Monday Flying contest fills Stephenson cops LPGA; Specials area skies: Family Floyd Memphis: Sports The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. ,104 NO. 298 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1982 25 CENTS Our Flag: Israeli forces block A time to remember PLO's escape route Editor's Note: We saw this article in By The Associated Press the Monmouth Message, the Fort Man- of the PLO from the outside world. mouth newspaper, and were to moved The rightist Christians, who oppose the PLO by it that we would like to ihare it with Israeli tanks pushed to the gates of Leba- Crippled PLO's future and Syrian forces in Lebanon, welcomed the Register reader! today, Flag Day. ' non's presidential palace and were cheered to- Israelis and fed them fresh cherries, correspon- day by Lebanese Christians. Inside the palace, seen in doubt, page A3 dents said. President Klias Sarkis met with his Cabinet Some people call me Old Glory, oth- "We are so happy they are here," said a through the night to form a new central govern- ers call me the Star Spangled Banner, young woman standing at the roadside with ment. lice protecting the presidential palace. "We but whatever they call me, I am your tears streaming down her cheeks. "Perhaps have come to save the Lebanese people from the Hag, the Hag of the United States of The Israeli armored thrust yesterday into now we will have peace." Syrians and the Palestinians." America. the Beirut suburb of Baabda reportedly blocked Asked why he welcomed the Israelis, a Chris- After expanding its victorious invasion Something has been bothering me, the highway between Beirut and Damascus, tian militia officer said, "It is obvious, we are beyond the initial stated goal of driving Palesti- so I thought I might talk it over with cutting off the last escape route for Palestine fighting the same enemies." nian guerrillas 25 miles beyond the Israeli fron- you... because it is about you and me. Liberation Organization leaders trapped at their In Tel Aviv, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Raphael headquarters in mostly Moslem West Beirut, tier, Israel has said it would like to see a new, I remember some time ago people Eytan said Israeli forces had completely cut off five miles west of Baabda. strong central Lebanese government with which lined up on both sides of the street to the Lebanese capital but have not been ordered it could make peace. Israeli officials also called watch the parade and naturally I was Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, mas- to capture it, "only to eliminate the terrorists." for a Lebanon purged of' Palestinian militants leading every parade, proudly waving termind of the Jewish state's I'U) crippling Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir said and Syrian troops. in the breeze. When your daddy saw roe invasion, led the lightning tank assault, Leba- PLO chief Yasser Arafat had sent an urgent coming, he immediately removed his nese officials and the usually reliable Beirut Early today war correspondents reported message to Israel through Egyptian in- hat and placed it against his left shoul- newspaper An Nahar said today. Israeli armored columns linked up with their termediaries seeking a renewed cease-fire. A der so that the hand was directly over "We have not come to fight you," an official Lebanese Christian militia allies north of 12 hour-old truce crumbled yesterday morning. his heart. Remember? quo(ed Sharon as telling Lebanese military po- Beirut, effectively cutting off the nerve center See Israelis, page A3 And you, I remember you standing there straight as a soldier. You didn't have a hat, but you were giving the right salute. Remember little sister? Not to be outdone, she was saluting the 300 attend vigil to support same as you with her right hand over her heart... remember? What happened? I'm still the same old flag. Oh, I have a few more stars embattled Catholic priest since you were a boy. A lot more blood has been shed since those parades of By LAURA QUINN long ago. But now I don't feel as proud as I LONG BRANCH - More than 300 par- used to. When I come down your street ishioners of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic you Just stand there with your hands in Church attended a prayer vigil yesterday to your pockets. I may get a small glance show support for their pastor, the Rev. Frank and then yon look away. Then I see the Iazetta, who has been asked to resign by Bishop children running around and shouting... never came back from fighting to keep John C. Reiss amid controversy over his admin- they don't seem to know who I am. I this republic free... one nation under istrative policies. saw one man take his hat off, then look God. When you salute me, you are ac- During the service, which lasted for more around. He didn't see anybody else with tually saluting them. than an hour, parishioners recited a traditional theirs of f so he quickly put his back on. WeU, it won't be long until I'll be selection of prayers, none of which specifically Is It a sin to be patriotic anymore? coming down your street again. So, addressed the issue at hand, and sang hymns Have you forgotten what I stand for and when you see me, stand straight, place about obedience to God and infinite love. where I've been?... Anzlo, Guadalcanal, your right hand over your heart... and Afterward, though, as they stood outside the Korea and Vietnam. Take a look at the I'll salute you, by waving back... and church, many of the same parishioners were Memorial Honor Rolls of those who III know that YOU REMEMBERED! less quiescent and expressed resentment and anger over the loss of a pastor they said taught them to be loving, faithful, cohesive and strong. By no means, they said, were they prepared to accept the bishop's decision to relocate Iazet-/* ta, which was announced yesterday, less than'Tlf) one week after another group of about SO par- W Argentina says ishioners demonstrated outside the church to protest the pastor's administrative policies. In a letter to the parish, Reiss said he believed Iazetta's resignation would restore har- were forced to retreat mony to the large and active congregation. Parishioners yesterday said the controversy By The Associated Press ing another British drive on the capital Sunday, had only just begun. the second in as many days. "We think that by doing this, he's really VIGIL OF SUPPORT — Some 300 parishioners stand during a prayer vigil In support of Argentine artillery blasted British troops "During the afternoon between 3:30 and 4 going to split the church," said Alda Raimondi, the Rev. Frank Iazetta at Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Long Branch yesterday. attempting their second advance on Stanley in p.m. English troops tried to advance over Mount who added that hi the 57 years she has attended Iazetta has been asked to resign by Bishop John c. Reiss. as many days and forced them to retreat behind Harriet. Our own artillery repelled them, oblig- Holy Trinity, she has never been so upset over a a smokescreen, Argentina said today. But Brit- ing them to protect themselves with smoke change in its leadership. week's protest. ors were people who have children in Holy ish military sources said some British forces screens and withdraw," Argentina's Joint Several parishioners said they were shocked "What's wrong with the bishop that he takes Trinity's elementary school, but aren't par- had reached the outskirts of the besieged Chiefs of Staff said in a communique Issued that the bishop reacted as he did to a demonstra- the word of 35 people over everyone else?" ishioners themselves. Falkland Islands capital early today. tion staged by so few members of the congrega- asked one angry parishioner. According to Mary Barry, spokeswoman for Meanwhile, Argentina and Britain an- "Later, English helicopters could be ob- tion. They claim that, contrary to reports by the Another member of the parish, Elaine last week's demonstrators, a total of 60 par- nounced they had accepted a Red Cross proposal See Argentina, page A4 demonstrators, only 35 persons attended last Vaughan, alleged that many of the demonstrat- See 300, page A4 for a neutral zone in Stanley for the protection of civilians and wounded as concern grew for the safety of some MO islanders believed still in the capital. County activists say rally The creation of the tone is another sign that the decisive battle between Britain's estimated 9,000 troops and 7,000 Argentines is approaching. It followed by one day reports that two Falklan- is movement cornerstone ders had been killed and four others injured by British guns shelling Stanley. One of the dead By ANDREW SHEEHAN was Susan Whitley, a 32-year-old schoolteacher who was seven months pregnant. NEW YORK - Monmouth County residents Activists plan civil The zone is a one-block area around Stanley's who attended the massive disarmament rally in red-brick Anglican cathedral. Its spire is a land- Central Park Saturday believe the demonstra- disobedience, page A3 mark and the cathedral offers better protection tion, which drew an estimated 700,000 persons, against shellfire than the surrounding wooden could become the cornerstone of America's anti- houses, sources said. nuclear movement. nationally and internationally — has already had On the battlefield, Argentina reported repell- Several activists interviewed yesterday from an effect on the world leadership.
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