Index ■Characters and Numbers by HTTP request type, 313–314 #{ SpEL statement } declaration, SpEL, 333 by method, 311–312 #{bean_name.order+1)} declaration, SpEL, overview, 310 327 @Required annotation, checking ${exception} variable, 330 properties with, 35 ${flowExecutionUrl} variable, 257 @Resource annotation, auto-wiring beans with ${newsfeed} placeholder, 381 all beans of compatible type, 45–46 ${resource(dir:'images',file:'grails_logo.pn g')} statement, 493 by name, 48–49 ${today} variable, 465 overview, 42 %s placeholder, 789 single bean of compatible type, 43–45 * notation, 373 by type with qualifiers, 46–48 * wildcard, Unix, 795 @Value annotation, assigning values in controller with, 331–333 ;%GRAILS_HOME%\bin value, PATH environment variable, 460 { } notation, 373 ? placeholder, 624 ~.domain.Customer package, 516 @Autowired annotation, auto-wiring 23505 error code, 629–631 beans with all beans of compatible type, 45–46 ■A by name, 48–49 a4j:outputPanel component, 294 overview, 42 AboutController class, 332 single bean of compatible type, 43–45 abstract attribute, 49, 51 by type with qualifiers, 46–48 AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTe @PostConstruct annotation, 80–82 sts class, 566 @PreDestroy annotation, 80–82 AbstractAtomFeedView class, 385–386 @RequestMapping annotation, mapping AbstractController class, 298 requests with AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringConte by class, 312–313 xtTests class, 551–552, 555 985 ■ INDEX AbstractDom4jPayloadEndpoint class, AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringConte 745, 747 xtTests class, 555, 561, 564, 603 AbstractDomPayloadEndpoint class, 745 AbstractXomPayloadEndpoint class, 745 AbstractExcelView class, 362, 364 Accept header, HTTP, 326, 328 AbstractFactoryBean class, 28–29 acceptBid method, 435 AbstractJDomPayloadEndpoint class, 745 AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver class, 319 AbstractJExcelView class, 362, 364 accept-language header, HTTP, 319 AbstractJmsMessageDrivenBean class, 712 access attributes, 171 AbstractJUnit38SpringContextTests class, access control 545, 549, 553 in depth, 200–203 AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests class, overview, 199 545, 548, 553 problem, 199 AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint class, 745, 755–756 solution, 200 AbstractMessageDrivenBean class, 712 access control decision, 171 AbstractPdfView class, 362, 365 access control entries (ACEs), 208 AbstractRssFeedView class, 385, 388–389 access control list (ACL), 208 AbstractSaxPayloadEndpoint class, 745 access secision managers, 200 AbstractSingleSpringContextTests class, ACCESS_ABSTAIN attribute, 544–545, 551–552 AccessDecisionVoter interface, 200 AbstractStatefulSessionBean class, 712 ACCESS_DENIED attribute, AccessDecisionVoter interface, 200 AbstractStatelessSessionBean class, 712, 716–717 ACCESS_GRANTED attribute, AccessDecisionVoter interface, 200 AbstractStaxEventPayloadEndpoint class, 745 AccessDecisionManager interface, 200 AbstractStaxStreamPayloadEndpoint class, access-decision-manager-ref attribute, 204 745 AccessDecisionVoter interface, 200 AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests class, Account class, 533 545, 549–550, 554 ACCOUNT table, 556, 558, 604, 666, 669– AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringC 670, 686, 692 ontextTests class, 562, 566 AccountDao instance, 537, 545 AbstractTransactionalJUnit38SpringConte AccountNotFoundException class, 534 xtTests class, 555, 560, 563, 603 AccountService instance, 536, 545, 557, 604 AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContex tTests class, 555, 560, 563, 603 AccountServiceImpl class, 541 AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests AccountServiceJUnit4Tests-context.xml class, 555, 557 file, 548 ACEs (access control entries), 208 986 ■ INDEX ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, ActionSupport class, 230, 234–235 and durability), 664 Activator class, 962, 964, 966 ACL (access control list), 208 Active MQ project, Apache, 443 ACL_MESSAGE_DELETE attribute, 214– ActiveMQ broker, 443 215 ActiveMQ namespace, 444, 449 AclAuthorizationStrategy interface, 212 activemq script, 443 AclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilterin gProvider class, 216 ActiveMQTopic class, 807 AclEntryAfterInvocationProvider class, 216 Activity concept, 940 AclEntryVoter class, 214 adapters, Twitter ACLs inbound, 855–856 maintaining for domain objetcs, 212– outbound, 862–865 214 add( ) operation, 147 making access control decisions based Add Portlet button, Pluto Admin page, 578 on, 214–216 Add Site button, Eclipse Help menu, 983 setting up service, 209–212 addBeanPostProcessor( ) method, 92 AclService interface, 210 addCallback( ) method, ExternalInterface Action class, 230, 234–235 class, 414, 416 Action Message Format. See AMF addEmbeddedConfig method, 454 action parameter, 586 addMember( ) method, 313 action request, 570 Admin page, Pluto, 578 Action state, 259 Admin tab, Pluto, 578 action URLs, 570 admin.email property, 333 ActionForm class, 233 ADMINISTRATION permission, 214–216 actionListener class, 289 ADMINISTRATION value, BasePermission ActionListeners, 288–289 class, 208 actions advices, declaring, 121–126, 145 declaring in Spring beans configuration AffirmativeBased class, 200 file, 235–237 after invocation providers, 216 overview, 288–289 AFTER_ACL_COLLECTION_READ states of, 266–267 attribute, 217 ActionScript clients, bringing dependency AFTER_ACL_READ attribute, 217 injection to, 452–457 afterCompletion( ) method, ActionScript files, 407–408 HandlerInterceptor interface, 315– 316 ActionServlet class, 232 afterPropertiesSet( ) method, 77, 79–80, action-servlet.xml file, 233, 236 715 987 ■ INDEX agentId property, 772 annotations aggregators, 852–853 @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy, 80– aggressive-consumer pattern, 898 82 Ajax designs, 391 AspectJ, declaring aspects with Ajax project, 442 before advices, 121–122 ajaxRendered attribute, 294 after advices, 123 AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools), 504 around advices, 125–126 alias attribute, 440 overview, 120 all mode, 33 after returning advices, 123–124 Amdahl's law, 910 after throwing advices, 124–125 AMF (Action Message Format) auto-detecting MBeans by, 776–777 Flash remoting with, 422–424 beans validation with (JSR-303), 359– 361 overview, 406 creating service endpoints with, 761– AMFChannel class, 457 763 amq namespace, 444 securing methods with, 205 amq:connectionFactory element, 444 using testing, 565–568 amq:topic element, 444 AnnotationSessionFactoryBean class, 646, and (&&) operator, 136, 145 945 And statement, 496 AnnotationTransactionAspect class, 702, annotatedClasses property, 646, 945–946 705 annotatedHibernateClasses, 945–946, 952 anonymous login, 172, 187 AnnotatedSessionFactoryBean, 945 <anonymous> element, 187 annotation support, AspectJ, 117–119 Ant file, Apache, 461 annotation type, 57 AOP (aspect-oriented programming) AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect class, accessing join point information, 126– 155, 703 127 AnnotationConfiguration class, 638 configuring AspectJ aspects, 152–153 AnnotationJmxAttributeSource class, 774, declaring aspects with AspectJ 776 annotations AnnotationMBeanExporter class, 776–777 before advices, 121–122 AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter class, after advices, 123 304–305 around advices, 125–126 AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter overview, 120 property, 344 after returning advices, 123–124 after throwing advices, 124–125 988 ■ INDEX declaring aspects with XML-based Apache Ivy file, 461 configurations Apache Pluto web site, 577 declaring advices, 145 Apache POI library, 362 declaring introductions, 145 Apache XMLBeans, 742 declaring pointcuts, 144–145 API (application programming interface) overview, 143 Hibernate enabling AspectJ annotation support, Hibernate XML mappings, 634–637 117–119 JPA annotations, 637–638 injecting beans into domain objects, 154–158 JavaMail, sending e-mails using, 785– 786 introducing behaviors to beans, 138– 140 APP database schema, 599 introducing states to beans, 141–142 App Engine SDK, 466 load-time weaving, 146–152 app-context4.xml file, 455 reusing pointcut espressions, 130–132 appender section, 485 specifying aspect precedence, 128–130 {appid} placeholder declaration, 380 writing AspectJ pointcut expressions Application class, 455 bean name patterns, 136 application contexts, managing in integration tests, 544–550 combining pointcut expressions, 136 application databases, setting up, 598–599 declaring pointcut parameters, 137 application domain classes method signature patterns, 133–135 creating, 470–473 overview, 132 generating CRUD controllers and views for, 473–476 type signature patterns, 135–136 application events AOP schema, Spring, 679, 946 defining, 99 <aop:aspect> element, 144 listening to, 101–102 <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> element, 119, 143 publishing, 100–101 AOP-based retries, 896 application programming interface. See <aop:config> element, 144, 679 API <aop:declare-parents> element, 145 applicationComplete event, 408, 442, 454, Apache Active MQ project, 443 456 Apache Ant file, 461 ApplicationContext class, 85, 453 Apache Camel file, 867 applicationContext field, 544, 548–549 Apache Derby error code, 629 ApplicationContext implementation, 3 Apache Derby server, 190 ApplicationContext interface, 2–3, 87, 97, Apache Felix, 960 718, 722 989 ■ INDEX ApplicationContext property, 83 declaring JSF managed beans in ApplicationContextAware interface, 87, 89, Spring beans configuration file, 98, 544–545, 547, 549–550, 778 243 applicationContext.xml file, 176, 221, 226, resolving Spring beans, 242–243 236, 243, 247, 572, 580, 588 MVC, 251–253 ApplicationEvent class, 99 portlet ApplicationEvent parameter, 101 deploying, 577–578 ApplicationEventPublisher interface, 87 setting up, 571
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