:. Garfield ";aledon Hawthorne • ............;................ ß':'.½.i.'.-'.'•:: ' . ,• • Lodi Little Falls Mountain V[ North Haledon Paterson ':•=.?:iiiii?:•d.•!:.'.:!i?:li?::=i:::..•!l?i'iii?:i: I':'•:':•i!:;(•i; ;:•;:•.... •, ....'-'-"'i'-'.::.:..%' "•.... Passaic -.:...-..:-- .•!;.'•..-":...-'•;!;11;iil!',;i"::':!':!!::!::,iii;::....:.', •_• .::.:::;:::½,':•:;;•!:•!½!!i;;::';::'. PomptonLakes ß::-. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::'-:: ..".":.'.';:::i:i::":'.::i::"..:.:..!&•,.. ' ' ' :.:::::"=============================== Prospect Park ,..':i•?:':"'•:&•?.•:..::..•.:' ,.::½;:.::!::..'...........'::::•'i•: •: .?:,•............ "-...:;.•i...':.:;,i•i:i•i•?;.:'" • •. h•.• . .•!i!!!!!;!;!!ii;iii!i!!!i!:!:i:i:!:i:i:i:!'' '!:F:!::::::.:::.Y.:' ..::ii!!i:ii!;:::...:.:.i• Sincjac 'o::;:•i::iiii;111•::.•!ii!;i;;11=!:i:::i:".i:ili-Y.......... "":•'•' .'• •v. :=!?..... ..;•i•?!.a• ""'"'"":•:'ff"i:4.............' .- fotowa Wayne LV ....ß....:.... , ....... ".:'ii,½iii';ii,•iiii?,i•};$: " ./'-':, .:•"•:.' ';:'•,....-"•!.!!::::.. West Paterson ß::i::':"::iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii?:ii?:iiii:=;?' .......ß..........:.:::?.i:...... :.... -.•-..- STARS ON DISPLAY DECEMBER 7, 1958 VOL. XXX, No. 49 WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NAME TO I•EMEMBE• for ... .!i:. ß FURNITURE ;.: .. Living Boom B• Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY and LIOW PRICE -- 39 Years Serving the Public -- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7S30 PATERSON,N.J. 240 MAIt• ST. (Carroll Plm Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 ,... :.:-•-•.,:i".-•........,.•... --.:.:..'--•?, . .::::.• ?'-....•.;•:':•i::.-:":':•:,..'.-' : ..-i-....ß ..•...4:'.:...:"" MORNINGSIDE ii .-:'{.:.-..i½.:"-':•_-...... .- :.!;;•.....:...::...• ?' ..,. ¾.' ß:. 'i;' ' •:..o.•"" ß """:•::: .. ' :...::...... .. 4:..-. Artists With Flowers ß.;!i "..,::..;::;. i: . :..-'"".• *:' '•' ';:i": .:•:. '- .. WeddingEstimates Cheerfully Given- By Appointment AEmory 4-7400 :•,•...%•.:. " ':..Z!!'Zi..' '" i;; ' :'-:."-'....,-. .. ß ß.' .i'. ";,.,:'': . ': . ; '- ':"i•:'i.!; .... '- '-..,.,..:,...-. .,:,•!;:;::..:'i:!." ...... '" .., •.. ß ,. ß '" -.-:::-.:...:-:. ... ..Z'f .... ' ' '. THEIDEAL PLACETO DINE AND WINE • i:: ' ß ' ' ': ,,,..,.....• ". ....ß . •' ß ..:•. ..?.... .•_..,..:. •4 '*:.. -:. .:.i:.ii,...:..ß..... ' ' ':.-.. "..'-:2'.: •-. ,, I•! .. .": ... - '•i'.... '% ':' " -,. ::.. '3';'! : ß -:: -.; ß -: .... ..... ß .. •.. ß' 5-,,•. .•.. :. ITCHE ß•.:.•.•$;,., .... ß ,• :. .. ß ,.':: ITAtIAN'AHER/CAß- .•.: • IN NEW 'AMAHL'PERFORMANCE--Amahl (Kirk Jordan)sings to SE•A •ECIALTY•00D his mother (Rosemary Kuhlmann) in "Amahl and the Night Visi- tors," the famous opera which will be given its ninth performance by the NBC Opera Company Sunday, Dec. 14, in a live colorcast over BROILED LOBSTER • --D•ILY the NBC-TV Network. The tender story of a crippled boy who is cured by a miracle was written by Gian Carlo Menertl, who also KROGS'TROUT-Z,•G& HALIBUT-- •KT SH•bbSAbMON-CR•u•- IHRIMPB•UEPI• - ß - RAINBOWOP•- composed the music. 161OT•HS BELMONT-C•AM AVE (Car.-COD .rhans). YI•H- HALEDON5WO•D •I• - . - - - ONSALE AT O O . He.rs: .•. ' . Men.- Sat. 9:30 a.m. to. 10 p.m. -•.."' FRO HARRISON OpenSunday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. '•.;• ARTIFICIAL •' .. CHRISTMAS TREE L•ON•LZW • 9 5 " 6 Ft.Size Fl•meproofVisc• TRAN $ F0 R'M[ R . " Rag.9.95 Lionel'sMost Powerful Transformer T• •..--,' 6 275GoodWattThrough 116•esday,Volt DecemberAC 60 Cycle9 Cou Page Two . The CHI•ONICI• .. :il i!:': ,.!!!:-.' i!!i•.• ...... '•" "':' -- ßi::.::::.'...-..--:: .:.:.-:# ::'-:•'...,•. ß .i " .:ii•i•...... ii!•;i..i.::::!:. ......... .. ::........... "::'" ..::i•!ii"•;•'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:i.:.;..' '•.•.:.;-:-'..... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:..4+:::::::.::•.•::;i::::.4 >.:::x::½: :-x.: ::-:.:-:-:::::-.' :.:-'..:.:.:-:-:.:-..'.:.•:. ......... ::.•!:?:':.:"--:::'.:?•::-•!:!!ii..•:ii!::'::!:!i::i.?-?-::•!i:-:'.:i!:i .... ':i:'•.•"'-.:'::i:-::•i!!•:!•.• .'.-:.i:?..•>.::ii.•ii•::iiiii•ii!!!•!:.iiii•!•:!t.-!!i!:!:•: ...:.:.:.::....... :::::.:f:-:. .:..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.:.:-.:.:.-ß. -.- ß'.:ii: :'.::::i:):::: :::':::;!•::::::•9i;•<,. - "'-"•:.."-•i:..:!i:• '•!::i::'"':" !i•;'-i...;:•i!i;,:!!.-".'i:..•::½iZ.'"•-'; 1•:":-"::•--"" :::i....... ::..i:.:-::i:/"!!:!:'.".'-,' •.:.:.:. Published Weekly by .:.:'.:::,:,:- ß it:':....:. ß: - -*. :.;;i!•.......-•:.:!•::""':....•..i:" .... ' . .- '.'".. THE CHRONICLE COMPANY .. ??ii•:::::::i½?!i!i..ii..'.'.!!:....'.'iiii:i,!:!:i.... .:2w..:.-.:?.'•:.•:- :::-'::::..... • ' .'4 :-i'. '" '" " ':::ii:•'.'.-!::::::.... :::';:i:i•:!:•i::::ii:• ß ". ":'.. i!:. ."-. .:ii ::i:::i::..... '::!:i,':':i:::i::'- ,,,'a, :• :::!:::-'-'-':.' :"'. ß:::!: ..... , !:-•:•!:•½:-:i!*• ..... ;:......... 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, New Jersey v ß" ß ' ' " •- '•4:"' ..,.•x. " ; : ::"'::•;x'"'' ' ' • LAmbert 5-2741 ";' .....,.:-.ii ',,';'"" ß . VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor ..:;,'-•':f;!:,:• ,.. ßEntered as SecondClass matter August 24, 1926, at the Post ,•t" ,,..'i::•i';}::ii'::'-'.•;.... ., . Office.. at Paterson,N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. ' :5' DANCING MARINER - New York - CadetDavid Bloomfield. DECEMBER 7, 1958- VOL. XXX, No. 49 20. of the KingsPoint MerchantMarine Academy. amazes his school- matesand membersof the ballet wigha high-altitudeleg spread.The Ca•it• paid a backstagevisit to membersof the RussianBallet. SingleCopy 10 Cents ..-,,-_...'::•..:.22 $5.00 a Year By Mail , . - CONTENTS , FEATU RES Chronicle of the Week Short Story 14 AmencanHistory .............................. 15 CAMPY AT THE COPA - New York - Celebratinganother milestoneon his comebackroad, former Dodger Catche? Roy Campan- ella (Right), partially paralyzed as a result of an auto accident last January, sits with singer Nat "King" Cole during a visit to the DEPARTMENTS Copacabana •ghtclub here. Cole is currently starring at the club. Campanella and a party of friends visited the club to mark Campy's entrance on a new phase of rehabilitation, during which he will be- come an out-patient required to visit the hospital only three times a Social World 7 week. Editorials .__ 8 Editor Speaks 8 .. ß ß ,-, ,,... .;:':. :.... •,'..:::-.. ß '•.- Complete Television 11-12-13 ß. .':?? .: • .,.>. .. .-.?'-I'.. .. ß ß ß ..:.:....:i!i' ß .-:11:i:•'... ß .. .;..- i.,: ' .. "..:.•. *"•ff' .... ß" ß ß '" ß ' ..- . .•.:..:;"ß •1.' ,..:;• >..... '.'.ik . :.:..... .: .' .•... ß :-.:.':•'• % ,.-.... ß . '-'..... .::.. ! : -' ' COVER PICT.URE .,. : ... ... .. :........ ß i-•, -'- . .... >'"i2..'f ß..:...... ... :.-: ...... ß ..:•:.... .. .•,• . ß .. •J• : . ' '..'!.%- --•ook at the lineup of TV Network stars Santa pulled out of ß . vv::. ..... .. ß . ß . .ß:.. ?.'...:.. ''... '.'-. v.....--....::.:-.::-' ..2..:•-: :'.:..;...... ""'>'.;; ß ' : :.:.. ' ß ... his bag of holidaytreats! On hand for the merry gent'stree- .•'. .. -.-" ....-.4 ...- .. : * -!:i-..-"'"'"" 2:: -"- trimming are Perry Como, Dinah Shore and Steve Allen (top .: - -: .. .:::.:.:... .; ... .:.:-:.-- ..... ... .. ß . ß .... row); George Gobel, Loretta Young, Phyllis Kirk and Jerry ' ' -.'i' .. ß. ... .. Lewis (second row); George Burns, Bob Hope, Dave Garro- >>-<l:::;;':! •.•x.-•'" , '.• :' ß.. ßß .... " ' ' way and Milton Berle (.third row); Eddie Fisher and Jack C!tiCAOO - Chicago Cardinal ends Max Boydston (left) Paar (bottom row). Garroway stars on the "Today" tele- Gem Naglet erdoy light workout here with tackling practice on casts. Miss Kirk portrays the wife of Nick Charles (Peter- bara Kosak, member of local Gas Light Club, Bazbara and other club Lawford) on "The Thin. Man" .series.The Como, Allen, Gobel, members visited Cards training field, Tackling in game will be less Lewis, Berle, Fisher and Dinah Shore shows are colorcasts. pleasant-and much tougher, '..Tl• CHRONICLE Page Three Court Upholds Sunday Man Ordered To Clean House Or Go To Jail Closing Ordinance ß 6':::.. ' "-*':-' ' . .. .'- :.' :: ..):- :.: •-... ß Superior Court Judge J. Wal- A man in Oak Ridge, living in ß ß ... lace Leyden recently ruled that a house with broken windows, no • '-,' •;.... ß . ß.... •.. the Paramus Sunday closing or- running water, unclean ,bedrooms ß ;.. ..... .... .... dinance was constitutional. The ß:-' i?':?-•.¾.:::":... •:. •¾' '::" ' ./.:...-... -'.'.:.:. .: :.....-..-... .'-:. and generally unsanitary condi- . ordinance has been in effect since tions was ord'ered to clean up his ii:''? "'":;I• ....."½':• "•' :": {:.--, •i•.•...-": .... .'ß .' November of 1957, and the judge place or move to jail. He was ...... .. •.%'::•i.i-:"-•,.. ß-*.'..-'.. '•"::'. - .::'•ii. , •.• "•. ruled that the ordinance did not ..:...:! •.!: .,½"-ii:. ..•' given one week to do the job. ßß a ß'.*.: '•:: : violate any constitutional provi- The police say the man has a ß !. ' .... :'... ß ß '" ' ' ß'it '--:':*".'!Y•':-.:"•*-:• . -%..i .: .'::•--.... •. .. .. sions. child living with him who is in ....... .::,...i.i•.•.•.:.•:.'•.. ........•:.. .' . ._:. ;•.•,,..,:: :...•.:.... •.•.-'i ß ........:....": '-•:k......... ... ß :-...--..•.•... The ordinance is a modification need of medical attention. A pot- i,•ii•....;::.•_*::.. -'' ß ' . ..$:.... :. ß .- "?.?-... ß.•_::•...:-- :.. • - of t-he State's old blue laws. It belly stove, which could easily b'e ...• has compelled the Sunday .closing kicked over and cause the house ': ......iiii'::"- of numerous stor'es on Routes 4 to be destroyed by fire
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