![^&Atd Bo^ H a Raisi] Ngp »Lan](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
___________ i 2 ^-------^ 76th year,-f,N orll3~-rr— ^— -~Tu)ln-Falls,l .'Idaho 17Thuradfiy, April 23719812 ^ ---- - 2 5 * — - y f 1^ 1 b o ^ t t i i d ira is i] » la n .. n g p .s * :' TWIN FALLS-Fundu n d raisin g icU v itl^ rangingig 1from a The Twin Failsails Optimist" Club h o ^ lo> 1;hold Its "Lost donationsjns. Prospective holders of)(those tl key slots have "LostWagesNlghfloa 250.000 wUl requiro 330 personssons coqtactlng 1,975 polenllal to a benefit dance are amonggplansto pi Wages Night” sometimesor this spring, said cli:lubspokesman been conronlacted. Scheel said, butut nam es will not bc dor - com bat S250.000 lo MagKaglc VaUey YFCA debts. lonors. M ajor gifts should Inclinclude one in tho amounl of ' William Kyle. ThcTh event will allow particlp;lpants lo trade announceiced immediately, JIO10.000 and three of SS.OOO each, '..Those projects and1 door-to-doord( solicitations are,aii firm cash for play mor ach. he said. Thc fundraising money to be used in card andid other games. Scheelcl alsoi said the YFCA is not yetyel releasing the tbrgct stntrategy, should Include six dl\ . plans among a spateI of proposals discussed Wedssdnesday- •' J^ ter in the evenl [ divisions and 54 team cap­ 'cnlng, major prizes will be auauclioncd; ' - sum-of-ir[-money whlch must be-lnI-a a "Save the Y" tnlsl • laliains, headded.. nighl a t a YFCA fundraidiralsers’ i^ tln g -a tte n d e d by about . Rick Carr saidId ModemH Wbodnien of Amerl irica will hold a accoimt. t atjTwln.Falls_Bank_and_'i id_Trust by a July 31. .. ."One of tbemostlmportantut plecerofpl Utorature we need-------- M ay 29 benefit daidance atUftCTcsOUBr^a'eEK^ouaCfl' • • d e a ^ e , , le,.. As «h.Wednesday, the accountac had.f2,335 in toci0 devdopis'tbe case for supporiiport,” Uptonsald. ' P ^ ^ a ls target^ fdr preUm inaiy legworii Wednidnesday use of ItsJBCllItlem ies. 'A band bas agreed to0 work-free'of unsollclte Ited Mntributions, said.d. ,,iAnother a^ u n t for Aa slim m ajbrityof-personswhs who commented Wednesday 'teclutfe a telethon andd a public barbecuo. Also dls(llscussed • charge, ahd the6 ModemMl Woodmen of Arherlci lea home office personss who w wish to pledge conlrlbutliiutlonstobegivcnii)the off;tr an earlier proposal that the'the YFCA h ire a professional 'as means of reopeninglng the YFCA building whfclIlch was will malch proceeiceeds up to $500, C arrsald. next threeree years also Is open, shesaid,aid. fiu)'jndraisersaid they do oot favoiavor such a move. closed April- 6 t^us«aiise of financial problems,is, were ...WUlle Scheel,el, temporarily In chargc ge of YFCA Thos attendingat the meeting alsoso heard1 a fundraising YF,CA'Y Board m em ber Zoo:oe Ann Shaub said that If- . program s whereby busiauslnesses would donate parilart. of^a- fundraising,; saidsid the overall,plan to raise se money will outline proposedpi by Chuck Upton,ton, form er executive. voliDlimtecrs can!t j-alse anadec^uiec^uate am ountof money in 90......... day’ft income to thele YFCA,' and civic ;clubs« would .. - Involve efforts of three or four Influential I ll businessmen directorr of( the YFCA. Upton, Inleinlensively Involved-In, dayays, that will Indicate thc co: ' challrageeachothers'dodonations. who wiji m ake on i community doesA't want a ! one-to-one contacts to solidcit substantial pi;evlousIS YFCA fundraising drive!ives. Mid -generating YFi■FCA facility. - H a ^&atd m m WASHINGTON (UPI)^> 1 )-President. Reagan bas:tentatively.!Jydeclded'Mi a . 'P a r t i a l lifting of the graingn .embargo. against tbe Soviet Unionon jas a result of ' ...........................V— the easing tm.of pressunsure on P o l^ d , - " ■ r :_i_CBS^<ewweport«<WedDednesday night.— • CBS, fnrrwponrifiit^ - : r e p ^ Wblte House ^DdSsplu1o-~^^^Hoffl ' ' a n o M ^ ' late F ttday ."a.“a phased lift- - : . hitm.<n InronHintlves'desIgbe<L^^^^^^| ''' to encourage the Sovlei/lets to bdiara ' thiemBelves over Poland."Id.". — ^— r-A~flf>aI decision is expectedex( to be made by Reagian at a WblteV House . m u tin g w ltb m a id e sB TlThursday, the -------network reported, althoujlough tb e presi* ........-deht4pproved,the “geneiineral <(9i^t"; -^9 ^9 ^ CBS reported tbe' Sovi3o¥els wlU be j H H | allowed at ilrat’ to -.pun)urcbase more " w h ^ t,' " p c ^ p s -i milliiiUlionTbusbi^' and-more-soybeaitB.-ButBut-more' corn 'H B H S f-4 —purchases wUl not bebe. pennltted... because drought^ddenn como farm ers m S B G “not coofideot. theyey ^ ‘bave a : | B ^ ^ m normal crop.” '------‘“ TUB'artwork said »)ve yers are now worklog-onron.developlng . new export llcen^'to'accommodate ac . the limited grain s d ^ totoRussla. H • ^Tlcttog-Whlte House preipressjecretary— II*' Lany.Speakes said oo-do-dec&loQ • b ^ made on the mattiAtter, luid tbe StMTDepailment declinelined commoit on (he report. , • Biit there were meetieetings. at the - • White House Tuesday bet)between Seiro- ............... - tary of State Alocanderder Haig and Apiculture Secretory J(^rohnBlock.- J e r o m e J u n io r H igIgh h School.Principal Billiil E m e rso n d ire c ts six')Ixthgrade students intonto the school prlorto a tn e a rly d is m is s a l W edne d n e sd a y Iteag an oppmed the em .W8Q Im p o ^ by Presld«s l d S ^ I m m y | | ^ ^ Csrterloretflliatlon fort>rtbej)ec. 27,-- f " --‘ '1979, Soviet Invasion of AfgAfghanistan.*- FQtCSt t elos<es Je:jromeE! sche5 o lsej a r l j T " ' ■ - ReagM isaid the actibqptqputanunfiair __________________ zi-:________ ==sald=tOT€irepfi=BJ56K5gn' ........-J 8ffl«HCf5r4^iuidmUi=3p(spent:: ther:moming=ln=an=n=fiiroed—Severa]=pamts: is=plcked=up—the^salary^i ’“ "nslnW taKiiif o ff i^ H e ^fas ^ said lifting: -17ym53Vewf ' AlnswoHh as'itudents bn1 inotorcyclesn audtinriumg.^ssemb;y,that f Included-a— __ a-^Btudents-from-tbe-9d»oolBOl-after-er-— negotlatlng"t tfit-send-tbei. ^lrcledU«migh782B5orpJfIirking lol and fund-raising,ng.. euctldn:Jor...a.- choral - —.■ . ll' - roneous reports of a -riot Ii --------‘‘w r o n f s l ^ ’^ to tb e SSdvlet*6 \ while 1 In progress. -Gould,* a • sd ' other stiidMts milled aroiround during group^supco;icomlng trip.- - - ........- hesaid.’. ................... - .~ Pogatftiift.:^ ” “ t iJ § y 'jf O o g a g e d in _foiforeign' -sub^ — 'JER O M E E —:Scb«)’ls.dos^'early'”"'thenooiiTibUrr 't ..Flgures.bi.OiT.absenteeism at. ot^er..r.. The .walkout.,was anno ■ v^on. 'V Wednesdayly because1 Df a walkout* by nounced la te -T h e -tw o• sidessid agreed later in'the A insworth said a few teacherstc set Jerome schcchools w ere not av ailable,,,, Tuesday night after setichool board evening to de -------- 4S!Baga»4ias4)eeiHU5etixtby^hi^aenseTr^mosUUbo^t»^roi9e-Sohool-Di5tt4ct!s=n= u p -inform atlonal-plckets-e LdfiClarejaJmpassejnd _______ t*early-ln-tlie — ultbougb^^twi ! negdilaiora oiiered teachebers a 4 per- call In a stateiate mediator, wbose advice of.-the Senate” resolutionon M ck^ by 120 teMfaersefs- to emphasize a sa l^ dc ay, but removed them aft Ifter charges reported luncimch ticlcet sales w ere d o se9 cent base salary increaseseatAmeet- isnotblndlngcIngoneltherslde. faip . state RqiubllcahsIS I(0 lift.the dispute... ................... ■ . tthat they were obslructingng education to normal. Ing attended by m ore thanan eo faculty Ainsworthth.sald bj tbe cali for Impasse embargo.. A • apokeamanum_forL-:tbe— LJeacheta-ca_flnd __BPhnnl ■^fflplfflg ,'—in I tbeschools.— ----------- — ^------------------- A -student-nt-was-forceably-removed“ ^ ^ --------------w a r-rw fu M t« by' boera negotiator spoater of that r^u tlo n■n, , iSen;.Roger agreed little'tie' learning took place and . Approximately - IOO Jererome High from. Jerom o m e_Junior High School1 Yearly sala^ incremerients and an Gordon Wafonjford.aisoofPocatfelIo.The Jqwiqa. 'R-Iowa, -saidI 1Wednalday-' . students w ^ dismissed shortly after SSchool students did not s^show up for ^unds afte fter' a disturbance that In-- , Increase in fringe benefitsits offered by ,movelsvlewe<}wed as a ddaying tactic by oigbt tbe senator biadid?not ? been noon, v .... cclassesr said-Mnclpal Je Jeny Diehl, eluded a brokeh,br window and two) the board would have raisedt pay members of thei Jerome Education "formally" notified of suchn a de- warnrned them there, would be . 1 , The. renntthder were! generally up-ended gaigarbage cans, district Su-- about.? percent for alili b u t.a b o u t Association. - • cision. , ; pn ^ Iem s and ther^ w ere,” well-behaved,v he noted. H High school perintendentsnt Percy Christensen con-•_ ohe-fourth of the faculty alatthejop.of ^See-ra;ijffiACHERSPageAJ ... ' rOrder&dWppsychidtfic ptogigram ' v ~ Legijisli^ure- 5% budgeJt axmajjly prove pj-Jjoojxn to Per!mnrr<^ts ti^ io n — adeiasEE ti£ir^==9be=li«gl9latui«lFtWjudget=catB=wHl---^=^“ HaroropBH ^^SrfvTgi^ • • "prove'a'majoiijorlarget for Democratlc'cai'candldate5'lni982,'~tbal’s" s w hat'ow ns our.Idaho Legisl f ByRONZELLAR ^atufeT bl^ bMln^'^ ' ca se a fter a tim e not to eicliceedSW says Idaho’s's chiefc Democrat. ‘sb e satald. l "W e m ust educate (thee yoteire)vo that th d r future ; ; __ l^mes-Nemwrittr ' years. He Inchided stlpupulatlo n s...........Speaking to: to the Twin F alls County DenDemocratic Central' - lies wilvitbus;” ------------------------------ that Donehue: - Commiltee-.V■. Wednesday, state Demoalocratic Chairman Haninzel added the Legislature's}'s rejectionr of Gov. John • Pay the estimated $8itSO-a-day . M ^ e Hanzel:el said the R^ubllcan-domlninlnated Legislature EvansIS budgel and enactm ent off mme ore substantial cuts i n . ■■■■ j e r o m e ’- r a t h D)ist^ct I s t Judge' P M ^ I cost of the program hlm ^f,If,- has alienated'ed v o tm >rtio relied on sta teprBpro^ams.
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