f,2.50 SYNAPSIA THE INTERNATIONAL BRAIN CLUB JOURNAL Sumner 199! Number 2 Dominic O'Brien - World Memory Champion Remember this man's face - he won't forget yours ln this issue . Memoriad '93: A Memorable Event . Remembrance ofThings Unconscious . Fermat's Theorem: Proof or Guesswork? . History of the World Chess Championship . SYNAPSIA SUMMER 1993 SYNAPS.IA EDITORIAL Fulure Perfect lmuld like to use thiseditorial to outline members. So, if you ha\€ anything you Mnt The editor wlcomes to read€rs our plans for sr'opsio over ap- to say aboutanyofthe sboE topics or, in- contributions to Synoririd. proximately I the next I months. We are deed, anything ele, do get pen to paper. Please contact him at \€ry keen to make the maSazine more in- There are many reSular features (eg. book 23 Ditchling Rise, Brighton, teractive and to encourage contributions reviews, top t€n books,letters page etc.) sussex BN I 4QL from readers and members of The Brain thatare idealfor contribution s and w are Club. With thisin mind, and tosi\€the also, of course, always deliShted to magazine a more coh€rent structu re, from consider new $g8estions. now on €ach issue will hare a theme. This willgive potential contributors plenty of THE BRAIN time to map out any material they wish to CLUB C}iART€R The Brain Club wis incorpoFted on forward in connection with th€ various I 5 May I 989, and became a eAstered topics. This issue, taking advant4e of the charity on 23 N@mber I 990. lt5 of- recent Memoriad, haE taken memory w ficbl chdter sbtes the Club's formal as ou r theme. The themes planned for fu ture issues (along with publication dates) A. To prcmote rerea.ch into the study of thought procerses, and Autumn/Winter 1993 (double issue) into the inEtigarion of the me- Babies lsl11193 chanics of rhinking a! manifeted in leaming, undedindint, cofr munication, probleciolvin& sprinS 1994 creatMty and decision-makin& Sport t5lo3l94 B. To disseminate the results of such res€arch and studl Summ€r 1994 C. To prcmot€ generdll/ education Animal lntelligence t5to6t94 and tninin8 in coSnitiE prcc- e$es and techniques. Autumn 1994 D. To d*lop and exploit new tech- Menrrl World Records l5/09/94 niqus in cognin',€ pro.e$es. Winter 1994 tst t2J94 The double issueatthe end ofthe cur- reflt ye:r will enable us to get up to date and from then we will be publishing reSu- \ larly at three mondlly inte.rals, with a view to pro8ressing to six issues per y€ar and, r/ /,/ eventually, to making S,,ropsid a monthly \\ The publication dates for the magazine ao are given abo',e. Contributions for th€F should reach me six w€eks prior to these V dates for the materiat to be included in that ---\..,.'\.-. We want Sy.qpsio to be an interacti\€ magazine. lts main function is to run articles that will hopefu lly prov€ to be of interest to Brain Club Members The secondary function is to actaconduit for the e)(- €han8€ of information and ideas betreen SYNAPSIA Yol 4 No 2 Summer 1993 2 I st February I 995 Editor-in-Chief CONTENTS Editorial CoBultant FEATURES Ray Keene OBE Sir Brian T@I KCMG tEtoBtAD'93 A TETORABLE EVEI{T The s€cond l'lemoriad was recently held atsimpson\ in the-strJnd in London. Sy.opsio was there to report firsFhand. RETETBRAI{CE OF THII{GS The Buzn OGanisation Ltd uNcoNscrous The Harlelord Manor Etate t2 D''id Shanks unraEls the secrets of conscious awareness. B0€kingh.6hire SL7 zDX Tel: (0628) 482765 A HISTORY OF THE WORLD (inside UK) GHESS CHAilPIOIISHIPS +44 16 614442765 k has been written that the mentai and physical PreParation required tocompete successfullyin a World Chess ChamPionshiP Finalmakes a boxinS match such s Ali Frazier seem likeaquietchat in comParison. The €dibr reseres ihe.iSht to in London, RaFond K€ene takes a short€n, amend or chang€ uy With Kasparov - Short fullswingin con tribu do n a..€pred fo. p u b licaiion. look at previous mental battles at this rarefied lwl. lfyou wlld likeadiclc r€nrrned, d6e ii.lude m +ProPrht€ sAE. PROOF OR GUESSWORK? has finally Thc @rm and .on.ept tlind l'1ap Fermat's three hundred-year-old mathemancal conundrum in this is a 22 been cracked. Wilf Hey explores the backSround in a SFopsio .€ferred to Publication P€c!b, rhe frdd: fas@st brain dnoonitt, G happy b P@id e DRAWING IS NATURAL canoons baed on your idea dd 28 Artkt torraine Gillcontinues her series on drawin& ln thisissue she examines p€rc€ption. Desiqn, arMrk and type*t ing by REGULARS 3 Edito al 5 Synaptic Flashes 19 Amazing emory Stolies 20 Animal lntelligence 2l lntelligence about Intelligence 26 lhe Ionian 30 Poetry Corner ) SYNAPS ,A SUMMER 1993 SYNAPTIC FLASHES Brain News A 'wet' weekend in llew York Bed Hot Chile Perlormances ln the last issue of Synopsio we reponed the Ben,amin zander (BCM 500) has justcom- extraordinary exploits of ls-year-old Alan pleted a su€cesdul tou r of Ch ile with the Saldanha, who b€came theyoungest eEr acclaimed Boston Youth Philharmonic Or- British Scrabble Champion- As rewent to lhestm. The orchestra, which consists of press Alan was about to compet€ in the younS musicians betreen the ages of l3 World Championshipsat th€ Plaza Hotelin and I I, delighted audiences with a series ol N€w York as part of a l4-stronS team from concerts that would bea.comparison with Britain and lreland. Aft€r an €xcitingand most professional orchestras: 'Th's ex- exhausting week€nd Alan was placed a very tremely talented young group creat€s creditable fifth, the tirle b€ing lifted bya 26 sParks and transmits to th€ audi€nce both year old television producerfrom Leeds, the spiritand the essen€e ofthe music Mark Nyman. l4ark, who is the brains be- which they perform' (E l4ercu.io). Benjrmin hind the popular Channel4,word quiz se- himself, as Anistic Directorand conductor. ries CountdoM, fought ba€k from two was singled out'His conducrinSis masterly, games down in the best-of-five finalasainst clear and fu lly expressiv€, establishing him Canadian I oel Wapnick usingwords such as instantlyasan imponant leader' (ro Epocd). 'Dojo', a judo hall, and 'quint', a sequ€nce of fi\€ cards in piquetithe winning word was The 5OOO Steps to Genius According to Professorlohn Sloboda, a psy- chologist at the Uniyersityof Keele, mas- Schools Chess tery of a musical instrument does not re- The finalof the 1992 93 Tle T,,mes British quire any inherentgift, and iswithin the Schools Chess Championship ended in a grasp of most of us. Professor S loboda thrilling vi€tory for Truro School over Hab- studied 120 pupils learning musi€alinsrru- erdash€rs' Aske's by 3.5 to 2.5. Truro, ments ata lYanch€ster schooland con- whose most famous recent ex-pupilisth€ cluded that the most successfu I carried out British No 2, Grandmaster l.,lichael Adams. the required practice, were encouraged in now holds the remarkable record of reach their early efforts bysupportive parents, ingthe last four in allbar one ofthe past and were instilled with enthusiasm by their five years. For Haberdashers', ir was a \al- t€achers. Sloboda says 5000 hours of prac iant effort on their firstappearance in the tice are necessary to achieve entrance to finalstages.ln the play-off for third pla€e music schooi(the beststudents had prac- 14anchester G rammar School defeated tised for 10000), buta levelof competence Royal G rammar School, Newcasde, 4-2. can be achieved after I000 2000 hours. The new Brain Trust Order of l4erit will Sloboda claims, Mrny people believe appear in the next issu€ of Syndpsia that musicians are born notmade:that there is some inherited gift thatsets a small Rewriting the Tertbook number of people apart from birth and den The recently published Simply AlEebrc isa tines them for mu sical excell€nce. The sci- maths textbook with a difference: it wis entific eviden.e forsuch beliefs is much less written byan I l-year-old. Rosalind Selfes secure than might bethought. The vast ma- guid€ is desiSned to put the fun back into si iorityofthe population possesses the in multaneous equations, indices and basic herited characteristi€s needed to perform principl€s, and she is already planninga fol music well, and differences in accomplish, low'up on co-ordinate Seometry. Having mentare mainlydue to differences in expe- been educated byh€r parents arhome over rience, opponunity and motivation. I dont the last few years, Rosalind has justre-en- know that allof us could be NiSelKennedy, tered the education system on ascholarship but most of us hde much more musicalca atan independent school near her hom€ in pacity than w€ believe. Even lvlozart had to Ems',rcrth in Hampshire. SYNAPS'A SUMMER 1993 A MEMORABLE WEEKEND Dominic OnBrien retains the World Memory Championship. llemoriad ll - 'decathlon'. Dominic prowd himselfto be Dominic Returns untouchable in allfields and r:n outa The second l'4€moriad, h€ld atSimpson's- in-the-Strrnd over the w€ek€nd of7-8Au- His outstanding feats included the mem gust, resulted in a tremendous success for orisation ofeightpacks of playinS cards in dominant Dominic O'Brien. who finished one hour, the memorisation of 1002 binary first in sev€n out of the ten gruellingevents digits iD halfand hourand, perhaps most and retaiDed th€ overalltitle of world impressiwly of all. the creation a new mrld t4emory Champion which he had won in record by remembering 100 numbers the inauguralcontest in 1991.
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