THE LONDON GAZETTE, APEIL 16, 1901. 2628 MILITIA. 1st Lanarkshire, Major A. McL Shaw is granted ROYAL ENGINEERS (MILITIA). the honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Submaiine Miners. Dated 17th April, 1901. The Milford Haven Division, Lieutenant and 1st Lancashire, John Preston Reynolds, Gent., Instructor of Musketry R. J. C. Oakes. to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 17th April, INFANTRY. -1901. 3rd Battalion, the East Surrey Regiment , Lieu- 1st Suffolk and Harwich, Lieutenant B. A. Posford tenant F. G. Watson. is borne as Supernumerary whilst serving with 4;tk Battalion, the East Surrey Regiment, Lieu- the Royal Eastern Reserve Regiment. Dated tenant E. H. Thirkell-White. 17th April, 1901. Brd Battalion, the Essex Regiment, Lieutenant Second Lieutenant "W. McLearon to be Lieu- H. G. Vaux. tenant. Dated 17th April, 1901. Battalion, the King's Own (Yorkshire Light ROYAL ENGINEERS (VOLUNTEERS). Infantry), Lieutenant A. C. Benson. 1st Bedfordshire, Major G. J. R. Gliinicke to be Lieutenant-Colonel on increase of Establishment 5 th Battalion, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish and to command under paragraph 55A Volunteer ' Fusiliers), Lieutenant C. St. G. French. Regulations. Dated 17th April, 1901. 2nd Cheshire (Railway), Lieutenant E. Davenport MEMORANDUM. is borne as Supernumerary whilst serving with The undermentioned Officers are seconded the Volunteer Section in South Africa. Dated for service with Line Battalions in South 10th April, 1901. Africa : — MILITIA. 1st Hampshire, Second Lieutenant J. Homan to INFANTRY. be Lieutenant. Dated 17th April, 1901. 4th Battalion, the Norfolk Regiment, Second 1st Lanarkshire, William Hamilton Campbell Lieutenant J. H. Can day. Dated 12th March, Kids ton, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. 1901. Dated 17th April, 1901. 3rd Battalion, the Devonshire Regiment, Lieutenant 1st Lancashire, Lieutenant W. H. Fletcher to-be M. I. G. Jenkins. Dated 12th March, 1901. Capiain. Dated 17th April, 1901. 3rd Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment, Lieu- 1st Sussex, Second Lieutenant C. W. Buckwell is tenar.t E. St. G. Mivart. Dated 26th February, seconded for service with the Imperial 1901. Yeomanry in South Africa. Dated 3rd April, 4th Battalion, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Lieu- 1901 tenant H. J. Phillips. Dated 26th February, RIFLE. - 1901. 8th Volunteer Battalion, the Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Lieutenant J. Stevenson resigns his YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Commission. Dated 17th April, 1901. Cheshire (Earl of Chester's), George Crompton 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Queen's (Royal West Lees-Milne, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Surrey Regiment), Second Lieutenant H. C. W: Dated 17th April, 1901. Wilkinson to be Lieutenant. Dated 17th April, Royal 1st Devon, Lieutenant J. G. E. Templer 1901. (Captain, retired), to be Captain, and to be 3rd Volunteer Battalion, the Queen's (Royal West granted the honorary rank of Major. Dated Surrey Regiment), The undermentioned Second 17th April, 1901. Lieutenants to be Lieutenants :— 1th Yeomanry Brigade (Herts and Suffolk), Cap- H. M. Bathurst, Dated 17th April, 1901. tain J. Knowlt-s, 15th Hussars, to be Adjutant, H. A. Steward. Dated 17th April, 1901. vice Captain J. Whitaker, 20th Hussars, who 4fA Volunteer Battalion, the Queen's (Royal West has retired from the Service. Dated 21st Surrey Regiment), Lieutenant E. Powell to be March, 1901. Captain. Dated 17th April, 1901. VOLUNTEER CORPS. LIGHT HOUSE. 5th (Irish) Volunfeer BaUalion, the King's (Liver- 1st Fifeshire, Supernumerary Veterinary -Lieu- pool Regiment), Second Lieutenant A. A. Black tenant J. McL. Young to be Veterinary- resigns his .Commission. Dated 17th April, Lieutenant on the Establishment. Dated 10th 1901. April, 1901. David Radcliffe Grindley, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 17th April, 1901. AttTILLERf. 1st Cheshire and Carnarvonshire, Hugh Corbet 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Norfolk Regiment, Vincent, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant C. Patey resigns his Com- Dated 17th April, 1901. mission. Dated 17th April, 1901. 1st Edinburgh ( City), Captain and Honorary Major 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Prince Albert's J. McNiel to be Major. Dated 17th April, (Somersetshire Light Infantry), Lieutenant A. 1901. Scutt to be Captain. Dated 17th April, 190-1. 2nd Hampshire (Southern Divisiw, Royal Garrison Artillery), Willisim Duprte, Gent., to be Second 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Prince of Wales's Lieutenant. Dated 1 7th April, 190 1 . Own ( West Yorkshire- Regiment), Major E. A. Lieutenant and District Officer A. C. Chew, Mangin resigns his Commissijn, with permission Royal Garrison Artillery, to be Adjutant, vice to retain his rank and to wear the uniform of Captain M. M. D. Morrison, whose period of the Battalion on retirement. Dated 17th April, service expires. Dated 10th April, 1901. 1901. Lieutenant and District Officer. A. C. Chew, 2nd (Hertfordshire) Volunteer Battalion, the Royal Garrison Artillery, is granted the tem- Bedfordshire Regiment, Edward Harris Ballara, • porary rank of Captain whilst serving as Adju- Gent., to be Quartermaster. Dated 17th April. tant. Dated 10th April, 190 1-. 1901. - No. 27305. E.
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