VOL. XLIII, NO. 33. (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN*, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928. \Co»» ;>v. -fltaiKffieflter, Obim.) PRICE XUKi&EXlSNlE . i ■ J HOOVER HAS FIRST PHOTO OF MT. ETNA ERUPTION TO REACH U. S. GOOD LUCK AS SHIP’S COAL STOm S A F IM R M A N Hooks Monster in 3,000 Feet of Water— Crew Pleased With Catch; First Worked in Water to Fhre Speech Sunday. Tug With Crew O f 14 One Remaining Boiler on Aboard U. S. S. Maryland, (via Arlington, Va., Radio Station), Sends OutS OS Call Doomed Vestris, Fireman Nov. 22 —' While the Maryland plowed southward today at 17 New York, Nov. 22.— The ocean Tells Court— Water Had knots an hour, 150 miles off the life saving station on the Delaware coast. Mexican coast, President-Elect Her­ going tug Eastern, with a crew of The Eastern, owned by the East­ Been Seeping Through bert Hoover, wearing a yeoman’s 14 aboard, bound for New York ern Tra, sportatlon Company of cap pushed far back m his head, from Norfolk, sent out an S 0 S to­ Baltimore, Md., is towing a barge PorAold for Honr^ Sail­ spent some time at his desk weav­ day. She gave her position as three with three men aboard. "The Coast Guard cutter Dreshan ing the genial mood of a successful miles southeast of the Indian River Is rushlnrto he“ fisherman, into the first speech of ors ConlffNot Lower life ­ his good will tour which will be de­ livered at Amalpa, Honduras on « .ftonoteTtbe'va‘.5eT, Sunday. boat Filled With Women The president-elect, -.tho is an STORY OF BLONDE WOMAN ardent angler, had full cause to f ABOUT 60 CENTS POUND f and Children— Graphic feel happy oyer his fishing exploits FOR MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO of Wednesday. Even, before the launch bearing ONLY THIN LAYER OF GAS Chicago, Nov. 22.— The great FENN BILL TO MAY CLEAR UP MYSTERY Story of Tragedy Told by the fishing party returned to the .question confronting the com­ Maryland, Mrs. Hoover, who had mon people this time of the year been watching through glasses at KEEPS LIFE ON EARTH is the price of the wandering START FIGHT COLUIMBUS W A S NOT Negro Fireman. the rail of the warship, noted with meleagris gallopavo. Mrs. Rath Keyes Picks Oat A SPANIARD ANYWAY jubilation that the expedition was If It rains between now and a success. The launch was two Thanksgiving the aforemention­ New York. Nov. 22.— How the miles away, but clout’ s of flying OF $15,000 MONTH Man In Rogaes Gallery and Madrid, Nov. 22,— The na- Is But the Tiuchoess of Card­ ed meleagris gallapavo will cost Uonallty of Christopher Colum­ spray could be seen where a fight­ about 75 cents a pound and if “ Black Gang” of the ill-fated liner ing dolphin was churning up the bus is still in doubt today des­ Vestris had to work .chained to­ WIFE GETS S40 the weather turns cold and drr Detectives Scarry for pite, a prize of 50,000 pesetas water. board Bat It Masks Death the price will be cheaper. So gether In the stokehold, with water, “ They have caught something offered by the newspaper "ABC” Rich Husband Makes Her announced merchants here todav Would Add Three to Six that is beating up a tremendous to proii© him a. Spaniard. The sloshing about them, while they Sleep on Flqor— He IS when discussing the price of Points West. Judges announced that no prize fuss,’’ remarked Mrs. Hoover. Rays From the Son, Scien­ 62 turkey which is the vulgar and passed buckets of coal into the only In Deep Water Years Old, She 28. would be awarded as none of exceedingly low-brow name for Electoral Votes to Repub- the essays proved Columbus a boiler in operation, was described The fishing was done in 500 tist Says. the wandering mela-wot-ya-call- New York. Nov. 22— The arrow Spaniard, although they revealed today by Joseph Boxill, negro fire­ fathoms (3,000) feet of water and Washington. Nov. 22.— An­ it. deep historical research. it was twilight before the Hoover other May-and-Decemher mar­ Turkeys are of better quality Bean Strength— Is Back­ pointed westWafd today as the-law man, testifjring at the federal in­ riage reached the divorce -<g> fishing party returned. A search­ Wasnington, Nov’ ~ 2 2 .—^Life’s this year than last year, accord­ stalked the known slayer of Arnold vestigation into the disaster before light played on the starboard gang­ courts today, this time with ing to L. R. Oates, head of a Rothstein. fascinating insecurity and its abso­ ed by the Constitution. Commissioner Francis A. O’Neill. way while the president-elect and million dollars trimmings. large commission ■ house here. The nod of a pretty head by his fellow anglers bo .rded the ship, lute dependence on a filmy layer of Mrs. Ellen Marjorie Gray Oats said merchapta were unit­ LIFEBOAT UPSET ^ became exhausted and sick—- their catch was carried In canvas gas— cardboard In thickness— Gordon, 28, has brought suit ing in an effort to hold the price blonde Mrs. Ruth Keyes before the so sick that I had to go on deck bags. masking the earth from death rays for limited divorce against of turkey between 50 and 60 Washington, Nov. 22.— Extra­ Rogues Gallery shol tha slickest of and lie down,” Boxill declared.' A canvas sheet was spread upon Fulton R. Gordon, 62, million­ cents a pound. I New York’s detectives to. Cleveland, “This -was Monday morning and I the quarterdeck as the finny vic­ of the sun, were described today aire Washington real estate ordinary demand among returning 6 TIMES IN NIGHT hadn’t had any food since 5 o’clock tims of the anglers’ skill were by C. G. Abbot, of Smithsonian In­ operator, and socially prom­ Congressmen for reapportiohment Chicago, Detroit and St, Louis. Po­ Saturday night. spread out to view. stitution, Internationally known as­ inent. of the House membership as provid- lice. of these cities Immediately “ For hours we had been working Mrs. Hoover was enthusiastic as tronomer. The young wife alleged that- went to work on this latest tip ex­ like slaves. Wher. the water was the big fellows were tumbled upon ^er wealthy husband was cruel" tiOQ- today pre­ pected to spring the Inside story of Lm ndud flc(vdiag'th«,;ship eight firemen and the canvas and even some of the After contemplating' the pdssl- to her to the point of making saged a blttet struggle immediately an invisible empire o f crime. hillties of life out in the limitless four coal' passers were ordered to ship’s ofllcers said they had never her sleep on the floor and on after Congress convenes. As District Attorney Joahi Bftnton form a bucket brigade to help bail seen finer fish. swarms of suns and worlds and the the porch, and that he gave promised within a few daye a bomb­ Witt It Only Fear Left in endless march “ of the celestial So Insistent is the pressure from out the ship. We worked hard and “ Fine, Daddy,’’ exclaimed Mrs. her an allowance of only $10 a shell development on the basis' of long but it didn’t do any good. The Hoover. hosts” through the trillions of states now denied their full repre­ week despite his wealth. She Mrs. Keyes’ Information, It became While he -was lying sick on deck, The president-elect beamed, but years that matter has existed. Ab­ estimated his Income at $15,- sentation in Congress th'.t a power­ known that Jack “ Legs” Diamond, Morning. whispered softly aside: “ It took bot concluded that conceivably Boxill testified the first officer came 000 monthly. She also claimed ful bloc is threatening to inaugu­ former Rothstein bodyguard, was along and shouted: “ All firemen me fifteen minutes to land that big there is life in some form on Ve­ that he constantly “ cursed and More Than 40 P. C. o f the wantad for questioning by authori­ fellow.’’ nus and Mars. But he added; rate I filibuster until the reappor­ below!” abused” her. ties. New York, Nov. 22.— Of 22 per­ Other firemen had come up on He pointed to a monster. “ The earth still remains the tionment question is settled. They do not say that Diamond Gordon, denying his wife’s Quota Obtained; One Team Tentative plans of the bloc call sons taking off from the sinking the deck because of the water­ Others Lucky only abode of life and her life de­ charges, said-today he would had anything to do with th® Roth­ George Akerson, secretary to Mr. pends absolutely on the sun’s ra­ for introduction’ of a resolution in liner -Vestrls in lifeboat No. 8, logged conditions below and be­ obtain affidavits from 25 stein murder— but police are in­ cause they were exhausted. "Sick Hoover, hooked 20 pounds of bon- diation.” the House' oh the opening day of only four were clinging to it the friends that Mrs. Gordon had Has Finished Its Job. tensely interested in chatting with as I was I had to go down again,” itas and three newspaper corres­ “ The upper atmosphere,” he the session declaring that reappor- him. ■ following mornlr. to be rescued by pondents added 60 additional “ bragged” about how good he tionment shall remain the unfinish­ said the witness. The firemen toil­ said, “ contains so minute a quan­ was to her. Diamond’s name is inscribed high pounds to the fine frying pan goods. tity of ozone as would make, if ed business until a bill is enacted.
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