.0 ■-* t. + —¥“JC=~35-í£ ’»'«¿Vi a fe a * » ^arv .-vitg ?. jMtfi ' - V F ■ . .Vi'-. ■ - - -: , A C sS « « 5 s : , *■ •*&&**-■* » m ï ' 'T Z i A í 'f r * - * * ^ ' «£?- I ■mi No. 48 Ixty days to L n*V- CRANFQRD. N. J.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. 1923 THREE CENTS i with hl» I Marth i. by the County. The Committee gave' qucvEiAND - o s a n t p a r e n t J t the Ur- flE 1923 TAX BUDGET a vote of /banks to Mr. Dreescher I REVIVAL SERVICES tho Trust Co. bave Mea.lih |Wt Officer for. bis.help anil directed * letter be4 XSAOBER AISOOXATION .. RE-ELECTS. OFFICERS ed and improvcd unni it «mi nini i and read .¿fitly Higher Than That of sent the/Freeholders commending : n . „ „ No one wlih children, or Interest a» ono of thc-mo«t upto.htte hi-', was set prompt Work by the County people R « v- J. H. Stumpf.to Hold Meet- <91_In .children, should miss tlie tutbilis of thè Mate as w -il », o*. f,,2i Increase Mainly Doe to hum ting of the ClevelandCIrant Granfordl Trust Co. Retains Offi­ of thè strongest. , M Ns fllhsl yniTOtJ able Expense. New H ^SJLSffSt SnZ!! *»«* ” a m — , » j M iubn. l ’«r<,llt TV-ncIn r Assoclat Ion. to ho cers and Directors Who Served [ who came Collins Mlrtwfted to get cost ot trae-,; arY Alliance Chapel, Jan. luM on i.oiidav, January 15th, at there was Last Year. Statement Shows WEDNESDAY MORNING CLU'J Town Hall May Come lor sndw plow for the streets. " j 17th tn '»8th t.mnt Schcwd at S:,V p. m. :ment that I*oU/e Commissioner Sims sub-i »«n to.Oth. Gratifying Growth. The Wednesdgv Mot'tiing Chi-, flh* abrupt This Year. This Is to he Health Dav. Miss belìi a regalar incoi ing ¡u i|lr p l/McCaffri'y mltted Ills annual reiiort which will I, •’lidwinter revival services will he Cary, of the American ('hild AVel. {Tlii tas ,h!i;i't for 1921 will bo be found In full op page 7 UiU i*- i in the chapel of the tliristlan Cranford Trust Company held Its hrary on Jammry mth, thè Piv-i -flnslderalde r fare Association, a niost Interest- annual .meeting Tuesday, reelecting WIIM.I Ili'-' man for 1922 H the sue./Tills was received and ordered 111,11 ' !is-si"nar.v Alliance. January di-nt, .Mr«. lleston. presblip,- a s t town. ■ a go today, ,.w( by résolution at tiled. 117th to 28th. big and well Informed .¿peaker. hnv- Olllcers amt Directors as In 1922. as Mrs, Garrlson, scling »« ho-ti-.s i-, ..! the Township Com F/re Conunlssloner Everett recom­ hié how em-av'Cc! to vh«- a talk. .feUn»-.s:____ — ---- ------- -—--,»---- ir. I If,n'- -I. H. Ntuinpf. fiastor of the Tlie TTIch SctwloT“ oifichestra will 5|r«:-jrc»rdsleiV?|ilx[,e;--,ij,,iTf.'ifiTi,'~ {^*0 ' HOLD TU' in nielli stand. The mended the appointment of iter ; Harrison Haptlst Tabernacle will President. \V."4. McKee mornlng's program hv rea.liec tuo u t- m i*ivon In the ail rd- A.__i)oyle, Jr.. as F|re truck [spiak every night. January 17 -21 pive «Onte selection«, and the etili poelii«. h-more and dren have n short, play ..--after which e^ w''\,-r,'sldl'nts' p- 11 Chary and "io Club will ;:I ut tin- budget in driver at $1.100 per year. ¡except '.Monday. There will he no I I ; \awger. Mrs, Craig gavo a nni.p-U (,r {tltortum of ululi1*1 tLvttunlredJiy.law. Up ei im> held Monday. Sunday. Jan. attractive .refrcslunen.ti_t»ro to he Currem UVeiit«. t.'IUng Min Ililm art, wife or /Titrée. building penults were aie served, In the lunch room. _ Swretary amp Treasurer, Henry Irrow even-' a u uuIt! uppear there is 'irovod anil' nine plumbers licenses »>. W hlpiilo. of tho Invnslun of tip, Kiihr Y»Pe j one of the j.;;;,. in rnliríse in the In­ kranteil on approval of bonds. This will nl-ai give parents--tho oiHHirthnllv to Inspcs-t this room. tAsst. Seexsitarj'. Tlioiims .Mae- hy tho »elicli, thè htlllliile u( Tm Cranford ’ ¿ lin- mont of them are koy after tln- IjiiiMiiipe Cenf. inu ■ t OU* orche»- 1., !„r>\ TIi' Ti* is of neeesslty/CRANFORD MEN'S CLUB MEET Keoi) till-, date In mind'-Monday Ihcasun'r. F. I. Collins. Hh> exeosslvely high | i, lui mi,,. ¡ der several r 26th i , i in estimated cost of The regular' monthly meeting of Jamtary hitli, Grant Seluod. at :t : 30 Dlrm-toN. Berkeley C. Austin aluxiad. nnd thè reccnt Slmke.peiii May for the tv in. ilu- m-relui, dcpuct- the Cranford .Mens Chili was held ¡¡ ,»ates George B. Old­ i can producilum till. i'ti- I » the con- i Christmas Th, Heuest Miigto Inerease in the headquarters of the Itepubli. j well P H Crary! Robert E. Crane, The pri>slden4\/fìien Irti i t>iln<->-, t t.mneth Ixif- . i, i, i -t account $11,000 due can Club. Cranford Truet ihilldtng. ! I.INCniN FTERMAN PARENT S. R. IlctKisehcr, E, I. Goodrich. H. Mrs. WiKister, ctmlimmi of thè ¿as. are also ¡very detail. 1.. .'gig nu.ru 11 of Improvement Thursday evening, January Ith, i TEACHER ASSOCIATION . B liegeman..AVm. J. MoKoo, E. II. Practlcnl Flnanee ijepai tinent & nun. ,"i, t bet rear.-and neyt in about ffa members being present. Mr. ! Miller, George C Moon. \V. II. tho Stato Federai Imi. ^ t c Chili has always the ■On.Friday evening of thls-wcck ja w g e r. - Vjjju Its chorus re, ii-v in.i'i >l.sou made rfeecH- -’red W. Lange. Fresideift of the j t he Lincoln khertn i»n Pareil t IVnch Mrs. Wooster gnvé » N>onsi lutei .¡li-, ilu- money retmlred ’lub. presided at the meeting and > The Director» authorUmt tho estlng talk. Iter kcyunte rvlng il,, find are sure < r ,AK*oHatiim will boll their nn- .-ted with the iig',, j.,.|ii*i:il rli-iuiiiiB of the sew- upiMilnteil tlie various committees i •'at child's welfare tni'»'tIng at l|ie transfer o f $50,000 from th e undl- lieed lo snvo, to look fonuii dM n l b, ,'.[, i,i lu-r rear. Needed maps for the current year. • j ' * & : v';t t.lpenln Nidmol. For «pcakt'r a vidod profits to surplus aceount, futuro. Nhe salii Ili puri Ih.oKw, kl .iiri' V> in,' piovided forby-ap- Tlie meeting was very interesting j t'-niniv* worker, one tluyroughly cou­ bringing the Inttor Item to $100,000 inen sliuuld bave semi, luiiiubs risiimi "i í.i.úik). The Police and plans for the year were discus­ nml givin g a com bined canltnl ami of business nlTalK if tmlv [,, | ver ant with tho various phases of surplus of $200,000 with undivided I I'lp'Si'i'iopiiations are increas- sed and will he dcvelo|>ed later. child's welfare work. Charles War­ ablo thè ulore otitel.-i.tIv Iii tum tl il filJ'i .thI '!„ ’>o respectively and .-'.Following - the business meeting, ner. Chief of the Dmoklvn Soelctv profits of over $27,000, Tho total re­ homo, that women's" l.iid, ot liti., e üi iilv i viiiMl.-lieil pension fund card games were played and prizes for Prevent ion of Cruelty to CliU sources o f tlie Trust Co. now anionnk ness ahlllty had bis n provini a t i! II? ji,r ¡t»'. uwarded the. winners. Refreshments dri'n. has been sccuroil, ntul no par­ to over $2.350,000. Compared with Iney. The fionllv Irn-inne wns Un, tresses Major li’niii I, .innoiideed ugrse- were served and all those present ent. leacher. nor clvlc-ininileil eltb tho statement ot one year ago show­ bnsls Of better vlil>eie,hl|i. 'Childreu ,*nt b.-rw"< n tin* Township and the h|ul a pleasant and enjoyable even­ s'an aiTonl to miss this oppor­ ing capital. mirplu» and undivided sbuuld bw trnlned In thè haidl of !a a sii* flijeltuMv i 'mmi/isslon where? ing. The. newly eleeted olllcers I tunity. In the t ear of the nuilltoriuni profits $11)3,700 ami total resources savlng. Mrs. Wooster couehnlcd Varili livellili- lln/iiigh the ceil- were the hosts of the evening. The | win he a tabledf papers, cards, pam­ $1,902.000 this shows a steady healthy wltli nn outllno of stinly, under He (• u( ilu* to« h w limit* widened by next meeting will he held the llrst growth with an-increase of $35,000 hoadlngs Kavlngs limigs, In immei !r Cent, phlets, etc . pertaining to the health In Mirplus and undlvldod profits, and Jtlnic out i'H' 'iTl/.v at tile south Thursday in February. jlulliUng and l.imu.Care of . K-tiiie-, 1 mut care ot clbhlmi. Tho best In­ an Increase ot over $40,000 In total Pllhlle Kxpcmlltures, leted . ill,* ul*ilio -iti'. i/ The total eost formation possible ha» boon obtain­ III fu1 Inrit«' hm ylii'iiiier now than, IDEAL UNCLE JOSR HEV. J. It. ST I'M FF resources.; At twelvo o’elock thè meeting mi .' ....... L ed and It 1* plain and practical, no The Banking facilities offered by Journet!. jyiv fillin'- i ¡i/o and the wMen- You might go far and fail to find, , . mother Mill have to consult a dic­ g est to tlu| a more artistic type for Unde Josh ‘ * s'. Evangelist Stumpf w ill speak ip «ill lit in/, the u/utergrade tionary hytorc axslng It.
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