CITY OF GOTHENBURG ANNUAL REPORT 2 013 The City Executive Board Chairman summarises 2013 Gothenburg is growing and developing. As the city’s 400th anniversary approaches, Gothenburg is striving to develop into a better city to live in through an open dialogue with its citizens. Gothenburg will be a long-term sustainable city for everyone – a city open to the world. In Gothenburg, particular focus is put on children. This perspective influences all decisions. By also focusing on supporting the growth of commerce and fostering job creation, while ensuring social security and ecological sustainability, we are ensuring that Gothenburg is a city of the future. An organisation for the citizens the city’s development power so strong. Among other The assignment from our citizens is at the heart of the things, an initiative was presented where Gothenburg city’s work. To succeed in our assignment and achieve will serve as the test arena for 100 self-driving Volvo cars the set goals, the work of the City of Gothenburg which will navigate the city’s roads beginning in 2017. In organisation must be characterised by a “whole city” December, the Nobel Week Dialogue was held in Goth- perspective. The various districts of the city must work as enburg – a unique opportunity for dialogue between a whole to achieve the sustainable development of Goth- researchers, businesses and community stakeholders enburg. Work to revise the city’s municipal companies regarding the possibilities for future energy. continued in 2013. This revision is an important step During the year, Gothenburg continued to strengthen in developing the organisation and management of the its brand as a tourist, meeting and major events city. companies to create even better businesses and greater The number of guest nights grew for the 22nd year in benefit for Gothenburgers. In December, the City a row and the city hosted both the UEFA Women’s Council decided on a new corporate structure effective Championship and the European Athletics Indoor from 2014 and new guidelines for corporate governance Championships. During the latter event, Gothenburg that go into effect in 2015. In 2014, work to develop distinguished itself through the concept “all under one the future directions of the individual companies will roof”, which integrated the Swedish Exhibition and continue. Congress Centre and Scandinavium. The strategic work to develop Gothenburg as a destination does more than Gothenburg in the world make the city a better place to live and explore as a tour- The Gothenburg region has fared relatively well in an ist. The growing tourism industry also creates more jobs, environment where many areas (particularly southern especially for young people. Europe) have been subject to weak or negative economic During the year, Angered Arena (a new multipurpose growth. The anticipated growth in export markets such arena in the district of Angered) opened its doors, creat- as Germany, the UK and the Nordic countries is posi- ing more opportunities to exercise, train and play sports. tive for Gothenburg. At the same time, unemployment Stadsbiblioteket was named Library of the Year at the has taken hold at an unacceptably high level, especially Göteborg Book Fair – even though all of the remodel- among our youth. One of the challenges facing our ling work being performed during the year kept the country is becoming better at equipping the unemployed library building closed to the public. The award came with the skills that suit the needs being actively recruited thanks to a creative solution in which parts of library in both the private and the public sector. operations were temporarily presented in new environ- Gothenburg has intensified its efforts to improve the ments, enabling it to attract new visitors. In December, business climate in the city. Under the guiding principle the newly established LGBTQ Council held its first “It should be easy to run a business in Gothenburg”, the meeting. The diversity of experiences, perspectives and various organisations of the city are working to make it identities that permeate the Council make it an impor- easier for entrepreneurs to start and run a business. 450 tant consultation forum and a referral body in the city. people within the municipality have participated in the course “Förenkla helt enkelt” (Simplify, quite simply). A city of growth The fact that several interesting companies found Goth- The city is facing massive initiatives in urban develop- enburg an attractive city to invest and establish them- ment, infrastructure expansion and intensified residen- selves in is proof that the city offers world-class creativity tial construction. The River City vision and the West and expertise. During the year, a number of exciting Sweden Package are strategic initiatives that run like projects and events continued to develop the interplay a golden thread through the city’s development in the between the city, commerce and academia that makes coming years, as is the work for the city’s 400th anniver- 2 The Chairman of the City Executive Board, Anneli Hulthén, reflects on the past year. Photo: Peter Svensson sary celebration in 2021. During the year, planning and the OECD countries. Gothenburg is working strategi- construction work was in full force on both sides of the cally to counter this trend, giving special focus to edu- river. A new market hall opened at Vågmästareplatsen cational leadership, systematic quality assurance and the and new neighbourhoods are emerging in Kvillebäcken. compensatory assignment. These are areas fundamental The winner of the competition for the new Hisings- to developing and improving the quality of pre-schools bron Bridge was announced in the autumn and several and schools. In 2013, we also established education com- detailed development plans were drafted during the year. mittees in the districts to specifically monitor the quality In the northeast, physical environments were renewed. of the school system. This includes the tram station in Hammarkullen and In 2013, implementation of the West Sweden Package the Blå Stället cultural centre in the Angered Centrum continued. Improved accessibility for public transport, shopping centre. a drive to increase cycling and the introduction of a Gothenburg continued to grow and attract new congestion charge have had an effect. Investments in people during the year. Population growth for the year infrastructure create better conditions for a long-term was 7,200 people, making it one of the highest growth sustainable and growing region, with Gothenburg at figures in the past 40 years. As population increases, its heart. This not only makes it easier to get around in so does the need for more housing. 2,568 housing units the city, but also satisfies commerce’s need for reliable were completed in 2013 – the highest number since transports and creates a better environment. 2008. However, there is still a huge need for hous- We can now see that travel in the city is growing and ing. Several strategic assignments are underway within that more and more people are choosing public transport the City’s residential social responsibility for at-risk or cycling. As car traffic has declined, bicycle use in the groups in the housing market, such as a plan to combat city has increased by 22 per cent. Maintenance efforts homelessness and a strategy to provide housing to new and investments in cycle lanes, new bicycle parking arrivals. areas, increased service and the introduction of Västra The City has continued to work purposefully to be Hamngatan as a bicycle priority street have helped to able to offer a pre-school spot to all those who want increase Gothenburg’s attraction as a cycling city. one for their child. In 2013, the goal of full coverage of pre-school needs was achieved. In the area of education, the results of the PISA survey for 2012 were disappoint- ing throughout the country. The survey, which gauges 15-year-olds’ knowledge in mathematics, reading com- prehension and natural science, showed that Swedish Anneli Hulthén (Soc. Dem.), Chairman students’ average performance deteriorated most of all of Gothenburg City Executive Board 3 How to read the City of Gothenburg Annual Report The City of Gothenburg Annual report is submitted by the City Executive Board to the City Council. It is also intended for external stakeholders in the form of lenders, suppliers and other public authorities. The Annual Report is produced by the City Management Offi ce for the City Executive Board. By way of introduction in the Annual Report, the Chairman of the City Executive Board, Anneli Hulthén, makes summarising comments on the past year. The City’s organisation and the members of the City Executive Board are also reported. The City of Gothenburg Annual Report is then divided into four major blocks: BLOCK 1 BLOCK 3 Administration Report Municipal City of Gothenburg The fi rst block contains the Administration Report, – fi nancial analysis and accounts which is to be included in the Annual Report in The block opens with an in-depth fi nancial analysis of the accordance with the Municipal Accounting Act. It City’s accounts and a presentation is made of good eco- comprises a summary of the Annual Report with a nomic management, the balance requirement and the focus on the essential parts of the City’s economy earnings equalisation reserve. The term Municipal City and activities. The City of Gothenburg Administration of Gothenburg refers to the committees and the Finance Report opens with a strategic analysis and a summa- Department. With the analysis, there is an account that rised fi nancial analysis of the City and the combined shows for what activity the municipal tax revenue is used accounts. A follow-up of the City Council’s prioritised and what sponsorship exists within the City of Gothen- goals and assignments is also presented.
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