A V B uoi oiULT p m m x x i k i H flbm rlrratrr tot the snentli ti B m M i^tt, 1884 I The Parish Players will meet to­ Ttaa Bowing circle of the Army Tbs supper which la to be served The meeting o f the High School regulations prepared by Town Coim- membon and 8200 for chairman u d night at T:30 at the Center Con­ and Navy club auxiliary wrtll meet In connection wdth the regular League of the South Methodist sel WilUam 8. Hyde w u accepted by secretary la Insufficient in consid­ 5 , 4 3 2 monthly meeting of Hbse No. 2 of church, scheduled to be held at the VOTING DISTRICTS the Board of Selectmen last night in Bfonsber tlw Andit pe e rle ss ORCHESTRA gregational church. tonight promptly at 8 o’clock at eration of the amount of time de­ aS the home of Mrs. Hannah Smith, the Manchester Are department will Highland Park Community Club­ the monthly meeting. Borenn of CIrcaintlons Directed by “ Bemie** 103 Center atreeL be In charge of William Knofla. The house this evening, bos. been called The bill wriU be presented -to the voted to town worlt. It.la expect­ Mrs. J. E. Elliott heads the com­ members are to gather at the bouse off untn a later because of the BEL IS DRAWN UP current session of the general assem­ ed that the Selectmen wdll u k the School St. Rec. Friday, Jan. 18 mittee of hostesses In charge of the Helen Davldeon Lodge, No. 98. at 6:30. A hot supper will be serv­ storm. .1 bly and If approved wdth. provlrc town to materially Increase the pay (C3aMlBed Advertising on Pnge 14.) 8:S»-1S:S0. pivot bridge party which the Man­ Daughters of Scotia, will bold Its ed and the business meeting will fol­ for referendum, will be placed on of Board members when and If the VOL. U V „m 93. 1 Ue. chester Mothers club will conduct regular meeting tomorrow night at low. • In yesterday's Herald the name of the voting machines at a special or bill is pused. No estimate of the on February 8 at the Mason'e Tem­ 7:45 In Tinker ball. A good turn­ flev. C. Homer Ginns of the North' Selectmen Approve of Draft regular town meeting at a later scale of salaries o f the members w u ple. Tickets are now on sale by the out of the member* la hoped for. "Raw But Well Done," a humor­ tbodist church was mentioned In date. given however. members and a number have made ous play in three scenea will be a corihectlon with the personnel of the A bill to allow the town meeting End of California Convicts* Murderous Dash for Freedom ABOUT TOWN up their own tables. The Manchester Green Communi­ feature of the novel entertainment, executive committee of the state — Salary Bfll Is Also to fix the salary of the Selectmen ty club will conduct the fourth in "Joyland” tomorrow evening at the Y.M.C.A, It should have been Rev. w u also approved and will be pre­ STATE RELIEF BILL BRUNO’S WIFE BREAKS; Tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock the present series of bridge and set­ Second Congregational church. Leonard^. Harris of the South sented to the legislature. The bill, FOOD SALE Harold TurWnttoB, w«U known the Salvation Army will bold Its an­ back eoclala tomorrow night In the Chairman H. L. Tenney Is coaching Methodist shurcb. Given Approval If approved by the general assembly, local murtcUa who haa nual business and praise service Green school assembly ball. Playing the cast of six, namely, Mrs. Charles will supercede the statute under Friday, January 18. 2 p. m. musical composlUons of ment to his which takes place each year about wlU begin promptly at 8 o’clock. The Melsterllng, ibvrl Keller, Oarence Henry Cam^t)^ who has made which the town is now operating. W. E. Hlbbsrd’s Store, credit, will address the choir of the this time. Reports will be submitted Sadrozlnskt, Frank Vittner, Mere­ his home In B u t Hartford for AWAITS CROSS 0 . K. usual cash prizes will be awarded A bill for the division of the Town Demand for an Increase -In pay of 288J«orth Main St. Concordia Lutheran church tonight and other business transacted. the winners In each section and at dith Stevenson and Joseph Pobiman. several years, hak movfed to Man­ of Manchester into voting districts Selectmen w u made over a year North M. E. Chnrrh L. A. ‘FT’S A UE’ , SHE YELLS chester and 1s l o c a ^ in one of the on the subject of •'Music Apprecia­ Every local officer and every soldier the close of the games sugar buns Homo made candy will be on sale, and regulations pertaining to voting ago. The Selectmen, feel that the Baked Brans, Brown Bread, Oakes, tion." Mr. Turklngton's talk will flats In the Hartman btpek on Norttr)' Is urged to be present. Refresh­ and coffee will be served by the wo­ and a supper will be served from 6 qualifications and district voting present salary of |l60 for regular Plea, etc. follow the regular rehearsal of the to 7:30 consisting of meat ball* and Main street. ments will follow the business sea- men’* committee. Mrs. Louis Custer, Leaders Believe Governor Loses Control of Herself choir. It Is hoped all raerabers will slon. spaghetti, baked beans and other MRS. ANNA DALL be present chairman. All players will be wel­ Items. Joyland is under the man­ come. Four Ships in Distress A group of women wrorkers of agement of the men who compose Win Sign It Althongh It When Neighbor Declares The Wonum’s Home Missionary the North Methodist church will the Doughnut club. society, of the South Methodist Mrs. Marlon Straughan, noble IS MARRe TO conduct a sale of home baked foods grand of Sunset Rebekah lodge: Does Not Include His church will meet tomorrow after­ tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mrs. Josephine Emonds, 13 School On Swirling Oceans She Told Her She and noon at 2:30 at the church. The Vice Grand Mrs. Grace Latbrop, street will grant the use of her | Listen Folks! You Know the store of W. E. Hibbard on North Mrs. Jessie Wallace, conductor of hostesses will be Miss Gertrude Ab­ Main street. Mrs. Nellie Marks la home tomorrow night for a benefit. Proposal in All Details. JOHN BOEHIGER bey. Mrs. Ada McCue. Miss Flora the Rebekab Assembly, and several setback for Sunset Council, Degree | Husband Had Returned chairman of the committee In members of the local lodge, attend­ Asteamer Hayataka Maru reached Stanley. Mrs. Christopher Glenney. of Pocahstntu, The usual prizes By ASSOCIATED PRESS charge. ed the supper and Installation of Disaster overtook four ships to­ Chefoo, Shantung Provlndc, China. will be awarded the winners smd re- j A story hour for children of .Myriad Lodge of Stafford last night, Prices And You Know Hartford, Jan. 18.— (AP) — The Daushter of President Weds day as gales and heavy snowstorms An a g ^ man who fell Into the sea from a Trip, Two Days freshments served. Playing will j was the only one of 151 passengers grades 2 to 6 will be held tomorrow The Friendly Bridge club will first piece of major legislation, a kicked up angry seas In both the meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Mrs. Charles J. Strickland, presi­ begin at 8:30 sharp and all players and crew lost. afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Whlton hill containing' part of hl„ relief pro- Atlantic and Pacific oceans. After the Lindbergh Kid­ Memorial Library. aeon Chapman of Strickland street. dent. -entertained the Women’s will be welcome. Former Chicago Reporter At least two men died In the Fire ravaged two other ships. igram needed only the signature of The tinv Danish freighter Astra League of the Second Congrega­ ,1 swirling waters, both within sight tional church at her homo on Main erchandise Well Enough “ovemor Wilbur L. Cross today to in New York— Met Dor- of their rescuers. sent an SOS from a position 1400 naping— Causes Sensa­ street yesterday afternoon. The tiecome law. A breeches buoy carried to safety miles east of Newfoundland. She guest speaker was Mrs. Katherine UteJWHALECo Legislators expressed confidence 28 sailors from the stranded British begged immediate assistance, re­ 1 Gates who was for 20 years a mis­ that the measure continuing the ing Campaign. freighter Kennery which broke in porting fire after an explosion in tion in Court. FAITH .^MANrHESTFPjnONN.f state emergepey relief commission two on a ledge off Halifax, Nova her after hold. sionary In India. In an elaborately The Omard liner Andania was re­ PINEHURST We have renewed the faith of embroidered silk ciostume. Similar to 1^0 Know That At The would be signed promptly by the Scotia. But here heroic captain. 3 To 6 O’clock chief executive even though the blU Dxmean Milne, died in the sea’s best. ported hurr>dng to her aid, about many people In the goodness-oif those worn by women of the higher Washington, Jan. 18— (A P )—^The Flemlngton, N. J., Jan. 18.— (AP) as approved yesterday by the Gen­ tradiUon. five hours steaming distance away. Dial 4151 flsh. by delivering to them on caste In India, she gave an Interest­ Specials Friday President and Mrs. Roosevelt today Nearing Miami, Fla., today was — Anna Hauptmann’s nerve broke every oeeasion, flsh that is ati- ing and Instructive talk of the cus­ eral Assembly did not include every­ Last man to quit the battered thing that the governor recom­ the= Merchants and Miners liner today at the trial of her husband soliitely fresh and In the pink toms of the people of that country.
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