Reflections/ January-February, 1981 Special Insert Page4 Reflections/ January / February, 1981 ( ___ ____M_ e_m_b_e_r_s_I_n_T_h_e_N_e_w_s ______) ( _____1_9_8_0_B_u_i_ld_i_n_g_F_u_n_d_C_o_n_t_r_ib_u_t_o_rs ____ ) A special thank you to the 1,400 contributors to the Building Fund. The Founders envisioned a future where nursing scholarship, leadership and research would be fostered . The Sigma Theta Tau building will be a symbol of this vision. Thank you. The National Council Joan Ganong Theresa Valiga Fay Bower Priscilla Butts Joan Mary Ganong, C.M.C., Eta (U . of Pitts­ Dr. Fay Bower, Alpha Gamma (San Jose State Priscilla Butts, Xi (U. of Pennsylvania) , will burgh) , Vice President and Nursing Manage­ U .) , chair of the Department Nursing, has appear in the 12th Edition of Who's Who of ment Consultant of Ganong Healthcare Man­ been selected the Outstanding Professor at American Women. She is a member of Educa­ agement Consultants of Chapel Hill, NC , has San Jose State U. for 1979-80. A member of tional Development Committee and a doctoral been elected to regular membership in the In­ the SJSU nursing faculty since 1966, Bower is student, New York U. Division of Nursing, stitute of Management Consultants, Inc. Mrs. the first woman to receive the award since its and Lecturer (part-time), U. of Pennsylvania, Ganong the first nurse in the country to have inception in 1966. This is also the first time the School of Nursing. earned this recognition , is co-author of the award has gone to a nursing faculty member. Alicia Allman Snyder, Gamma Sigma (U. of N. books Nursing Management (2nd Edition, She earned a bachelor's degree in nursing Mexico), a school nurse for the Albuquerque Aspen , 1980) and Cases in Nursing Manage­ from SJSU and a master's and doctorate in Public Schools, was the first recipient of the ment (Aspen , 1979). nursing from the U. of California at San Fran­ Nurse Researcher Award presented by the cisco. Theresa M. Valiga, (Tau, Georgetown U.) , New Mexico Nurses' Association . The award doctoral student at Columbia University , was based on Mrs : Snyder's research entitled received a 1980 Sigma Theta Tau research Sarah Ellen Archer, R.N., Dr. P.H., Alpha Eta (U. of California at San Francisco) , has been "Children from Broken Homes: Visits to the grant for her research "The Cognitive School Nurse." Development and Views about Nursing as a elected chair of the Executive Board of the American Public Health Association. She is Profession of Baccalaureate Nursing Karen S . Radke, Alpha (Indiana U .) , has been the first woman and the first nurse to hold this Students." She reports collection of data from awarded a Biomedical Science Graduate position in the 108-year history of the Associa­ 123 students enrolled in three accredited Fellowship by Indiana U. School of Medicine tion. Dr. Archer is Associate Professor of northeastern programs. At present the data to continue doctoral study in physiology. She Community Health Nursing and Administra­ ar!! being analyzed. was formerly an Associate Professor in the tion , Department of Mental Health and Com­ Mary Jane Frances Smith, (Tau , George­ Family Nurse Clinician Graduate Program at munity Nursing, School of Nursing, U.C.S.F. town U.) has been named Nurse Associate, a the U. of Tennessee College of Nursing, Mem­ She is also Secretary-Treasurer and a Found­ new position on the Drug Information Division phis. staff of the U.S. Pharmacapeial Convention, ing Trustee of Nursing Dynamics Corporation, Inc . USPC. a non-profit independent nursing practice. Members Publish ____________________ Linda Bernhard, M.S. , Gamma Phi Beatrice Gaunder, Delta Psi (U. of Kentucky), is H.A. Williams, Psi (U. of Washington) , F.P. (Rush U.) , and Michelle Walsh, M.S. , Alpha one of the contributors to Nurse Practitioners: Rivara and M.B. Rothenberg. "Guidelines Lambda (U. of Illinois). Leadership: The Key A Review of the Literature 1965-1979 for the Care of the Hospitalized Dying Child to the Professionalization of Nursing. New (NP-62). Cost $3.00 from Publications and His Family," MCN, The American Jour­ York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. Orders, American Nurses' Association, 2402 nal of Maternal Child Nursing, in press, 1980. Pershing Road, Kansas City , MO 64108. Carolyn Veronica Billings, M.S.N. , Alpha H.A. Williams (Psi) and M.M. Taylor, "The Use Alpha (U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Kathryn V. Hall, Beta Kappa (U. of Virginia), is of Therapeutic Play in the Ambulatory Pedia­ "Emotional First-Aid," American Journal of Editor of the AUAA Journal, a quarterly scien­ tric Hemotology Clinic ," Cancer Nursing, in Nursing, Vol. 80: 11 , November, 1980. tific journal published by the American Urolo­ press, 1980. Martha M. Brown, Gamma Pi (U. of Nebraska). gical Association, Allied. H.A. Williams (Psi) and M.M. Taylor, "The Use "The Growth of the Long Term Care Industry E. Carolyn Innes, M.S.N., Gamma Gamma (San of Therapeutic Play in the Ambulatory Pedia~ and the Need for Reallocation of Health Diego State U.), and Suzanne R. Langner, tric Hemotology Clinic," Cancer Nursing, in Resources." Nursing Homes, Vol. 29: 1 M.S.N., Xi (U. of Pennsylvania).· "Breathing, press, 1980. (January-February, 1980). Holism , and Health," Topics in Clinical Nurs­ Candace Burns, Ph.D., Delta Beta (U. of S. ing, Vol. 2:3, October, 1980: 1-10. Mary-Charles Smith Santopietro, Xi (U. of Florida). Chapter "Physical Appraisal of the Margaret McMahon and Patricia Miller, Gam­ Pennsylvania), has published several recent Abdomen and Male Genito-Urinary System." ma Pi (U. of Nebraska). "Behavioral Cues in articles in RN Magazine, Oradell, NJ 07649, Physical Appraisal Methods in Nursing Prac­ the Dying Process and Nursing Implications," including: tice. Editors: Sana and Judge; Little, Brown, Journal of Gerontologic Nursing, Vol. 6: 1, "Mental Health and the Indochinese in America: and Co. , February, 1981. January, 1980. Who's at Risk and Why", "Indochina Moves to Gloria Francis, Ph.D. , Gamma Omega (Virginia Main Street: Guidelines for Communicating with Patricia Miller and Dorothy Russell, Gamma Pi Commonwealth U.) , edits Investigato, an Indochinese Clients", "A Basic Vietnamese (U. of Nebraska). "Elements Promoting eastern states nursing research newsletter, Vocabulary", "Indochina Moves to Main Street: Satisfaction as Identified by Residents in the Random Notes, an in-house nursing research What's Behind the Inscrutable Mask?" (co­ Nursing Home," Journal of Gerontologic newsletter, and Proceedings (First) Eastern authored), and "Translating the Indochinese Diet Nursing, Vol. 6 :3, March, 1980. Conference on Nursing Research. Dr. Francis into English". (co-authored) is preparing a program grant application (six Judith D. Pesetski, R.N. , Alpha Delta (U. of · She has joined in "A Beginner's Guide to Viet­ studies) on Stress and Stress Management in Texas-Galveston). "A Practical Guide for Per­ namese Culture" by Xi members Elaine Dobbins, Women. ioperative," AORN Journal. Barbara Lynch and Dorothy Fisher. T Special Insert Reflections/ January-February, 1981 Refl ections/ January-February, 1981 Special Insert c-~~~1_9_8_0_B~u_il_d_in_g~F_u_n_d_C_o_n_t_r_ih_u_t_o_rs~~~~) ( ____1_9_8_ 0_B_u_il_d_in_g_F_u_n_d_C_o_nt_r_ih_u_t_o_rs____ ) XI Kleespies, Laura S. UPSILON O'Neill, Barbara W. ALPHA EPSILON ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA OMICRON Horowitz, June M. A. BETA GAMMA ' BETA LAMBDA U. of Pennsylvania Klineyoung, Mildred E. New York U. Peavy, Jean Emory U. U. of Colorado Saint Xavier College Hurley, Ann C. U. of San Francisco Avila College Amy, Bridget G. Kotfl, Ruth J. Anderson, Ruth Purdy, Betty Barfield, Dorothy Andresen, Gayle P. Clark, Joanne M. Macewicz, Edna M. Bozell, Fred Strickland, Ethel Arnold , Lauren S. Koons, Shirlee 8. Bedard , Evelyn M. Ross, Esther Bradley, Joye Delapp, Tina M. D. Clark, Sandra Muething, Anne M. Fitch, Mary L. Bincarousky, Sandra Larrinaga, Estrella M. Bernaz, Theresa Russell, Elizabeth S. Coleman, Karlene B. Coglianese, Judith Murphy, Margaret A. McDonnell, Sr. Mary G. Ebert, Marilyn J. BETA MU Cox, Michele H. Lawrence, Rena Birkett, Norma J. Stetson, Lorrie Corbin, Katherine Elliott, Jo E. Gugerty, Kathleen Pirolli, Judith S. O'Reilly, Mary U. of Arizona David, Erich W. P. Lidard, Margaret Bruton, Mary R. Stoner1 Susan Dillon, Diane Goodhart, Judy O. Hanley, Mary A. Anderson, Jacqueline Delong, Patricia Lowman, Donna D. Cowling, Richard Taylor, Andrea C. Duffield, Grace C. Goslin, Jane LaMonaca, Emma BETA DELTA Atwood, Jan A. DiMarco, Delores Luckenbaugh, Phyllis Dorneval, Marie D. Thimmes, Mary A.T. Fragala, Patricia Holdsworth, Janet N. McGuire, Maureen D. ALPHA PSI U. of Oklahoma Bauwens, Eleanor Dower, Eleanore 0. Marriott, Lois Draxton, Marilyn A. Thompson, Mary T. Griffith, Marta L. Hopkins, Edna M. Parsons, Elinor Michigan State U. Baker, Constance M. Boyles, Victoria Faunce, Donna L. Martin, Lee A. Fonseca, Jeanne D. Ware, Alma M. Kater, Nancy A. Reder, Elsie M. Anderson , Clara 8. Harden, Joyce T. Linhart, Renee Dow, Phyllis P. Fegley, Barbara McCune, Mary E. George, Phyllis M. Williams, Deirdre S. Lamb, Cheryl Love, Agnes D. Dyer, Kathleen Hawkins, Ada Field, Joan T. Gipe, Theresa Michalski, June G. Gilmore, Bertie Larrabee, June Lundblad, Gayle A. Huhn, Patricia Haynes, Inez Haskell, Carolyn A. S. Gould, Elaine J. D. Mieding, Carolyn Haas, Alene Long , Laura 8. Margolis, Karen L. ALPHA RHO McMyn, Ruth C. Hotaling, Gertrude Lauver, Edith B. Grygus, Rita E. Mistr, Virginia C. Hayes, Elizabeth Zdibak OMEGA Strieper, Gerard E. Moeny Mary A. Payne, Isabelle Hubbard, Jenell l West Virginia U. Lindstrom, Carol Harrigan, Gail S. Mohr, Karen F. Hoskins, Carol N. Depauw U. Stroud, Gail G. Sims, Karen Scoblic, Mary Jansing, Alma F. Bell, Shirley Miller, Alice M. Heffernan, Bernardine Negley, Sally K. lsaguirre, lsraelita P. Akins, Charlotte Wright, Lynette H. Smith, Vicki Talsma 1 Patricia L. Kramer, Lou A. Colker, Frona S. Patterson, Bernice Hilden, Dolores A. Nolte, Gwendolyn Landesberg, Adele Koch, Fredericka E. Trimmer, Beth McEndree, Barbara W. J Diehl, Patricia Roe, Susan Hollingsworth, Andrea 0. Northrop, Mary A. Lopez, Frances M. Powell, Catherine L. Von Ahlefeldt, A. Gray, Laureen H. Norie, Lydia H.
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