THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT i Library, S/ET quad at IUPUI proposed By ANDREW CAREY News Co-editor */TTt's) a high The I.U. Board of Trustees' ar­ school libray chitectural committee intro­ duced a proposal in last Thurs­ . definitely inade­ day’s meeting which would ar­ range new buildings at IUPUI quate.' in a quadrangle, with the new —Thomas Ehrlich University Library facility as IU President the focal point The proposal if approved comer of the quadrangle, with would alter IUPUTs earlier de­ sides against Michigan and velopment plan, which called for Blackford Streets. the new Science/Engineering Another comer building, not and Technology (S/ETLbuilding yet designated, would complete to be constructed directly east of the quadrangle's southeast the current Busineee/SPEA comer facing New York and George Robinson operates a f ronfloader in the ter storm kept workmen up late Thursday night Building.v Blackforduiacu Streets. IUPUI vice-president Gerald ^ The new library would sit in Bowers Building parking tot. Last week's win­ clearing snow. photo by KEM P s m i t h L. Bepko and architectural con­ the middle of a landscaped sultants G^pnder Singh and courtyard, providing the quad­ R.W. Casati' suggested the new rangle’s "visual focus”, according Affirmative Action policy debated quadrangle design, which would to Singh, who provided the com- not affect the planned location of blueprints and an By NADIFA ABDI Previously, Charleston worked ophy and American Studies the new science building. model of the proposed quadran­ News Co-Editor as assistant director in the Cen­ asked questions about IUPUTs That building would still be gle. constructed east of the current ter far Urban and Multicultural minority retention and recruit­ Vice-president of facilities Biudness/SPEA Building; The selection of Lillian Char­ Education in the IUPUI School ment programs during an open Terry Clapacs asked the com­ According to Casati, IUPUI leston as IUPUI’s acting Affir­ of Education. question and answer period, mittee for a "vote of confidence" "was missing a focal point! to mative Action director was an­ *Tm very excited to be in this saying he wanted to interject “a on the project. Bepko noted the give us a center.” The quadran­ nounced during last Thursday's position,” Charleston said in an no{e of urgency.” urgent need for a final decision gle and centralized library pro­ -Faculty Council meeting. interview after the meeting. "What are we doing in the way to permit summer groundbreak­ vided "an excellent opportunity Charleston officially assumed She added that aha is looking (of recruiting) to maintain and ing. to take advantage of that need her post February 1, replacing to improve relations on campus retain minority students, espe­ "I agree that a new library is for a [campus] center.” Lincoln Lewis who resigned to and with the outside community cially blacks?” Nagy asked. needed,” ,said Thomas Ehrlich, become soetial assistant to the through the Affirmative Action Nagy also noted that IUPUTs The new Engineering and IU president, who referred to presitfbiflrat the University of Office. original plans for the Affirma- Technology Building would be constructed as the northeast Virginia. Professor Paul Nagy of Philos­ See ACTION.Tage 8 See CONSTRUCTION, Page 3 Elderly abused at the hands offamily members By TH ER ESA JO YCE * "Elder abuse can be pys- perpetrators are facility staff are encouraged to talk about Community Center,” said Koch. Freelance Editor chological, financial, or neglect; members, such as nurses or their feelings and anxieties. Koch added that elder abuse nursing home assistants. "Community Hospital has a may not be exclusive to America. Movie 8 like “Throw Mama it's not always physical,” said At some point, within the fam­ caregivers program, as does the “We wouldn't hear about from the Train” have made the Mary Jane Koch, executive director of the office of Gerontol­ ily, the caregivers of the elderly Heritage Place and the Jewish Sec ELDERLY ABU8E. Page 9 idea of elderly abuse seem ogy at IUPUI. person- those responsible for amusing, but abuse is a dark According to Koch, a large taking care of the elder- crack' reality for some 8,000 older number of elder abuse cases are under the pressure of juggling adults in Indiana. self-abuse, when a individual work, family and meeting the And while many believe that does not take care of them­ demanding needs of an elderly most attacks on the elderly pop­ selves. relative. ulation occur at the hands of "Mental faculties begin to fail, They become angry and strike ' strangers, surveys indicate that and self abuse takes many out, either by physically abusing nearly half are conflgpitted by forms. People not taking the person in their care, or by family members. medication, improper diet systematically neglecting their In Indiana, statistics compiled habits, poor hygiene does hap­ needs for food, companionship by the Department of Human pen," said Koch. and medical attention. Services indicate that 42 percent According to the Department “There are support groups in of reported elderly abuse cases on Aging and Community Ser­ place, developed through local are at the handB of family m em­ churches, that help to bers. vices, in 33 percent of the cases, temporarily relieve family mem­ Since it became mandatory to the perpetrator is also the vic­ bers of their responsibilities, report al^use of elderly person .in tim. giving them a break,” said Koch. 1985, 8,000 cases have been In the remaining cases, 42 per­ reported. cent of all perpetrators are the Qualified individuals stay with Of these cases, 70 percent of victim’s relatives. the elderly person while the car- the victims were over the age of Self-neglect and family abuse regivers attended support group 70. combined comprise 75 percent of meetings. Endangerment is defined as all reported cases of elder abuse. Koch added that at the sup­ neglect, battery and exploita­ Only some six percent of the . port group meetings, members tion. J NOTICES doo<«nol» BRIEFLY Col us crt 274-3465 NOTICES Thuradoy at Noon D 5 Guyana survivor relates struggles TODAY Rehearsals will be held for the Black Student Union Hyacinth Thrash trawled frwn Alabama to Choreopoem from 6-9 p.m. and February 10 from 7-9.30 Indianapolis to Jonaatown, Guyana, in aaarch of p.m. Both these rehearsals will be in the basement of the a cloee-knit, intagratad community. University Library. There will be a mandatory rehearsal The dream aha sought turned into a night­ this Thursday at 6 p.m. in Room 100 of the Lecture Hall. mare amidst the disintegration of the People’s Students still interested in the choreopoem are encouraged Temple, and Hyacinth awoke from a nap one to attend these meetings. evening and discovered herself the only female survivor of a tragedy. IUPUI associate faculty member Marian TUESDAY Towns is Hyacinth Thrash's biographer and friend. Currently, they are considering making The Writing Center will hold a workshop on "Essay a documentary with Channel 20 in In­ Exam Preparation" for students of all disciplines from dianapolis, to be broadcast this November, the noon-1 p.m. in Room 427 of Cavanaugh Hall. For more in­ 10th anniversary of the Guyana tragedy. \ formation, call 274-2049. j ♦ ♦ ♦ “My first impression of her was that she was Mahan Towns Residence Life is sponsoring a free movie, "Shoot to Kill" very tiny, weak and vulnerable physically,” at 7:30 p.m. at Lafayette Square Cinema 3, 4 and 5. Free recalls Towns of her friend. "Then when I individual- she had strong ideas, strong beliefs, started talking with her, I could tell she was a and was very forthright in articulating them." tickets are available in Room 134 of Ball Residence. For very strong, determined and self-possessed ----- L L Fuller more information, call Anita Grady at 274-7457. ♦ ♦ ♦ The study group of the Lovers of Christ Bible Fellowship Science school interviews three deem candidates will meet at noon in Room 347 of Cavanaugh Hall. Contact J. Grant Taylor, one of the three candidates July or August.” either Michael Grundy at 925-1349 or Jeffry Thigpen at under consideration for the School of Science Taylor will participate in an open session 4 274-1456 for additional information. deanship, visits IUPUI Monday through Wed­ .m. Monday in Room 166 of the Krannert nesday this week to meet with students and fac­ &uilding on the 36th St. campus. There may be ------------------ WEDNESDAY------------------ ulty. Earlier visitors were James Guntun, of other opportunities for students to meet with Temple University in Philadelphia, and David him. The University Gay/Lesbian Alliance will sponsor a pro­ It is not yet decided. Plater said, whether the Wharton, of Northeastern University. gram on Gay-T-V, a locally produced cable television pro­ "I think we’re on schedule," said William Search and Screen committee will consider any gram, by Greg McDaniel, producer of the program at 7:30 Plater, chair for the Search and Screen com­ other candidates besides the three now under mittee. "W e hope there will be somebody here in consideration. p.m. on the Mezzanine level of the Union Building. Call Wayne Olson at 274-2585 or 283-2513 for information. e e ♦ Hawthorn Center sponsors homemates program Gerald Speth will address the Accounting Club on the topic of government accounting in Room 4088 of the Busi- on common needs, interests and preferences. Hawthorne Community Center is sponsoring ness/SPEA Building at 11:30 a m. Call Dellie Croft at 873- Matches often include exchange of household the Homemates-Senior Shared Housing Refer­ 5519 or Tony Hamlin at 293-1712 for information.
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