North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. Minutes of North Moreton Parish Council Meeting held at North Moreton Village Hall on 11th November 2013 at 8:00pm. Present: Mrs R. P. Templeman (Chair), Mr. R. F. Haycock, Mr C.I. Shipton, Mr.D. Tebworth, Mrs. S.C. Harrison, Cllr P. Greene, Mr. A. Wise (Clerk), Jayne Manley, Andy Blake, Robin, Mrs N. Haycock and Dr. R.Templeman RPT opened the meeting at 20:00 hrs. 13/5554 Apologies Cllr. L. Docherty 13/555 Report on OCC OCC Report – See appendix 7 and SODC activities SODC Report – See appendix 8 13/556 Hear Network Rail Presentation given by Andy Blake representations from o 25th November – Start of temporary diversion route which will members of the public continue until at least March 2014 o Fulscot Bridge will be jacked up rather than replaced to let the electrical cables through o Diversion and slow down signs will be put in place by the contractors before work starts o Dave Clack of OCC will organise repair of the Sustrans cycle path that runs alongside the railway line from South Moreton to Didcot, using £50K from the Betterment Budget. o Cllr Green will walk the diversion route with OCC Safety Officer, Network Rail Project Manager and the NMPC Chairman on Monday 18th November 2013. Earth Trust Presentation given by Jayne Manley o Earth Trust CEO gave a presentation on her vision for the future of the charity o The aim is to increase revenue and improve the visitor experience by new entrances, car parks and coffee shop o Jayne will be making presentations to local parishes over the coming weeks and hopes to involve neighbours – both villages and individuals – in the development of the site o Happy to be invited to a future meeting once planning proposal has been submitted to SODC Planning 13/ 557 Approve the It was proposed by RFH, seconded CIS, that the minutes be signed as a true minutes of the meeting of record. Carried nem con. 8th July 2013 13/558 Consider matters, All action items had been completed except for actions now transferred to not taken elsewhere, 13/544,13/546 and 13/549. arising from the minutes of Ask the chairman of the Village Hall committee for permission to locate the new RPT the meeting of 8th July defibrillator on the outside of the village hall. 2013 13/559 Receive reports External Affairs Report from Parish Councillors and the Clerk Nothing to add to presentations given earlier in the evening North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. 13/ 560 Financial matters 1) Approval of payments. It was proposed SH, seconded CIS and carried that the following invoices be paid: Parish Clerk’s wages, PAYE, expenses, OPFA Membership and grass cutting x 5. Current financial situation. AW presented the current financial situation – attachment 2 and 3. Draft 2014/15 Budget. AW presented the draft budget for 2014/15 - attachment 4 2) Items still to be ordered: a) RPT to order a defibrillator up to the value of £2000. Position in the RPT village still to be decided. Currently awaiting chairman of village hall committee to respond to proposal to fix on the outside wall of the village hall. 13/ 561 Planning AW presented the current planning application situation – attachment 5. No outstanding planning applications. 13/ 562 Highways and Nothing to report Transport 13/ 563 Recreation and Email received from a parishioner noting that the gate in Bear Lane Playground matters leading onto the Rec is broken. CIS to obtain quote for new gate and gate post CIS New trees have been planted on the Rushcroft 13/ 564 Risk assessment RPT signed off appropriate parts on the current Risk Assessment Checklist. - attachment 6 North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. 13/ 565 Respond to None Communications as the Chairman may direct 13/ 566 Attend to any 1. After a brief discussion it was decided to keep the Dog Poo Bins in their other business at the current positions. Chairman’s discretion 2. A proposal by KH to have The Bear listed as a village asset was accepted. RPT to obtain necessary forms. RPT 3. A question was raised about village war memorials – information to be circulated 13/ 567 Date of next Monday 13th January 2014 meeting Closure RPT declared the meeting closed at 22:55 hrs. Signed: Date: Attachments: 1. Agenda 2. Financial Statements 3. Expenditure against Budget 2012-2013 4. Draft Budget 2013-14 5. Planning Application 6. Risk assessment checklist 7. OCC Report – November 2013 REPORT TO PARISH COUNCILS FROM YOUR COUNTY COUNCILLOR NOVEMBER 2013 TALKING OXFORDSHIRE PUBLIC MEETINGS October has been dominated by the ‘Talking Oxfordshire’ road shows where County Councillors and Officers travelled to locations across the County to discuss savings to be made at County Hall. Since 2010, we have saved £127 million, with plans set to save another £74 million over the next few years. Despite this, further cuts to our budget by Central Government mean we must find another £61 million bringing the total reduction to £262 million. We will have to make changes to the way we deliver services and perhaps stopping some altogether. We understand how valued some services are and all comments will be taken into consideration. The budget proposals will go to the Performance Scrutiny meeting on 16th December then to Cabinet on 28th January, before finally being debated at Full Council on 18th February 2014. So far, approximately 1,000 people attending our meetings and we will consult with our 'Oxfordshire Voice' panel of 3,000 people across the County who are chosen as a balanced representation of our residents. North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. You still have an opportunity to make your feelings known: There is an additional meeting at the MEC at 7.30pm at Marlborough School (Woodstock) on 21st November. It will focus on rural issues but any concerns can be raised here. The consultation is open online until 29th November. Please visit: https://myconsultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk/consult.ti/talkingoxfordshire2013/consultationHome HOME TO SCHOOL TRANSPORT MEETINGS The Home to School transport policy will be out for consultation this month. It’s important that we update the policy and the new proposals should provide comfort to those with concerns, whilst delivering much needed savings. Throughout November and December the County Council will be holding public meetings to discuss Home to School Transport. The Leader of the Council, Cllr Ian Hudspeth will be available at each meeting to answer your questions, alongside senior council officers Roy Leach (School Organisation & Planning Manager) and Neil Darlington (Admissions and Transport Services Manager). This is an excellent opportunity to raise your concerns with them, and you can attend any of the meetings listed below. Venue Date Time Carterton Community College 11th of November 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm Matthew Arnold School 14th of November 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm Bartholomew School 22nd of November 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm The Marlborough School 29th of November 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm Icknield Community College 2nd of December 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm Wheatley Park School 4th of December 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm Larkmead School 10th of December 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm The Warriner School 12th of December 2013 7:00pm - 8:30pm North Moreton Parish Council Chmn. READY FOR WINTER We have enjoyed the best summer since 2006 but the weather is changing with a noticeable drop in the temperature. The County council has been planning the winter maintenance program throughout the summer to be ready for the frosts that will occur. All grit bins should now be full, please contact us if any in your area have not been filled. We work with Town & Parish councils so that they have plans in place to assist clearing the snow during the bad weather. There will be a series of road shows during October to explain what is available. If you require further information then please contact Paul Wilson, the Adverse Weather Manager. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES There are a number of funds available to local organisations in the Division. Councillors Community Budgets We have continued to fund these popular local funds to support local organisations. If you know of any organisations that might be interested, please contact me or seek further information at http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/councillor-community-budgets . Area Stewardship Funding These are continuing but are now organised differently. I will attend meetings with other councillors in my locality to pool our funds together for greater effect where possible. It is used to fund highway issues in particular. Chillout Fund We have continued a £100,000 fund to support projects for children and young people. More at http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/chill-out-fund-youth-activities-and-projects Cllr Patrick Greene - Didcot East & Hagbourne Division 8. SODC Report – November 2013 The Nightsafe Scheme The Nightsafe scheme is funded by the South and Vale Community Safety Partnership (CSP), and supports initiatives to reduce underage drinking and sales.The South and Vale CSP has been working closely with Thames Valley Police over the past few months, organising test purchase operations at off-licences across South Oxfordshire and the Vale.In July, 68 premises were tested of which 14 premises failed. Follow-up visits are being held to remind staff of their responsibilities to prevent further sales. Off-licences are also being given the opportunity to sign up to the Nightsafe scheme. To date, 16 have signed up to the charter checklist. For more info please contact: Mandeep Mann Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator [email protected] .
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