19742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 14 July 19, 2007 comrade out of the burning vehicle. He him as ‘‘a soldier both inside and out- another of his dreams. He joined the began administering first aid to the side the wire. He wanted to be an en- U.S. Army and became a member of the wounded soldier when another IED det- couragement to someone. He was a Green Berets, the Army’s elite experts onated. He died in the arms of a second true patriot, was intelligent, and loved in unconventional warfare. Based on soldier from the explosion. his fellow soldiers.’’ Robb’s dedication to excellence and his Sergeant Estes was remembered as a At a Memorial Day service in mechanical ingenuity it came as no fine soldier, ‘‘The Best of the Best,’’ Trumann, just 2 days after his passing, surprise that Robb served as the spe- who put others before himself. He was Mayor Sheila Walters read a proclama- cial forces engineer for his unit, Bravo serving his second tour for the 82nd tion recognizing the sacrifice of Spe- Company, 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Airborne and was set to return to the cialist Smallwood. It read: ‘‘We honor Forces Group, airborne. Special forces United States after his first tour. How- all soldiers and their commitments to engineers are skilled at construction ever, he gave his slot to a fellow soldier this great country by their legacy of projects, building field fortifications, so that he could see his newborn son. patriotism and sacrifice. We honor our and using explosive demolitions. Look- Family and friends also recalled his very own Erich Smallwood for giving ing back over Robb’s life, it seems that fun-loving spirit. his life in the cause of freedom. He is his whole experience was designed to Sergeant Estes was awarded three one of the many heroes who have pro- culminate in gaining the coveted Army medals: The Bronze Star, the Purple tected and inspired us all.’’ Green Beret that is recognized the Heart, and the Combat Infantryman Madam President, Specialist world over. Badge. He is survived by his parents, Smallwood was a unique person who Green Berets are commonly called Don and Kathy Estes of Kentucky and paid the ultimate sacrifice in serving quiet professionals and referred to as a John and Diane Salyers of Sims. He his country and protecting our free- special breed of man. Robb was both also has 2 older sisters, Norma and doms. My thoughts and prayers are these things and truly lived the Green Kelli, in addition to other family. My with his fiancee, Amanda; father, Beret motto, De Oppresso Liber, To thoughts and prayers go out to the James; mother, Pamela; sister, Terah; Liberate the Oppressed. Estes family during this trying time. brother J.T., who is also currently Mr. President, I truly mourn the loss SPECIALIST ERICH SMALLWOOD serving in Iraq; and the rest of the of SGT Robb Rolfing and I extend my Madam President, it is with great Smallwood family during this trying thoughts, prayers, and best wishes to sadness that I also rise today to pay time. his family, friends, and loved ones. tribute to a Arkansan who served his SERGEANT ROBB ROLFING f country with honor, SPC Erich S. Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I Smallwood of Trumann, AR. Specialist mourn the loss and celebrate the life of MRAP Smallwood died on May 26, 2007, from Rob Rolfing. Robb died on June 30 Mr. BIDEN. Madam President, I want injuries suffered when an improvised while engaging enemy insurgents in to explain an amendment I hope to get explosive device detonated near his ve- Baghdad. He was the 23rd South Dako- adopted when we return to the Defense hicle outside of Balad, Iraq. Erich was tan to make the ultimate sacrifice in authorization bill and that I have filed a member of Company B of the 87th the war on terror. My deepest sym- today. Troop Command’s 875th Engineer Bat- pathies go out to Robb’s family, in par- Let me be very frank. This is a very talion based in Marked Tree, AR, and ticular, his mother Margie, his father expensive amendment. It is also, lit- served with the battalion’s Company A Rex, his brother TJ, and his sister Tif- erally, priceless. It makes good on this based in Jonesboro, AR. He was the fany. With Robb’s tragic death, South commitment: So long as a single Amer- first loss for the 875th during Operation Dakota has lost one of its finest sons ican soldier or marine remains in Iraq, Iraqi Freedom. we will provide him or her with the A 2002 graduate of Trumann High and the Army has lost a dedicated pro- best protection this country can pro- School, Smallwood was a beloved mem- fessional. vide. ber of his community. He was selected Robb was from Sioux Falls and grad- Let me start with the basics. There ‘‘Mr. Trumann High School’’ by his uated from O’Gorman High School in are two critical issues facing our sol- classmates and was a good athlete who 1996. His love of science and ingenuity diers and marines today: Improvised played football, baseball, and ran track was inspired by television’s MacGyver. explosive devices, or IEDs, and explo- for THS. He was also selected ‘‘Most Those who remember Robb from high sively formed penetrators, or EFPs. Involved’’ his senior year in high school like to recount how Robb was IEDs are planted in roads and on the school and was a member of Future never without duct tape or a Swiss side of roads to hit the bottom of vehi- Farmers of America and the Spanish Army knife. Another of their favorite Club. stories is how Robb rigged up a make- cles with powerful explosives. EFPs are In the days following his death, shift parachute for his graduation cap shaped charges that come into the side friends and loved one remembered so that when he threw it in the air it armor of vehicles at high speeds. Smallwood for the person he was and glided back down to the ground. We know that IEDs now cause about the examples he set. In an interview in As Robb grew it was clear that he 70 percent of all American fatalities. the Trumann Democrat, his high was a gifted scholar, athlete, leader, Since 2003, in any given month, IEDs school principal, Jim Montgomery, re- and coach. He dedicated himself to the have caused between 30 and 76 percent called that Specialist Smallwood had a pursuit of excellence in every aspect of of American fatalities. For every great sense of humor. ‘‘He liked to kid his life. He was a passionate soccer death, there are usually 2 to 10 Ameri- around, but he never got into any trou- player who excelled on and off the field cans wounded. Over the past year, we ble. He was always doing something at Vassar College. He finished his colle- have also seen a growing threat from to make people laugh . He was a giate career with a degree in Astro- EFPs. They are not yet everywhere in good student and a good person.’’ physics and was twice named the cap- Iraq, but they are spreading and they At his funeral on June 4, his brother- tain of the Vassar soccer team, scored are very lethal. in-law, Jon Redman of Jonesboro, the winning goal to advance his team The military has a strategy for deal- noted that he was an inspiration to to Vassar’s first ever national tour- ing with both. First, they seek to dis- others. ‘‘He was a special kind of per- nament, and was the team’s second all- rupt the organizations that produce son. He always had that smile on his time leader in goals, assists, and IEDs and EFPs. They go after the peo- face. He was the greatest brother points. Following graduation from col- ple and the supplies. Second, they at- anyone could have. He was a friend to lege, Robb coached soccer at Rollins tempt to use tactics and technology to many people and never met a stranger. College in Florida and Curry College in prevent IEDs and EFPs from being ac- He was the heart and soul of his unit.’’ Massachusetts. tivated when American personnel are Arkansas National Guard Adjutant When the United States was attacked close enough to be harmed. Third, they GEN William B. Wofford remembered on September 11, 2001, Robb pursued attempt to survive a direct hit. It is VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:53 Jun 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S19JY7.002 S19JY7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD July 19, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 14 19743 the third area where we could and and retested. This will take time. I un- that our support for needed equipment should have done much more to make a derstand that and support that effort, was for real. Even today, I hear that difference years ago but where still but Americans are dying today. Again, leaders are concerned that they must today we can and must make a dif- as with the MRAP, we have a tech- cut multiple existing programs to pay ference. nology that could keep them alive, and for this growing MRAP requirement. The military has tested, both at test- we should be using it while we work to There may be programs that we could ing centers and in the field, the Mine perfect it.
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