DIRECTORY .J SUFFOLK. GLEMSF'ORD. 1065 Selsby WilliaTJl, poultry dealer Stegg-all William, farmer Wilton Sarah Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Smith Henry, veterinary surgeon Vincent John, beer retailer Y oungman Thomas, farmer & butcher Sparrow George, farmer White Alfred, shoe maker GREAT GLEMHAM is a village and parish 4~ miles at Little Glemham. Here are clay and sand pits. Glem­ south-east from Framlingham and 2 east from Parham ham House, a large modern mam1ion of white brick, stand­ statio!! on the Framlingham branch of the Great Eastern ing in an ele\·ated position and surrounded by a park of railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, about 70 acres, is the property of and occasional residence Plomesgate hundred and union, Framlingham petty ses- of tbe Duke of Hamilton and Bran don K. ·r. The Duke of sional division, Framlingham and Saxmundbam county Hamilton and Brand on K. T. is lord of the manor and princi­ court district, rural deanery of Orford, archdeaconry of pal landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay. The chief Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is 1,910 is a building of flint with stone dressings, in the Perpendicu- acres, most part arable; rateable value, £2,152 ; the popula­ lar style, consisting of chancel, nave, north and south tion in 1891 was 282. porches and a fine embattled western tower containing one Parish Clerk, Henry Levett. bell: the church was restored in r878, at a cost of about PosT OFFICE.-\Villiam Heffer, receiver. Letters arrive at £6oo, and affords 150 sittings. The register dates from the 8.15 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. from Saxmundham; dispatched at year 1578. The living is a chapelry, annexed to the rectory 9-45 a.m. & 1.30 & 5-45 p.m. Postal orders are issueJ of Little Glemham, average tithe rent-charge £304, joint here, but not paid. Farnham is the nearest money ordel." net yearly value £2r3, including 7 acres of glebe, in the office & Saxmundham the nearest telegraph office gift of the Earl of GUllford, and held since 1886 by the Rev. National School (mixed), built in 1874, for 75 childr~n; \Villiam Hooper M. A. of Lincoln College, Oxford, who resides average attendance, 55 ; Miss Clara A. Goodyere~mistress Bloomfield Col. Alfred .T. P. The Grove Dove Robert, farmer, Church farm Moore George, coal merchant COMMERCIAL. Eade Abraham, farm bailiff to Samuel Runnacles Ephraim, farm bailiff to the Abbott David, Crown inn Plant, of Stratford St. Andrew, Red Duchess of Hamilton, Pound f!irm Abbott John, farmer, Street farm House farm Runnacles George, farm bailiff to the Alldis Samuel, tailor Heffcr William, blacksmit.h, Post office Duke of Hamilton Brook Rosa(Miss),frmr. Whitehouse fm Ling George, farmer, Paul's farm & \Voods George, shopkeeper Cluw Waiter Levitt, shoe maker Stone House farm G LEMHAM P ARVA is a village and parish, near the there are So sittmgs. The register dates from the year river Ore and on the road from Wickham Market to Sax­ 1578. The living is a rectory with Great Glemham annexed~ mundham, 4 miles south-west from Saxmnndham and I average tithe rent-charge £304, joint net yearly value £213~ mile north-east from Marlesford station on the Framling­ including 7 acres of glebe, with residence, in the g1ft of the ham branch of the Great Eastern rail way, in the North Earl of Guilford, and held since r886 by the Rev. William Eastern division of the county, Plomesgate hundred and Ilooper M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford, Glemham Hall, a union, Framlingham petty sessional division, Frarnlingham large and ancient mansion of brick, surrounded by a well­ and Saxmundham county court district, rural deanery of wooded park of 350 acres, is the property of the Earl of Orford, archdeacomy of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. Guildford, and occupied by Charlotte Maria, Lady North. The church of St. Andrew is a structure of flint with stone The Earl of Guilford is lord of the manor and principal land­ dressings in the Perpendicular style, consisting of nave and owner. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay. The chief erops an enlarged transept on the north side, south porch and an are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is r,268 acres embattled western tower containing 3 bells: there are three of good soil; rateable value, £1,920; the population in 189 r stained windows, and the church contains several monu­ was 281. ments of the North family, Earls of Guilford, including the Parish Clerk, Abraham Hunt. Hon. Sir Dudley North kt. ob. 31 Dec. 1~1; Mrs. Catbe­ rine North, 1715; Dudley North, 1729 ; also Dudley North, PosT OFFICE.-William Baskett, receiver. Letters arrive 1764, and a full-length Italian statue of great beauty, of from Wickham Market at 7-IO a. m. & 2-35 p.m. ; dis- Dudley North esq. 1829; monuments to the Hon. Nicholas patched at II a. m. & 6.5 P· m. & at 9 a. m. on sunday. Herbert M. P. for .Newport, r739 and 1747, and for Wilton, Farnham is the nearest money order & Wickham Market. 1769-75, d. 1 Feb. I?75; Ann (North) his relict, d. 25 Dec. the nearest telegraph office 1789; and to Barbara (Herbert) 1st wife of Edward (Strat- National School (mixed), erected in 1855, for 66 children; ford) 2nd Earl of Aid borough ; she died II April, q85: . average attendance, 49; Miss Rosey E. Finchf mistress Hooper Rev. William M.A. [rector], Baskett Wm. grcr. & drpr. & post office Rope Edwin James, farmer, Sink farm The Rectory . Bedwell Alfred, blacksmith Sparrow John Henry, Lion P.H Howard Mrs Blaxall Martha (Mrs.), Lion P.H StannardJn.millr.(watr.),Glemhamm! North Lady, Glemham hall Huson John, farmer, Pear Tree farm GLEMSFORD is a village and parish north <>f the river William Samuel Goodchild esq. Edward Starkie Bence, of Stour, with a station 1 mile south of the village on the Cam- Kentwell Hall, and the trustees of the late J. G. Hale are bridge and Long Melford section of the Great Eastern rail- the chief landowners. The soil is a mixture of loam, sand way, 7 miles north-west from Sudbury and 5 east-north- and gravel; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, barley and east from Clare, in the Southern division of the county, oats. The area is 2,181 acres; rateable value, £4,493; the hundred of Babergh, Melford petty sessional division, Sud- population in 1881 was 2,375. bury union and county court district, rural deanery and Sexton, Charles Adams. archdeaconry of Sudbury and diocese of Ely. The small PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office river Glem flows east of the parish. The church of l:;t. Mary (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R. s. 0. Suffolk is a large building of stone and flint in the Gothic style, added).-Augustus Edwin Spurge, receiver. Letters ar- consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porches rive from Sudbury at 6 a.m. & 12, p.m. Box closes at and an embattled western tower, which has been rebuilt 30 and contains 6 bells: the church was rescated and A ~~~o~lZ:oard of 5 members was formed 4 April, 1g71 ; H. thoroughly restored in 1873, at a cost of £3,400, and affords C. Canhan, Sudbury, clerk to the board: Cornelius Cop- about 8oo sittings. The register dates from the year 1550. sey, attendance officer The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £6or, net yearly value £327, with about 7 5 acres of glebe and house, Board School, erected in 187r, at a cost of over £3,000, for in the gift of the Bishop of Ely, and held since I887 by the 2o6 boys, 146 girls & r8o infants; average attendance. Rev. Herbert Hall M.A., s.C.L. of Brasenose College, Oxford. 142 boys, 140 girls & 145 infants ; the National school is There are two Baptist chapels and a Pnmitive Methodist now used only for the Sunday school & parish meetings; chapel. Charities to the amount of £37 6s. are distributed William Henry Payton, master; Miss Amy E. Crockford~ in money and coals at Christmas. Harnmond's charity, left mistress ; Miss l\'lary Telford, infants' mistress in 1658, produces about £19 a year, which is di\'ided among Police Station, Rubert Ward, inspector & I constable 12 poor men. Here is a silk throwing mill, a silk factory Railway Station, John Henry Marsh, station master and a horsehair and a cocoanut fibre manufactory, unitedly CARRIERS TO:- giving employment to a large number of persons. Joseph BuRY ST. EoMUNDS Jacob Adams, wed Beaumont, Coggeshall, Essex, who is lord of the manor, SuDBURY-Mark Crask, daily, except wednesday Evans Edward Alien Ebenezer, builder & shopkeeper llrewster Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hall Rev. Herbert M.A., s.c.L. [rector] Alien Harry, coeoa nut matma. & frmr Byford John, shopkeeper Ward Andrew James [Baptist] Alien Walker, cocoa nut mat maker Byford William, farmer, railway & col- • COMMERCIAL. AlstonDanl.millr.(wind&water) & frmr liery agent & maltster, Court farm Adams Jacob, baker Beeton Frederick, beer retailer Clarke Alfred Ransome (exors. of), Adams Paul, carpenter lligg William King, tailor grocers & drapers .Albon Spencer, blacksmith Boreham Stephen, shopkeeper Clarke Rebecca (Miss), farmer .
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