VOL. LXII.—NO. 33. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1897. WHOLE NO. 3353. gold watch, 50 cents in money, and AN UNMARKED GRAVE. some other trifles. Dr. Ernest A. Clark examined the HIS SKULL CRUSHED The Resting Place in This City of body after it was taken from the water. Michigan's First Chief Justice. He found four bruises on the face, at PANT5 the outer side of the left eye, ou the The workmen, who weru laying the George Beckwith, of Chelsea, Michael Steele Laid Down on upper lid of the right eye, on the lower water pipes through Felch park last You could make that coat and vest last a few weeks Got Into the Huron the Railroad and Used Saturday came upon a heavy iron cask- lip aud on the ear, all of which were et, heavily coated with rust, whioh longer if you had an extra pair of pants. Eight here is similar and looked as if they had been was about six feet under the surface. where we can do you a little good and at the same time re- WEST OF FOSTER'S caused by some blunt instrument. He A TIE FOR A PILLOW. No name was found on the casket gave it as his opinion from the condi- which when opened disclosed the face duce our stock. We have more medium and light weight tion of the body that the young man's of an old man. The head and body pants than we want to carry over. And Sank Before Help Could death was caused by drowning and that His Body Was Still Warm were in almost a perfect state of pres- the blows received on his face were not ervation, the collar and necktie being You can have the choice of any $3.00 or $2.50 pant Be Rendered Him. sufficient to cause immediate death. When Picked Up. in position, nnd tha full-cheeked face The above story is gathered from the being covered by a beard. It was fin- evidenoe given at au inquest held yes- ally determined that this was the body Two Young Men Saw Him, But Heterday afternoon at E. Dieterle's under- He Was Subject to Fits of Numbness, For $1.65. the Result of Injuries to His of Chief Justioe William A. Fletcher," Was All Cramped Up and Was taking rooms before Coroner Ball and who died in this oity in 1852 after hav- The choice of any $3.00, $3.50 or $4.00 pant Drowned in Their Sight. a jury composed of Fred Jerry, Fred Head.—Was Probably Seiz- ed by One When Killed. ing lost his property, and who was —A Peculiar Case. J. Dausingbnrg, P. J. Lehman, Mar- buried at the expense of the Washte- tin Wackenhut, Jos. H. Ball and John naw bar. No stone had ever marked For $2.50. Dieterle, •when Dr. E. A. Clark, Ran- Michael Steele, a laborer who hadhis grave. The body was reinterred A most mysterious case of drowning som Armstrong, Walter Warren, Mon- been working for John Haulon, of Web-where found. You never can buy them as cheap again. Higher prices for occurred in the Huron river, just west roe Kendall, Fred Jerry and Sheriff Jud- ster, for the past few weeks, but who Judge Fletcher presided over the ter- of Foster's, abont 1:30 o'clcok Wednes- sou were examined as witnesses, andhad been around Ann Arbor for several •wool means higher prices for pants next season. day morning, of which George Beck- from a visit to the place. The inquest ritorial circuit court here from 1833 days last wetk, was struck by train until the state was admitted into the with, a paper hanger from Chelsea, was adjourned until Monday at 2 p. m.No. 8 going east on the Michigan Cen- nged 2 4 years, was the victim. In Nothing further than what was al- uuion. Judge Fletoher was the first tral at about 6 o'clock Sunday morning chief justice of the Supreme Court of company with Hansom Armstrong, also ready know was brought out at the in-and was instantly killed. The accident of Chelsea, be was in Ann Arbor, Tues- quest and how the young man got the state of Michigan, serving in that happened just by the Ann Arbor rail- capaoity from 1836 to 1842, when he 3loM& day, and attended Barnum & Bailey's across the intervening 10 acre field androad bridge that crosses the Miohigan circns in the afternoon, both of them long stretch of swamp between the rail- resigned. He was a man of dignity Central tracks, and information of it and refinement and was respected by afterwards driving around the city road and the river to the plaoe where was brought to the depot by the engi- with an Ann Arbor friend. They went he was drowned, just above the old our citizens. Unfortunately he mar- to the Michigan Central depot with neer of No. 8. ried his landlady whose insane eccen- dam, is something that nobody knows. Coroner Ball was notified and he the iutenion of taking tbe 9 :48 p. m . Sheriff Judson traced his tracks through tricities are still remembered by many train, but before they could get there went to the spot where he found the of our older residents. They resided the swamp, and others who were in body of a man about 40 years of age the train pulledo ut and left them. They boats searching for the body saw where ou what is now the fine Smith property stayed around the depot about 20 min- lying near the traok. The skull was on the corner of Wasbtenaw and E. he hud slipped off the bank, whioh is crushed aud the body was still warm utes and then as Armstrong had to bequite steep, into the water. Whether University aves. She kept a cow and in Chelsea the next morning to open A coroners' jury was impaneled who bad the hay for it stored in their parlor. be was assaulted by some person or per- viewed the body aud it was taken to the store in which he is employed, they sons after he left Armstrong, and, She bought many silk dresses and had agreed to walk there and started off O. M. Maritu's undertaking establish- them made up but never wore them. SUMMER frightened and dazed by the blows re- ment. In his pockets were fonnd a let- along the track. When they got as far ceived, rushed ovsr the barbed wire Instead she wore a short calico dress in as the seoond bridge beyond Foster's, ter addressed to him from his mother which she used to oome down town to fence and through the field and marsh, Mrs. F. Steele, of 818 Willow et., Port FOOTWEAR Beckwith declared that he could go unheeding where he went, in an effort to sell eggs, taking the back streets to no further as his feet galled him. Huron, §14 in money and some other avoid the judge. She would make ap get away, until he found himself iu thesmall artioles. Armstrong rallied him and said river with no idea how to get out batches of pies, cakes and bread, fill Our loss is your gain. We are "You're not goiDg to shake me nowagain, ; or whether he left the track At the inquest held iu Martin's un- the oven and building no fire go away not going to tire you with a long Becky, are you?" and Beckwith said with the intention of striking across dertaking rooms Monday afternoon, to let them finish baking. Twice she he would go on to Chelsea. Armstrnog lots to get on the highway and becom- four witnesses were examined. The went east on visits, each time taking price list, but we beg of you to heed engineer and fireman of No. 8 testified with her a large barrel of soft soap. our announcement and fail not to started forward aud as he supposed ing entangled in the swamp got be- heard Beckwith's footsteps on thewildered and wandered into the river, that there was no negligence on theShe use to yell murder iu the dead of visit our place of business during gravel following him. After going a are only conjectures which cannot be part of the railroad employees. Theo- night, Finally the judge secured a di- this sale. short distance he heard the footsteps no verified. But the faot still remains dore Jaokson said he saw Steele walk- vorce from her. lonegr and turning round he cocld see that it is one of the most mysterious ing ou the track about 10 minutes be- In spite of his unfortunate marriage, no sign of Beckwith. He turned back cases of disappearance aud drowning fore the train oanie iu. He walked the judge was one of the great men of and as be walked kept calling out "Oh, that has ever happened in these parts. perfectly straight. When on the main Michigan and it is a shame that the WAHR & niLLER, Beok," "Beck where are you'" "Why track he laid down and to all appear- last resting place of the first chief jus- ances went to sleep. The evidence of don't you answer?" Receiving no re- DEATH OF MICHAEL J. HOWARD. tice of Michigan should go unmarked. esponse he commenced a systematic Charles Balfrauz, who was in a boat Money should be raited to purchase at THE SHOE MEN, 48 S. Main St., Ann Arbor.
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