A Since ihis is railed Testa Courting I nlversily," The SUirr hits decided (In the spirit of good, etawi fun) to present the l)(|(ls on the rariotH campus eouple'i ehancea o( lasting through the apring Mracatei ihe Skiff, however, presents only the 1 c.riiK .,n(| ■ tip on each rnuplc—it has no idea what "bookie' wll back up Ita selection*. For >»ur convenience, the boyi (atnea alter all t he\ arc nto-l important as lhc\ pa\ all Ihe bilk) Are arranged alphabet Icall}. Name*— (i.l.l- 'Iii, V a m i Odda Tip Kl A: I: ich and II tl Popi 1 -1o fit'< a eii inder anil Clara Pi.. 20 i i | Lefty Alexander ami l 7-1 Bobl I Hi - I Smith - ' here) Field Baughman at 10-1 Bob Bi BI and Gwet ' I Pete B MM i long i Mm- Beat and Fenton Clark i both i . Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University B i i idgc and I lorei ■ P ! tra i a it ril") M FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1938 NUMBER 20 v, \ ■ , i l: ... Mil,I Ml' Linnon B t-1 Bob 1 worth " ■ i tt Carl "ii Atwoi d 7 2 i ' II iraci Cat IWI II and l.u Ashley 10-1 ': emi and Sue Di B-3 (all Clifton Cowi Earharl ! ■ i that I..,n Davii ami Hi i n Ha e I : ■ I Five Winners Bud Ziegler i, Daniel ami M i I Springer * ' I I ' be! ' » I YDEW ii er ami ('"iiii . ' latI 8 I (a lg< i 7 ."> Are Selected \\ Ii i irth ■ Heli i bet) | ': I ' IsAppointed and Jo Mm' " M n (i ould ' II ', i much endun Laura) For Student ■ .i Merilyn I B) « II Bl If Ml MM L Sloan '.. i I Dance Boss Car! : ini much) Mi ge Sundaj School President > Chat I, " ! ll Receive Majority Vote In .lohn Halt and Emajean Haggard ". t Pa md Ellen Nev Unanimous Approval Given 8-2 fahe hi : Initial Balloting Over Chris- I. It. Hale ; : : i (bean •■ fordan - 8-2 ■ I nt thn To Poll's Selection By B i .', '.' Other Candidates I .: ■ - in parlor) v \ v. 8-1 getter) Student Council. >Ned Jami and Louise Flack 5-1 i jf rc-at combinat ion ' i ■ Jamef and I mean si (ditto) Bill \\ ilson and K( ten Stubbi Nominations Listed ] Staff Is Announced •Field choice ticket) ( oateetanta \n Nan ■ I 11 r. c. 13 Department! I ln»l , "Ktniifish" N More laminar With Election Wedneedaj . Dancing Arrangement! Ihan Many Favor Changing Band To Play Othei \iiphcanls. Pic Contest . an has taken a tip Council Representation 1st Concert work. 1 , ,- Will Be Held ... from 1 anil r rngland s Ri i iinnK ■ VUTI s..i ... ii. II it r n I itory, i ..ii on nr.irnnn. und «ucf»,t ill hr I..I Tuesday Evening Program I ; (In It.* »nmr t'«f '" Council mi 10 Best Photos Of Campus Th,. Bay" nn p**' ■ 1, pdilorml HrilinB • ilh To Feature Composi- ' * ince manager I,id 1 nu Mi-„n il " ' named I Scenes To Get Places (hr MJBt kaSjflCt ' rinnera comma Preaident The students want a change in the pi.pnlar n tion By Gillls. In Horned Frog. Student Council rapreaentation plan i Ivocated by three ived to The Student I I gave unani- -at least that is what an inveatiga ' The firal of the aeries of spring " approval to the aejection after Bj MM.I McCLINTON tion by The Skiff's "! prorated a. - erta, givei annually by the band. friend- ■ 0f in ,.,,,. and You ti i i hi life of the party; .: s reveals. the n each ell has be. n r l ' you too can hi I pagi m .he an- ■ i ii ,,f ii studanti conta. ti d, • Bing. This t"i g nMI " ill Tw. :' v. r, r- i nad m tha ottw r 13 The "Kingfi«h" 1 need that nual! You don't have to -axe any want a complete changi i a- ...... an ni iginal composil ion by Don 11 : be Charlei conpona, you don't have to think up 8 warn minor changes in 1 ' "'ut '""" lis,.■ "Panhandl,..„ ■ musicali de-. • ami ti '" "" "'' ' , picl taeaof Ufa on . up' lenttal appomtmiitmcnt. :.«... , , I ll Richard! ami Jad B end in the topi off boxes All you with the present plan. the Southwi item plain'. i "more freshmen, "mi . nta- i m- have to .In il dust off ymir camera The leading rhanee advocated ■ The program will open with "The dean of men'- office, will and make It "give." one on the dormitory-town lines, with ''' *ni :' ll , SUr-Spangled Bann. I -"I by " ' ' neers. This mammoth nine I e behind were The complel i poll will ,.^,„n)lri, !, M.i„,it..Mi Hi I," » and.nd Und i v lh an j, \\ ind laati through Feb. 21 ail who •• I an equal repri '' " and the "Andante" from the for theit ' ''."n »' more fa- you have to '1" Is to haul out that ntation by cli ' ■ ,lan d nl miliar w-iih the dai tp ' any campui • dents luggeatad that thi ' ' « T1|(, num- ■ ■.,. i I... s,,i arised! the plicant." .n the T. i , I ■ Council be ell combine liei -. "\i i • ii ne From Tv friendliness exhibited thai first "B id," as he i then em • '' a !el'" ■ i . i," "Reflections in a H night did not w< ar off, but defin- known n ber of ihe velope and drop it In th. ■ Publicity Hounds" will con- , ..in Inued and has im i -'.iff ■! ... slot in ' ■ ! ! "'* An' Dr C. Palmer clude the program. Ihri ughoul ihe wmeati r. 1 hut m .. begun, He ' New Hand Moniker The eompli • tor the six ned Frog hen on thi ' " neg- Itself has been ample award Iin mj To Lecture concerts, in order of thi ! Is. I fmin.l at I . Ban,I for four yi ■ ative is m the hands of thi Hand Boys Dktrlbttta Stickers, | . 15; M ,nda| . Feb. in- Pamphlets and Other l!ul- t I . a friendl) demect atic spirit Tin . March 29; 1 m ids . April ;. Ri i ... and Marvin Famous Art Collector To which was notorious bj its ali- will „, Couni il members lelins For School. '•I 3; and Tuesday, Coleman. Pictures will be judged en I,I ihe I airersit) "f Michi- Miss l.u Ellen Evans, Speak On 'Joy Of Pic- May 24, if thi ' gan. Mi-s Ann Dl the bai ( ' '"' •' . eta a' f 1 may be pnr- i mulate Ihe sprmK mar. tures' Feb. 23. ■ of the band. in chapel ■ has mi- dmce program. H,.si Photo Gets Page iT. ('. I . Band to you) v ill i.. ,-.• Picl ^° me In the ■I',, program will "The ten bt li l Publicity E ,.,i I, mor placet in the annual, and the T, c, HI Sundaj I roRram The . will i." given a ft During the bar., :i> t'.'ly- I Staff nn mben are I •' '"'' n gh School laal week, the U Will Honor Dr. Scott \!' I T.C.U. Vs. T.W.C. P lmel a Ii . opportunity e band boya, acting i " * In KadlO 1. H> «>f , , „ u not the ■ ted pamph Krnest Peytotl Siirceerls Editor BIBLE: D stunt- tising T. ('. r. and the I Di ; Ridings K* Campus Ra- try and, H i I b Students. (3 BoyB, 3 Girls) To ed when the book H ■■;'•. school bandami n ■ en VI ednesda; , Feb dio Reporter. BIOLOG1 ami I * « • Compose Teaaa For l\'l • I Beliner rep ' leaving the building with I ium I r, i hups because I en » aiinia- "Prof. Quiz" Program. -ni pamphli ll lectu beautiful pa 1S U The regular T, C. tl. "Paraonality" Richarda. ,, il student, the greatea! appeal , , , »« : nt i.in bj thi which i . .in-'. deck . .. the first time office to proapectivt [NESS ADMIN! f,C | hi foi me i- the religious with i ]■ 0, i itu l( nts in an "I, the I'n.' Sunday afternoon o\e KTAT • ,.,l on anything of this "We will tnl<e the bulb tins that Wl r John J attitude "bull pi.'ials on the radio to be ol est to th. will honor Dr. Gayla Bcott I ha; campus. special!) the sj apathetic m, nal . hud printed advertising the si i • \ [■ from s to 8:80 p. m. and the Dr. Scott is a profess, r of I ' igj attitude ol the facult] toward a This votii | the band on i HEMIS1 R'i W . ilogy and is T, C. t'.'s South- er trips." said Don Gillls, "and see L Nicholl ami I religious viewpoint The program will pit the two twet west i . .entative. a ques- class. And tin i much buiineai we ci ENGLISH Re wil! David Don- ■' field tion ar I at milar to up ai our diffi ■ ' | ,. .. ... |,.pie "If our plans work out ohuc and Dr, Will ■ Hewatt, A short 11.H7." proj be rich and GOVERNMENT them, wi «ill have ■ jva - given hg Wa; ne < H I ;k r and "f about in . '" "" ""' Dm ,■ mpanied by Miaa La being near, whimper "I'm Melton eke, and th. I I "' .be ol P ;i '' "'" and More Mii'1'..i I..'.— year" nil RN V I i . The studei !""" *n Uiiiti.-:;, afternoon "Campus ,nd Miss 1 University of N Morph.. LL ' ovel ta., : Bg and field oi by Krnest 1 ' " nt»tlVM >"'■' i i Rid- f md three Big Name Bands MATHEMATICS ' ' ''''' ing, a- cam] rter. M , B, h ll: *'< " '^ '• , , ,, a.
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