Rural Romania National Rural Development Network Issue 23 Year II, March, 2015 Viorel Morărescu Famous Romanian recipes Taste of tradition in milk products based on famous recipes Famous recipes, the equivalent of culinary excellency From pitchfork to fork “Ţara mea” (“MY COUNTRY”) produces quality ROOTS OF A EUROPEAN COUNTRY Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale REGIONAL OFFICES Support Network of the National Rural Development Network Contents BRĂILA Editorial 282 Independentei Blvd., 1st floor, postal code 810124, [email protected] Famous recipes, the ambassadors of our culinary traditions ................................................................................................3 Tel.: 0339 732 009, Fax: 0339 732 016 CRAIOVA iNtErViEW 19 Libertatii St., The Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, room L-311, 2nd floor, postal code 200421, Viorel Morărescu, General Manager of Directorate General of the Food Industry - MARD – Famous Romanian Recipes .......4 [email protected] Tel.: 0251 460 377, Fax: 0251 423 651 rURAL dEVELOPMENt ZALĂU Taste of tradition in milk products based on famous recipes ................................................................................................9 49 Kossuth Lajos St., postal code 450010, [email protected] Famous recipes, the equivalent of culinary excellency ........................................................................................................ 13 Tel.: 0360 404 056, Fax: 0360 404 158 Traceability of meat and meat products, an indicator of the manufacturing company power .......................................... 18 TÂRGU MUREŞ 60 Mihai Eminescu St., postal code 540331, [email protected] PEoPlE Tel.: 0365 430 349, Fax: 0365 430 351 Ioan Neagoș– the man with five completed European projects and 23 years of investments in milk production and pro- IAŞI cessing ....................................................................................................................................................................................22 Ciric Recration Area – Ciric Recreation Complex, postal code 700064, [email protected] Tel.: 0332 881 281, Fax: 0332 881 282 EXPERIENCES TIMIŞOARA My business: from pitchfork to fork ......................................................................................................................................26 53 Take Ionescu Blvd., 2nd floor, office 26, postal code 300074, [email protected] My farm: Dorian Marin from Moldavia started a fish farm in Tulcea at Chilia Veche ......................................................32 Tel.: 0356 460 982, Fax: 0356 460 983 My community: “Țara mea” (“My Country”) produces quality ..........................................................................................34 TÂRGOVIŞTE 7A Varzaru Armasu St., postal code 130169, [email protected] Tel.: 0345 100 025, Fax: 0345 100 605 UPDATEd lEADEr “Podișul Mediașului” (“Medias Plateau”) Local Action Group Association - PMLAG .......................................................38 BUCUREŞTI 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu St., 6th floor, 2nd district, postal code 020961, [email protected] Tel.: 0316 900 214, Fax: 0316 900 215 NEWS aNd EVENtS Export of agri-food products is increasing ...........................................................................................................................43 The text of this publication is for informational purposes only and does not entail any legal liability. Phil Hogan, in a Romanian farm during his first official visit in a member state ..............................................................44 Additional information on MARD and NSU can be accessed on-line under: www.madr.ro, www.rndr.ro The first projects based on the new National Rural Development Programme as of March 25th ....................................45 NSU, Department for Publications, March, 2015 Romania will export pork in China .......................................................................................................................................46 ISSN 2393-123x ISSN-L 2393-123x iNTRODUCTION oF NRDN MEMBErS © RNDR, 2015 Union of Poultry Breeders from Romania ............................................................................................................................ 47 Romalimenta – Romanian Federation of Employers from the Food Industry ...................................................................49 The reproduction of the texts from this magazine is authorized, provided that the source is indicated. Printed in Romania. Photo copyright: Romanian Association of the Employers from Milk Industry, Romanian Meat Association, Carmo- Lact Prod SRL, Agrosuind Com, “Țara mea” (“My Country”) Cooperative “Podișul Mediașului” (, “Mediaș Plateau”) Local Action Group Association 1 Rural Romania – no. 23 Editorial Famous recipes, the ambassadors of our culinary traditions The development of communicati- The food industry is, in a way, a stan- beneficiaries shall be the people living on and the facility of travelling di- dard bearer of this fight. And it is nor- in that area and maybe the relatives minish the distances between peo- mal to be like that; we cannot be de- or the acquaintances of the producers. ple. Unfortunately, many people have prived of food. Anywhere we travel, we There is, obviously, a good aspect in this: the traditional tourism will de- the tendency to copy the behaviour of need it. Why not eat a local dish, which velop as the specific product will con- others, losing their identity. In short, to remind you every time of that desti- nation? Why not buy various sorts of vince the traveller, who makes a halt this is the mechanism of globalisation. there, to return. In order to resist this trend, measures products to enjoy diversity? But, the great producers were tempted must be taken in order to encourage The first step towards people was the “resistance movement” of those to take over the success of the traditio- made by identifying, rendering evi- nal products and to make them acces- who, being aware of the richness and dent and regulating the traditional re- sible to an increasing number of be- value of the individual traditions of cipes. Unfortunately, such product is neficiaries. But the production mecha- the nations, try to render them evi- dedicated to more reduced areas. One nisms are not the same. The producti- dent and to bring them to the atten- can only produce in certain quantities on of a larger quantity, the preservati- tion of others. with resources from that area, and the on for a longer period of time, in order to be gradually sold, were essentially altering the taste and value of the tra- ditional product. Obviously, the small producers were discontented, because they were losing in such competition both with regard to the price and to the benefit provided to the tourism by the local identity, as we have mentio- ned earlier. The regulation of traditional products hardened, but it was necessary for the great producers to be provided with an alternative. Thus, a new concept is developed: “famous recipes”. We are talking about those recipes who have tradition, local specificity, but they can be industrially produced. This way, the identification with the traditional products was avoided. These products can become in time the ambassadors of the Romanian culinary traditions. We have dedicated this issue of our magazine to this subject, trying to make familiarize you with the mat- ters regarding the regulation, motiva- tions and guidelines in order to under- stand the necessity and utility of the concept. You will read the opinions of those involved in its development and also of those who will benefit by such recipes. Viviana Vasile, Team Leader of “Establishment and Support of the National Rural Development Network Project” 2 3 Rural Romania – no. 23 Interview (April 2nd, 2014) which the operators Necessary technical of Health, one representati- Viorel Morărescu, General Manager of from the food sector voluntarily adhe- documentations ve of the National Authority for re to for registration with the National Consumer Protection and three Directorate General of the Food Industry - Register of Famous Recipes (NRFR). representatives of the professi- The Order on certification of the onal or-ganisations (Federation food products obtained accor- of Employers from the Food MARD – Famous Romanian Recipes Who is managing the Register of ding to the famous Romanian re- Industry – ROMALIMENTA); Famous Recipes and what does cipes was enforced last year, on • The professional organisations it contain? the 2nd of April, 2014. What has from the field (meat and meat pro- The Romanian famous happened since then? ducts, bread-making and dairy recipe is the Romanian Viorel Morărescu: The National products) have submitted to the food product produced Register of Famous Recipes (NRFR) is Viorel Morărescu: We have carried Ministry of Agriculture and Rural by not altering the com- a register managed by the Minister of out the following actions since the en- Development proposals of pro- position used more than Agriculture and Rural Development, forcement of the Order: ducts per categories accompanied 30 years prior to the date which contains the name of the ope- by the technical documentations; of the enforcement of the rator from the food sector, its iden- • The Technical Specialty Order regarding the cer- tity and contact data, the name of the Commission was established, • The Technical Specialty tification of the food pro-
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