Reoista Brasileira deGeocisnoias Volume 4, 1974 137 RADIOMETRIC DATING OF IGNEOUS ROCKS FROM SIERRAS PAMPEANAS, ARGENTINA RAFAEL R. GONZALEZ* e ALEJANDRO J. TOSELLI* ABSTRACT In this paper new radiometric dates on igneous rocks (K~Ar method) are given. They confirm the threefold subdivision in the major areas of Sierras Pampeanas, suggested -by Linares and La Torre for paleozoic magmatic cycles in the provinces of Cordoba and San Luis; the older cycle during Cambro-Ordovician times, the intermediate during the Devonian, and the younger one during the Carboniferous. RESUMO Novos dados radiometricos obtidos pelo metodo K~Ar, perrnitem que seja reconhecida divisao triplice no Paleozoico das Sierras Pampeanas da Argentina, correspondente aos ciclos mag­ maticos datados por Linares e La Torre. 0 primeiro deles ocorre no Camhro-Ordovicianc e 0 se­ gundo, no Carbonifero. Entre des outro ciclo Devoniano tambem ocorre. INTRODUCTION During the last twenty-five years, some scientists (Harrington, 1956; Gonzalez Bonorino, 1950 and others) considered both metamorphic and intrusive rocks outcropping in the whole area of Sierras Pampeanas as Precambrian in age. However, many years before, Rassmuss (1918) aud Bonarelli and Pastore (1918), divided without field evidences the magmatic activity in two cycles, one of Precambrian age, the other, Paleozoic (Devonian). This opinion was flung up until radiometric dates re-opened the problem. Kitt! (1965), Linares (1968), Stipanicic and Linares (1969), Linares and La Torre (1969) and Halpern et at. (1970) exhibit radiometric dating of some igneous rocks from several localities of Sierras Pampeanas. The results could not establish a Precambrian activity, although the results obtained between 500-550 m.y. (K-Ar method) might suggest that the rocks could be Precambrian in age. Moreover, metamorphic basement dates (Rb-Sr method) given by Halpern etat. (1970) offer lower Paleozoic ages, specially re­ ported from the southern hills in C6rdoba and San Luis Provinces. Three magmatic cycles were then determined: lst. between 450-520 m.y.; 2nd. corresponding to 350-380 m.y, and 3rd., the younger, 300-330 m.y. old. Later on, Gonzalez (1971) and Gonzalez et at. (1971) determined the chronological position of additional granitic rocks in some distant places of the Sierras Pampeanas, as Sierra de Ancasti, Sierra de Velasco and Cumbres Calchaquies. Dates given by' Kittl (1965) for granites of San Luis and by Caelles (1971) for similar rocks in Catamarca are also suggestive. In more recent times, the present authors analyzed several samples from other lo­ calities such as the southwestern hills of the Province of La Rioja (Sierras de Los Llanos, Chepes and Malanzan), the southeastern slope of the Sierra de Aconquija (Province of Tucuman] and so made M. Cabrera (personal communication) in Sierra del Caj6n (Pro­ vince of Catamarca). All the new results confirm the ideas of Linares and La Torre about the Paleozoic magmatic cycles. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Table I the ages of rocks from several localities are listed; the samples dated by the authors are marked with (*). The order oftabulation shown *Instituto Miguel Lillo - UniversidadNacional de Tucuman, Argentina 138 Revista Brasileira deGeoci6ncias Volume 4, 1974 gives the values from the youngest to the oldest rocks. In the author's opinion, it is pos- sible to group the results as follows: I) An old magmatic cycle between 540-400 m.y. ; 2) An intermediate cycle between 395-350 m.y., and 3) A younger one between 345-330 m.y. Table 1 - Radiometric ages of the igneous rocks Sample Description and Locality Method Mineral Age in m.y. Laboratory Reference LZ-OOI Porphyritic granite, Bialet Masse, Cba Pbja zircon 246 ± 25 3 3·4 LZ·019 Granite, Km 83-Pampa. de Achala-Cba ArjK biotite 250 ± 10 2 4 LZ-OOI Porphyritic granite, Bialet Masse, Cba M/K muscovite 301± 10 2 4 LZ-128 Granite '- Cantera Giobelli, La Toma, San Luis Ar/K 303 ±? 5 4 Granite- La Toma.• San Luis Ar/K 303 ±" 5 I 2132 Granite - Rio Arenal, Aconquija, Tuc. ArjK biotite 305 ± 10 1 (.) LZ·OO8 Porphyritic granite - Capilla del Monte, Cba ArJK muscovite 307 ± 10 2 4 AC-SI3 Granite - San Ignacio - Aconquija, Tuc. ArJK muscovite 310 ± IS 2 (0) AC-S13 Granite - San Ignacio ~ Aconquija.. Tuc. ArJK biotite 319 ± 10 2 (0) 2132 Granite ~ Rio Arenal- Aconquija, Tuc. ArJK muscovite 320 ± 9 I (... ) AC~LP5, Granite - Los Pinos - Aconquija, Tuc. ArJK biotite 321 ± 10 2 (*) LZ-055 Porphyritic granite ~ Capilla del Monte, Cba SrJRb whole rock 325 ± 25 4 4 LZ-OOIB Aplitic granit - Bialet Masse, Cba Ar/K muscovite 328 ± 15 2 4 LG-SOI Porphyritic granite - Los Gigantes, Cba Ar/K muscovite 329 ± 15 2 4 LZ-OOI Porphyritic granite - Bialet Masse, Cba SrjRb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 LZ-012 Granite-Rio Yuspe, in the way from Tanti to Taninga, Cba SrJRb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 LZ-019 Granite - Pampa de Achala way Cba SrJRb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 LZ-064 Porphyritic granite - A0 Las Mojarras, Cba SrJRb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 LZ-OM Granite~ Km 72, Pampa de Achata way, Cba Sr/Rb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 LZ-068 Granite - Km 108 - Pampa, de Achala way, Cb, SrJRb whole rock 330 ± 25 4 4 AC(LAJ)2 Granite - Cumbre Las Lnjus, S. Aconquija ArJK muscovite 330 ± 10 2 (0) LZ-014 Porphyritic granite - Cheraceto, Cba Ar/K muscovite 331 ± 15 2 4 LZ-032 Granite- La, Posta, Pampa de Achala way, Cb, Pb/a zircon 332 ± 30 3 4 LC-VOI Ore vein - Los Condores, Concaran, San Luis ArJK muscovite 334 ± 10 2 4 121 Granite - votcan, San Luis SrJRb whole rock 338 ± 15 2 2 128 Granodiorite - La Totora, San Luis SrJRb whole rock 338 ± 15 2 2 AC-LP4 Gra'nite - Los Pinos, Aconquija Tuc. ArjK muscovite 338 ± 10 2 ("'l VQ(CPB)2 Granite - Campo Pampa Belen - S, Vinquis ArjK biotite 339 ± 10 2 (0) LZ-020 Granite ~ Km 20 W from Icho Cruz, Pampa de Achala, Cba Ar/K muscovite 345 ± 15 2 4 Lp·ECI Pegmatite - EI Cricllc, Tanti, Cba ArJK muscovite 350 ± 30 6 4 LP-SJl Pegmatite- San Jose- EI Mallin Cba Ar/K biotite 352 ± 25 2 4 Z-1 Porphyritic granite - Cuesta de Zapata - Cat. Ar/K biotite 355 ± 15 r (*) AC-SI2 Granite - San Ignacio, Aconquija, Tuc. ArJK muscovite 359 ± 15 2 (0) Lz-043 Dicrlte-> Las Tunas, Cosquin, Cba ArJK biotite 368 ± 15 2 4 LZ-061 Tonalite - El Dlquesite - La Calera, Cba ArJK biotite 370 ± 25 6 4 SC(2l) Granodiorite - Tres Cerritos, S. del Caj6n ArjK biotite 373 ± 10 2 (0) LZ-009 Porphyritic granite - Capilla del Monte, Cba Pb/a zircon 373 ± 45 3 4 LN-ll Granite - Tama, Costa. del Medio, Los Llanes, La. Rioja ArJK biotite 376 ± 9 1 (0) 41 Pegmatite - Cerro Valdivia - San Juan ArJK 379 ±? 7 4 40 Porphyritic granite - Capille del Monte, Cba Pb/a 379 ± 40 3 3 LZ-008 Porphyritic granite -. Capilla del Monte, Cba Ph/a zircon 380 ± 46 3 4 LN-22 Tonalite-. Chelco-. S, de Chepes, La, Rioja M/K biotite 381 ± 20 1 (... ) BE-I Granite - Sierra Belen - Cat. Ar/K biotite 386 ± 4 I (0) AN(AL)2 Gra'nite - EI Alto - S, Anca'sti ArjK biotite 398 ± 15 2 (*) LP-CI Mic'rotonaJite - Sierra de Macha, Cba ArjK whole reck 399 ± 6 I 5 LO·2 Granite - Lorna, Pelada, Cumbres Calchaquies, Tuc, Ar/K muscovite 409± 12 (*) Revista BrasileiradeGeocitncias Volume 4, 1974 13!:J Table 1 - Radiometric ages of the igneous rocks (c071ti71uayiio) Sample Description and Locality Method Mineral 134 Porphyritic granite - Villa Praga, San Luis whole rock 415 ± 25 4 2 140 Porphyritic granite - Renee, San Luis whole rock 415 ± 25 4 2 141 Granite - Cantcra Perin Pintada. "San Luis whole rock 415 ± 25 4 2 LN~10 Tonalite Los Pncitos - S do.' Los Llanos, La Rioja ArjK biotite 423 ± 22 I (.) VF(SA)7 G~anodiorite - San Agustin - S. valle Fertil Ar/K biotite 430 ± 15 2 C*) LP-33 Microtonalite - S. de Macha, Cba Ar/K whole rock 439 ± 21 I 5 LP-32 Microtonalite - S. de Macha, Cba Ar/K whole rock 440 ± 21 I 5 LN·21 Granodiorite ...Villa Casana, S. de Chepcs, La Rioja Ar/K biotite 440 ± 7 I (.) LN·2 Tonalite - Otpas. S. de Los Llanos, La Rioja Ar/K biotite 441 ± 23 I C*) V-I Porphyritic granite - Cuesta de Zapata Ar/K biotite 444 ± (> 2 (.) MAG Granodiorite - Cuesta de Miranda - S. Famatina Ar/K biotite 448 ± 20 (I) (.) LZ·005 Diorire-. Napa between Charbonicr and Ischilln, Cba Pb/a zircon 450 ± 50 4 LZ-005 Diorite - Napa between Charbonicr and Ischilln, Cba Ar/K biotite 452 ± 20 2 4 SJ-4 Andesite - S. Ambargasta, S, del Estero Ar/K whole rock 452 ± 6 I (, LN-23 Tonalite - San Antonio, S. de Chepes, La Rioja ArjK biotite 453 ± 24 TV-45 Granite - Mala-Mala, Cumbres Calchaqules, Tue. ArjK biotite 456 ± 21 I (, H(LT-I) Granodiorhe-. Las Turnanas - San Juan Ar/K biotite 456 ± 15 2 C*) SJ-5 Andesite - S. de Ambargasta, S. del Estero Ar/K whole rock 461 ± 22 I (, SJ-4 Andesite - S. de Ambargasta, S. del Estero Ar/K whole rock 461 ± 22 I (, LV-G01 Pegmatite - Sta. Ana, Pringles, Sn Luis Pb/VI uranini\e 465 ± 15 3 4 44 Porphyritic granite - La Higuerlta, Cba Pb/a 465 ± 50 I 3 RS·2 Granite - Rio Sosa.. Cumbrcs Calchaquies, Tue. • Ar/K biotite 466 ± 10 (, LI-2 Tonalite - La Isabella, Cba Ar/K biotite 467 ± 22 5 LN-14 Granodiorite --- Atiles, Malanzan, La Rioja Ar/K biotite 468 ± 12 (*) RS~1 Granite-.
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