August 1, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7887 KFFA and Helena are even ‘‘must see’’ that time, and King Biscuit pianist [From the Fresno Bee, July 24, 2002] stops for Japanese and European tour- ‘‘Pine Top’’ Perkins gave him lessons CALLING IT A CAREER ists who want to learn about the cul- in his trademark boogie woogie style. JIM COSTA’S VALUABLE SERVICE IN THE STATE tural roots of the blues. The program also influenced other LEGISLATURE COMING TO AN END. ‘‘First things first,’’ recalls Sonny stations to put the blues on the radio. Democrat Jim Costa will make his polit- ‘‘Sunshine’’ Payne, the program’s host Its initial popularity convinced adver- ical curtain call next month at a testimonial for over eleven thousand broadcasts; tisers that the blues had commercial dinner that is expected to draw some of Cali- King Biscuit Time started when potential. ‘‘It was a major break- fornia’s most powerful politicians. It will be guitarist Robert Junior Lockwood and through,’’ explains folklorist Bill Fer- a fitting send-off recognizing a 24-year legis- harmonica player Sonny Boy lative career that began with youthful exu- ris, director of the Center for the Study berance and is ending with a record of ac- Williamson were told they would have of Southern Culture at Ole Miss; ‘‘King complishments that you’d expect from a sea- to get a sponsor to get on the air.’’ Biscuit Time was a discovery of an au- soned veteran. That was 1941, when Payne was a teen- dience and a market . that hitherto The dinner on Aug. 25 at the Fresno Con- ager cleaning 78 rpm’s and running er- radio had not really understood.’’ vention Center will bring together four of rands at KFFA. ‘‘They came to the sta- Across the Mississippi River from Hel- the state’s five living governors, along with tion one day and I showed them in to ena, radio station WROX put the San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, the station manager Sam Anderson . he South’s first black deejay, Early former speaker of the Assembly. Costa has worked with all of them, gaining their re- sent them over to the Interstate Gro- Wright, on the air spinning blues and spect even when they were at political odds. cery Company and its owner Max gospel records in 1947. Upriver in Mem- Dinner proceeds will benefit the Kenneth L. Moore who had a flour called ‘‘King phis, station WDIA the next year be- Maddy Institute at California State Univer- Biscuit Flour . .’’ came the first southern station with an sity, Fresno. Lockwood and Williamson became all-black staff, including a young musi- Costa understands better than most politi- the show’s original King Biscuit Enter- cian named Riley ‘‘B. B.’’ King, who cians the independent nature of Valley’s vot- tainers who advertised flour and corn got an early break as a deejay. And, in ers. First in the Assembly and then in the state Senate, he balanced the political inter- meal in Helena and the surrounding Nashville in the late forties, station Delta region; and after a lucky break, ests of the region as well as any legislator. WLAC reached nearly half the country He has championed the needs of agriculture Sonny Payne took over as program with its late-night blues and R&B and has fought to improve the Valley’s busi- host when the announcer lost his script shows. All of these programs and sta- ness climate. He also battled to improve the while on the air. The program was a tions owe an enormous debt to ‘‘King plight of the region’s many impoverished smash hit, thanks mostly to the play- Biscuit Time.’’ communities.∑ ing and on-air presence of harp player And today, the legacy of the show f Williamson. He became so popular that continues, with blues programs heard THE RETIREMENT OF RIVERSIDE the sponsor named its product ‘‘Sonny on radio stations across the U.S., the COUNTY SHERIFF LARRY SMITH Boy Corn Meal’’ and he was, and still recordings of the many ‘‘King Biscuit ∑ is, pictured, smiling and with his har- Entertainers,’’ and the yearly King Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to monica, on a burlap sack of his own Biscuit festival in Helena celebrating reflect on the distinguished career of brand of meal. the city’s cultural heritage and signifi- Riverside County Sheriff Larry Smith, Williamson was a musical pioneer in cant role in developing and promoting who will retire later this year. Sheriff his own right. He was one of the first to the blues.∑ Smith is also the immediate past presi- make the harmonica the centerpiece in dent of the California State Sheriff’s a blues band. His unique phrasings, f Association. The people of Riverside compared by many to the human voice, County, his colleagues and admirers IN RECOGNITION OF CALIFORNIA influenced countless harp players. will celebrate his career on August 9. STATE SENATOR JIM COSTA FOR His partner, Robert Junior During Sheriff Smith’s extraordinary TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OF PUB- Lockwood, stepson of the legendary 36-year record of service to law en- LIC SERVICE. Robert Johnson, also influenced the forcement, he has held numerous posi- blues style. A fan of big band jazz, he ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise tions and has achieved many important incorporated jazzier elements into the today to bring to the Senate’s atten- accomplishments. He served as River- blues, often playing the guitar with his tion the exemplary achievements and side County’s Search and Rescue Coor- fingers. outstanding service of State Senator dinator and commanded the Depart- As years passed, the duo expanded Jim Costa of Fresno, California. ment’s SWAT team before working as into a full band, including piano player Senator Jim Costa will retire this chief deputy sheriff. Thanks to Sheriff ‘‘Pine Top’’ Perkins, Houston year after twenty-four years of service Smith’s leadership and vision during Stackhouse and ‘‘Peck’’ Curtis, and in the California State Legislature. I his tenure as chief deputy sheriff, the musicians who played on the show also am pleased to honor Senator Costa for Riverside County Corrections system is advertised local appearances that gave his outstanding leadership and service one of the largest in the United States. them more work. and add my voice to the special rec- Sheriff Smith was elected to serve as With the success of ‘‘King Biscuit ognition and the outpouring of admira- Riverside County Sheriff in 1994 and Time,’’ Helena soon became a center tion from throughout California. was reelected to serve a second term in for the blues. It was a key stopping off In his many years of public service, 1998. During Sheriff Smith’s tenure, point for black musicians on the trip Senator Costa has been dedicated to Riverside County saw a dramatic de- north to the barrooms and clubs of Chi- serving the Central Valley. Senator crease in crime. Sheriff Smith was in- cago’s South and West sides. Already, Costa is also well known for his sense strumental in the creation of the Ben in the thirties, the town had seen the of honor, purpose and teamwork that Clark Public Safety Training Center. likes of pianist Memphis Slim and Hel- made him so effective in the California He collaborated with federal, state and ena native Roosevelt Sykes, as well as State Legislature. local legislators to establish the facil- guitarists Howlin’ Wolf, Honeyboy I am honored to congratulate him on ity, which provides valuable training Edwards, and Elmore James. And when his many accomplishments over more for law enforcement officers, fire- the program went on the air, it helped than two decades of service. I wish Sen- fighters and paramedics. As I have seen shape the early careers of many an as- ator Costa the best in his future en- for myself, it is truly a model for pub- piring musician. ‘‘Little Walter’’ Ja- deavors. I know he will continue to lic safety training centers throughout cobs and Jimmy Rogers, who later make outstanding contributions to the the nation. played with Muddy Waters, came to people of California. I ask that excerpts In addition to his tremendous com- live and learn in Helena in the mid- from the Fresno Bee Editorial from mitment to his career, Sheriff Smith is 1940’s. Muddy Waters also brought his July 24, 2002 be printed in the RECORD: an exemplary community leader. He band to Helena to play on KFFA and in There being no objection, the mate- has been active in the American Heart bars in the area. Teenager Ike Turner rial was ordered to be printed in the Association, the United Way of the In- first heard the blues on KFFA around RECORD, as follows: land Empire and the Debbie Chisholm VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:08 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S01AU2.PT2 S01AU2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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