Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 1 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā GENERAL NÃDI ASTROLOGY Topic : 1 Introduction . Definition of Nādi . Classification of Nādi Astrology : Jiva Nādi Ajiva Nādi . Nādi and the nine numbers . The 12 basic Kandams . The 13th kandam : Shanti Kandam . The 14th kandam : Dasha-Bhukti Kandam . The 15th kandam : Deeksha Kandam . The 16th kandam : Aushada Kandam . The 17th kandam : Jnana Kandam Topic : 2 Relevance of Nādi Astrology . Rationale of Nādi Astrology . Relevance of Nādi Astrology . Advice to be a good astrologer Topic : 3 History of Nādi Astrology . Timeline of Nādi Granthas . Mantra Nādis & Tantra Nādis . Other Nādi Treatises . Subtle differences in the Approach . Modern authors of Nādi literature Topic : 4 Nādi Astrology & Karma Siddhanta . Fate (Destiny) & Freewill (Purusharta) . Karma Siddhanta as per Nādi . Categories of Karma : Sanchita Prarabdha (Dridha / Dridha-Adridha / Adridha) Kriyamana Agami . Nādiamsas 150 Equal Divisions 150 Unequal Divisions & mapping to Shodashavargas . Past, Present & Future births . Classification of Present Lifespan : Beginning Part Middle Part End Part . Important Karmic Planets : Jupiter as Jiva Karaka Saturn as Karma Karaka Role of Sun & Moon Rahu & Ketu as Karmic Control Planets Rahu/Ketu in different Rashis & Bhavas Dispositors of Rahu & Ketu © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 2 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā FUNDAMENTALS OF NÃDI ASTROLOGY Topic : 6 The Special Nādi Parameters Topic : 1 The Grahas (Planets) . The order of Strength of the Planets . The nine planets . Order of Positional strength of the Planets . Different names of each planet . Exaltation & Debilitation of Planets . Attributes of each Planet . Graha Parivarthana (Planetary exchange) . Nādi Significations (Karakatwas) of Planets . Retrogression of Planets (Vakri) . Vāstu based Karakatwas & Metals of Planets . Retro-Direct motion of Planets . Linking Karakatwas of Planets . Stationary Planets (Stambhana) . Combustion of Planets (Astangatha) Topic : 2 The Rashis (Signs) . Planetary War (Graha Yuddha) . The twelve Rashis Defeated Planet . Rashi Attributes Winning Planet . Nādi Significations (Karakatwas) of Rashis . Strong & Weak Planets . Importance of Rashi Directions . Planetary Friendship & Enmity . Importance of Trines (Trikonas) Topic : 3 The Bhavas (Houses) . Nādi aspects of Planets : . The twelve Bhavas Direct Planets . The Karakas (Significator) for each Bhava Retrograde Planets . Nādi Significations (Karakatwas) of Bhavas Rahu & Ketu aspects . Use of Karakat Bhava in Nādi (Houses from . Importance of Mulatrikona Rashis Karaka) . Deha & Jeeva Rasis Topic : 4 The Nakshatras (Constellations) . Nakshatras & its Adhi Devatas . Nakshatra ownership from each sign . Position of House lord’s Nakshatra . House Lord Nakshatra & operating Karma Topic : 5 Special Navamsa Concepts . Pushkara Navamsa & Pushkara Bhaga . Rasi Tulya Navamsa (Dhruva Nadi) . Navamsa Tulya Rasi (Chandra Kala Nadi) . Purva Bhaga & Uttara Bhaga . Navamsa Ashtakavarga © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 3 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā NÃDI DASHA SYSTEMS Topic : 1 Dashas in Nādi Astrology . The 3 divisions : Past, Present & Future . Dasha Periods : Major Period Sub-Period Sub-Sub Period Topic : 2 Special way of using Vimshottari Dasha . The Preliminary Change : The use of 360 days year Vakya Panchanga . Using Mahadasha lord as lagna . Using Antardasha lord as lagna Topic : 3 The Progression of Moon & Jupiter . The concept . Progression of Jupiter . Backward Progression of Moon . Forward Progression of Moon . The Synchronization . Dasha Analysis using Tri-Dasha principle . 6, 8, 12H & their importance . Concept of Conscious, Sub-Conscious & Unconscious Topic : 4 The Brighu Pada Dasha . Introduction . Exclusion of Rahu & Ketu . The metonic cycle of Planets . Metonic periods : For Mahadasha For Antardasha . Arudha Pada . Rashis & Placement of their Prarabdha Lord (6L) Nakshatras . Examples of Timing of Events Topic : 5 The Bhava Dasha . The 8 planet scheme (Rahu-Ketu merged) . Years of Fructification of Events . Specific Events according to House Position Topic : 6 The Nasargika Dasha . Influence of Planets from birth to 83 years . Consideration for 84+ years © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 4 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā NÃDI TRANSITS Topic : 1 Introduction Topic : 5 Timing of Events (Techniques) th . Gochara v/s Grahachara . 64 Navamsa Technique . Natal degrees of Planets . SUN-MER-VEN arc Technique . Arranging in ascending order . Brighu Bindhu (RAH-MON midpoint) . Dhruva Nadi Techniques Topic : 2 Paryaya of Slow Planets . Chandra Kala Nadi Techniques . Importance of cycles of Slow planets Paryaya of Saturn Topic : 6 Eventful Years thru Navamsa Paryaya of Jupiter . Fixed Years based on Navamsa Lagna Sign Paryaya of Rahu . Variable Years : Paryaya of Ketu 1st Method : Planet’s navamsa to Lagna Navamsa 2nd Method : Lagna Navamsa to Planet’s Navamsa 3rd Method : Ashwini-1st Pada to Planet’s Navamsa Topic : 3 The Transit results 4th Method : Planet’s Navamsa to Moon’s Navamsa . Transit result of Saturn over 9 planets 5th Method : Lagna Navamsa to NLL’s Navamsa . Transit result of Jupiter over 9 planets . Transit result of Rahu over 9 planets Topic : 7 Transit Conjunctions . Transit result of Ketu over 9 planets . Rasi Dispositor & Navamsa Dispositor . Transit result of fast moving planets . 3 types of Transit Conjunctions : over 9 planets Rasi Conjunctions . Transit result over trinal positions of 9 Nakshatra Conjunctions planets Navamsa Conjunctions Topic : 4 Composite Transits . Combination of Planets in a sign Two planets Yoga Three planets Yoga Four+ planets Yoga . Result reading on the Combination of Planets © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 5 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 6 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā NÃDI PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES Topic : 1 Education Topic : 5 Vehicles . Mercury as Karaka for Education . Nādi Combinations for owning a Vehicle . Planets obstructing Education . Timing of Vehicle Acquisition . Parameters for the Level of Education . Type of Vehicle : 2-wheeler / 4-wheeler etc. Parameters for the Type of Education . Combinations for Vehicular Accidents Combinations for Technical Education Combinations for Medical Education Topic : 6 Wealth Combinations for Commerce/Accounting . Nādi Karaka for Wealth Combinations for Legal Education . Combinations for Wealth Combination for other types of Education . Timing of Good / Bad periods for Wealth Combination for Foreign Education Topic : 7 Foreign Travel/Settlement Topic : 2 Marriage . Nādi Karaka for Travel : Moon . Nādi Karakas for Marriage : Male & Female . Nādi Karaka for Foreign : Rahu . Marriage promised or not? . Combinations for Foreign Travel . Combinations for Denial of Marriage . Timing of Foreign Travel . Early / Normal / Delayed Marriage . Type of Marriage : Love / Arranged / Inter-caste Topic : 8 Profession . Kuja Dosha in Nādi . Saturn as Karaka for Profession . Nādi Combinations for Love : Success/Failure . Other Karakas involved in Profession . Combinations for Marital Harmony / Disharmony . Type of Profession . Combinations for Divorce / Separation . Service or Business ? . Combinations of Remarriage . Government or Private Job ? . Combinations for Extra-Marital Affairs : . Successful at Birth Place or Away ? For Male Natives . Professional Atmosphere : For Female Natives Smooth Sailing or Challenging ? . Timing of Marriage: Problems in Profession For Male natives Suspension/Termination from Job For Female Natives . Combinations for Promotion in Job . Topic : 3 Progeny Combination for Recognition/Awards in Job . Combinations for Hike in Salary . Nādi Karaka for Children : Male & Female . Combinations for Transfer in Job . Progeny: Promised or not ? . Combinations for Change of Professions . Progeny : Early / Late / Denial ? . Timing of Retirement from Service . Curses of Past Birth & suggested Shanti Karmas . Nādi Combinations for Adoption . Determination of No. of Children Topic : 9 Coborns . No. of Male & Female Progeny . Nādi Karakas for Brother & Sister . Happiness from Progeny . Promise and denial of co-born in the chart . Child-Parent Relationship . Number of co-born promised in the chart . Timing of Child Birth . Combination for Brothers of the native . Combination of Sisters of the native Topic : 4 Property . Harmonious relationship with Coborns . Nādi Karaka for Landed Property . Property Ownership : promised or not ? . Timing of Property Acquisition . Nādi Combinations for Inherited Property . Nature of Property : Big or small etc. Property related litigations . Predicting change of Residence . Vastu Principles in Nādi © 2017 ICAS (Regd.), Chennai. All rights reserved. Draft Syllabus – Release 2 7 Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.), Chennai ā NÃDI PRASHNA Topic : 1 Introduction . Introduction to Prashna Shastra . Relevance of Prashna . Uses of Prashna . Birth Chart v/s Prashna Chart . Scope & Limitations of Prashna Topic : 2 Fundamentals revisited
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