Hula Hoopers Here To-night A Want-Ad Will Fill That Spare Purse With Spare Cash From The Rental Of Those Spare Rooms RARIN’TOGO BROOKLYNS OPPOSE STATE OF CONNECTICUT: District Palms Down On of Waterbury, ss. Probata Court. Automobiles ALOAH STARS ON January 6th, 1932. 1 ESTATE OF Melissa Bradley, late of TO LOAN the Town of Wilkes-Barre, • Autos and Trucks For Sale 55,000 Pa., leaving estate in this District, ARMORY SURFACE Battle Of Palms deceased. The Court of Probate for the Dis- I am requested to loan as a first mortgage on Water- trict of Waterbury, hath limited BARGAIN BUT! and allowed six months from the Real Is Not Cheap Cars But bury Estate by the third generation of a family Special Entertainment By DAN PARKER date hereof for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims for GOOD USED CARS CHEAP that I — have been money for the Carded for Fans Lai settlement. Those who neglect to placing during past present their accounts properly at- ESSEX COACH .*300 Visitors tested within said time, will be de- FORD COACH .*350 forty years. to Show With barred a All in- FORD COUPE .*300 recovery. persons NASH COUPE debted to said estate are requested .*150 HUDSON COACH Though Brooklyn'* bravo bas- to make immediate payment to .*160 ONE MORE STRIKE and tho Schmeling-'Walker Is out. First keteers expect to play a “Hong of fight WALTER J. LYNCH. LOREN R. CARTER the Chicago Coliseum dropped it. That was strike one. the 1-12-3t Administrator. the Island*” In the form of a Yesterday Madison Square Garden chucked it Into the That’s leather llberetto on Buck Inal’s Corporation gutter. ERWIN M. JENNINGS CO, INC. II EAST MAIN STREET strike two. Does want to take a Aloah Star hoops to-night, they any promoter good healthy windup Hudson & Essex Aaency and sneak over strike three, so the thing will be tossed Into the ashcan 488 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-5767 are not taking the contest with the DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, ns. “grain of salt.” With permanently and we can all settle down to our old Job of brooding Probate Court, January 13th A.D. proverbial over the 1933. a defeat against them In the depression? nary ESTATE OF Mary E. Jager, late two seasons, aside from a 17- 1930 Sedan, 8 past As a matter of fact, this match had three strikes on It the of Waterbury, In said District, de- GRAHAM, 5-Pass. 16 contest with the Atlas of New ceased. the of cylinder, $720. Wenxol & Collins, moment It was conceived in some disordered brain. Mickey Upon application Haven whom they later defeated Steven J. Zavatkay, praying that he 14 Grove St. Walker has no more right to be for the heavyweight by 21 points, the blue and white lighting may be authorized to sell certain championship than I have, and Yussel Jacobs knows I have no real estate belong to said Estate— THURSDAY'S SPECIALS! crew are more than anxious to 1928 HUDSON COACH right whatsoever. Schmcllng lias a preposterous to think as per application on file more fully .$255 Here You Can Cel n Loan of continue their winning ways as gall 1930 FORD COACH or foisting a match such as this on the as a appears, it is .$325 as humanly possible. public legitimate MALCOM MOTORS, INC. long heavyweight bout, ORDERED, That said application championship be heard and determined at the THE NEW FORD DEALER to Quite a Trou|)c I have but for $10 $300 nothing admiration Mickey as a fighters—but Probate Office in Waterbury, In said 481 MEADOW ST. DIAL 4-4159 Buck TaI, traveling manager of as a merely middleweight tighter. And I’d have still more admir- on the 18th of former District, day January quickly find privately. You act full the visiting array, and ation for him if he had stuck to his own class and defended his A.D, 1932 at 10 o’clock In the fore- RUY AN AUTOMOBILE MATTY ‘THE GREAT* SHEEHAN will nmount In CASH. No deduction*. Bridgeport Inflelder, play part title In that division. There arc a half doxen able-bodied noon (Standard time), and that no- THE EASIEST WAY OF ALL! the to word re tice In three nnd one of game according heavyweights in the picture who would fill tho role of ton- be given of the pendency of ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS The only charge said and the time nnd Able forward of the Brooklyn A. C. ceived by Manager John burn- tender more formidably than this little runt who’ll be application, INVEST $5.00 half per cent per month on nnpnld plucky place of hearing thereon, by pub- scliott. Then there will be music the of them all If rest THEN YOU IMMEDIATELY PICK nmount of will l*o In there thin evenlnn when greatest fighter the of his physique were lishing this order one time in some loan* and before the game and OUT THE CAR YOU WANT dancing built In proportion to Ills heart. newspaper having a circulation In the meet up with a city champs between the halves, featuring snld on or before the 11th to District, minute! Don't waste a 1 to 20 Months Repay Buck Tial's Alonli Hawaiian Slars. hula-hula dance by Miss Likona, Tho rcul reason behind the tho is of 1932. Today—this cancellation of match in Miami day January second. Come and own an auto- to of steel and Attest: the music guitar that Professor Wllberforce McCnrney, who is now in tho citrus belt mobile through a $5.00 (live dollari JOHN ukuleles. The novelty Is oxpected making a survey of the situation, reports currier that there J. HOWARD, in our new Auto Club by pigeon Clerk. membership EPSONAL to bo enjoyed by a banner crowd of is more citrus fruit in the state this than over before Plan. year and very FINANCE CO* YOUNG fans, many of whom will probably little of it on trees. He sounded out the good citizens of Palm Beach One hundred and tifty ears to SOMMERS’ with remind Mr IaI of his days on the subject of how much they would be willing to pay to have select from. Pritchard Second floor Bridgeport. Schmellng train there. They let him know they would listen to any P Building, NOTICE. See At at Solly Will Work proposition Schmellng had to offer about paying them for the privilege BANK STREET STARS IQO9 * * of in their town. CORNER GRAND STREP* EX-CADDY, The usual lineup of Bunn and training AL'S USED CAR EX. Prof other but North Main Street Sheehan at forward, Swasey at McCurney surveyed fields, with the same disap- THE BUREAU OF ASSESS- 329 results. He thought wero a DIAL 3 « » 4 4 center, and Carroll and Magner, pointing things being carried bit too far MENT, of the City of Waterbury, AT AUGA CAUENTE when he out two bits to a one Dial 3-3347 pulled Mirror in of tho boom in the matter of the assessment guards, will face off with the Aloha buy Daily evenings until 9 and all towns and was almost trampled to dentil the crowd thnt and determination of benefits Open boys with the grass skirt. So that by stampeded and day Sunday WATER BURY, CONN* him to a look at so a "bankroll.’’ It was BY GEORGE H. BEALE he will not become mixed up with get eye-tilling the first real damages accruing to all parties in- money had seen In a of OUR USED CAR BARGAIN Staff the Hawallans, Solomon Flanagan they couple years. terested by the luyout of Arden VISIT (United Press Correspondent) DEPAI1T1I ENT— NOTHING Friedman, will make his appear- Road, from Fern Circle, lo llobln- Agua Callentc, Mexico, Jan 14— Holinicllng anil Jacobs, who liavo been giving everyone the wood and the OVER $100. Live Stock ance In the first contest of the Road, establishing '25 OVERLAND TOURING .$35 hundred and sixteen run-around since they came into power, und Kearns, who Is of a on (UP)—one evening at 7:30 o’clock In the role grade said street, between •24 NASH COACH .$95 to tee off also an exjiert merry-go-round conductor, are getting about as the aforesaid points, as the same goiters prepared to-day of referee, the Waterbury Paper '2(1 VELTE COUPE .$65 47 lCd'KN Poultry, much sympathy from their dear public ns you could crowd was the Board of '25 I4UICK BROUGH A 31 .$65 Supplies on the second round ot the Box and Brooklyn Speedboys accepted by $15,000 Into a gnat's eardrum. NASH .$95 teams furnishing the opposition. Aldermen, October 19, 1931, ap- '25 SEDAN FOR RENT Agua Callcnto open championship, '28 ESSEX COACH ..$95 proved October 20, 1931, made re- n. I. RED—And White Leghorn Several apnrtments in the Wa- TO PROVE THERE is such a .Sam the and Others. Kred South- person, McQuade, mys- to the forth chicks from our own ilockn, utato re* with Morrison, young port Bourd, setting THE WATERBUI1Y NASH CO. torian, Hi Orove street at terious matchmaker of Madison Square Garden, will force his way to tested. Repeat orders prove our rcntala. ern California hold- that they caused reasonable notice Dial 3-1193 dured Apply Caretaker, Professional, the forefront between Dan and Stand when 395 West Main. ehlckH are better. Hend for price Beats Skilling Bert Friday’s to be given to ull persons interest- Apt. A., Tel. 5-0232, First Ave- a list or visit our Custom one-stroke advanluge.
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