P ~Jmited States of America PgtOCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 07th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 108 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, 1dIAY 21, 1962 1Vo, g0 A~~' en~Zx tragic to our economy and to our etFOrts to Fourth, ovr State highway commission is The California Highway Program remain apace with our population increases composed of dedicated and intelligent men if this. total highway construction program who are appointed for overlapping terms, in were seriouslq curtailed for any reason. order to provide continuity, and they are EXTENSION OF REMARKS Second. I want to say thaw I am convinced required by law to take a statewide and not os California's Department of Public Works and a sectional viewpoint. State law spells out Division of Highways cooperate fully, com- in detail the procedure to be fflllowed by HON. GEORGE P. MILLER pleCely, and in honesty with the T7.S. Bureau the State highway commission, including OF CALIf'ORNIA of Public Roads. The regional office of the the requirement that public hearings be held Bureau of Public Roads Yor certain Western IN THE HOIISE OF REPRESENTATIVES on a rather heavy schedule. I have insisted, States is In Ban FYancisco anfl the State office as Governor Snight and Governor Warren Tuesday, M¢y 8, 1962 of the Bureau o1 Public Roads is right here insisted, that members of the highway com- in Sacramento where there is daily contact Mr. GEORGE P. MILLER. Mr. mission be nonpartisan in their conduct o1 between the California highway people and highway policy matters. Our commission is Speaker,from time to time, from various the Federal highway people. Some States, also the envy of other States. parts o4 the Nation, criticism is leveler I am told, obJect to the type of partnership Fifth, we are having the same difRCUlty at the Federal highway program, par- set up between the States and the Federal some other States are having in locating ticularly a,s it relates to the developmenl Government for the Snterstate program but new routes through built-up areas. This is of the new Interstate and National De- this Ss not the case in California, even so because, in a predominantly urban State, fense Systems. though California taxpayers send more tag there are few perfect corridors still left open The State of California has an money to Washington for the highway pro- through urban areas. Nevertheless, and to out- gram than they receive back in allocations. my own personal knowledge, these highway standing record as far as highway de- Tests and checks applied against the inter- routes are being adopted with the public velopment is concerned. The State high- state program by the Bureau of Public Etoads Interest and the greatest good for the great- way commission, established in 1911, has are cumbersome, costly, and difficult, but est number in mind. As you know, some been very progressive in planning ahead we understand that such checks apparently persons will be adversely affected by routes to meet the manifold problems oP effi- are required and we do not ob]ect to them through urban areas and it is for this and ciently and effectively moving the large to such a degree that we should like to see other reasons that the views of all interested amount of any rocking of the boat merely because this members of the public are sought before traffic between the various working partner~hlp is difficult for both sides points in our State. freeway routes are established. State law to maintain. This Federal-State partnership also requires a signed partnership agreement I am particularly pleased to ssiy that Ss carried on in a mutually respectful with city councils or county boards of super- the California partnership with the Fed- manner. visors before any city streets or county roads eral Government, in developing the new Third, the California highway program has may be closed in the construction of a Interstate System of Highways, is ex- been kept free of any irregulazities and I am freeway. emplar5 for other States to follow in our conSdent this will continue to be the case. Sixth, our people in California are trying Nation. We have sig different audit groups, Federal not only to build an efficient highway sys- and State, looking over the shoulders of the I have dust received tem but also a beautiful highway system. a letter from the highway people here in California. We have We are also cooperating in every way possible Governor of the State of California a competept investigating staff here in the to coordinate our program with other forms which sets forth, in detail, the dynamic State to work with the highway people in of transportation. spirit of California's highway program pursuing any irregularities which come to I attach, for your information, two maps and, under leave to extend my remarks, light in this big program, and I am con- intended to give you a quick status report on I am pleased to insert this letter to me 8dent we have competent and careful direc- work accomplished and work yet to be done from the Governor tion of the highway program. We take no (1) on the total State highway system; and which clearly illus- cavalier attitude toward the huge trates the above points: casual. or (2) on the Interstate Highway System. amount of money which is being spent here This report does not require an answer STATE OF CALIFORSiIA, in California in the highway program.. In on your gart, but I should always be happy Calif., Sacrament», May 18, 1962. addition,I think we have some factors which to have any suggestions you might have as HOTl. GEORGE P. MILLER, are not present in some other States. For to how we may maintain and continue to Congress, Member o~ example, we have a set of laws here in Cali- make improvements in this important House Office Building, fornia under the highway program, which program. Washington, D.C. I hear are the envy of many other States, I write you because I am fully aware that MY Dsnx CorrcaESSrznx: I understand that We also have a State contract act which I this program is a joint responsibility between concern has been raised in Congress about think is the best in the United States. Be- California and the Federal Government. I handling the of the multi-billion-dollar Fed- yond that, every_ single individual in our do not want it hurt or stopped or emascu- eral highway program, particularly by the 16,000-man highway division, from the State lated because both you and we in the State findings of irregularities in some States with highway engineer down to the typists, is are looking the other way while others shape respect to the interstate and national de- covered by State civil service law which, at its course. fense program for highways. the very least, gives us standards of com- I think you agree that this Ls a serious Without going into or statistics details, petence for employment and a rewarding piece of business for both of us. I wanted to give you my general comments continuity over the years in operations. I i know you would like me to keep the rest about the conduct of the highway program know of no allegations of fraud or scandal of your colleagues informed on this subject in California as I watch it on a day-to-day in the California highway program and, if basis. and I will send them the same material. any such allegations occur, they will be Sincerely, First, let me sap that the continuation investigated promptly in the hope that we of the present rate of EDMIIND G. BROWN, highway construction can keep our own house in order without Governor. in California is vital. I think it would be forcing others to do it far us. California Hig hwa Y sand Public Works Official Journal of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works, State of California ~y~~~~~ Vol. 41 May-June 1962 r~ a/'~ i Nos. 5-6 :. ~~~,1 ~ Ali ~ ~~~' ;:,s :: i,~"~r ~~~s ~ij °~l~e'~ jt ~ ,$ '7 ~ ~ e„: .. :;.; CONTENTS Page West Branch Bridge --------------------- - ---- - ------- — - ---------- ------------- 2 By P. C. Harris, Resident Engineer New Intersection ---- ----- --------------------------------- -- --- - ------- --- ~ By Harter R. Brush, Senior Civil Engineer, Stanislaus County Division Issues New Construction Manual_____________________________________________ 9 BayArea Report ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 10 By J. P. Sinclair, Assistant State Highway Engineer RouteAdoptions - ---- -- - -- -------- - ----- --- -- -- ------ - -- -- --- - 32 GoletaProject ----------- --- ----------------------------- - - ----- -- -- ---------- 34 By Roy E. Alderman, District ConstrucTion Engineer TunnelLights ------- - ----------- -------------- --------------- --- - ---- ----- ---- 39 By T. N. Kreiberg, Senior Highway Electrical Engineer YoloCauseway ------------ ------------------------- ------- --------- - ---- - ---- 44 By R. F. Colley, Resident Engineer, and M. ChapRnan, DisTrict Representative Meet the Geodimeter ------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- -- - 50 By George P. KaTibah, Supervising Photogrammetrist, and Dan Radmanovich, Geodimeter Party Chief SpanLift --------------------------------- ----- ----------------- --- -------------- 59 y By G. C. Smith, Senior Bridge Engineer Twenty-five-year Awards --------------------- ------------------ ---------- ----- ------ 62 View on front cover is looking upstream along the Construction Index ------------------ ------------- ----------------- ----- -------- 62 West Branch of the North Fork of the Feather River Letter Cites Highway Foreman's Fast Thinking with the new West Branch Bridge against
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