Subject Index Trail Tales: The Journal of Boone County History Published by the Boone County Historical Society Issues 1-127 (September 1969 –Spring/Summer 2018) Compiled by Suzanne S. Caswell Copyrighted by Suzanne S. Caswell 2019 Trail Tales Index by Subject Compiled by Suzanne Caswell Subject No. Date Page A Accidental Deaths “Fast Mail Train Crashes on Shelley Curve in August of 1899” 120 2014 24-28 “Four Men Killed: Fast Mail Jumps Track Near River Bridge” 1 9/69 6-9 “From: ‘They Who Were Strong’ 18 1974 18-20 “Kate Shelley: Boone’s Railroad Heroine” 118 Fall/Win/13 1-40 “The Girl They Stopped the Trains For” 62 4/91 13-23 Agriculture “Among the Folks in History” (C. G. Good and Farceur, the Belgian Stallion) 71 12/93 24-25 “Boone County at the End of the Nineteenth Century” 115 Spr/11 1-3 "Brooklyn Supreme" 126 Fall/Win/17 11-12 “Eastern Boone: Or the Scope of Country Lying East of the Des Moines River” 115 Sp/11 5-18 “Forty Years of Turkey Farming: The Highway Farm of Ogden” 116 Fall/11 1-32 “The Man and His Barn” 99 6/03 1-3 “The Roses of Coal Valley: Their Friends, Neighbors, and Descendants” 85 9/98 5-43 “Yesterday and Today” 94 9/01 21-23 Ames, Iowa “Ames Heritage Association” 41 6/82 36-37 “1988 Conference on Tourism to be in Ames” 54 2/88 37 “Eisenhower’s First Visit to Ames” 59 4/90 4-7 “The Truck Train Comes Through Boone and Ames” 113 Sp/10 21-30 Animals “Among the Folks in History” (C. G. Good and Farceur, the Belgian Stallion ) 71 12/93 24-25 "Bison at the Boone History Center May 1-June 25, 2017" Sp/Sum/17 This issue is numbered incorrectly as 124, should be 125, text pagination is also missing and articles reversed from Index numbering Bison Management Strategies (Book Review) Sp/Sum/17 This issue is numbered incorrectly as 124, should be 125, text pagination is also missing and articles reversed from Index numbering "Brooklyn Supreme" 126 Fall/Win/17 11-12 “The Last Big Prairie Chicken Hunt in Boone County” 30 1977 18-24 “The Last Chicken Hunt” 77 12/95 17-19 Archeology “Archaeology of the Central Des Moines River Valley” 41 6/82 3-21, 24 “Donovan Digs Into Past Boone Culture” 86 12/98 22-25 "How Did This Get Here?" 127 Sp/Sum/18 12 Archives “The State Archives” 52 1/87 37-40 Art, Artists, Architecture “Boone, Iowa Plans New Main Street” 92 12/00 24-25 "Featured Artist: Nancy Thompson" 127 Sp/Sum/18 8-9 “New Kiosk in McHose Park to Tell Story of the Park’s Theodore Roosevelt Statue and to Honor James Burritt and Ella Hamor McHose” 114 Fall/10 2-3 “Original Eisenhower Paintings on Display at Birthplace” 67 6/92 11 “Percival Galleries Donate Frank Miller Cartoons to Mamie Doud 49 8/85 29 Eisenhower Birthplace” “Peter Troth Sculptor at Ogden” 56 11/88 21, IBC “Peter Troth’s Indian Sculpture Falls into Watery Grave at Ogden” 71 12/93 8-9 “Sumner Heman” 7 11-12/71 4, 20-21 "The Historical Society is Seeking Visual Artist" Sp/Sum/17 This issue is numbered incorrectly as 124, should be 125, text pagination is also missing and articles reversed from Index numbering “The Realization of a Dream: The Placement of the Theodore Roosevelt 114 Fall/10 3-21 Statue in Boone’s McHose Park” Attorneys, Judges, etc. “The Jordans: Four Generations of Boone Lawyers 54 2/88 2-6 “Cave J. McFarland” ‘The Savage Judge of Iowa’ 119 Sum/Fall/13 1-20 “Father Kills Daughter’s Lover” 119 Sum/Fall/13 21-36 Autographs The Building of an Autograph Collection” 61 12/90 22-37 Automobiles & Automobile Racing “A. R. Crary Sold the First Ford” 32 1978 29-32 “Haynes Centennial Enactment – Kokomo, Indiana” 75 4/95 18-21 1 “John W. Dickinson, M. D.” (Haynes Apperson) 96 6/02 5-10 “Mamie’s Car Comes Home” 79 8/96 21-23 “New York to Paris Auto Race” 6 6-7/71 16-17 “New York to Paris Auto Race” 7 11-12/71 IBC “Northside Driving Park” 32 1978 35 “The First Automobile in Boone County: 1902 Haynes Apperson” 69 4/93 15-21 “The Pestoniks: One Hundred Years in Boone Part 2” 89 1/00 4-27 Aviation “Ann Pellegreno Brings Story of Aviation to Boone” 75 4/95 9-10 B Bands: See Music, Musicians Banks and Banking “City State Bank of Ogden Had its Start in 1884” 66 3/92 6-11 “Local History Is Reflected in Bank Notes, Checks and Tokens” 6 6-7/71 11-15 “William Franklin Clark: Boone Banker” 57 5/89 31-35 Barbers and Barbershops “Harris Recreates Old-time Barber Shop” 64 9/91 28-31 Baseball: See Sports Battin Chapel: See Churches–Other Rural Churches Beaver, Iowa “Beaver Establishes Own Historical Society” 49 1985 27-28 “History of Beaver, Iowa” 18 1974 6-18 Beulah Home “Ledges Background” 13 3-4/73 1-10 Birds & Birding: See Ornithology) Blair Park (City Park) "The Realization of a Dream: The Placement of the Theodore Roosevelt Statue in 114 Fall/10 3-21 in Boone's McHose Park Boats and Boating “Des Moines River Steam Boat Charles Rogers” 4 7-8/70 15-25 “Steam Boat ‘Charles Rogers"(From“They Who Were Strong”) 18 1974 20-21 “Steamboating on the Des Moines River” 4 7-8/70 IFC Books, Magazines and Publishing “110-Year Old Printing Business Building Razed” 62 4/91 24-34 “Brief History of Boone County Historical Society and Trail Tales” 74 12/94 7-20 “History of the Holst Encyclopedias” 55 6/88 12-13 “Luther Publishes Centennial History Book, 315 Photos” 70 6/93 6 “Trail Tales Returns Home” 115 Sp/11 21 Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad (B&SVRR) & Boone Railroad Historical Society “Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad News” 53 9/87 43 “Boone Railroad Historical Society” 46 1/84 24-25 “Boone Railroad Historical Society News” 55 6/88 20 “Boone Valley Railroad” 43 12/82 IBC “Big Chinese Steam to Iowa” 56 11/88 5 “B & SVRR Orders Chinese Engine” 57 5/89 40-41 “Chinese Engine has Arrived” 58 12/89 35-36 “Electric Interurbans Return to Boone to Stay” 47 7/84 27-29 Boone Celebrations (Centennial, Quasicentennial, Sesquicentennial) “Boone Celebrates Quasquicentennial” 60 8/90 33 "Boone's Centennial Time Capsule" 123 Sum/Fall/15 8-11 "Celebrating Boone's 150th Birthday 123 Sum/Fall/15 2 "Letter from the Director" 123 Sum/Fall/15 1 Boone (Montana) (City): See also Boonesboro "Andrew Downing: Not a One Trick Pony" 123 Sum/Fall/15 3 “1870s Map of Downtown Boone” 76 6/95 14-15 “A History of the Boone News-Republican: The Press in Boone, Iowa 101 7/04 2-22 “An Early Account of Boone” 8 2-3/72 12-19 “Ardon Benjamin Holcomb: Boone’s Unsung Founder” 122 Win/Sp/15 2-33 “Boone: Big ‘Little’ City with Progressive Ideas” 94 9/01 1-2 “Boone Celebrates Quasquicentennial” 60 8/90 33 "Boone's Centennial Time Capsule" 123 Sum/Fall/15 8-11 “Boone City Directory 1885-1886” 6 6-7/71 1-16 “Boone City Hall” 72 4/94 7-13 "Boone Garden Club from Private Gardens to Public Parks since 1929" 124 Sp/Sum/16 18 "Boone High School: A Changing Structure Changing Lives" 123 Sum/Fall/15 6-7 2 “Boone Historic Preservation Commission” 61 12/90 41-43 "Boone History Museums" 124 Sp/Sum/16 9 “Boone in 1882” (Long Version) 117 Sp/12 1-2 “Boone in 1882” (Short Version) 117 Sp/12 1-2 “Boone, Iowa,” (Burlington Hawkeye, January 19, 1882) (Short Version) 117 Sp/12 3-22 “Boone, Iowa,” (Burlington Hawkeye, January 19, 1882) (Long Version) 117 Spr12 3-61 “Boone Iowa: City of Homes and Happiness” (Insert) 57 5/89 unnumbered “Boone, Iowa, Industrial Opportunities, 1892” (Insert) 53 9/87 9-36 “Boone, Iowa, Plans New Main Street” 92 12/00 24-25 “Boone, Iowa: The Crash—The New Deal” 104 Sp/06 1-28 “Boone, Iowa Waterworks and Suggested Rates” 100 10/03 9-13 “Boone TODAY to Publish County Pictorial History” 74 12/94 42 “Boonsboro- Boone-Logansport Streetcar Lines” 29 1977 1-14, 20-36 ‘Caroline Soule, the First Woman to be Ordained in Great Britain, was Boonesboro Resident” 121 Sum/Fall/14 1-15 “Caroline Soule’s Novel, Pet of the Settlement, is set in Boone County 121 Sum/Fall/14 17- 40 “Chamber of Commerce Moves into Historic Railroad Building” 96 6/02 19-20 "Celebrating Boone's 150th Birthday 123 Sum/Fall/15 2 “City Hall Records 1 9/69 4 “Des Moines River Land Grant” 11 9-10/72 5-11 “Early Boone Theatres” 28 1977 6, 31 “Five Mile Drive” 91 8/00 1-14 "Historical Insights from the BCHS Collection" 123 Sum/Fall/15 8-11 “History of the Boone Golf and Country Club from 1908 to the Present Time” 82 9/97 10-18 “How Boonesboro Lost a Railroad Station” 49 8/85 24-26 “How Does Your Town Compare” 59 4/90 8-12 “Illustrated 1870’s Map of Downtown Boone” 76 7/95 14-20 “Industrial Development – 1890-1987” 53 9/87 2 “Introductory Comments” (Boone’s Founding) 122 Win/Sp/15 1 “Kate Shelley: Boone’s Railroad Heroine” 118 Fall/Win/13 1-40 “Lois Settle Reminisces about Boonsboro” 29 1977 18-19 “Newspaper Politics: 1865-66” 106 Win/06 5-32 “Northside Driving Park” 32 1978 35 “Phoenix Block” 6 6-7/71 18 “Photo Essay: Boone in the 1880s (Short Version) 117 Sp/12 23-38 “Photo Essay: Boone in the 1880s (Long Version) 117 Sp/12 62-77 “Pioneer Merchants of Boone” 8 2-3/72 8-10 “Pioneer Merchants of Boone County” 23 1975 20-32 “Raze Shangri-La Motel” 77 12/95 24-25 “Remembering Downtown Boone” 99 6/03 21 “Remembering Downtown Boone” 100 10/03 21-22 “Shams or Uncle Ben’s Experience with Hypocrites” (Welles House) 20 1974 4-6 “Sketch of Boone Schools” 25 1976 5-11 “Spectacular Fire Destroys Rogers’ Mill” 120 2014 14-23 “Stereopticon Views Reproduced” (1876) 4 7-8/70 9, 12-13 "The Big Crash" 124 Sp/Sum/16 5 “The Beginning of Boone, March 29, 1865” 55 6/88 14-16 “The Boone News Republican is Sold Effective July 30, 2004” 101 7/04 1 “The Boone News Republican Since the Garvey’s” 101 7/04 22 “The Building of Boone, Iowa, to 1920” 90 3/00 1-27 “The Goeppinger Families” 71 12/91 10-27 “The Reed Mill Inundated by Flood Waters, then Destroyed by Fire” 120 2014 1-13 “The Truck Train Comes Through Boone and Ames” 113 Sp/10 21-30 "Toreador Pride" 127 Sp/Sum/18 10-11 “Try Boone, You’ll Stay” (1930 Promotional Brochure) 57 5/89 9-30 “Try Boone, You’ll Stay” 63 6/91 22-23 “Photos Preserve Boone History” 70 6/93 4 “Why Boone Was Named Montana” 70 6/93 21-22 Boone (County) “1900’s Arrival in Boone Co.
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