FARM LABOR INFORMATION BULLETIN Voice of the Fields California July 2018 FREE Volume 28, Number 7 CenTRAL VALLEY OPPorTUNITY CenTer “Helping people…Changing lives” ENTRAL VALLEY OPPORTUNITY CENTER Our mission (CVOC) is a nonprofit employment training and is to provide C service provider organization. CVOC serves farm employment, workers and low-income populations in Merced, Madera, skills training, and Stanislaus counties. education, and Their services include vocational gaining real world education for emergency education, remedial education, their future careers. services to English Language instruction, On top of education, CVOC improve the quality of life for housing assistance, energy payment also helps eligible customers farmworkers and underserved assistance, emergency supportive with their homes. The initiatives members in our communities. services, transportation, emergency by CVOC are Home Energy General Contact: food, youth employment, health- Assistance Program (HEAP), Phone: 209-357-0062 care acquisition, childcare services and Energy Crisis Intervention Fax: 209-357-0071 and community education services. Program (ECIP). These programs Merced Training Center CVOC has effectively provided a help to provide installation of en- Main Campus comprehensive package of services ergy conservation devices, minor 6838 Bridget Court to over a hundred thousand custom- home repair, energy conserva- P.O. Box 1389 ers to date. tion education, carbon monoxide Winton, CA 95388 There are many areas of study safety checks and even assistance (209) 357-0062 offered with CVOC. These courses with one utility payment per year. Madera Satellite Training Center include general business, the food In order to be eligible for this aid, 1930 Howard Rd., Suite 125 industry, welding, retail, photovol- applicant must be at or below Madera, CA 93637 taic installation, and truck driving. 150% of the Poverty Guidelines, (559) 662-0100 Most of the funding for Central own or rent a home in Stanislaus Stanislaus Satellite Training Valley Opportunity Center comes County and be a documented Center from federal, state, and local grants. resident. For more information or Lincoln School Plaza In 2017, 18 scholarships in the an appointment, please call (209) 1801 H St. Suite A4 amount of $1,500 were awarded to 541-0496. Modesto, CA 95354 those who were passionate about Source: www.cvoc.org/ (209) 577-3210 CALIfornIA EMPLOYmenT DeveLOPmenT DEPARTmenT Monitor Advocate Office HE MONITOR ADvocATE OFFICE (MAO) was estab- advocacy role is extended to the work lished on August 13, 1974, by a court order because of a lawsuit performed with Workforce Innovation filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Col- and Opportunity Act, section 167 T partner organizations. Many of these ored People (NAACP) and various farmworker organizations against partner organizations are collocated in the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The suit claimed that the United the various AJCCs across the state. States Employment Service discriminated against Migrant and Season- Furthermore, the MAO adminis- al Farm Workers (MSFW). As a result, the MAO was established. ters the ES Complaint System. The The mission of the MAO is to es- sites’ services to MSFWs, the MSFW MAO provides technical assistance tablish and maintain effective relation- outreach program, and the Employ- to EDD staff when questions arise ships with its internal and external ment Service (ES) Complaint System on how to process and handle com- customers, ensure compliance with for compliance with all applicable fed- plaints in EDD field operations. federal and state regulations and poli- eral and State laws, regulations, and Additionally, MAO staff conducts cies relative to services to MSFWs and policies relating to the Wagner-Peyser ES Complaint System training. The to ensure that job seekers have access Act in the America’s Job Center deliv- CFR requires that the MAO follow to equitable employment services. ery system. In addition, the MAO also up on MSFW and ES-related com- The DOL has designated 34 Employ- conducts on-going monthly monitor- plaints on a monthly and quarterly ment Development Department ing of both outreach and complaint basis respectively until these com- (EDD) America’s Job Center of Cali- intake by the AJCC sites. plaints are fully resolved. fornia (AJCC) sites as Significant and/ The MAO also serves as an ad- Sources: or Special Circumstance field offices. vocate for MSFWs. In this role, the www.edd.ca.gov/jobs_and_training/Migrant_ and_Seasonal_Farm_Worker_Outreach_Pro- This designation of offices is based on MAO actively works with other EDD gram.htm the percentage of MSFW registrations programs and organizations to im- edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de8826.pdf http:// in any given EDD field office or on the prove services to MSFWs. The MAO www.lacooperativa.org/edd/ location of certain EDD field offices in large agricultural areas. The EDD Monitor Advocate Office is responsible for: The MAO is responsible for moni- • Managing the Employment Service Complaint System toring the 34 EDD Significant and/ or Special Circumstance designated • Monitoring the MSFW Outreach program’s compliance with federal AJCCs to ensure that EDD MSFW and state regulations relative to farmworker services services are equitable services as • Ensuring that MSFW’s receive a full range and equitable level of defined by Title 20, of the Code of employment services as those offered to all job seekers Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 651, Assessing the needs of California’s agricultural workforce 653, and 658. The MAO accomplish- • es this by conducting annual program- • Working collaboratively with other agencies to facilitate workforce matic reviews of the 34 EDD Signifi- development services, benefits, and protections according to federal law cant and/or Special Circumstance The Monitor Advocate Office can be contacted by calling toll-free AJCCs. The MAO programmatic at 1-866-289-8356. reviews include a review of AJCC 2 2018 California Primary Election Results Newsom (D) 33% Proposition 69 T THE TOP OF THE BALLOT in Cox (R) 26% 80.4% Yes, 19.6% No California was the race to replace Villaraigoso (D) 13% Others (7) 25% The lockbox amendment, requires law- Acurrent Governor Jerry Brown, Lt. makers to spend new gas tax revenue Governor Gavin Newsom, Democrat placed on transportation projects. first to secure a spot in the race. John Cox, Proposition 70 Republican took the second spot. Under California 36.4% Yes, 63.6% No law, only the top two primary finishers advance to the A constitutional amendment that general election, regardless of party. would require a legislative supermajor- ity vote in 2024 to pass a cap-and-trade U.S. Senate Treasurer spending plan. Senator Dianne Feinstein took the Fiona Ma, Board of Equalization chair- top spot in her re-election bid over person, came out of the race ahead of Proposition 71 former State Senator Kevin de León, Republican Greg Conlon. The Califor- 76.8% Yes, 23.2% No a fellow Democrat, 44% to11%. No nia State Treasurer is responsible for the Would amend the state constitution so Republican candidate made it out of state’s investment and finance. that new ballot measures take effect five the primary. Insurance Commissioner days after election results are certified. Lieutenant Governor Republican-turned-independent Proposition 72 44% Former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary Steve Poizner and Democratic Sen. 83.3% Yes, 16.7% No Eleni Kounalakis finished first with Ricardo Lara were the top vote get- Would allow lawmakers to exclude new 24% in a tight three-way race to qualify for ters in the primary election, advancing rainwater capture systems from prop- the November general election to replace to the November election. erty tax assessments. Gavin Newsom as California’s lieutenant Poizner, the former insurance commis- governor. State Sen. Ed Hernandez, sioner, would be the first independent to (D-West Covina}, a practicing optom- win such an election and Lara would be the SD 29 Special Election etrist, was the second-place finisher with first openly gay statewide officer holder. Candidates to Succeed Josh Newman as State Senator if he is 20.8% of the vote. State Superintendent of Attorney General Recalled: Public Instruction Gary Cammack gained the Attorney General Xavier Becerra won Tony K. Thurmond edged Tony K. 45.3% of the vote while former Judge Republican nod for state Senator Thurmond 37% to 34.3%, establishing Billy Steven Bailey had about 24.8% with in District 29. He defeated himself as the front-runner to head up the Kluck by a vote of 1,728 to 1,532. more than 3 million votes counted in the nation’s largest and most ethnically diverse The state Republican Party four-way race. school system, with 6 million students. targeted Newman over his Controller Tuck and Thurmond are both Democrats, support last year for Senate Bill 1, Incumbent Betty Yee received 60.9% but the office is nonpartisan — a candi- which increased the gas tax and of the vote, followed by Konstantinos date’s party affiliation is not listed on the vehicle fees to pay for road and Roditis with 35.0%. The Controller is re- ballot — and any candidate who gets 50 % bridge repairs and mass transit sponsible for accountability and disburse- in the primary is the winner without requir- improvements. ment of the state’s financial resources. ing a runoff election. 3 State Congressional District (CD) Candidates State Senate District (SD) Candidates CD 1 Oroville CD 20 Carmel Valley CD 39 Fullerton SD 2 Healdsburg SD
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