.3 Uoh XTU. Ho. 9. Cake Bopatcotig, new Jersey, flugusf 24,1907. Price, 10 Cents. A MERRY GROUP OF CAMPERS. Courtesy of The Sunday Call. Fholo by Harris On Lake Hopatcong, HOTEL BRESLIN, New Jersey. & J* <* ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 400 GUESTS. ^[ Hotel is beautifully situated on a bluff 185 feet above Lake, surrounded by several acres of shaded lawns, and 1,300 feet above tidewater. *\\ One hour and thirty minutes from New York City via. D., L. & W. R. R. Grand auto run of fifty miles over Macadamized Road, to Hotel. TJ Booking Office, Hotel Arlington, 25th and Broadway, New York. 'Phone, 2606, Madison Square. If WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. WE F. INGOLD, Manager, Post Office Address, Mt. Arlington, N. J. HOTEL HOLLYWOOD, Garden Spot of Lake Hopatcong, N, J," ([ All Modern Improvements. Beautifully Furnished Throughout. Cuisine and Service Unsurpassed. Table Delicacies from our own garden. Special Table D'Hote served every Sunday. Great Bear Spring Water used for Drinking Purposes. Boating, Bathing, Fishing, Etc. C The Hollywood's Pleasure Boat, "Hollywood," circles the Lake every hour in the day. Passengers taken to and from all parts and points of interns! on and around the Lake. The boat signal is a green flag, but any signal waved to and fro will be answered. P. O. ADDRESS, LAKE HOPATCONG, ™ J WESTMORELAND HOTEL Oppo. D. L. & W. R. R. Station and Steamboat Landing. OPEN ALL THE YEAR AROUND. RATES—Per Day, $2; Per Week, $10 to $14. LIVERY AND BARBER SHOP, D. L. BRYANT, Proprietor. A. S. BRYANT, Manager. LANDING, NEW JERSEY. Telephone 37, Hopatcong. THE W. H. CAWLEY CO., Manufacturing Carbonators and Bottlers. DISTRIBUTORS OF Ballantine's Beers (The Beer of Quality), Ales and Porter WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We guarantee our Mineral Waters Pure, Sparkling and Non-Alcoholic For sale at Lake Stores, Stands and Pavilions, all Flavors. Quarts and Half Pints. We Deliver Free Anywhere on the Lake, twice weekly. Write or Telephone any time Day or Night. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 93. The New Rex Cap and Splits of Beer a Specialty. OFFICE—Foot Morris Street, Dover, N. J. A T-T "RLUME Arlington, New Jersey. Sanitary Plumbing, Steam Heat- ing, Gas Fitting and Tinning. CALLS ON LAKE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BY BOAT. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. (I Agent for Heath & Milligan's Best Prepared Paints, in all colors. Established thirteen years at Mt. Arlington. C Best of references furnished by home parties. Telephone, 23-J, Hopatcong. Dated Saturday, August 24th, 1907. LAKE HOPATCONG BREEZE. "Snnnjside Cottage"—Smith's Ddck. ^ ^ AN IDEAL COMBINATION & «jt <P Unsurpassed View, Large Porches and Parlors. Cool, Comfortable Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Good Livery. House Open all the Year. Steam Heat in Winter. Pleasure Boats, Fishing Boats, Bait, Guides—everything the "Seeker after Pleas- ure" on the water can desire. P Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 per Day; $10.00 to $15.00 per Week. MAHLO.N SMITH, Proprietor. Phone 18-W Hopatcong. Lake Hopatcong, N. J. SOUVENIRS Smith's Pock at the "Sunnyside" COMPLETE AND HANDSOME LINE OF Hand-painted Japanese Wear, Burnt and Painted Leather Goods of all Descriptions. Sweet Grass, Souvenir Spoons, fine line of Ladies' Combs, Suitable for Euchre and Whist Prizes, ALSO A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, ICE CREAM, SODA WATER AND BOX CANDY. UNION NEWS CO., ATLANTIC CITY! NOLANS POINT AND LANDING. ^ Full line of Magazines, Daily and Sunday Papers. The Latest "BREEZE." THE RESORT OF HEALTH, Delivery of Sunday Newspapers by Launch. "$ Watch for the Boat-—and hail, or leave order PLEASURE AND FASHION. at either Landing or Nolans Point Newsstand. fi Complete Stock of Constantly Replenished Confectionery. Special line Souvenir Postals. Three Hours from New York A.R.TAYLOR, - *• Manager. VIA. Detroit ngine I Starts without cranB>_ 3-5-740 8. P. Fropot- New Jersey Central. line; no cams, SEND FOR tionate prices. Cylin- I valves, springs or , TESTIHO5IAL3 k I sprockets. Only 3 ders and pistons • moving parts. All ground. Crank ahstt j I bearings babbitted. drop forged steel. ] I For ybnr Row Boat. All sizes ready to Isiil Boat, Launch ship. LUXURIOUS EQUIPMENT. FAST SERVICE. 110,000 in use. SENB FOB Detroit Engine Works FREE ClTiLOS. 1S70 Jefferson Ave. Detroit, flichlgan Illustrated Booklet FREE on Application. l3 East Blackwell Street, wn. ^ ^ STATIONS—Foot Liberty Street, N. R., West 23d St. Dover NewJersey JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Headquarters for Prizes Suitable for Card Parties. W. C. HOPE, G. P. A., New York. Special Attention Given to Fitting and Repairing Glasses. LAKE HOPATCONG BREEZE. Dated Saturday, August 24th, 1907. SOUVENIR. Post Cards. The Most Complete L,ine and Largest Display of RICHARD l. LAKE' 'Souvenir Fosi Cards. at the Lalce. RICHARD'S Postoffice Building, Nolans Point. W pf%n f4~ tV% £k n't" ^'f" i\ f£± Groceries, Tinware, Notions. L/Cpcil LIIICIIL JIUIC Gasoline for SaIe „ „ „ New and novel line. No old stock. Critical inspection invited, as goods must be seen to be appreciated. Prizes for Euchre and Whist Parties—nothing lacking. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Soft Drinks, Unfermented Wines. All popular brands of candies— Huylers, Samoset, Belle Meade Sweets, Peter's Bon-Bons, and a large variety in small quantities of sweet chocolates. We are leaders in Souvenirs and Comic Post Cards. Most every view of the Lake. BOAT YARD—New Pleasure Skiffs for sale and hire. Canoes and Sailboats to let. %M ^t Everything Needed by Cottagers and Campers. %H <M Hotel Accommodations. Large airy rooms. View of lake from every window. All the modern improve- ments. Cuisine un- surpassed. Table guests accommo- dated. Rates reason- able. J. Lee & Son, Lee's (Nolans) Point. Tel J7-W Hopateong. Lake Hopatcong Breeze. Season J907. LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J., AUGUST 24, 1907. Vol. XIV. No. 9. AMATEUR VAUDEVILLE The Misses Gertrude, Anita and Viola Breunig, daughters of Assemblyman John Breunig, of Newark, gave a very enjoyable entertainment at their cottage, Musconet, Thursday evening. The place was brilliantly lighted by many Japanese lanterns strung about the house and between the trees. The lawn was ANNUAL SHORE ILLUMINATION. dotted with colored lights which .aided by innumerable fire- The annual shore and cottage illumination, the prettiest fete flies turned the grounds into Fairyland. The piaza, decorated at this resort during the season, took place last Saturday night. with ferns and flags, was converted into a veritable stage, foot- For weeks past the residents have been making great prepara- lights not omitted, upon which a delightful vaudeville pro- tions for this display. Some of the designs were days in pre- gramme was rendered. After the entertainment refreshments paration, while thousands of dollars were spent for illumina- were served. tions and fireworks. The night was ideal for the event, as a Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schindler, heavy haze obscured the brilliance of the moon and added to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Becker, Mr. and the splendor of the illuminations. Mrs. B. Cordts Mr. and Mrs. C. Nagel, Mrs. L. Peters, Mrs. The Judges' boat left Wildwood, the residence of Commodore R. Rinne, Mrs. E. Boese, Mrs. A. Nagel, Mrs. W. Becker, R. L. Edwards, at eight o'clock and proceeded in review about Miss May Taylor, Miss Elsie Rinne, Miss Meta Schumacher, the shores of the lake. The judges' boat was followed by nearly Miss Amy Nagel, Miss Hazel Ludlow, Miss Eva Cordts, Miss every power vessel on the lake, displaying signal lights only, Martha Cordts, Miss Sarah,. Becker, Miss Holm, Miss Redish, the better to view the pageant, and carrying thousands of vis- Miss Lillian Collin, Mr. Louis Edwards, Mr. George Nagel, itors who had come to witness the spectacle. Mr. Sherborne Redish, Messrs. Cordts and Mr. Wm. Brohm. As the boats passed along the shore they saluted the occu- pants of the illuminated cottages and camps with shrill whistles c c c .which were in many instances answered by gorgeous displays A NAUGHTY JOKE. of fireworks. The lake itself presented a striking and marvel- A naughty joke was played on one of the most dignified lous appearance. Its miles of shore line were closely dotted guests at the Vanover House, whose room was selected for a with cottages glittering with myriads of lights, while here and fish carnival. When this most popular member of the veranda there a cove or inlet was so closely studded it presented a blaze brigade retired to her room she found a festive fish swimming of dazzling light a mile or more in extent. Such a scene was gayly in her water pitcher. She retreated to the bed and dis- presented in the River Styx, which was one mass of lights covered there several impudent fish, of doubtful gender, taking from its mouth to the bridge. a siesta. Further research found still more of the species rest- Prizes for illuminated cottages were awarded as follows: lessly stirring in the confines of a night robe, while other vain Mr. B. P. Bird's Cottage, Bird's Nest, first prize; Dr. Charles fish betrayed their sex by making a raid on the powder box N. Cox's cottage, Casadora, second prize; Point Pleasant Club, and rouge pot and adorning their countenances with a liberal third prize. Honorable mention was awarded the three follow- application of these beautifiers. That fish deplore the fact ing cottages in order named, Mr. Dwight B. Smith's, Westerly; that they lack the "crowning glory" was shown by their inva- Mr. Joseph R. King's, Sister Islands; Mr. J. S. Carter's, Fair- sion of the hair receptacle. view. Other cottages deserving special mention were Mr. J. The most humorous part of the incident was that the good Fred Runyon's bungalow, Mr.
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